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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. On this day, in 1974, one of the best albums ever written was released!!! Happy Diamond Dogs day!!!! (RIP MR. Jones)
  2. Annnnnnd, now I have to get ready for work! (stooooopid work)
  3. That's so true! Sound and smell (which we obviously can't use here) are proven to elicit certain moods and feelings towards a thing or situation.
  4. OH!!! I REMEMBER!!! It was Duran Duran, and others.
  5. Believe me, that's truer than you could possibly know, lmao!
  6. No worries, Phil! At least I can claim menopause brain for my memory lapses (Again, not that I'm old enough)
  7. (wipes your tears with my shirt) I've never thought of you that way! I've always thought of you as the wise soul of the forums!
  8. I used to pop into the forums when I had nothing else to do, and didn't feel like going inworld. Now I find myself coming here first thing. Example: I just woke up (I work 12 hour midnight shifts 7p to 7a) the first thing I did after getting something to drink was grab the laptop and come here because I was interested in what everyone posted while I slept!
  9. Some of his incarnations were rather nasty, some were rather humorous. Never could figure out the method to his madness, lol. ETA (Geeze I'm doing a lot of ETAs today) I've actually found myself wondering where he's been hiding lately. I did see one post from a newbie account with an old join date that I thought was him for sure!
  10. I'm afraid that I'm not here to answer your question, but to reminisce, lol. Back in the olden days of SL live music was an awesome thing, we even had "big time" performers, and bands coming inworld to do concerts (could someone please refresh my memory on who they were? I'm afraid my menopause brain is at it again) ETA (Not that I'm old enough for that mess)
  11. Phil, you and I banded together against a rather grumpy old forumite many moons ago. I'll only say that he certainly gave us a lot of "pep" lol! (although it was a different and highly caustic incarnation). I posted here and there after that, but usually quietly, and inconsistantly because of some of the nasty responses I would get from simple posts. ETA I was even accused of being a know it all in a rather nasty post just before they closed the last forum, that blew my mind. Not sure where they got that from!
  12. I LOVE this idea!!! I work 12 hour shifts in RL, and generally group them together in 3 day groupings, so those days are impossible, but hopefully, it would fall on a day off!
  13. This lets you initiate the message rather than just respond
  14. THIS, positively this!!! It was as if the official forum was a step child. We were mostly ignored, and because of that, some cave (oops, I meant forum) dwellers took that as a nod to behave any way they wanted to.
  15. I've had an object that will relay messages from email to inworld PMs for years. Like was said above, it's an object that I rez inworld on my parcel. I haven't used it in a while, so I don't really remember the instructions. You can find them on the MP.
  16. It seems that no matter the business, this really does apply. Imagine that you're a nurse in a sub acute facility, (patients post hip replacement, other ills that aren't quite bad enough to remain hospitalized (according to the insurance companies), but still requiring skilled nursing services). Now imagine that you are in the middle of a 12-16 hour shift and they have once again staffed your unit abysmally, it's you (the ONE nurse to 30 or more patients) and one nurses aide. You have two patients requiring your assistance, Patient A "Omg, honey, I see you are terribly understaffed, and really stretched to your limit.I'm really sorry, but when you get a minute to breathe, could you please bring me ice water/pain pill/bed pan/extra pillow (whatever)" Patient B "YOU PEOPLE ARE JUST AWFUL, I'M REPORTING YOU FOR TAKING TOO LONG TO ANSWER MY CALL LIGHT (probably all of 5 minutes) I NEED MY (whatever) RIGHT NOW!!! (blah blah blah)" Which do you think we will go out of our way to do our best for?
  17. Have you been ignoring me? Every time I see you log in, I immediately start "dinging" you to discuss this problem!!
  18. THANK YOU!!!! Good stuff!!!! I, also, made it into one of Janelles "comic strips" as a detective, It stemmed from someone being stuck in a log if I'm remembering correctly. I believe it was her last one because someone got their panties in a wad over something. No offense to whoever had the wadded panties, I can't even remember who, or why. I had it saved on my old laptop, but lost it when I got the blue screen of death, I also remember mine and Phils first real interaction, it was regarding a certain curmudgeon who used to frequent the forums (where IS he, anyway?) There seems to be a lack of "Pep", if you get my meaning!! lol! ETA; I did recently see a comment from a "newbie" avatar that had an old "joined" date that had me wondering.
  19. Do you remember the thread about the female avatar who was sitting in the same place for (gosh, how long did she sit there?) People made pilgrimages and left offerings to her. THAT was a classic thread, to me! It was absolutely hysterical! I didn't participate in it, but I read every word. There were some great threads,
  20. I'm not sure what magic happened when they opened the new forum, but I am amazed by how different things feel now. The forum was an angry, intimidating place before, but now I really enjoy it here! It's so cool to be getting to know people that I've been interacting with for years! I used to post things and hold my breath for the crappy comments, or the complete lack of response, lol! You guys are amazing! Thank you for being who you are!!
  21. Looks at you seriously for a moment before busting out laughing.
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