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Miller Thor

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Everything posted by Miller Thor

  1. I see less lack of planlessness or the intention to cause chaos, as is the case in the UK at the moment, but more the unwillingness to communicate with the paying customer. Unfortunately, this has always been a major weakness at Linden Labs. Just as it is obviously still not understood that the European customer paying for his regions also wants to be informed in a timely manner, and I understand by that in the morning, after European time. This allows you to easily plan your work in SL and take into account the restart time in the scheduling. Even if you just give out the information that nothing is happening, it is very valuable for people who are working on their regions, or who are planning to do so.
  2. To know if we maybe get an Update or get migrated to the Cloud is important for all Region owner.
  3. I took a closer look at the technical specifications of this device. Seen in this way, the "PC" cannot do more than a tablet. Well, the processor data etc. make you happy at first glance, but a maximum of 64GB hard disk capacity, and that only with a flash card show me that this device is intended purely for office work where the data is transmitted over the network, and there too saved again. Thus this silent "miracle device" is nothing more than a simple network workstation for e.g. Inquiry stations in a call center. For me it is almost a miracle that SL can be operated on this device for a long time without it slowly starting to overheat. I would definitely always have a fire extinguisher nearby in case this thing starts to overheat and burn down under the high load of SL ;-).
  4. This is an early autumn morning over the Austrian Dachstein massif in Gosau, recorded with the Firestorm public beta. I don't think the quality leaves much to be desired.
  5. As usual i would like to know what happens today on Main Chanel. If we get a rolling Restart or not and what will be the Content of that.
  6. Last but not least .................. Main chanel got the Version 2020-07-31T15:02:15.545966 https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/simulator/2020-07-31T15%3A02%3A15.545966.html .
  7. @Lillith Hapmouche I only went from the current standards for standard consumer PCs and the level is between 6 and 8GB graphics RAM as the standard. @Gabriele Graves I don't think so either since I tested a competitor to Firestorm that has flexible graphicram usage. The differences are significant depending on the region.
  8. Well ... this is the status from 8 years ago or even longer. And what about the present? In the meantime, 6 to 8GB of graphics ram are available and that at affordable prices. Firestorm should slowly consider doing justice to modern systems and flexibly approving the use of graphics instead of regulating them. We live in the year 2020 and not at a time when you still messed around with weak graphics cards and had to be happy to let Second Life run so halfway smoothly. Please wake up slowly and keep up with modern technologies instead of always paying attention to the outdated systems.
  9. We know something will happend on Main chanel today but not what we can await from the todays Rolling Restart.
  10. @Extrude Ragu and @Stevie Davros The quick run-through of the daily cycle can be done in the editing tool, see picture, with the marked button and the 2 more mouse clicks will not break your fingers 😉 .
  11. @Mazidox Linden Thank you for the information. In this way we can start the work we have planned in our regions that are on the main channel.
  12. An Information from Linden whether the 2nd problem see https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/rwnk7c5pjjlr also only affects the RC channel or the main channel too would also be helpful to plan our day.
  13. It looks like it is becoming a habit that regions are down indefinitely during the rolling restart. Gosau Dachstein West has been down for more than 1 1/2 hours now and it looks like the same thing happened as last week where our main region was 3 hours down. So I wonder for what there was an update a long time ago that rolling restarts should make it more pleasant and shorter for the customer. The region went down at 04:12:07 and now it is 05:40 and it is still not back. After 2 1/4 Hours the Region is back now.
  14. It took more than 3 Hours until one of our 2 Regions came back. Thats the worst rolling Restart i ever saw since nearly 10 years.
  15. These texts, which come in the black field, are standard texts that have been entered in the viewer since the beginning of SL and are imported depending on the situation. These messages do not come from the server but from the viewer. Sure, it is always easier to blame the user even if they don't have it, instead of simply saying "The region has a problem, please try logging in again and contact support if the error persists." etc. It is the American, but also the German mentality that you don't admit your mistakes, but pass them on to the customer. Actually a shame that should have been changed years ago.
  16. 2 Hipp and 1 Hurra ................... The Login is available again. From my point of view, it was acted in an acceptable time and the problem was solved. In about 1 hour, with such errors, there is an acceptable amount of time to repair the damage. Thanks to the Linden server admins for the fix.
  17. I can only agree with the two postings above. It is better to dig deeper into your wallet and buy a new PC according to current standards than to try upgrading this Stone Age calculator. That would just be wasted money. However, it is already admirable for me how you can still use this box for SL. The last time such a machine came under the fingers about 1.5 decades ago ............... or 2 decades. I dont remember 😉 .
  18. One can only hope that this time you are honest about July 4th and write in the grid status that the support is out of service because of the holiday, as the employees spend the holiday well deserved with their families. The fairy tale with the alleged maintenance work, such as we are told wanting to make people believe at Christmas is just unbelievable anyway. Nobody takes offense at you and you deserve it as well, just be honest with the information in the grid status and don't sell us an A as an O. With that, you only treat all those old users who know how the rabbit is going anyway. Have a nice and relaxing holiday to all of you.
  19. Please give us the Informations what will happens this Week so we can plan our Day and do our own Maitenance if needet.
  20. Like having Lunch break? It´s nearly noon at the UK so have a good appetite. 7/5000
  21. And hip hip hurra, it works again and we can login 😉 .
  22. My Wife and i also cant login right now. I wonder about that cause the Servermaintenance should start at 10am PDT.
  23. A little early, but better than too late. It was expected that the last RC version would go public. Thank you for the information.
  24. EEP bietet eine Unzahl an neuen Möglichkeiten wie z.B. reale 24 Stunden Tageszyklen und die Möglichkeit die für die Region passende Zeitzone einzustellen. Natürlich ist das mit einem Haufen Arbeit verbunden und man braucht nicht zu hoffen, daß einem die gebratenen Tauben wie im Schlaraffenland ins Maul fliegen, aber am Ende lohnt sichs wenn man dann das Resultat sieht. Klar, jetzt jammern noch die Meisten herum ach wie schlecht doch alles ist aber das haben sie bei Mesh, Pathfinding usw. auch gemacht und heut wills keiner mehr missen. Das ist eben die Mentalität "was der Bauer ned kennt frißt a ned", nur das wird sich im Lauf der Zeit geben. Firestorm ist bereits mit einer Nightly-version draussen und so wie ich das beurteilen kann siehts sehr gut aus und kann sobald dann auch noch "love me render" implementiert ist in den public Release. Warten wirs also ab, trinkn Kaffee und sehn was rauskommt bei dem ganzen.
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