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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. A little progress ... the mock station platform starts to come together...
  2. My dad and his brothers cut holes in the walls of their homes to connect multiple rooms of trains my uncle had the whole top floor of the house I think my aunt just gave up!
  3. That's pretty cool I hope they stayed safe rail building could be dangerous. My father introduced me to the steam life so when we got another rail parcel thought let's do something interactive with it. Also moving to the Victorian theme, (my RL family includes a famous Victorian historian on the TV a lot) we like the era and I do love working with the themes put forward by linden homes so really, just some fun and something else to see
  4. Argh I should maybe have this then, I will double check! Thanks @Faydra Foden appreciated!
  5. I love it! Does it shrink down a little?!! I will see what I come up with in the morning I am signing off for the eve
  6. It sounds great I know I don't have one of those. Keep them coming! I found a coffee machine that is 20 prims. I even think I had that out once upon a time.
  7. Oh the depths of the inventory! it's fun though I can't wait to get it done! thanks @Elena Core progress has currently reached this level... ie. not far.......
  8. I am setting up a Cabinet of Curiosities in the bottom floor of my home at Oleander - would any makers have a donation to contribute? It will start off with a collection of strange items I have bought or made within my ten SL years and is intended as a fun little attraction that will hopefully have a rotation of weird things for people to wander in and see / seasonal reasons to visit. There will also be some gifts made by myself for decor in your home and garden. Because we are near the railway there will probably be a homage to English steam Railways ( I grew up with steam trains and I am English) ... if you do have any donations please PM me. I've only just taken this parcel so it may take a while to come together
  9. This is going out now if anyone wants a lake log home with a lovely sunrise (middle bottom) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Falconer/90/195/51
  10. I took a photo snap of the existing texture and used that as below - I did not see it in my pack but perhaps I need to update my pack! It's not perfect but it's quick and easy
  11. Let this go yesterday in pay forward for Oleander parcel but I think someone else picked up in between
  12. Thanks Nika! Oleander is my favourite place on Bellisseria apart from Saltmarsh so I am stoked and grateful to Faydra for the heads up. In return I have a Pommade seaside Victorian to send back...http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pommade/228/97/32 will let out at 15 mins past the hour
  13. I wanted to do a switch in quiet times - If I catch similar will shout
  14. I am going to let go of this one at 45 past the hour (ten mins) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chapel Brook/230/188/52
  15. Strongest contender in the log homes you can row all the way down the river but I am ready to build some more Victorian things I have been lazy and buying all sorts of fab add ons from others but I've got the itch again! Hope you can grab one too. Oh I have another cabin it's not the same ...hold on I forgot!
  16. This is why I let it go. I got it on an alt and switched to my main but then my main let it go and switched to the Pelham Station Vic on the water. It's a good time to take a risk....now to wipe off my sweaty palms and be grateful it worked!
  17. About five minutes ago! Someone is there on the map now....
  18. A treat for someone who is quick and awake in a minute : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jester/76/70/52
  19. This pond /volcano mix is going back now if anyone is around and interested http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ashton Village/20/112/24
  20. About to let this one back at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sario/236/167/33
  21. There is a lot of potential and many builders see that and produce useful theme friendly stuff - good luck decorating!
  22. Lots of people will share your view and I do to an extent as well - with Victorians I remember my expectation was that they would have attics and glasshouses! - but I have come to realise and appreciate that the LH, whilst starter homes, give you unique opportunity to flex your imagination. Everyone gets the same build regardless of parcel layout or position, the fun is taking that and making it yours. I thought they may be rounded logs too but now I don't notice it so much only the potential of them
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