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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. I hope we don't lose our homes. My region just re started and I am really happy with the place despite breaking the house...
  2. Didn't even have it five minutes this time. (not a purposeful mash)
  3. I abandoned one, kept the other. The abandon is right on the river
  4. I picked up two - two different regions ...just now... persist with errors!
  5. I am putting a waterside Victorian back in a minute - it's here (pink hardy in the photo) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Grote Dijk/75/223/24 watch out for tornadoes...
  6. Happy to DM you the link to my RL Pinterest you may find more than a few ideas there!
  7. I am going to decorate both a Victorian and a boat - explore in all the ways you can and take some photos. Build non related stuff alongside Bellisseria things - with my linden home definitely my base and community. Emphasis really on decor, exploration, building and photography and keeping an eye on whatever theme arises after log homes. I will probably click on a log home to see what the pack holds and to try it out
  8. Doyle on the left at Dunbar going in now : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dunbar/92/132/24
  9. Sea facing traditional I picked up earlier is going back in two (red winchester) ....https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myopia Falls/140/100/0
  10. Verne on the corner by the sea and rez zones ... sending now...http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cathanth/22/33/35
  11. Refresh past it a few times it will disappear if an abandon...
  12. My bet is one and a half hours to two and a half hours from now to start rolling.... And I could be wrong today like many other days
  13. I know what I personally think is out today but I am just speculating wildly into the ether and picking a time as a bet and that can be dangerous
  14. If we are wagering I will go with noon SLT time ...🔮....edit ... I can't count!!!! My time 8pm. Their time noon.
  15. Same again for this elevated spot : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cadhaire/24/80/0
  16. Picked this seaside traditional up earlier letting it out now it has no front neighbour: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ashton Village/228/228/0
  17. Probably got scooped up by a hopper and then passed between hoppers and that is nothing to worry about because eventually they will land with someone who is ready to settle or not looking for a specific home. Some of us who were hoppers now like to see what is going out at our timezones and then drop them in on other timezones to try to disperse the abandons between new people. Others are just doing it for curiosity. There is something to enjoy about every parcel. The thing is if you are looking for something specific you know that you won't know unless you abandon and try again. It's also worth saying in my opinion if you land a home where you can see the sea and you want sea - de render anything if you can do that with your viewer to improve the view rather than trying to get closer. You can add water features but they take up allowance. You can't add sea but you can take stuff away with some viewers to get a dream view. Sometimes parcels are very well located and it is not obvious at first. I am a fan of the homes that are two/three rows from the ocean but are higher than those rows and so you have a view of the ocean over some rooftops. Everyone is different. Well, I've just started my second week of lockdown so I have a lot to say apparently....!!!
  18. Victorian in Baxter going in two...https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baxter/24/92/0
  19. Also this Victorian : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hyacinth/108/168/0
  20. For the last few weeks apart from the new releases it has been the same homes cycling round the same people often mentioned multiple times in the same thread. More or less, give or take a few surprises
  21. TY! Should note I don't actually build in the dark but I arrived and noticed the moon photo opportunity! I would love to become a better builder - I don't have the time atm to learn mesh from scratch but I do enjoy creating from full perm bits and pieces and texturing to make new creations. SO many talented full perm offerings and decorators out there! Tons to learn!
  22. Making a butterfly house for my Verne in Merriweather... (I don't know about anyone else but I am new to building and throw all the pieces around haphazardly before I actually line and link it all up then move it to a building platform and finish it)
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