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Tari Landar

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Everything posted by Tari Landar

  1. Dante Qoida wrote: "No file was sent to the market place due to a system error or network." :smileymad: I lost my money with this bull**bleep**! Even merchant outboxes that are working correctly get that message sometimes. Actually, recently, it's been happening a lot. Mostly because there are thousands and thousands of merchants sending these requests and such through the merchant outbox constantly. At some point, the sent folders get choked out because too many requests are coming in. Everyone is trying to beat the recently added deadlines, so I expect this message to be more and more frequent. When it happens to me, I wait a few seconds, and retry. If it continues, I wait longer, and retry. That particular message is something that although extremely frustrating to us, we should be happy to see it. It means the system is doing what most would expect a system like that to do. Too many requests should cause either a complete stop, or at least a pause, and a message letting us know an "error" occurred. If it didn't, we'd likely see a lot more problems, like believing things got sent when in reality, they never did. So this sort of warning, imo, is better than believing everything went fine when it didn't. Considering just how many ways the MP and SL in general screw up, and need a huge amount of improvement, this message doesn't fit onto that list. It's not an actual error, it's expected behavior that they inform us about with a poorly worded response(I wouldn't call it an error at all, and would better inform merchants as to the reason why this happens..aka..too many requests and not enough room for them all). And yes I know no one wants to hear that, but it's true. Trust me I know how frustrating that message is. I was recently updating and it took me friggen forever because I kept getting that message over and over again. Eventually though, it all went through. I did give up one night because it was frustrating me though. Which, imo, is a good thing. Once I'm that frustrated, walking away is best. It wasn't the MP acting up, or sl, though. It was just clear I chose a time to send folders through and others were also using that time to do the same. There can only be so much room. We can't all fit through the door at once. I don't see how that error caused you to lose money though, despite being annoying and frustrating.
  2. You need to attach it to another point on your body that does not move the way the arm does. I have a couple bags, I don't use them frequently, but they are slung over the shoulder, basically. I know at least one of them is actually attached to my torso or chest. It doesn't move with my arm. The other, I'm not sure where it's attached but again it doesn't move with my arm so it must be attached to a point that doesn't move. Once you attach it to a new point you;ll likely have to edit it into place by moving it around until it looks just right.
  3. Ceka Cianci wrote: Tari Landar wrote: it took me a second to put two and two together and realize those guys are these guys!! =) i love those/these guys..they are so creative.. Haha, yes we absolutely LOVE this group. They are awesome
  4. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Hair. Really? Hair is not a gift for him, it is a gift for you. I would not appreciate any woman outside of my regular barber attempt to groom me. I wear *my hair *my* way. Especially in SL where it is "my world my hair style imagination." Spend some time and shop on MP. Or spend quality time with the dude and take him for a bumper car ride... you can knock him out of his car and still laugh and laugh together. No its really for him. I don't even want to change his hair. I want to give him the same hair just mesh or a better looking version of his hair because I know he can't afford it. I'm not critiquing him. Just want to help a friend out. I'm not judging you at all, I swear, I just want to point something out...the bolded..above. What if he likes his hair? In that case, there isn't a "better" version, just a version you like better. Which, even if it's for him, is still based on your opinion and not his desires. I don't want that to come across as me being snotty or mean, because I am very far from it, I promise I know you're just trying to do something nice for a friend. Which is very sweet indeed. But when it comes to one's appearance, unless they specifically tell you they don't like something, it's usually better to assume they do like it and they chose it for a reason. There's nothing wrong at all with saying "hey I saw this hair(or whatever) that you might like, it's a lot like the one you have now, but a little different(NEVER use the term better, that's like saying you think they have bad taste, lol). What do you think of it". Even something as simple as "hey look at this hair I found, what do you think of it"...If they like it.. then and only then would I approach it and say "would you like it?" or "my treat, I think it would look awesome on you too"...something along those lines. I've had people gift me things like that before. In most cases, it wasn't offensive in the least, but I could understand exactly how it might be taken that way by others. In some cases, though the item is nice, I didn't really want it. I still accepted, but I have no use for it. I like the things I use, and chose them for a reason. Now if hubby were to say "babe, you'd look hot in..." it's a bit different than a friend(even a very good friend) saying "I think this one looks better" or "I think you'd look great in..". So who the suggestion comes from, also makes a difference, for me. He very well may not care, and may be very grateful, or may not like his original and prefer your suggestion too. Or, he may take it as an insult, even if he doesn't tell you it came across insulting. You've got a good chance of either happening. If he's not a very, very good, close friend who will easily overlook the insult...it's not worth possibly insulting. Even if your intent isn't to insult, often the intent doesn't matter nearly as much as how the other person receives it. Sometimes "it was the thought that counts" gets overshadowed by "wtf..s/he hates my look ".
  5. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: My point to the OP is that not everyone in the world, including many so called 'white' people have fair skin. Some people in RL look what she calls 'overdone tan' without ever going out in the sun, tanning in a booth, or spraying their tan on. It is not unreasonable that they come to SL and choose skins close to thier RL skin so she shouldn't be so judgemental and make the assumptions and derogatory statements about their choices like she has. An "overdone" tan, is obvious, very, very obvious. You just said you've never seen it, so you wouldn't really know. One can spot the difference between an overdone tan, and someone with naturally darker skin. Overdone tans are more than just strange looking to some(because yes, some people do think the look is strange, and they can feel however they want to about it), they're usually quite unhealthy too. Of course it depends on how one chooses to make themselves tan, but more times than not, it isn't healthy. The "jersey shore" look people are talking about, was called that long before the show actually came out. The show came out BECAUSE of the,well, reputation, of many of the people in the area. It's more than just their looks, it's also behavior, speech, etc... So, yes, if one is talking about the "jersey shore look", one is most often discussing a tan that is VERY much overdone and not even remotely natural looking in appearance. There is a HUGE difference between it, and it's counterpart, the natural darker skin. It's not difficult to tell the difference. It's very difficult to match a fake tan to it's rl counterpart of darker skin, without using makeup. I have relatives from all over the world, everything from the whitest skin I've ever seen to some of the darkest skin I've ever seen. I have relatives with a very natural darker tan skin. They don't look fake baked, at all. People who do fake bake, don't look like them either. I can tell the difference. The people on the show Jersey Shore(and millions of others like them) DO fake bake. Those tans they have, are not real, nor are they genetic. The look is man made.
  6. I think it depends entirely on how you present it. I think, generaly speaking, many people would be more accepting of... "Hey, I found this hair, I think would look awesome on you, What do you think?"-Showing them the hair and if they too like it say something along the lines of "I thought you would... here you go, my treat"..and get them the hair(or gift them the money to get the hair, if it's no trans and you're inworld. Now if you just randomly handed them the hair, without at least chit chatting a bit about it, you might put someone off. You might not. They very well may be happy no matter what. But, you always run the risk of them not liking it. So I think it's best to make sur eit's something they'd enjoy beforehand. As was already said, a person's look tends to be pretty personal and I would err on the side of caution rather than assumption.
  7. You can make firestorm look and basically behave like phoenix did, then it won't be confusing or complicated. That's what I do, I don't like v3 either.
  8. I don't share your opinion, but I do understand a bit about how you came to the conclusions you have. Plenty of people do share your opinion too. I won't say it's right or wrong, because opinions really can't be. It's something we own,, it's ours to make, implement in our lives, change if need be, etc... As with most areas of life the things we dislike the most, tend to stick out. They're memorable and we are often more vocal about them, than we are the things we do like. Not saying we don't like things at all, of course. I am quite certain there are things you do like about sl as well. Otherwise, you wouldn't still be here, despite being concerned about what others think. If we try to focus more on the positive aspects of our experiences, it won't magically make those things we dislike go away. However, it just might make them seem less significant. Also, when people say things like "don't worry what other people think", I think it's a pretty generic statement people use when they're not necessarily prepared to give a better answer. At some point in our lives, we all worry about the opinions of others. Even if we'd rather not care about them, or we disagree with their views entirely. We do still prefer they not have them. I think that's a pretty normal feeling, and it's inevitable at some point in our daily lives. People who say they never care or never give a thought to what others think or say, aren't being very truthful to themselves, or anyone else. We all do. It's how, when, if and why we let others' opinions affect us that matters far more than simply caring about it now and again. I don't share your thoughts that sl looks, is, or behaves, in that manner. Or that the majority of anyone truly likes those looks. I say this because I've been all over sl and I have come to find that while there are certain areas, groups, places, etc... that would fall under that sort of umbrellla.....the rest of sl does not. I find the majority actually swings the other way. But then, as I said, I've been all over. If I were limiting my exposure to only certain places, certain types of sims, certain people, or anything else of that nature, I'd expect to probably have a similar opinion. I think any sort of search or even just looking at things on the mp, is going to give you poor results. Mostly because while it is pretty popular and a ton of people use it, a ton of alts do too, and there are lots who don't use it at all. You also can't discount the inworld spending habits and desires. That one is a bit more tricky to determine. Inworld there are far more shops that offer a much wider array of products than you'll find on mp. So that helps lend to the side of the fence I happen to sit on. The side that says a majority of sl is not like that. One last thought too. Some of these trends you're talking about, are in place in rl too. Except in rl, it's on a much larger scale. One still really shouldn't be able to say "rl looks tacky" or conclude that everyone in rl also desires those things you dislike so much, and expect that others will also agree. Sure, lots of them do, but there are a lot more people who don't. I strongly believe that sl simply mirrors that, on a much smaller scale.
  9. Lucretia Brandenburg wrote: "When I read the disclaimer disclaimers, my impression is that the main intent, rather than a threat, is more to show just how absurd the original disclaimers are" she exclaimed about the disclaimers. Oh, I'm sure some are, but they still read just as badly...which is why I laugh at them. I'm also fairly certain some of them aren't meant that way, and the people who wrote them just don't, or won't, see how silly they too sound. But then, I'm not a fan of threats either, sometimes even ones in jest make the person sound like a fool. Some people do seem to have a complex about the whole disclaimer thing. It's a battle that's been waged many times, and I don't see it going away anytime soon, lol.
  10. Most of the disclaimers I've seen are pretty stupid. I'm not so certain a disclaimer in your profile denouncing others' disclaimers makes you sound any better than people with the disclaimers you're denouncing. I've seen some funny ones in profiles too over the years. I like when people add a bit of humor in them. But the whole "my disclaimer is better than your disclaimer because mine denounces yours and I will AR you" added in usually with some kind of threat or other vulgaritty....uh...I've never been fond of people that approach others in that way, regardless of which side of the fence they choose to reside. So, I laugh at those too.
  11. Janelle Darkstone wrote: Do they wear briefs in Canada or just long underwear all the time (cause it's so cold)? If they do, do they have that flappy buttony "hatch" on the backside for the, umm, necessary stuff? Is it okay to wear long underwear if you don't live in Canada but you get cold sometimes anyway? .....is it ethical just to want to have underwear with that little flappy buttony hatch on the backside? My son calls those buttflap jammies....Ok, we all call them that We all also own some, at least a few pair each. Ours have snaps, and are more the pajama sort, footies and all. We even have the lil gripper things on the feet so we don't slip and fall running through the house playing Nerf wars. No name on the butt though. I should look into that. As for long underwear, we also all have those, just not the buttflap sort. Hey, we live in the snowbelt, it gets friggen cold sometimes. When you go sledding, or even playing outside, your butt gets really cold really fast. We like layers. We're like onions......or something. But it is fun to race peeling off layers after coming back inside because we have one bathroom and EVERYONE has to pee the moment we come in.
  12. I don't think it only happens when works been done, or being done. I've had it happen randomly when no work's been done recently at all. I think that was just the best answer they could give at the time. At least it's one of those weird things that doesn't mess anything up and always rights its own self.
  13. Every time I've seen the message, it's been a temporary glitch in the system and always rights itself. Sometimes after a cache clear, sometims not. It's also sometimes happened during maintenance, inventory or otherwise, on their part. But I don't think it's even actually associated with the item in question(even more so if the customer didn't get the item). I've seen the message a few times over the years and not once has it been associated with either recieving an item(or not) or rezzing/de-rezzing something. If that makes any sense. It's just a random message that pops up. No rhyme or reason. Even when I asked for help on it before, the lab couldn't tell me what caused it, or what it was even referring to.
  14. bryce Cobalt wrote: I wondered why our sales in MarketPlace stores suddenly ground to a halt. Then I saw our listings are no longer under ANIMALS, but a new catagory called BREEDABLES. Since all the "breedables" are animals, not sure why this was seperated, but beyond that, one would assume a seach for PITBULL, etc, would find listings under ANIMALS as well as BREEDABLES. Not so! Any search for keywords in our listings are not appearing, only listings in ANIMALS. Anyone else having this issue, and has there been a ticket opened on this problem Bryce Cobalt Not sure what you're actually talking about. I just did a search under all categories, general moderate and adult for the word "pitbull".. I see 339 listings. 183 under the category of animals and 139 under breedables. Not all breedables are animals, there are some that are not. I'm not sure how you define new, but the breedables category has been there for a bit. I've seen it while looking for other animals. I've also used it. There is a separate category because there are tons of animals that are not breedables. In fact, probably more of them that aren't than ones that are. Not everyone who is looking for animals, is looking for a breedable. So it makes perfect sense to have a separate area for them. I'm not sure why you're having no luck finding your own listings, but they show up just fine for me when I search for some of your keywords. They might be buried some odd pages, I wouldn't begin to know which page each of your listings actually sits on, but they are in there, somewhere. In fact some of your listings are on page 1 of my search for keywords. So it's doing exactly what we'd want it to do. Surprising, given how messed up things can be. In this case, it's not messed up at all, and functioning normally.
  15. I use a 17" monitor with this pc. Well, I have 4 systems, 2 that I use daily. They both have the same model monitor, but they don't sit side by side. I can't use two monitors at once anymore. I do good being able to see 60-80% of what's on just one of them at any given moment.(sl or otherwise). I'm legally blind though, so probably best to take my opinion as not being typical lol.
  16. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Is this avatar even 5% covered? Yes.
  17. Random...but made me chuckle anyway... I had surgery last week and have been in some pretty nasty pain ever since. My kiddos were with my mom until Saturday when they came home. I must mention now that I have really awesome kiddos. Today was a particularly not fun day. Pain, nausea and the fact that I had to actually leave the house to go somewhere...yeah, not pleasant. I sat down this evening to attempt to get some work done and sort out their lessons for the rest of the week . Although I didn't think my frustration and pain was showing that much, it apparently was. My son came over to me, to show me what he was working on building with his legos...it was a glow worm with a light on its butt..and said this to me... "I wish I were a glow worm, a glow worm's never glum. 'Cuz how can you be grumpy when the sun shines out your bum" That's something I taught them when they were really little, it always made them laugh. But I haven't heard it in a really long time. Of course they're still young enough that for the rest of the evening the word bum became the funniest word in the English language.
  18. greek Wingtips wrote: you cannot mute someone peeing on others, Just addressing this. Muting, mutes the person to you and for you, not for everyone else. You most certainly can mute anyone you like, for any reason you like. I, personally, have never used the feature, but I know many have. That's why it exists. If everyone mutes, or at least anyone being annoyed by such person mutes, the problem would likely go away. Then you can allow the land owner to deal with that person in whatever way they deem fit. Most likely a banning is what he'd receive. This is why people who respond stress this part. They tell you(general you) to mute and report because it IS your first defense against the stuff that you don't like. They don't say this just to annoy you. They don't respond back with the same comments when others have issues similar, just because they like frustrating people. They say it, because it works. It helps. Sometimes it actually solves the problem entirely. Sometimes not. But at least it's a step in the right direction.
  19. namssab1nad Piers wrote: If you live in the USA, go to any Walmart and get their money card. It is a debit card, however, when you put in your information for the card, show it as a credit card. It will work. I use it and have no issues. I can even buy Lindens while inworld without ever going out to any web site. Even that card is hit or miss. It doesn't always work. Why? I don't know, but it doesn't. I've tried it personally and also have helped others who couldn't get it to work either. While other people have no problems getting them to work at all.
  20. The lab does handle ARs. I know you might think they don't, and sometimes it sure can seem like they don't, but they do. They just don't always deal with them the way we'd like. We also don't usually know how they handle them. I agree that the lab should be a bit more pressing on this issue, dealing with ARs in general. But I am glad we have some tools to deal with them ourselves. It can make dealing with the unpleasant, more tolerable. I do take issue with your idea that any AR ought to equal a 1 week ban from the word go, or any ban right off. I don't agree with it because there are plenty of people in Sl who file false ARs. In doing that they can easily cause as much trouble for someone as a griefer can. If LL didn't investigate each AR and instead threw down the ban hammer right away, THEN dealt with it, those people who like to make issues out of nothing at all, win. How is that any better than dealing with grifers who seem to get away with, well, griefing? Imo, it's not any better. They both equally suck. Believe you me there are plenty of people out there who file ARs for ridiculous reasons, or no reason at all. Be glad they can't cause LL to ban right away, or we'd have an even bigger problem on our hands. There are also people who find certain things to be worthy of an AR that others most definitely don't. Our perceptions will not always be the same as others. Something that majorly annoys the crap out of you,might not be more than a minor nuisance to me. Doesn't make what they're doing right, not by a long shot. But how we view things will vary.
  21. I did read the thread, but am kinda going to skip over the whole "you were a bad bad person" shpeal. I am pretty certain by now, you know what you did, what you didn't do, and how better to carry yourself from here on out. You don't need another person slapping your hand for that. But I will share my experience. I have done similar types of cold calling, as it were, both in rl and in sl. It can be very difficult. Even when you carry yourself with the absolute best level of professionalism possible, things can go wrong. Sometimes it might be you, sometimes it might be them. Sometimes it's difficult to tell what went wrong, why, and how to prevent that from happening again. I get messages from people occasionally for business proposals, not nearly as often as I did when the store was much larger, but I do still get them. I am always polite, though I usually have to decline their offer. Some days that's easier said than done. It shouldn't be difficult to always be polite, but anything could easily set any one of us off, at any point in time. That doesn't mean people still accept my answer, despite being polite, but I try. Then sometimes I get people who can't be nice no matter what, or seem to not be able to anyway. I ran into that a couple days ago from a customer-not a business proposal btw. I checked my email because I had gotten a few messages from customers. One of them was beyond rude. I can't even understand that level of hostility right out of the box. But, regardless, called me every name in the book, yadda, yadda. I don't need to go into details. I had an assistant send her a new version in the color she wanted(which happens to be one of the colors contained in it anyway, lol). Customer still not happy, still going off at my assistant. In fact my assistant is STILL getting messages, as am I. I could block, but, it's almost entertaining at this point. We've both(assistant and myself) been threatened with "i'll go to the forums with this bad experience", "you'll regret it", "you'll be sorry" "I know a lot of people" and a few other choice and very colorful phrases...All I can do is laugh. I've already both refunded the $1 she paid for the item three years ago, plus sent her a replacement product. My job, is done, period. Now if someone else were to come here with that kind of experience, I wouldn't expect them to be kind to that customer at this point. Though most would probably have blocked them by now, lol. I was, and am, being extra kind because right now I'm as crabby as a hermit crab without it's shell and could very easily let my temper get away with itself. I know that stress, anxiety and the horrible pain I'm in, are all things that can push me over the edge. In fact, they will, it's almost a guarantee. But if I did, I would be no better than that customer, and I'd have no room to complain. Once you cross the rude or mean boundary, you have no room for complaint about rude or mean people, imo. Regardless of how we are treated by others, we should always strive to be better. This goes double for times when others are rude to us. Not because it gives us power by placing us above them. But because it's the right thing to do. It might be hard, and it definitely can be, but it's worth it in the end. At least we can hold our heads high knowing we didn't have to go to that level, to make a point. People are goig to be mean, they're going to be cruel, they're going to mistreat us. By saying this I am not saying you have to accept the treatment, just that you have to accept the possibility. When, not if, it happens, you're better able to deal with it when you don't think of it as an impossibility, or a rarity. Just because we believe others should always be kind, doesn't mean it's going to happen. I'd like to wish away a lot of things right about now, or wish that they were different anyway, but I can't. So I live with what happens, how it happens, when it happens, and I learn from it.
  22. When I don't wanna read something, for whatever reason. I don't read it. That's me being lazy. It doesn't mean I'm lazy all the time, but it does mean that at that very moment I couldn't be bothered to take the extra time it would take to read it. I call that being lazy. I don't see anything at all wrong with saying I was feeling lazy, so I didn't read it. As long as we, like already stated, accept that the conseqences are there no matter what. I think everyone has lazy moments in their life.
  23. I have had mixed experiences with having things like that taken care of. Really, mixed experiences with any communication with the lab, but that's neither here nor there I guess. I have had things taken care of in a matter of a couple hours(not common these days, but common years ago), 24-48 hours(a bit more common these days), 72-96 hours(seems most common these days), up to a week or more(less common these days). It's all over the board. I know plenty of others who have said they don't see action from LL for a week+, and in some cases it very well may be true. In others however, I do believe one of two scenarios is taking place. Either the person is exaggerating to make a point because they're not happy with the results or something of that nature, or the objects or problem was taken care of, but replicated again by either the original griefer or someone else in a short time frame. I do think that second one probably happens a lot more often than the other. I'm not one to dismiss others' issues with the lab though. So I wouldn't say it happens a lot. Some people have a really horrid time with getting help from the lab. Some people don't. I don't think there's much rhyme or reason to it though. Regardless I think you'll find a mixed amount of response times and outcomes. Over the weekend is usually a terrible time to try and get help with something. There's a lot less staff on board. Also, what you deem serious, they probably don't. Annoying, yes, but they might not see it like you do. I know they should, and it's probably because the majority of them have never been inworld, but that's just how it is. Their cs is less than stellar. They could always improve, and should be, by now. But I don't see it changing anytime soon. So just file your ARs as appropriate, use the tools we have to get things done, including live chat if you're premium, and hope for the best. Giving feedback as we're allowed, even if it's futile right now, may eventually prove to be helpful.
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