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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. I will release this seaside Victorian on August 16th at 9 am SLT : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oleander/135/36/32 It's a year since I let the Light of Aurelia go, fond memories.
  2. It will return! I could spend money keeping it going and just sitting there but to let someone have it for their home and find a new place for it when I can run it as I want to, totally seems just. Run off my feet now in RL and SL
  3. Someone else will very soon my camper at Wheeler is also an abandon but is exactly the kind of thing I love.
  4. Feel I should clarify the tone of this having read the other thread now! - I don't feel like I am above anyone else when popping a home back in nor do I feel anyway beneath anyone else who is giving up a home. Even if the giver seems to be assuming that role with me, water off my back. I've spent countless hours at the LP over the last year and had some of the most amazing plots Bellisseria has to offer. Often I sat for six hours or more. Now I have more productive things to do! Almost never had more than one at once (because that is counter productive to my goal of just one good un).
  5. Yes! I loved my home in Wolfboro by the canal. Left it to try houseboats!
  6. I've got two homes a camper and a victorian. I am mentioning it here because the victorian could maybe fit the bill of what you want and is leaving me mid month so I can economise on one premium account camper/mainland vibe. It's the second slurl in my signature. I realise this is not the point of your thread but finding what you want might help...I got the home myself from a generous person with many houses and turned it into an attraction. I was in with competition clickers but I was lucky enough. It might not have enough water?
  7. With a bit of pruning you can sometimes land a view you didn't realise was possible. This is going back in a minute
  8. Well things are taking off in my RL business and also my SL store so for now I am going to have to put the Cabinet on hold - there are two weeks left to visit! Everyone's donations will auto return to them then and hopefully when I have the time again I will open a new one! (will update all the Belli groups with this info as well ) ... thank you all who visited this incarnation!
  9. I've done all of it I think but never a BBQ or a hot tub. I did swap my watery houseboat for campers to use the rest of tier for mainland ....
  10. I let pretty much everything go back to the land page after I post so this one is in there somewhere.... good luck!
  11. Seaside Victorian with this back garden view! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Patchett/80/144/31
  12. Total point of the thread ♥ some people are very into it others not. From a point of view of the elements of earth, air, fire and water I wondered what element people fell under and how that fit their home prefs
  13. Traditional in Blueberry Patch ♥
  14. I can't say I read horoscopes as such but I do choose parcels through emotion rather than logic half the time
  15. Here is a just for fun piece of fluff for a Sunday.... I am a water sign in RL I need the water in my linden home parcels. The houseboats being my favourite where I feel most at ease / free. I am looking forward to the stilt homes on water but I still think I will prefer the boats. I tend to associate Traditionals and Log homes with earth signs. Campers with air signs possibly because of the more temporary nature and Victorians possibly with fire signs. How about you?
  16. Victorian just up the hill from the sea at Pommade...♥
  17. Ah yes I've kept one on the lake - had to derender a few add ons but am happy with it. Hard to decide because Lapis was uncluttered and peaceful
  18. Another lush houseboat about to go (sunset view ) in Lapis : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lapis/71/170/22
  19. Lush sunrise view houseboat coming up here : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bottlenose Jetty/197/168/15
  20. Seaside Victorian is coming up here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Patchett/81/234/33
  21. I was very happy to get another houseboat in the channel at Beluga Sound (4th in from right) the sailing from here is good and the views are stunning so thanks out there!
  22. I certainly haven't but I know the basics and I wondered aloud there. Sorry away from topic!!!
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