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Tari Landar

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Everything posted by Tari Landar

  1. I am quite certain what you were going for here, was an attempt at being helpful for other users. What you did accomplish, and I'm not certain was a goal when you began posting, is showing just how arrogant and ignorant you are also on the subject. Your crass remarks about creators and long time forumites are not going to help people take anything you have to say., seriously. In fact if it came down to something you say, and something a person I seriously dislike on the forums says-and neither can br proven or disproven-I'd likely opt for their method. Why? Because despite what you think, even just being around the forums for a good long while can help us gain insight we'd otherwise not have. Aside from that...those people, creators or not, are only posting what they are posting to help other people. Now what they have to say might not be helpful for you, or someone else, but it has been helpful to at least some people. That alone, imo, makes it noteworthy, or should. I ahve also seen plenty of them sharing the negatives and the downsides to things too. It's not all happy sunshine and rainbows. There is no one size fits all answer for this, or really any of the problems we might encounter. There are numerous ways to deal with things, numerous ways to fix problems, numerous workarounds we have to go with temporarily. The reason there is such a large number, and such vastly different answers, is because SL has a worldwide audience. What works for one, won't work for all. Even people in the same country can easily have the same problem, for which there can be many fixes-not all of them working for either. It's hit or miss. We've seen a lot of those posts actually. People in one country having problems that others, also in the same country, are not. It's as important to take what people say with a grain of salt as it is to get up and do our own leg work. We have to figure out how best to help ourselves. Often times that means reading the experiences and advice offered by others and going for a trial and error sort of method. None of what you posted disproves anything. In fact, all it does is prove what's been said since day one. Not all fixes will work for all people. What you posted are not "myths". That would mean they couldn't be proven or disproven, which doesn't apply to any of them. Some of the things you posted HAVE been proven to work, or be true in the cases of just statements made. You not liking them, or them not being effective for all, does not make them myths. It also doesn't make the people who shared them any less helpful than you're being. But maybe you haven't read all of the threads I have, so that might play a part in why we see things so differently. You did the very same thing others did, though. You shared what knowledge you have. But in the end, whether it comes from you, me, a creator that's been here since 2004, or even LL themselves..people will still have to do their own leg work to see what's going to work best for them and their situation. Your post is no more worth a read than any other post and to be honest I think it would do us all well to remember that. You seem to have an axe to grind against creators, as you've mentioned them several times. I do know that some of the people that have posted ways to assist others(ways that ARE working, have worked, and aren't breaking any TOS anywhere) are NOT creators. Yes they may have been part of the forums for ages, but that doesn't mean they are creators. Although it is true you'll likely find more creators and merchants on the forums than otherwise.There are still a ton of people that read them, most of which are not creators. Creators tend to post more, it seems, because yes creators DO have a vested interest in sl, sometimes more than non-creators. Although all residents do to some degree. We wouldn't be merchants if we sat on our duffs and didn't give two rat's toes what anyone else does, or whether or not they can remain in sl. I'd care even if I wasn't a merchant to be honest. I'm quite fond of sl, and I know how it would feel if my sl were seemingly being ripped out from under me(which is how some feel at this new change). Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately who knows, I can't help people. I don't have any better solutions than we've seen posted. I can't really add a whole lot of value to those topics. When/if I can, I do. But to be honest I ahve very little experience with PP and SL outside of the US. In fact, my experience with it, is non-existant. I live in the US-that's where my experience sits. I can share what I have read though, and that's what I do. I'm still grateful to see as many people trying to help, successful or not. It at least shows people care if others are able to stick around. Personally I don't care if they are motivated by keeping customers and potential ones around. I'm glad they're motivated at all. It's better than telling people "you're SOL, and I don't care". So, I say, keep helping, everyone, as best as you can. Your advice may not be helpful to some, but it's probably helpful to others and I'm sure they appreciate it.
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: The problem with removing the rights of all estate managers, and then reinstating them one by one, is that all of them will know it's being done, so, if one of them is the guilty party, s/he need only wait for the whole process to finish before doing it again. Removing the rights of all estate managers is really only useful to ascertain whether or not the culprit is one of them, and even that would rely on the actual person, if it's not an employee, not knowing that the test is going on. If it turns out that it is one of them, the only way to handle it is to let them all go and get new staff. It would be unfortunate, but, if LL can't find out what's happening, there is no realistic way of discovering which one it doing it. No, you won't likely find out exactly who is doing it simply by removing estate rights and returning them slowly. The first thing you need to do though, in a situation like this is figure out WHERE it's starting. That's why removing estate rights will be helpful. If it continues on, after no one has rights, then it wasn't staff. Then you can move on to figure out what exploit is causing it-and you'll need LL for that. If it does stop, then you know for certain it was staff. Then you have the painful and tedious task of attempting to figure out who it was. It's possible you'll never know. But it is better to know if it's an exploit, or just someone being a jerk. LL won't help you if it's someone being a jerk, well most likely they won't. They'll tell you the same thing we have, remove rights, problem solved. That's their solution to that kind of problem. I know it is because we had that problem once, lol. LL is not helpful at all when it's not an exploit, they treat it as resident to resident dispute. They consider it griefing, but minimal at best, and since we have the tools to not give people estate rights, we're on our own(and I do understand why they say it, whether or not I like it as a solution, lol). If it's an exploit though, LL can, and will help. I've seen that too, but not from personal experience. Someone I know, and a set of sims I frequent had that problem once. LL was able to fix whatever was causing it. I don't know how, and I doubt they'd tell you anyway. Best to not share such exploits, imo. More times than not, it's someone being a jerk. People don't often want to accept that, assuming because someone's been here forever, or known them forever, or has a vested interest in sl they couldn't possibly. Sometimes people that have been here the longest, are the worst at this kind of thing. They've been around long enough to know what will and won't, irritate people, or what will and won't get under the radar of LL. So, never count them out, unless you're right there with them at their pc. Someone that was once a very good friend of mine got banned, after 5 years of being here, for acting like a jerkwad all of a sudden. Not a single soul suspected, and we defended him tooth and nail. That is, until he got slapped with rl legal issues. Then we're all like He got in some deep, deep doo doo, all right under our noses too. Apparently had been doing it longer than we thought even. You really never can be too sure.
  3. I only buy pcs online now. Mostly because there aren't places around here that I can buy them, or have them built. Well there are a couple places that build, but they are expensive as all get out. In some cases as much as double what buying online and customizing myself would cost. That's just nuts, for me, lol. I like buying online because customizing is a lot easier. I have also noticed, and this may vary of course, the warranties on things are much better when I've bought online. Not only from manufacturers but also the place I buy from. In brick and mortar stores, those aren't always available. Shipping things can be a pain, but it's not likely you'd have to ship the whole thing back if something goes wrong. Usually it's whatever part broke or isn't right. Most times they pay return shipping too. Not always, but most.
  4. While you wait for LL to help you, I would do as already suggested. Remove all estate rights for everyone. This won't tip off certain people, while leaving others with the abilities like removing one at a time would. Then slowly let people back in one by one. If estate managers get angry at you for doing this, it would be a red flag, for me. Most, as long as they aren't doing something they shouldn't, will understand and be happy to help fix the problem. Aside from that there really isn't anything you can do while you wait. If LL is looking into it, you've just gotta kinda sit tight. It is entirely possible that it's a hack, of some sort. But right now it's just as possible that it's not. You can't rule anything out. Saying they told you they're not doing it, and you saying that means 100% they aren't, just doesn't make sense. You really can't know that. Of course no one would like to believe someone on staff would do such a thing, but it's not unheard of. People do stupid stuff like that all the time. I've seen people wipe out entire sims for what seemed like no good reason. Yes security issues like this have happened before, and could happen again. They're not widely discussed because it's a security issue and the more it's talked about the more curious idiots get. That can lead to more problems. So it's bets to have it taken care of quickly, and as quietly as possible. I don't think it happens that often though. I do think those cases are very very rare. I honestly don't think it's your issue, either. I do think it's someone on staff. I think that because it's the more likely scenario. Only LL can help you figure it out. Until then, I'd be protecting the sim/group as best as possible. To me, that would mean eliminating estate rights for all but the most needed 2, tops, 1 even if need be.
  5. They are two different environments. There may be a couple similarities here and there, but I don't think there are enough for a fair comparison. I've been on both for quite a long time. There are too many differences between the two. It would be like comparing facebook, for example, to sl. It's just not a fair comparison, even with the couple similarities. IMVU does have a target audience and has since it was created, though. Sl on the other hand, doesn't have a specific audience it's geared towards and has mass appeal for all sorts, of all ages. The ages allowed in slanyway lol. Sl is far easier to tailor to your needs. IMVU can't be tailored to your needs, as it is what it is. There is user content in both, but even that is vastly different.
  6. Yep, we're pretty much the same, age wise. Although we're both pretty immature at times, so it might be hard to tell how old either of us really is.
  7. It's probably a glitch, I've seen it happen before.
  8. Apple May has some nice skins. They have some tanned ones and ones with different makeup options too. I know they have some that are more muted or natural looking. At least they did the last time I was there, lol.
  9. Had that lil glitch earlier. Happens on and off sometimes, even when they're not working on things. In firestorm if you double click the $L balance on your screen, it usually refreshes. Unless the asset server itself is still completely borked, in which case none of the methods you'd use to refresh will work. Including the "have someone pay you or buy a $0L item" method. Always fun to see that blanace drop. Even better seeing it come back, lol.
  10. No one can make you insane. Only you can. I embrace my insanity, and my occasional bouts of sanity too. Being insane is way more fun. Occasional sanity gives me the chance to make reasonable and well thought out decisions that insanity chucks out the window, along with my shoes and sometimes my pots and pans too. Both are necessary evils.
  11. Extraneousnomenclature wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: If you hate tattoos, then you hate tattoos. For whatever reasons, they're your reasons. And I strongly suspect there was more to dislike about the guy you went to the beach with than just his tattoos. *** So I'd say continue to follow your inner voice. There's plenty of fellas out there with skin untainted by art/graffiti. Edited to add: I actually think its refreshing that a 22 year old isn't into tattoos, because in my home town the younger generation really seem to favour them, with a sheep-like mentality. Good on the OP for being an individual with their own very strong mind. Yes indeed. Hooray for the OP for being able to resist a fad. Of course when tattoos cease (inevitably) to be a fad, most 22 year-olds will shun them. Tattoo removal is going to be a very profitable business within a generation. Tattoos are no fad, and aren't going anywhere anytime soon.Tattoo art has been around in some form or another, for a very, very long time. People believe they're a fad because they don't understand why some people get them. They also dislike many, if not most, of the tattoos others get. That doesn't make them a fad though. I have one tattoo on my upper arm.It's taken from a painting I did when I was little. Being legally blind has it's disadvantages sometimes and my tattoo is symbolic of the desire to continue reaching for something I was not born with and I'll never have anyway. I don't consider it a fad. In fact I think it's a bit insulting to decide you get to dictate what is and is not based on whether you like it or not. No one can possibly know what motivates another to do what they do, wear what they wear, adorn their body with what they choose to use. We don't have to like it. There are a lot of things others do and wear that I would never personally choose for myself. I'm not them though. Even if I don't think their reason is the grandest idea in all the world, it's not my place to tell them that.
  12. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every second of it.
  13. The easiest way to get in is to open that sim up on the map, tp right to the edge, but on the adjacent sim. Once there, wait while you rez and continue trying to cross the sim by flying or walking. The moment someone leaves, you'll get across. It's a lot faster than just trying to hit te tp button. It's also got a better success rate.
  14. Something totally random.. just because
  15. Not all greendot, including the walmart ones, actually work all the time. I was helping someone with that issue not too long ago. We tried numerous cards, including different greendot cards, and even the walmart cards, no go. She still can't get it to work. It really is hit or miss with them. Some people have no problems at all, others have nothing but. I don't think there is any one card, or type of card, that will work consistantly.
  16. Deja Letov wrote: Absolutely keep selling regular non-mesh clothing. i love my mesh furniture and I'm doing a lot of building in it. I also love mesh hair. But honestly, I can't stand mesh clothing. It changes my shape and I hate it. There is a great number of people who will continue to buy textured and sculpty clothing over mesh, so push forward! That's the same reason why I don't like mesh clothing. I have a shape I like. If I wanted some other person's ideal shape for me, I would have bought a premade shape, lol.
  17. Mesh has it's place, sculpties have their place, but regular texture style clothing will ALWAYS have a place in sl. No matter what technology comes along, or leaves, that's one thing that will always have a place. Yes some will say "get with the times", "times are a'changing", "if you're not with the front of the pack, you're behind" and blahdy blahdy blahdy blah... Don't listen to those people, they're fools. They beleive anything that doesn't fit the newest fad must be old, and therefore, not worthwhile. Anyone can be a content creator in sl. Anyone can be a good content creator in sl. Most people can be great content creators in sl. Not nearly as many, but still a lot can be amazing content creators in sl. The two things they all have in common, regardless of the products they create or the tools they use to create them....is the talent to create and the willingness to keep at it, forever learning and improving. No one jumped right into sl and was amazing from the word go. I know some people like to think otherwise, but, I'm pretty sure those people are fools too. Or they're smoking something they should be sharing, not sure which. The same thing applies with new fads, new trends, etc.. No one just jumped right in and got it right on the first try. Don't be discouraged. I know what it's like to be basically driven off, out of, sl, for a while. We're having a rough patch here and having to rely entirely on MP for a while until rl decides it's ready to be kind to us again and I can go back to an inworld presence. It does sorta suck. But, even if you can't find a place inworld to have a store, that doesn't mean you can't be a creator. You also don't have to have some huge business, either. I'm a pretty small hobbyist now, probably will be for a while to come yet, since I've downsized a lot recently. But, it's all good, or will be anyway. I still get to create, I still get to share, and I still get to enjoy what I love doing. That's why I became a content creator in the first place.
  18. Jewel Laurasia wrote: The gnome jammies are priceless. And your husband is a brave man for wearing them. Haha, yeah they were pretty funky. On the butt there is one big mushroom on each cheek, lol. He's probably just glad I didn't post the ones of him in his bikini But he's a pretty awesome guy, I'm rather fond of him
  19. Haha, I love looking at old pics. Sadly all of my first pics, are not on this pc. Many of them were lost actually But I have a few (these are all 2008 though). My graphics back then were onboard and, beyond crappy. Although to me, they were just fine. About a year later I got an actual graphics card, and OMG the difference, lol. My first home, well, first land, but the, about 3rd actual house I put down, lol. Was still in the process of decorating at the time. Those are my guard tigers keeping a watchful eye while hubby was away. One of the first outfits I made, that I have pics of(and we still wear) Gnome Jammies (that's hubby there with me) Hubby's first fishing trip. I got him hooked, pun intended, on 7seas. My bad. That's me on the stump, he's on the dock and an old friend inbetween. Hehe, had him so hooked I put out 7seas on our land. Real men wear pink, you know Fishtank attached to the house for all our 7seas catches. Ok, most of them. And yes that is the pink tree that drops "flowers"...sigh, good times. ETA:- I should add, ok, wanted to add, that shortly after these pics were taken, hubby proposed I know, it has nothing to do with the topic, I just like remembering it, hehe.
  20. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The occurrence of getting something with permissions other than advertised is rare for me. Anytime its happened a note to the merchant fixes it with a new copy with the correct perms. This can also happen with in world purchases too and it has happened to me about the same rate as on MP. A lot of merchants use network vendors now days and if you look at the edit content of the sales picture all you see is the vending script. Bottom line is you have to rely on the merchants information but can't tell for sure until you actually have the item in hand or rezzed. It's not a matter of getting things with perms other than advertised. It's a matter of the MP not being able to distinguish all of the permissions an item has. Which can vary and are very much product dependant. Whether boxed, or in a folder, customers need to rely on what the merchant has listed as the permissions. Maybe this will explain it better. I'm not really sure if I can make any more sense out of it, or out of what I am saying anyway, lol . I may be doing a terrible job at it. If I make a bouncy ball that is both copy and modify, I will list it as both copy and modify. I will also state it in the listing description. If, the script inside my ball is no mod, I will make certain to list that in the description as well. Something like "ball is modify, however the script inside is not", or some such description. However, if you were to look at the contents tab of my bouncy ball(foldered, not packaged) you would see the contents tab telling you it's copy/no mod. That's not really the case. The ball is mod, even though the MP is telling you it's not. It's not rare at all. I see it a lot. I've got products that do it too. Some of my mod/copy items have something in them that is not mod, and will make the contents tab reflect that. Even though both the boxes I checked when listing for perms and my description quite clearly tell a customer what the permissions are. In that case, the content tab is a bit of a fibber. A content(script, nc, animation etc) in an item being no mod, does not make the product itself no mod. It just makes it appear no mod(both in inventory and the content tab on MP). Some people do believe being able to see the perms in the content tab is a huge plus for DD. But it's not really because it can't (yet?) accurately inform us of all the permissions. At best, it makes a good guesstimate. I do honestly hope at some point it can accurately relate the proper info. I'm not even sure it's possible, just hope it is.
  21. WillyD Lionheart wrote: i updated my stuff back when i was told to and then this comes along which basicly shuts off alot of ways people sell stuff IMO. why is it nothing can be unlimited? i mean seriously, that kinda defeats the purpose of the market place IMO. are you trying to shut down the market place or just trying to drive the people without the money for shops out of business? being one of those that cant aford a shop in world and dont have the time to keep reposting my crap on the MP what exactly am i suppose to do? just stop making stuff or just keep posing things when they run out? which also IMO is a pain in the arse to keep doing over and over. I'm sorry but this is a stupid idea... WillyD... I don't understand what it is you're saying, or asking. What do you mean by shutting off ways people sell things? Also, why do you think people aren't allowed to sell unlimited stuff at all? There is nothing stopping people from doing that. The vast majority of things on MP are unlimited items. DD does not change whether or not we're allowed to sell unlimited stuff. The only type of product you cannot sell via DD right now is limited items. For example you make a boat, we'll say, and it's a one of a kind boat. You don't have any more of that particular boat. When we usedmagicboxes, you can easily list that one boat on MP and the listing for that boat would specifically say that it was a limited quantity. When the boat sold the listing would then say "unavailable", since there are no more of it. DD cannot handle those one of a kind, or limited quantity items, yet. You still need a magicbox to sell them. So, really, for selling limited quantity items-like the boat-absolutely nothing has changed. Not having money for a shop isn't going to stop anyone from listing on MP. In fact, DD makes it much, much easier for people who cannot afford, or don't want to, a shop. It actually opens up the playing field more, because you don't need land to set out a magicbox anymore. Unless you sell limited quantity items, which still require it. I'll refer you to this post, to better clarify, as I believe you might have misunderstood what it says about unlimted quantity items. It does not say we cannot sell them, it says we cannot sell them via the magicbox. All unlimited quantity items have to be sent through the merchant outbox to be listed and sold on MP. They cannot be in a magicbox. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Magic-Box-Retirement-Starts-April-2-2013/td-p/1917883
  22. HisaDrug wrote: I was asking about DD lol and somehow ended up talking about script permissions which I'm fully aware of. I just misunderstood the previous reply. I was mentioning how DD allows us to see the contents, not the boxes/packages and their own permissions. I was talking about the actual products inside the boxes or folders. My question was very simple. I just wanted to know why people still prefer boxes rather than folders. But thank you for your honest opinions. The two topics, are related, you opened with both in the first post. DD does let you see the contents, yes, but it does NOT let you see the actual permissions. Which is why people are discussing it, it's relevant to your original post.. This line, is why people are talking about permissions.. "Sorry to open the thread with the ultimatum, but I honestly think DD is more convenient for the fact that we can take a peek at the contents and their permissions, no unpleasant surprises in what we buy" Quite often, a lot more often t han we realize, there are still surprises. The contents tab does not always, or even usually, show the actual permissions of all contents. But there are at least a couple other threads about boxes vs folders. If you want to know why people prefer one over the other, that's a good place to look. It might help better explain.
  23. HisaDrug wrote: Why would you put a no-mod script in the item when you can just uncheck modify? Colour change script or resizers don't affect the permission that complex unless it's about something else. Maybe I am dense, but I don't understand what it is you're asking here. Could you possibly clarify what you meant, please? I'll answer based off what i think you might be asking, though. Many scripts are no mod. Typically, it's because the one who scripted it doesn't want anyone to tamper with or copy, the script itself. Could be any number of reasons why they would need to do that, Adding a no mod script to an item will make the entire item show up on MP as being no mod on the contents tab, regardles of what boxes you check when you list them. When that in fact, probably isn't true for a lot of things. I know for a fact I have stuff that is modify, to some degree, yet the script(s) inside are not. Now when I list these items, I can, and I do, say that the item is modify. It would be and is true, as the item can be modified. The script inside may not be though. Quite often the scripts I use aren't modify. The same applies inworld as it does on MP though. When you click buy on something inworld and get the little box that shows contents, you'll only see the very basic permissions. You won't be able to see the permissions of a script, for example, inside a folder or box Things like scripts, resizers, rezzers and such. A box can be modify in that you can change it's size, texture, color and such, but cannot change the script or other contents inside. I'm not sure if that makes any sense, or whether or not it had anything at all to do with what you're asking.
  24. To be honest, I'm not quite certain why other people care what someone prefers. It honestly has me scratching my head. What with all these threads about it. Ok, I get you don't like it. I get that there are plenty of people who prefer folders over boxes. I also get that there are plenty who think otherwise. What I don't understand, is why it matters to either party, what the other one prefers. I'm not real sure why anyone should have to, or why anyone would ask them to, explain their reasons. Most of my stuff is foldered, that I sell I mean. Not all of it is though. There are all kinds of reasons why. I'm not sure anyone else really cares what they are, lol. Live and let live I always say. We'll never understand everything others choose to do. Sometimes it's not worth even trying to, lol. As a customer, I prefer whatever is easiest or best for the merchant. As a merchant, I understand both sides of the coin quite easily. I don't find either method superior to the other, to be honest. Just because I like something a certain way, doesn't mean others will. It also doesn't make it the best option. It just makes it the best option for me, and my customers. Opening a box isn't a crap ton of extra steps, for me. If it is for others, they should avoid having to do it, if they dislike it so.
  25. You'd think with as often as that thing shows up, they'd start gettin' flashy with it, or something. Such a boring lame message. I expect more from these people. It's not like they're actually doing any work, lol. The least they could do is make these bumps, glitches and bugs more interesting for the masses.
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