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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. There is a lot of potential and many builders see that and produce useful theme friendly stuff - good luck decorating!
  2. Lots of people will share your view and I do to an extent as well - with Victorians I remember my expectation was that they would have attics and glasshouses! - but I have come to realise and appreciate that the LH, whilst starter homes, give you unique opportunity to flex your imagination. Everyone gets the same build regardless of parcel layout or position, the fun is taking that and making it yours. I thought they may be rounded logs too but now I don't notice it so much only the potential of them
  3. Yes it could just be that - it's the weekend after all
  4. Yes but Bellisseria was never an always present option and now it is
  5. It might just be a phantom Victorian so that Bellisseria is always present on the LP now?
  6. Certainly everything a Victorian could offer but I am more endeared to log home landscaping especially for the Halloween and Christmas decorating season so we shall see the fun is in experimenting ...
  7. Another stunning one today! Thank you abandoners!
  8. I decided to try out for some abandon cabins and found this I think this is one that might sway me on them
  9. I think a lot of Europeans abandon when we are having our coffee in the morning. It's not tactical. It's practical.
  10. Putting this boat at See Ya back in now - currently an open ocean and sunset view ...https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sea Ya/112/136/0
  11. Thanks, still time to go overboard, sicken myself and start again! Loving Linden ivy patches
  12. Thanks I keep having to prune the garden for more allowance but having a bit of everything on the boat is where I am headed - very glad I returned to boats
  13. Beginnings of a possible private courtyard garden on the HB roof - I am trying to take a little from every theme content pack without going OTT would be interested in seeing some existing Bellisseria rooftop gardens if anyone has one for inspiration!
  14. Thanks! I am using a mixture of mainly DRD gacha items (sometimes removing haunted scripts) so both chandeliers and sofas are from Mystery Mansion 2. I've mixed it with items from Phantom , the Mystic Bastion and so on. Works well together!
  15. Changed to the Windlass, swapped blue for bottle green but decided to keep on in the oversized Gothic style...
  16. I am about to change my houseboat model as things are getting cramped - but thought would share a decor experiment inspired by a trip to fantasy faire - decorate using mainly gacha items in a gothic / fantasy theme
  17. I agree with this - it is worth doing - just de-render the entire contents of it and see how you feel
  18. If crazy magic could happen and both the houseboats and the campers were vehicles that you could sail /drive and moor / park / live where you wanted. What chaos.
  19. And their bespoke markers like this one in Butterhedge...
  20. The train stations in Victorian regions!
  21. I've gone right back to houseboat life, dropped all the alts and settling (back for the second time) into Pearlcoast. After toying around with exterior add ons I decided to build a porch for the Wallower and concentrate mainly on the inside. So I used an interior divider and put in a galley kitchen. Bedroom with the big window. Bathroom tucked away and living area at the "front" although I have only really made a vague start to decorating and thrown all my stuff around. It feels really good to have a boat on my main account as I think I prefer sailing to driving so there is an added sense of fun and movement. Also having now five themes to choose from and trying them all I feel I can make the decision without doubt now? Does that make sense? Like I don't wonder about other themes? (Maybe I wonder about the new themes but not the current ones)
  22. Okay I am putting a houseboat back with great aspect someone on the forum maybe had this I am not sure I got it recently...https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sprinkles/236/236/0
  23. I am sticking with boats so I have this going back in five mins. I got it as an abandon yesterday along with some great boat locations s will post about the boats when I have chosen...https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Quixote/60/52/0
  24. I think Abnor fixed mine or Moonstruck they were both on the region - I am not going to change the home style for a bit
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