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Caliandris Pendragon

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  1. I had a problem where I'd used an applier to apply a glitter to my avatar, and I could not remove it. I didn't have the texture as a BOM in my inventory, and I didn't have it on a layer so I couldn't clear the layer. Eventually someone suggested on the Maitreya support group I could just get a new body out, and I was decided I might as well upgrade to the LaraX. However, after a few days of nothing fitting my top half, and spending alot of time changing alpha around, I am reverting to Lara. I have just too many pieces of clothing which don't work with LaraX. I'm not sure I regard the new alpha cuts as an improvement either. Some outfits seem to be scripted to turn on the wrong alpha even when made for LaraX and I spent a lot of time turning alpha on or off. There are many more sections than the Lara, but they don't seem to be in the right places to fit with old Lara clothing - often you have an annoying line where an old top seems to follow the same line as the LaraX but falls short by a couple of centimetres. This happens over and over, front and back, making it seem like there'sbeenan arbitrary change between the versions of the body which makes clothing obsolete. I've just gone and got a rederlivery of Lara, and will have to spend the next few days reversing everything I've done fot the last few days. ARGH the relelivery system gave me LaraX not the original Lara. Bah!
  2. Thank you for your reply. I am stringing animations along using a script, and the frustrating thing is that some of them appear to be perfectly happy to use the notional position of the avatar after the last anim and just carry on (I understand what you say about the actual position not having changed) and some aren't. If they *all* snapped back to the original position, it wouldn't be so tantalizing, but they don't. I've been experimenting with making my own poses to see if I can blend it together somehow, and I am having some success at that. But I'm still intrigued to know why some start from the apparent shifted position of the avatar, and others snap back, unless just dumb luck. Fortunately as I am filming the result, I only have to worry about how things appear to my camera and not anyone else.
  3. I guessed there was no quick shortcut to this, but based upon discussions, it would be a very useful tool to be able to string animations together and not have the avatar jumping around (back to base point at the beginning.) The weird thing is that some seem to move smoothly from one to the other without returning to the start point, and I can't work out why they work and others don't. I'm assuming it must be something about the priority maybe? Don't know. It isn't as though they were created to do that as I'm using animations from different animators. If only I could guess why some of them work, it might be easier to make them all work. However, I've decided to cheat and as it is for machinima, I am going to use new copies of the animesh with a different starting position. Swapping them out will be a pain, but it solves the problem, albeit in a clunky way!
  4. I'm very old in SL terms but very new to making animations and using scripts to control animesh, so please feel free to make any answer simple as you like! I am trying to program a set of eight animesh figures to go through a series of animations, using a script which Isabell Larnia posted on the comments on reviews for the animesh figures I am using, which allows one to cobble animations together in a sequence. The problem I have is that in the process of the series of animations the avatar moves forwards and backwards. For most of the animations this works well, but two seem to return the avatar to the start position before they play, and what I want is for the avatar position to remain as it is at the end of the last animation - staying stepped forward or stepped back. Is there any easy way of working that into the script? I know that with animations the position is calculated relative to the start position of the avatar, but I am not sure how one fixes this in the process of making an animation which is going to run as part of a sequence, when creating the animation or pose. At the moment the script simply triggers the animations and gives no information about starting position etc. Some of them appear to work fine just where the last animation stopped, others jump back to the start position. Any insight you can give me into what I need to do would be welcome. Ideally I don't want to have to use actual in world co-ordinates to control the movement, simply because I need eight of these animesh figures in a circle and that would be a load of work (and may not even be possible). As you can see, I'm so ignorant of the constraints I'm not even sure if what I want to do can be done without remaking the animations and somehow locking them to a start position.
  5. I've only made a few simple meshes, and admit immediately that I am not very well versed in the technicalities and problems. But I am a huge buyer of mesh items in SL, and the biggest problem I encounter is not about LOD - it's the huge and multiple textures used on mesh items by many creators. I recently worked on an LEA sim which I wasn't able to finish for personal reasons. However, I was looking forward to using the many plants, objects and furniture I had bought with a view to using them in the sim I was building. Unfortunately, nearly all of the objects I bought had multiple 1024x1024 textures on them... in one case seven on a small bottle-shaped object. I found ribbons and tiny parts of objects and furniture with 1024x1024 textures. The number of textures you can use in a sim is finite. The larger the textures, the fewer you can use. If I could change one thing about meshes in SL, it would be to insist that smaller textures should be the norm and not 1024x1024. At the very least provide smaller versions and give the customer some choice. As it is, I have a lot of expensive and basically unusable pretty things in my inventory.
  6. I installed Sierra after avoiding it for ages, and it makes my Mac completely unusable in Second Life. Having been stable and online for hours at a time in areas of high complexity on the previous version but one, I am now crashing after five minutes at home on a sky box, and after seconds in shops and clubs. It seems to me that it is a very risky business, forcing your customers to use outdated OS software in order to be able to use your product. Given that the income LL depends on is from the current users of Second Life and very many of them will be using Macs, it seems ridiculous that they hven't paid any attention to the problem yet. I am posting here, merely to add my voice to the others in this thread asking them to fix it. I turned my graphics slider down, but apart from making some things look very odd, it doesn't seem to help. Kokua viewer crashed after about five minutes in an empty club. I am now rolling back to my previous OS viewer, but it makes Pixelmator inaccessible to me now. However, I rely on Sl and OS for my work and thus have no choice.
  7. I was pointed in the direction of this thread and the mention of Numbakulla.... I haven't been to see the build, but having lived in a Linden sim for some time, I can say that I barely ever bump into any of my neighbours. People use them as place holders mostly, they don't have enough prims for serious use as homes, even with mesh. People don't use SL the way that LL think they do... and the emptiness of the Linden Homes sims proves that. The reason that themed residential areas are successful where they are run by residents, is that they bring together people who have something in common. Unfortunately you really can't manufacture community in the way that LL are trying to do it. The 24,000 people who played Numbakulla to the end not only had SL and the game in common, but many of them were also fans of Cyan games. Numba wasn't a copy of any Cyan game, but it was an homage to the questing games that Cyan produces. The problem with the way LL does games, is that the idea or vision is usually imposed from above, and the people who have to make the game reality don't actually get to decide very much. Add in the constant pressure to get things done by unreasonable deadlines and it isn't surprising that they lack cohesion and depth of backstory etc. I was fired as a mole for asking for more money for the original music I had been making, but I longed to make an experience like Numbakulla on a bigger scale. Working on Linden Realms nearly killed me, and not just because we had so little time to put it together. It was agonizing watching so many resources and sims be put to so little actual use. I've always thought that games were the very best way to teach anything, and I think a questing game with an internal logic which was fun to play and also taught new people about the way the world works could be a wonderful thing. It's never going to be made by LL though. It would require one creator with vision to be put in charge, and allowed to make it fit with their vision, and I don't think LL would ever hand over the creative responsibility in that way. But you know what you get when you design things by committee... and it usually isn't art or magic.
  8. I have used my paypal to buy Lindens on many occasions and recently. Why am I being told I am unable to buy Lindens and not authorized suddenly? I see someone else asked the same question - it's a shame you can't reply to an answered question because if the answer doesn't satisfy the questioner there appears to be nothing to do except ask another question and start again. Seems to have been a temporary problem, which fixed itself. It's the first time I have experienced this in ten years of SL - and yes, there were sufficient funds in the account.
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