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Tari Landar

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Everything posted by Tari Landar

  1. MyAlt4099 wrote: But inworld delivery can give a folder. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGiveInventoryList Merchants can, but most don't. The majority don't even. I have to believe there's a reason why and I don't believe the reason is so merchants can inconvenience consumers. Most of the ones I have seen who sell via folder do so with a particular vending system(theirs or one they've bought that is). But even that method has it's limitations and can be terribly inconvenient too.
  2. MyAlt4099 wrote: One of my biggest SL pet peeves is items in boxes. Rather than immediately getting my items as would make the most sense, instead I have to rez a box, open the box, copy the items to my inventory, and delete the box. It gets very annoying. Why isn't there a rule saying all items on the marketplace need to just put a folder with the items in your Received Items, rather than a folder with a box with the items? There's no reason this step should be necessary. Your thoughts? Rule? Absolutely not. Inconvenient for shoppers? Perhaps, at times. A showstopper? Absolutely not. While slightly inconvenient, for many this is exactly how sl has been for, well, ages. So it's not as much of a bother. For some, it's a bother because they just don't understand, as they've really only got experience with direct delivery and not needing to open packages as much. But, really, it wouldn't matter what methods are chosen by merchants, someone will be bothered by it. It's not really THAT big of a deal, to me, regardless of what method people use. When DD was first introduced there really was a pretty quick push in that directions aimed at merchants. Many scrambled, though imo they did so long before they should have, it's irrelevant. Some merchants have thousands of items on MP. I don't blame them for not having the time to unbox, folder, and send off, for every.single.item. In fact, I'd venture a guess that the method they chose was probably the most optimal for them, at the time. So, I say. Kudos to them for doing what worked best for them. Some of my stuff is still boxed, not all, in fact most isn't. But I do have some items I intentionally boxed because it requires the purchaser to pay attention to what they're doing. I have had products for which this is vitally important, and experience with those particular products taught me that selling them unboxed, was a bad idea. Of course they're not my biggest sellers and they have a niche market, so most wouldn't buy them anyway, lol. Less worry of people being "annoyed" by my boxes. If you don't want to unbox, you can always go inworld and buy...except that you often have to unbox there too. I guess I don't understand the whole "unboxing is sooooo inconvenient", when it's something we're all goign to have to do at some point.
  3. Personally if it were me, I'd be refunding anyone and everyone who bought those notecards. Since not all customers will contact you, some probably won't care about a $25L loss, I think the responsibility sits squarely on the shoulders of a merchant. This is clearly a case of not being prepared to sell and jumping in a bit head first. Fortunately being a merchant, as with anything in life, comes with a learning curve. We all make mistakes, we all do things wrong, we all have to make certain we're always open and willing to learn. This is one of those times. Sometimes the lessons we learn cost us, financially, but we earn far more from them which is very important. Not trying to be rude or anything but, you're going to have a world of problems on your hands if you continue trying to sell these, or anything else, in the manner you are. Bad word of mouth will travel much, much faster than good.
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: JENIFAEL13 wrote: Yes, these are non-copyable/transferable notecards. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but isn't a "NO COPY" notecard not viewable ??????? and your listing says no mod/no copy/no transfer. Yep, you can't open a NC you receive that is no copy. You also can't make a NC that has no perms at all. It will automatically default to Transfer if you select No Copy and No Mod.
  5. If they are the NCs I see on MP(or really any nc that might have those permissions), I'd refund her. I can't see why anyone would purchase that NC more than once. So it's entirely possible something glitched. I've both had it happen as a customer, and as a merchant. I would ask for transaction history, but you can also clearly see in your own history if she bought the item more than once. The product being what it is, even if it wasn't a system glitch that caused it, there really isn't any reason why someone would buy multiple copies of that item. So, I, personally, would see no issue with refunding the customer. I know some merchants would offer a refund minus the fee LL takes, but I would offer a full refund. For me, I sort of look at it as although I lost a bit of money, I gained a customer's trust and satisfaction-and that means more than the $L I am out. I had this happen once with something I sold a few years ago. It was quite pricey and the person ended up buying 3 of them. I have no clue why., because I was away at the time after having surgery. It happened a couple days before I got back. I came back to a frantic customer. I assured her I would look into it, had her send me her transaction history(which matched mine) and chalked it up to something going wrong. There would have been no reason for her to buy 3, it was an item that was both copy and mod, no trans. I refunded her for the two she didn't really want. She's one of my best customers now, lol. In fact, when I have to go away a couple times a year, she looks after the store now
  6. Eh, personally, I skim past them, for the most part. But sometimes I like reading them just to see what people have to say to the survey taker. It can be quite amusing. Ok, maybe only amusing to me, lol. I have taken a few of the surveys I've seen over the years too. In fact, one that I took a couple years ago opened up an opportunity for me to help someone with quality control. Was quite nice, since it brought in some play money here and there. Some people that do the surveys do actually pay people to take them. Ok, not most, and really the money is less than a drop in the ocean for many people, but it's still kinda nifty when it happens.
  7. You may want to be a bit more specific. The folks around here are really wonderful at helping others figure things like this out, but they'll need more information from you. Can you be a bit more specific as to exactly what's happening? Does it happen only on certain sims? Does it happen right away, or are you inworld for a bit before it happens? Are you able to get into your preferences and take them down some? You might want to post your system specs, I'm betting they'll ask you to. If you CAn get inworld, even for a moment or two, you should be able to get this. Now, I don't know what viewer you are using, so the specific spot may be slightly different. But I believe all viewrs have a help area up top and that is where you find the "about(second life, firestorm, etc..-depending on your viewer)". If you click it, you should get a popup box with your system specs. Paste what you have in that box here, and peole might be able to give you some ideas to go with. What it sounds like, is your video having some technical difficulties, but not 100% certain, and definitely don't know exactly what technical difficulties. I have one pc that can't be set any higher than medium, or the video card decides to get all butthurt and crash the system. But that system really wasn't built for more than lightweight use, so it's an expected behavior. ETA: Also, just because you meet or exceed the system requirements doesn't necessarily mean the drivers are all up to date. I've had that happen countless times over the years(not specifically with sl, just general). So I'd probably go that route first and foremost. Never hurts to double check all your drivers.
  8. If you want Sl to be more, you have to make it more. You have to be willing to put some sort of effort into it. Sl will not adapt to you. It will not actively seek you out. It will not magically place all the answers before you. In short, it won't be fun or enjoyable simply because you want it to be. Unfortunately, we can't will things to be what we want, when we want, just because. That said, Sl can be loads of fun, if you're willing to make it so. To be honest, I would not look to the blog for "hot spots". I doubt the claims' validity. Most of the hot spots I have found, were found by pure dumb luck, looking in others' profiles, random exploration and things like this. The destination guide is great, as a guide, but that's about all it's good for. A place does not have to be even remotely popular to be on it. Many of the places I've visited and found via the destination guide sit primarily empty 95% of the time. Or worse, they don't even exist anymore at all. So, take what you find there with a grain of salt. I think your first step ought to be asking yourself "What do I want out of Sl", then answer it. What sort of things do you enjoy? Is there anything in Sl you'd like to explore but haven't yet? Would trying your hand at being a content creator suit your desires? Would taking classes on something that interests you, benefit?(there are loads of classes on all kinds of things) Perhaps an RP sim that peeks your interest would be a good start. Before you can really get a whole lot out of Sl, you first have to figure out what it is you're lacking and what it is you desire. At least, at this point in your Sl life, imo, that's what you need. When people are fresh and brand new to Sl, it's often even more difficult because they honestly have no clue what Sl entails. They don't know the wonders that can sit behind every tp. They don't know about the thousands and thousands of sims that sit, awaiting exploration. You do have that advantage over them. But it may help to look at Sl as if you're fresh and brand new. It might offer a perspective you haven't thought of before. Is there something, or some place in RL you've always wanted to do, or visit, but couldn't? I am willing to bet you'll find it in Sl, or perhaps the next best thing to it. Sl may not be as populated as it once was, but it's still just as popular, and as fun, for the majority of residents. I say this because if the opposite were true, we'd have gone down the crapper ages ago. So, there is still loads of appeal. It's just a matter of figuring out what makes your cogs go round and round, and then finding it. Maybe if you list some of the things you really enjoy, or would love to explore, people can offer you up some sims, or ideas. That's a great starting point. If, however, you truly are just done and past this point in your life, and you can't find any enjoyment at all out of Sl, or are not willing to look for it. Then it probably is best, for you, to close that chapter on your life. There's nothing wrong with that, it happens to everyone, at some point. If not with Sl, then with some other interest, idea, etc...
  9. Sheesh So sorry you have to deal with this, that just sucks. I really hope they sort it quickly. I think this would probably fall into the file of "some of the worst glitch/bug/intended function/idiotic/and whatever else you want to add...blunders. Knowing the lab, they'll say it was intended or "oops, we'll look into it", but then never get back with you. I bought enhancements once, and followed them for a good, gosh, about 7 months or so. They didn't do a lick of good, from where I'm standing. Thankfully, that was just an experiment on my part and I actually expected the outcome. I haven't bought an enhancement since and I don't think I ever will again. If I'm going to throw my money into the air on a whim, I'm going to make sure I'm sending it somewhere worthwhile. So now, instead of getting the enhancements I had, I take that same money I would have paid and put it towards some of my favorite charities. At least then I know the money is going to a good cause.
  10. As long as the product has both a DEMO and non DEMO on the MP I see no reason why two different listings ought to be made, personlly. But I've always thought that there should be a much better way to handle that. I know some merchants put the DEMO item on MP, but the real item only inworld. Smart thinking for those looking for traffic. Assuming their store is both appealing and user friendly. For those people, removing the DEMO listings from MP would cause more harm than good, I think, in theory anyway. I've also seen the opposite too, with the DEMO item only inworld, and actual item on MP. Though I believe the goal is the same in either case, to draw people inworld. I'm not sure how effective they both truly are. Only because I've never done it, and I don't sell DEMO items. What I would really love to see is a specific category for all DEMO items. That is, if they aren't going to combine both listings into one. With the DEMO being a click through from the main product page. If that makes any sense. It makes perfect sense in my head but I'm not sure if I am wording that right, lol. At any rate, I'd love to see a DEMO category added, maybe to all the base categories, not necessarily each individual category available. That is probably asking too much of them and I'm sure would take them ages to complete. But it would be nice. Even if they were only for all the base categories..(the ones you automatically see on the lefthand side when you first open MP that is), you'd still be able to narrow your search down to find what you want, specifically. Or just browse them all at once, even.
  11. Ilyra Chardin wrote: I'd like to see enhancements of the DD functionality as well, not just what you listed. In the interim, out of curiosity, could you pull the notifications from your email? All of the purchases that are made in your store or stores will come from "Service" and the first word on the subject line will be "Customer." This would only be effective if ALL sales were actually sent to email. But that function is still very spotty, despite what LL and a few merchants might say. Only about half of my sales go through to email now. No, they're not in spam, I regularly check and clean that out. They just don't go through. It's been that way for a long time though, so I'm pretty used to it by now. To the OP, I'm pretty sure this is a feature others have been asking for, for a while. It's probably on the JIRA page, but to be honest, i wouldn't hold your breath. Though you could always put another one in, if you want to. They don't pay much mind to this forum. When they do, it's pretty, ummm...generic, responses, for most things. It's rarely anything remotely close to good communication. I personally take the hard route and manually gather all sales info and put it into a spreadsheet for myself. I know there are easier ways, but, I'm a glutton for punishment I suppose. I use the transaction history of both the sl site, and mp, to keep things straight. Hopefully someone else here will have a good idea for you, at least for now.
  12. I would've told the dude to man up and bugger off too, in the most professional way of course. It's rather funny that men seem to think women hold the gold medal for being overly dramatic. Men can be, and many are, just as bad, if not worse, lol.
  13. Syo Emerald wrote: I don't believe LL does anything about child abuse and age play anymore. Just noticed that recently when trying to report a case and after a week nothing has changed. I have had the exact opposite experience. I reported 3 people for this(and yes, I was 100% certain before even thinking of reporting, and had chat logs to verify what they were doing). The people I reported were all banned. I don't know if they were IP banned, but they were banned. I was expecting a suspension for them, to be honest, but nope LL slammed down the banhammer on all 3. The only reason I know they did, is because one of the people is someone I actually know very well in rl and sl, and that person sent me a msg bitching about being banned. I had no idea he was that sick, though. Yes, I have since distanced myself from that freak of nature.(and no I don't care if that's mean, it takes a sick and twisted individual to even think such things, let alone act them out). Had they not chosen a platform I was allowing them to rez/change on, I never would have known. I have no doubts that wasn't the first time.
  14. When I do a search, I do it this way.. I type in whatever I am looking for, unless I am looking for something very specific, I choose a rather generic keyword. Say I am looking for a pair of pajamas. I type in pajamas Then, on the lefthand side, I find the category that best fits my needs. In my case, women's or unisex, depending on my pajama goal. We'll say women's for now. I click on women's Now I've narrowed my search, and I won't see things like hair, cars or trees. Under the women's category there are others that my pajamas may be in. I can click any of them to narrow my search even further, or can specify my search even further by choosing what kind of pjs, color, etc.. It works relatively well for me. Doing just a general search of the MP when looking for something even slightly specific is about as useful as trying to nail set jello to a tree. It really is. It's been this way for a long time though, so I believe most people, although we don't like it, have gotten used to it. Everyone has their own method for searching. Oh, and you don't need the greasemonkey plugin to see keywords. You right click and then click "view page source" in both Firefox and Chrome. Then scroll(if you need to scroll) until you find the keywords. In chrome it's somewhere around line 39 or so. In firefox it's the same. Well on the few I just clicked to double check. It may be in a different spot depending on the item, but it won't be far from there, if it is. I don't know what browser you're using though. And yes if people are playing spam games with keywords, it's worth being flagged. Just please don't flag without actually checking the keywords. It's a royal pain in the butt to merchants when itesm get flagged for keyword spam, that really aren't. Always be sure before reporting. The way the commerce team has been handling the removal of things, it's not worth the chance that they'll not even check the listing and just remove and send a generic form letter. People have been having a very hard time getting things relisted after being removed lately(both legitimate removals and non)
  15. Try this site, it probably has one you're looking for. http://mp-designs.blogspot.com/2012/04/music-urls-for-second-life-opensim.html ETA:-Not my site, btw, and not all streams work, I'm sure. But it's been rather handy for me
  16. Unfortunately, LL will not help you. Filing a ticket won't be worth the seconds it takes you to file. I know people will say "file anyway, it can't hurt". Which may be true, but don't get your hopes up that you'll get anything other than a form answer. I speak from experience on that one, and the product I was out cost me $16,000L. Very hard lesson learned indeed. The answer you'll get will basically say "we don't involve ourselves in resident to resident disputes, we recommend you contact the merchant" and blah, blah blah. Then they'll close the ticket. It's happened to me twice since 2008, but the only one I really cared much about was thw $16k one, and that's the one I filed a ticket on. Incidentally the creator left sl, though I believe she's back under a different name, and left a rather large group of people out a rather large sum of money. There were claims as to where she was, but, they were lies. Which just made the whole thing sting that much more. It's not so much the money..but more the principle of the matter(for me). I would do everything others already stated. You CAN address someone on the forums, as long as you do it in a way that's not bashing them(whether or not they deserve it) or attacking in any way. A simple "So sorry to bother you here, however I believe my inworld communication is failing on your end, so perhaps you'll see this. I would hate for any more of my messages to go unanswered simply because the system isn't allowing you to see them. Could you please offer me an update on(whatever you got) paid for on(date)? It would be most helpful to me. It would also offer your customers peace of mind to know you're a top notch creator who delivers items as promised." (add in anything else you'd like to here) Ok, that sounds sweet and kind, but I assure you, it's not meant that way at ALL. It's also rarely received very well, because, assuming this person gives a fig about how he looks to others, it places him in a place of shame. It makes others question him and will hopefully make more people think twice before buying too BUT, you don't overstep. You don't break TOS. You don't say or do anything that could possibly get you in trouble, or your message removed. Which means it will be there for others to see, longer. It's not seen as "calling someone out", and, the times I have seen it, it's been pretty effective. If only the creator I had an issue with actually used these forums way back when. You could also do the same thing in the creator's group, if he has one. Even if youre not addressing him, other customers may see it. You may find you're not alone(well you and your friend) and could possibly brainstorm with other potentially shafted customers. Either way, whatever you choose to do, do it in a manner that places you in a position that always looks good. It would be useless to do something that would be frowned upon by anyone, much less the lab. I really hope the, uh, person, gets either your money back, or the product, whichever satisfies you most. I'm extremely careful now myself after that incident. It's definitely no fun at all.
  17. The ability to have your own sim or grid(grouping of sims) hosted on your own server(for mant, their own home pc) has been around for ages. It's not the future of anything. It has limitations and while most could do it, not a ton do. More used to use it though. I have a pc that we host our own OS type grid on. It's just one sim atm. It may increase at some point, but probably not. It's actuallly quite the learning tool. Once you get to know the limitations, especially wiht things like scripting and physics, it can be a lot of fun. I created it for building purposes a very long time ago. Now my children use it for lessons a lot, and just to generally have fun. My son finished his first car just the other day. It's a very primitive looking thing, but it functions, and that was his goal. Not too shabby for a 9 yr old just learning lsl. Not to mention it's a safe place for them to "play" online(lack of better term here), because I can control it 100%. There is a grid(it's really just a couple sims) my kids log onto a couple times a month that another homeschool parent maintains. There's only about 30 or 35 kids(and their parents) total that use it, and it is VERY well protected. They don't let just anyone join, and we all know each other very well. But it's sort of like having a group or message board or something like that, just a bit more personal. It's handy because we can't always get together in person. It's also easier to control and maintain. The kids enjoy it because it's not the same as typing on a message board or group. They can talk to one another. They can goof around. They can work on lessons. They can help one another. It's actually quite cool, to both them and us(the parents). I've seen them used in all kinds of ways. Everything from educational to just general fun. I've seen them used in various types of therapy too, and they're pretty effective. Whether or not they'd be effective as a replacement, substitute or even an equal to sl....I have my doubts. But it depends entirely on what is put into it, I suppose.
  18. There are still merchants scrambling....or not scrambling in some cases(whistles) to get their products migrated. So expect to see that number jump up and down for a while. It's going to, even after the cutoff date. I imagine that, despite a magic cut off date, the lab will still be yanking things for a while. I also expect that once mbs are shut down entirely, the whole product number will skyrocket. When, I don't know, and couldn't give a good guess. But I'm quite confident it will. Because people will no longer need a place to set out a mb. And, for the most part, bugs notwithstanding, setting up a store on MP with the dd system isn't all that difficult for most people. It seems only a handful of us really have any sort of major issue that would make opening a store, or filling one, difficult. But if it helps your number count at all, my store went down by 65 items because I was too lazy to migrate them before the cut off, lol. They're all due for an update or seven anyway, Good thing I proof read this first...count should always have an o in it I really should get back down to business.
  19. It's rolling restarts day, expect that things may not go according to plan. Some people never have issues on these days. Some people have a crapload. Have you tried logging into a different sim? You may be trying to log back into a sim that's currently down. On your login screen, where it asks you the location, type in Pooley, or really you could try any number of sims, I just know Pooley is a relatively safe place. If you're able to log in without major issue(you may still experience issues here and there too), you'll have solved your problem. If you're not able, try restarting your pc and router/modem. Might just be a poor connection. Otherwise, just sit tight until the restarts are done, or at least have passed your sim.
  20. Are you staying on the same sim while trying all of this? If so, it's likely the sim. Try logging into a different sim at the login screen. I typically use Pooley for this purpose, but there really are a great many you could choose. I just had this exact same problem, and it lasted a couple days. It was the sim causing the problem. When I left the sim, the problem would stick around for a few minutes, but then eventually got better(aka, went back to normal). Returning to the sim, brought the problem right back. There was a point I couldn't even tp out of the sim even. It's not the first time I've encountered the same problem. Though it does seem pretty darn random. Had others on the sim not been having the same issue, I would have thought it was on my end. A clean install, restarting, unplugging your router, etc... won't help you one iota if the sim is acting up or needs restarted. If you can't restart the sim(if this is your home sim) you can always ask the land owner, or the lab to restart it.
  21. I don't think any one person ought to judge what is perfect, or not, when it comes to relationships. Let me re-phrase that a bit... I don't think any one person ought to get to decide what is perfect, or not, when it comes to the relationships of others. I am a strong believer that not everything needs to take years to fall into place. Sometimes it really does happen in the blink of an eye. And who am I to judge another on that? I met hubby online, though we were friends for a very long while before ever daring to take a step further..The feelings, however, were there from nearly the first meeting. Call it fate, call it destiny..call it crazy if you really want to. I love every second of it. Well...WE love every second of it. If going "faster" than some deem appropriate means I'm meant to be placed in a padded room, bring it on. Because I don't want to be anywhere else in life, to be honest. If my padded room comes with this amount of love, joy, warm tingly feelings, butterflies in my stomach, soft kisses whenever the mood strikes-even more when it doesn't, support, appreciation, complete and utter awe, cuddling for no apparent reason, movie nights in bed, tears of both joy and sadness with the added bonus of a shoulder to share them on, friendship, happiness impossible to measure.....and probably a million other things I can't possibly put into words(or will bore you all to death trying).....I will happily take my place in the padded room, with my hubby. Ecstacy doesn't even begin to describe it. I'll be the last person on this Earth to tell another they can't, they shouldn't, they ought not to seek that out in whatever way they deem appropriate for themselves. I wish everyone on this planet could find their one true love, soulmate..the one person they want to spend the rest of their living days...and then some, with. For some people it may take years, for some it may take months. Personally, I don't think the time allowed ought to be decided by outside parties If we all judged a wee bit less, the world might be a happier place. Or it might not..but it certainly wouldn't hurt to try.
  22. For some reason, this keeps popping into my head everytime I see the name of this thread... (and I would have to guess it's because I first read it as trouble, not trooble..)
  23. OceanIsGrey wrote: I know many of my friends in SL are more cautious of shopping on the MP now for the fact that LL won't do anything. I agree with a lot of what's been said, but I wanted to address this part right here. The MP is far from the worst place for stolen content. I have found far, far, far more stolen content inworld over the years than I have ever seen(or seen others point out) on Slex,Xtreet,Onrez and MP combined. If people are going to be wary of shopping, specifically because of stolen content, or in reaction to it(which can be a good thing), MP is not the palce I'd start shopping conservatively. Though, I would shop with caution there too, inworld is far worse and definitely worthy of extra precautions.
  24. Everything is cute..in its own way
  25. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: on a side note, i personally feel that a merchant should have to actually log in weekly to be able to sell things on the MP.. That way anyone that leaves SL wont still have a store up with no support, which would make people want to leave SL. It's a win win all around. That's a good point too, also one discussed before. The magicboxes, although not a perfect system, did indeed cause merchants to have at least enough dedication to sl that they put a box out-how much of course is debatable. It didn't eliminate the chance that some merchants just up and leave, for whatever reason. But it did provide something dd can't. That something is the possibility that their mb(s) would be returned if they didn't pay for the spot to put it out-assuming they paid for one of course. Dd elimnates the need for even that. Dd removes just one more tidbit of responsibility, not sure that's the best term for what I'm trying to say, but I'll go with it. So it's entirely likely, probable even, we'll see a lot more merchants up and disappear than we ever did with the mb system. Why? Because they'll be able to, with no risk of their store shutting down when their box gets returned. My opinion is that, even with dd a merchant should have to log in at some point, or at least do something to provide proof they're still here. Ll certanily can't make those merchants offer good, or any, customer service, but "checking in" as it were is a start. I disagree on the time frame though. Once a week could be problematic, in fact, I know it would be. Not all merchants are big merchants with staff. The ones who do have staff can usually compensate if the owner needs to be away from sl for more than a few days. Smaller merchants, or hobbyists, probably can't offer that same thing all the time. Me, for example. I'm a hobbyist, well for now I am. There have been times when I was unable to get online, much less into sl. Between having a kiddo in and out of the hospital, and being in and out of it myself..things can be difficult. When I am absent and I know it's going to happen, I can prepare. When I don't know, sometimes I can't. Also some people go for vacation for a week or more. They wouldn't be able to check in either. I don't think hobbyist merchants ought to be excluded from selling on the MP simply because that's how they choose to run their business. Those are the ones who would likely be harmed most by a mandatory weekly check-in. I think the more merchants sl has in general, the better. Whether they're big companies, small little hobbyists, or anything in between. So I don't particularly care for ideas that knock some of them out of the running, as it were.
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