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North Glenwalker

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  1. Patch has left the first one out for the New people in Bellisseria to find.
  2. Yes the meter is owned and scripted by North Crannock, but is set so only Patches AVI key can change it. So yes it's as per set by Patch and no one else. Also it is just for fun and a way for Patch to tease us some more on releases.
  3. I know this underpass has been fully tested By Abnor for height! Bus +Trex + party hat high!
  4. You can keep track of the meter here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sallie/179/19/33
  5. Patch added this ones stone yesterday - "A stone to forever immortalise your presence. It should be added to the... wait, is there a haunted Bellisseria tour?"
  6. Our Friend the "Burning Bush" ghost is back and sunning himself on the shore line near some house boats http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Residentia/52/74/23
  7. Looks like our old friend the "Burning Bush" ghost is back again at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Residentia/52/74/23
  8. MMM all of a sudden found I could not lean back on the sofa!
  9. This little green eyed girl quite often visits us around about midnight SLT where she falls asleep quite often on my head or on the sofa
  10. Not been seen for as many years as I can remember.
  11. New weirdness is happening at Maggies house, one of our newest residents who said she would take any house! Note the same tree for reference, this all comes and goes at random. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sallie/5/249/30
  12. Patch and Abnor are playing games with us again so see who can come up with most weird comments on dots. It's when they start placing random green dots everywhere to confuse us.
  13. Yes Patch looked into it and there is now a tomb stone to remember the fallen soul. Looks like was someone started to rez in and crashed, and remained ghosted. So a fluke! Patch will leave them for now as not hurting anything, but they will go on next region restart.
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