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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. I had to change my listings to Extra XS and had no problems at that point
  2. You used to see them on a regular basis. Now it's infrequent, and that's too bad. It's always an OMG, It's a LINDEN now.
  3. As for the abandoned land, it's supposed to work that way, but doesn't always. A few steps for grifers that we use in the sim I'm an admin in. First be sure you have auto return on at 1 minute. You can create a VIP group with different levels and different permissions. The first level can't rez anything. As they prove themselves, then you can give them the level that gives them rez rights. That will stop some of it. Second, the minute you start getting griefed, turn off the scripts on your land. It won't interfer with AO's and dance huds currently working but it will stop the self replicating cubes and allow your auto return to catch up. It will also stop any further scripts from working. Next, be sure that objects entering is set to group only as well. Those few things will stop a griefer cold. Then eject and ban and don't interact with them. They want attention. Just AR and ban. Be sure to include pictures. A picture is worth 1000 words and the ARs with them do get attention faster. LL does take RL threats seriously. Be sure to AR them for that. Also contact your local law enforcement and ask for their cybercrimes unit and report them there as well. They can get the RL info of the griefer from LL and go after them in RL for the threats. We had a problem with a griefer who came in with multiple alts. It took a bit but LL did ultimately MAC ban him. Most griefers use throw away accounts that they close after they do their griefing thing so it makes it more difficult for LL to track them down. Do be patient and let the process work.
  4. Unless you change your skin a lot, there's not a major problem with the hands and feet at least. The boob I can take or leave. With the hands and feet, you put them on and use the appliers that come with most skins and you're done. Think of it like the texture change hud that a lot of mesh clothing comes with now. Depending on the shoes, you might have to change the feet but if you used shoes with the mesh feet, you'd have to do that anyway and have the fun of matching those to your skin. Just a thought
  5. A week to 10 days is about right. Used to be about 3 days Part of the reasoning is because of the current rash of phishers that have gotten control of accounts. The delay gives LL a bit of time to recover any funds the phisher might have gotten from the hijacked account. I know of several.designers that has happened to and allowed them to get their L back. It's also to help cut back on the ready way to transfer larger sums of money, which I understand some criminals were using to launder their money. It's a minor inconvenience, but does help recovery with hijacked/phished accounts.
  6. The standard avi feet look like paddles with lines on them. The Slink feet fix that. There are a number of shoe designers that are making shoes for the three different heights. The hud makes matching easier, especially since there are a number of prematched settings on the website. Appliers are simply textures that are made by the skin maker that will match the basic skin. The hands allow for a more natural position and eliminate some of the weird positions the SL hands get into. They also eliminate the floating jewelry problem those positions cause. There are also a number of designers that have made appliers for the nails for.polish looks. The breasts are for those that want larger than about a 60 on the sliders although some do go overboard. If a female wants to be a bit chesty, the SL avi starts to deform at that point and you start getting odd peaks from the polygons in the default avi. Same applies to those that want to be a bit more zaftig and want larger/heavier hips and thighs, hence the mesh for those parts. You do have to have both skin and clothing appliers for those to apply the textures for th clothing. I have the Slink hands and feet and love the look. Hope this info helps
  7. The biggest thing with mesh is you have to find a good designer. Try L&B for your pants. They have tucked version that is made so it tucks into boots. Their color palette works together well.
  8. Don't be afraid to try a hunt either. You can see a lot of clothes styles that way. Try Insanya or Lapointe and Bastchild for some nice casual clothe in their S'wear line. At first glance they may seem pricey, but they are mesh and have a texture change hud so you are getting more than just one item for the price. All their colors mix and match as well.
  9. Your best bet is to contact the Firestorm Support group inworld and ask there. You'll get a reply there much faster and they are FS specialists.
  10. For male or female, WOW skins is 350L to join but you get a box with past group skin gifts. There are lots of shapes in there as well. You could also join 7 Deadly Skins for 99L. They have a monthly gift to pick up at the store. You can make your shape, but a male can be tricky to get balanced. She has shapes there or you can go to a shapes only vendor an buy one, like me...grins. Just remember that for a male, increasing the muscle mass just makes the avi bigger and you can look like you have fat arms and legs. The muscle definition comes from the skin, not the slider settings.
  11. As a sim admin, I kind of have to be familiar with most of the viewers people use so I can help them with their settings if needed. Like the move to the place where you clicked has to be turned off.
  12. I never messed with the defaults. Truthfully, the only time I sign in on the official viewer is if I'm having a problem on the third party viewer I use to verify whether it's the viewer I'm using or SL. Have been a few times it's been a bug in the viewer that there were no problems on the SL viewer. Helps track down where the problem is. Besides which, if you contact SL technical support, they'll only help if you have a problem and are using the SL viewer.
  13. First, anything that disrupts another SL resident's enjoyment is griefing. New residents that haven't learned the ropes in SL don't understand that regardless of what any hud says, they can only be "pregnant" if they want to be. If they get solicitation from that clinic, all they have to do is abuse report it and them block it. As for griefing in general, there are a lot of ways to grief. It can be as simple as persistent Bloodlines bite inquiries. You could be caged and/or orbited. A griefer can create particle effects that can cause some to crash. They can create self replicating 10 x 10 meter cubes that can be anything from Borg cubes to obscene pictures on them that fill up a sim's prim count and the sim either crashes or prims start being returned and not in the last rezzed first returned. In the sim I'm an admin in, we've had damage to the sim builds by this kind of griefing. You can get follower, objects that will follow you around. There are deformers. There are things given to players that open them and they start spamming the nearest avi with menu request that cause them to crash. There are items that can cause a sim to crash. So, griefing isn't a passive thing. In the estate I'm an admin in, we've had a griefer make a mega cube the size of a sim that went up 300 meters that made it impossible to get into the sim to even get rid of it. LL had to do it for us. We've had an item rezzed that crashed and locked the sim. It took LL over an hour to finally clear the sim of the tool. Some are just annoyances and some with serious consequenses. The griefer may think it's fun, but it's never fun for those on the recieving end.
  14. The official SL viewer updates automatically when you try to sign in so you'll always have the latest release.
  15. You might also IM the owners nicely if they mean to have ban lines. There is a land setting that only allows group members onto the land. They may have that checked and not realize that it puts up the ban line. Just a thought.
  16. With clothing for mesh avis, it's about appliers Ask those that wear mesh breasts, hands, feet, phat azz etc. The maker has to make a designer's model available to clothes makers and there has to be a demand for it. If there isn't, the time investment isn't worth it. Case in point, the breasts. Prim and sculpt breast have been around in SL for a long time. They had to be manually matched to skin colors and clothing was difficult to find. Then came the Lola Tangos, the first mesh on the scene. It didn't take long before they became the standard. The demand was there as was the technology to make creation of appliers for them, be it skin or clothing, profitable for creators. Slink came along with hands and feet to replace the SL default. The purchase of them exploded and skin makers made appliers available. Same for the phat azz, cute azz and ghetto booty. Wowmeh female zaftig body is now out and skin appliers are becoming available. That being said, males aren't as willing to spend money on more than one skin. Forget about feet and hands, though Slink does have them available for men and skin designers are slow to provide the appliers for them. I'm not even sure if there are any shoes to fit the Slink male feet other than the flip flops Slink has in the store. It's a case of supply and demand. Females will spend money and designers are happy to help. Most men will wear the same skin and clothes and rarely change to something else. Designers will go where the money is.
  17. Builder's Brewery offers a 3 part class with tips on how to have a successful busines. It's well worth your time to attend.
  18. Lumiya is a one time purchase of less than 5L. It did come in handy when I had some things I had to do on SL and was without internet. I could take my tablet to a hotspot and log in and get done what I needed to do. Unless you have a really powerful tablet, you won't be able to move like you can in SL, but at least it does let you get in. Very important for a business person.
  19. There are also the Vstring breasts.for about 1100L you get six different shapes and they are compatable with the tango appliers for skin and clotehs. Hands and feet, Slink is the best with appliers available for skins from just about every major skin maker. One hand position and the feet will run you about 1200L so look to put out about 3300 or so for hands and breasts. If you want mesh breast and aren't looking for large ones, you could also try the Perkies, a new smaller size that also supports the lola appliers.
  20. First, if you're using Bloodlines, ditch it. It just annoys people. If you are into RP, find a sim that you can play in. There are several that spring to mind, Crossroads(1870 or so atmosphere), NoR (post apocalyptic and trying to rebuild our vampire community), Vieux Carre is a new one opening that's inspired by the Anita Blake books, but no canon characters allowed. Look around and find your niche
  21. Log into your dashboard and scroll down to the bottom of the page. You'll see upcoming events. There's a pulldown that lets you select the kind of events you might be interested in. Then head out. People come and go. If you frequent the same places, after a while you'll be recognized and then you'll be the one welcoming new people. Good Luck
  22. Don't be embarassed about using a female avi. The clothing and looks choices are so much better for a female avi. I have a friend that plays other games and he always uses a female avi. He said if he's going to have to look at the back of an avi, it might as well be a view he enjoys...grins.
  23. SL got a poor reputation from the early days when it was seen by many as a place to cybersex with pictures. SL is so much more than that. You can virtually go to clubs, shop (and yes you can usually find the latest real world fashions for your avi), roleplay and best of all, meet people from all over the world. I know people in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands, England, South Africa and all over North and South America. Best bet is to stay away from the sex sims since most are new residents and just jump on the poseballs. Instead, find something that you're interested and then find places that fit the bill. Want to build a mansion? Take classes to learn how to build. There are clases on everything from how to use an ao to how to manage your own sim. You can learn a foreign language. Get creative and explore things you'd never been able to in RL. Want to pilot an airplane? You can do that. Want to speed along a road on your motorcycle? You can do that too. Check out the Destinations guide to get to see some of the amazing thing that SL residents have created. Find a club you like with a DJ you like and frequent it. You'll soon be making friends there. Sign in to secondlife.com and look to the bottom of your dashboard page. There's a multitude of opportunities there for indulging what you want. This is your Second Life.
  24. Clarification, this is in reply to the original poster. Sorry, I'm lazy and just hit reply rather than than reply on the original posters post. You can't connect your own open sim to SL btw. But to answer your original question, you can have 5 avis per email address. You might think about setting up bots. That might serve your purpose better. Not sure how many bots you can have to an account though. They are usually used by vendors to model what they sell, but they might very well work for what you have in mind. As for setting up their appearance, check out Fab Free http://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ Lots of free stuff for new residents that can give you a decent avatar without spending a lot of money. Females are easier to set up than males btw Lots of free stuff around for females, not so much for males.
  25. Paypal seems to have fewer problems than cards. You might also ask your case be escalated from the card readers that answer the phone. I had the same problem with my paid account. Took them 2 weeks to find the problem that was on their end.
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