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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. Standing around looking pretty whilst debating being a "big girl" and going to meet a new friend....cos people = scary!!!
  2. Nope mine weren't for sale because I don't feel like I am good enough to demand money for them. It was my first show and I take pictures for the fun of doing them...and for my blog. When I do pictures for friends, I only charge them however much it costs me to upload them, eg 1 pic - 10L, 3 pics - 30L etc.
  3. I have never had anyone IM me inworld about things I post here. They tend to send me messages here instead. Thank god for block!
  4. Might have been interested...if you didn't add then delete me after the first conversation 😂
  5. Interested...but applied for other positions with you before but never heard back...so I assume it would be a waste of time to apply for this one too,
  6. My SL looks the same as it does every day...standing on my empty sky pad looking pretty!
  7. Check out RealEvil Industries. Whilst its not exactly that design, there are hand bracelet type sets available.
  8. When I bother to leave my sky pad, I frequently get IMs along the lines of "wow great avi", to which I reply "thanks, she should be, I spend enough on her." Convos tend to peter out after that.
  9. I cringe when I see what I call synchronised skank dancing - scantily clad bimbos all on someone's chim dancing in a line in unison.
  10. Awesome fricken series! The original Aussie version that is.
  11. So I joined this certain site to make some new friends. One guy messages me and starts getting really weird. He gives me his name, demands that I message him, deactivates his profile, comes back, demands I IM him again, deactivates again...and does this several times. I stopped replying to him after the first couple of messages, and ended up blocking him cos he was giving serious "freak" vibes. Anyhoo...that was about a month or so ago. Tonight I go to the site's HQ in SL to purchase more of their messaging tokens, and apparently that guy was there and I get this IM calling me a very rude person. Took me a while to click it was him cos he was using a different ID than the one he gave me. He starts demanding I tell him why I stopped replying to him and then I get a C&P tirade that I suspect he has saved to send to women who reject him because it had absolutely nothing that could be in reference to me in it. So I am peeved because the wanker blocked me before I could point out all the inconsistencies in his tirade. He then IM'd me using a different ID to insult me again and let me know I can add him as a friend to talk to him cos he is set to only friends can IM him. He is now playing with the other morons on my blocked list.
  12. Check out the bikinis by Supernatural at the Cosmopolitan event. On phone so cannot link a picture.
  13. 1. Dunno. 2. I enjoy a good ole profile perving as much as the next person!
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