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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. I remember when I first discovered SL, I was so totally clueless. I used to wander the grid and explore peoples houses not knowing that it was just plain rude, lol! It was so much fun in those days, everything was so new and amazing! I honestly had no idea what I had found, I came upon it entirely by accident, don't even remember how. I met an Italian guy who was also a newb and we wandered the grid together trying everything! (and I mean EVERYTHING, hahaha) Yep, good times!
  2. I don't have any pics of my very first avie, the one I originally rezzed with, but it was the femal goth avie (facepalm). This is the first modified version of Ais, though! (Bringing sexy back, lmaoo)
  3. Yep! That whole series was called Boys Keep Swinging
  4. I figured that since my 10th rez day is approaching, I should probably do a little thinning of the inventory. I came across the very first dress I ever bought! I had to go back to my old system avie to wear it, but what a hoot!
  5. He's just......just (sigh) sooo beautiful. lol! (Once again, that dark hair, dark look thing)
  6. I've been popping in there in myself. I think it would be cool to see a revival of this! (Even though I never was a part of the original)
  7. I see a lot of people mentioning that. It sucks that we lost those.
  8. Don't remind me, I remind myself enough
  9. (Runs into her yard, and tosses out a full loaf of bread crumbs, then sits and waits)!!!!
  10. LMAOOOOO, I actually had to bend over for something and the "old girls" had typed a couple lines of x's!!! I deleted those and thought I was fine, hahahahaha! ETA ONE of the girls, if it had been both there would have been a full conversation!!
  11. Personally, I spend about 50/50 on home/ home furnishings vs fashion/accessories. I probably have enough homes in my inventory to live in a new one every day for a month or more. I think, like Ceka, I just love to shop!!!
  12. Yep! We're technically not even supposed to have our phones, but they don't enforce it as long as we don't go crazy. Our last Administrator took away internet access on the computers because he felt it was being abused, so we nurses griped about not being able to look up meds, diagnosis, etc. so they don't say anything about the phones. I tried Lumiya, and it just doesn't "do it" for me, lol!
  13. This is what I'm trying to tell you, there are products on the MP that will allow you to initiate a PM from your email without being logged in. Look up Email to IM in MP.
  14. We talk on the phone all the time, she's been my best friend since 3rd grade ( a loooooong time ago, lol) but since she lives so far away, SL is where we would hang out and do bestie things like shopping and just goofing around.
  15. She really is! I miss her terribly!
  16. I saw a pic in the "How does your avatar look today?" thread, and it reminded me of the time (in our early-ish days) that my RL best friend, and SL sister showed up one day dressed in a wedding gown and veil claiming to have married herself because all the guys she was meeting were crap (can we say crap?) She wore that gown and veil for about a month. It made me laugh every time I saw her. She also wore a tiny Chinese dragon avatar and went around claiming to be speaking from inside the dragon because she had been eaten. It was really funny at the time, lol. She never ceases to have me laughing at one thing or another! She doesn't come in much anymore, I really miss her (she lives over 1,000 miles away now) and the fun of having someone goofy to hang around with.
  17. I'll take the tapeworm! I've read that they were all the rage at one point in history!
  18. Omg, I just read this and almost woke patients up with my laughter!
  19. So, sometimes it gets boring at work on midnights. Tonight is one of those nights. I chose to watch a documentary about David Bowie, my idol from the age of 3 when my 13 years older brother first played one of his albums. It's called The Man Who Changed The World (the doc). The ending had me gutted and I found myself trapped in the bathroom sobbing (facepalm). Lesson of the day; don't watch emotional Bowie stuff at work
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