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Suki Hirano

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Everything posted by Suki Hirano

  1. It's a mascot avatar, comes with a full body alpha to entirely erase the SL body. I assume some body parts have movements with the use of animation scripts. When you walk, the avatar will simply float. If it's really old, which it isn't (loco poco is a new branch by the guy who created the first mesh mermaid tails), it would use an "avatar shape crusher", which was absolutely terrible and never worked properly. What it did was basically remove the height limit of the SL avatar and reduced your shape to like -50 or something for small avatars.
  2. You don't look weird, you just look noobish, which is actually normal since most people in SL look noobish. That means noobish = normal.
  3. Learning how to become a snitch? Guess what? Unless you're some official from the video game company, no one's gonna care, and not only they're not gonna care you're gonna make enemies by becoming a snitch. I've reported countless accounts of illegal reselling and no one gives a damn, not even SL creators whose content got copybotted or whatever. If no one cares why should you care? It's like those snobs I see everywhere saying "if you see my content being copybotted, it's your duty to report it". Why the f*ck should I? If you make a leak I gotta wipe you? Everyone's taking everything for granted these days, unless you give people an incentive to do things or at least give appreciation to people voluntarily doing things for you then no one is gonna give a damn. Unless you're gonna have a heart attack or you're one of the designers of the video game, just drop it. By the way it's perfectly fine to post a link to the marketplace store you're talking about. Posting a link to marketplace is by no means breaking any rules. O_o The only things for some reason you can't post are IMs.
  4. I have a copy/mod/no trans sword and I want to edit its texture. So I rezzed it on the ground and tried to edit it, however it says "you can't modify this item", and all the parameters like texture/color/stretch/select individual prims are locked. When I try to take it back into the inventory the new copy suddenly becomes no copy/no mod/trans, completely reversed the permissions. This isn't the first time it happened, on around 3-4 occasions in the past it happened to other times. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to solve it? In the past it was solved with a simply relog, but this time a relog still didn't fix it.
  5. Since most, like 99%, of mesh content are all made from mesh kits now, what is the borderline difference between a pure repackaging and reselling the kit content and a "creation"? In other words what edits must you make in order to resell the mesh model under your own name and profit? I've seen some pretty borderline examples. For example, is a simple recolor (not retexture) considered enough editing to resell the model? See this: Compared to the original kit: It's clear the creator did not make any edits to the skirt other than a VERY minor recolor (in fact I think the color is 99% the same), and yes I've actually rezzed the skirt in-world to check the differences (I own both the mesh kit skirt and the resold one). So does this mean that I can spend 200L on a mesh kit, bring the texture into photoshop, spend 20 seconds adjusting the color balance, export the texture into SL, paste the texture onto the mesh model, then resell it? Have I been missing all these opportunities to make some quick cash by being overly "ethical" since I thought only complete re-textures count? What are your thoughts?
  6. I'm using the latest version Firestorm viewer.
  7. Nope it didn't fix it when I raised the number dramatically. I think it has something to do with the little yellow triangles. When I click on any of the triangles before it disappears, it opens a "script warnings" window, but there are no errors in the window, very weird.
  8. I'm having a problem rezzing certain mesh items. This only happens to very few items I have, most mesh displays correctly. For example I just got this mesh bike, when I try to rez it on the ground, it appears like this: As you can see the only parts that are rezzed is the little square plate thing in the front and the little wire at the back, the rest fails to mesh and when I right-click it, it only displays some messed-up wireframe. When not selecting it, the object is completely invisible except for the the two parts that are rezzed. These little triangle things also appear when rezzing, not sure what they are. This also happens with a mesh hair and mesh chair I have. I've tried increasing graphics quality to max, it doesn't solve it. Relog/clear cache doesn't solve it either. Does anyone know what's causing this?
  9. Ashasekayi Ra wrote: The creator of the mesh kits that you are referring to has been brought up before in another thread on this topic outside of the SL forums. Some people voiced the same concerns as you. I can only speak for myself not all creators in SL. That being said, I'm not surprised that the market is flooded with content made from those kits. Making a finished clothing product takes modeling, skinning and texturing knowledge. Many people can't master all of the skills needed to make a professional product. On that note, if a texture artists uses the kit to make an amazing handpainted texture, I think that adds considerable value to the product. At the end of the day, I think that there will be a group of people that search for original and unique products that are also willing to pay a higher price for them. Then, you will have the lower priced clothing made from kits that will appeal to another group of people. Now, on the subject of why there isn't more original and unique content, I can only say that I have a number of mesh outfits created. However, I'm really loathe to release them as long as the sizing issue exists. And, I have talked to other designers that are holding off on releasing mesh clothing until that issue is fixed. Once the mesh deformer is released, I think you will see a serious increase in original designs hitting the market. It's always nice to see original creations. I think as long as it has the standard sizing, specifically the sizes that everyone use (S, XS, XXS - honestly who uses size L and M? They're like gigantic) most people will be happy. I keep hearing about this deformer, what exactly is it? Is it just some new function that allows editing mesh size?
  10. #1 You need to try a demo of the mesh, if you didn't and find it didn't fit after buying, the creator will not refund you unless s/he is very nice. It's the same with no-mod sculpties. #2 You don't understand the concept of rigged mesh. (Rigged) mesh is basically a conformable sculpty, you cannot edit its shape in any way unless you export it into another modeling program just like sculpties (ie, you can't make edges smoother or make a 5-point star 6 points). With sculpties you can edit its size if it's mod, with rigged mesh you can't even edit its size because allowing size editing would totally mess up the anchoring to avatar bones. Therefore if you want to wear mesh, your body shape is determined by the mesh object. SL's mesh isn't advanced enough for auto-conformation (ie, mesh automatically conforms to your own body shape) as of now (not sure how the deformer works). Technically mesh doesn't affect your body shape, because you wear an alpha under it to totally "delete" your body and let the mesh "be your body". Due to the above, there's no way to edit the breast size of the mesh. Furthermore, mesh sizing is based on standard realistic human figures. If you do not fit into any of its sizes, it can only mean your own avatar is nonrealistic, ie hips too wide, breasts too large, legs too long, etc, it's not the mesh's fault. Creators cannot make their meshes accomodate everyone, that would mean they have to make 35823529350+ different mesh models. Also another tip, sizes in SL are more exaggerated than they appear in-game. For example a relatively flat breast in SL may well be an H-cup in RL, and not many people are H-cup in RL!
  11. Suki Hirano

    Mesh and kits

    Does anyone else notice that practically everything mesh now is made from a kit? Specifically a certain popular mesh designer's kits (I would like to name her store but don't know if I should)? Her kits are absolutely gorgeous, I myself have bought several, but does anyone else think that the loss in originality in creating your own models is pretty severe in SL right now? Indeed some of these re-textures are gorgeous, but most simply do a color change in photoshop and immediately resell it, sometimes at a higher price than the kit itself which I find absurd. The kit is only 200L, yet I've found tons of simple recolors being sold for like 300-400L per color, what's up with that? I was doing the "mesh around" hunt, and in tallying all 63 stores I've visited, I have perhaps seen 1 or 2 stores out of the 63 with mesh items that are completely original and not from a kit, it's severely limiting the number of mesh designs since everyone's selling the exact same things. It was similar with sculpty, but much less severe I think. I would think that with mesh people would get more original since it opens possibilities in many more softwares like maya and blender, but it's turning out to be not the case. Even though with these mesh kits it's impossible to change the creator names, people have found ways around it by linking the mesh model to a central prim so the object would have the reseller's name as the creator, then making the whole thing no modify so the customer can't inspect the mesh prim to see who created the mesh. Smart huh? Pretty low too. Thoughts? Or if you just downright don't care lol. I know lots of my friends would hope to see more variety in mesh. *shrugs*
  12. Thanks for your suggestion Isabelli, but I already saw that one. I don't really like the bland texture on it, and considering the kit is only 200L, selling one color of an item made from a kit for 210 is well not worth it in my opinion. As for first reply my first post already comes from marketplace, I think I have the common sense to check marketplace for it, thank you captain obvious. Looked around for a few more days and concluded the only quality non-kit ones are from Mon Tissu, guess their expensive price is justified. Already got a color though so I'll just wait for them to come out with more.
  13. I find openly using other people's photos and bashing them pathetic. To the OP and anyone thinking this look sucks, does it make your internet ego much bigger to vent how much better your look is compared to hers? "Oooh I look sooooo much better than this ugly girl with the sad lips and fish eyes". For your information that photo is a friend of mine, and I'm willing to bet all my L's that she looks tons better than most of you. I have one thing to say to you: if you don't like the look, no one cares, and no one cares if you don't buy stuff where the ads feature sad lips. That's the most pathetic threat I've ever seen, lol I'm sure creators are gonna go backrupt because a few people stop buying their stuff due to being allergic to downward lips.
  14. Yeah I read that thread, it seems to be for blender only. So SL rigging only supports Blender I suppose? Or at least I gotta import projects into Blender to rig.
  15. There seems to be a plugin for Blender 2.61 and previous that rigs the object for SL skeletons. Are there tutorials or other plugins that adds SL rigging for objects created or imported in other software? For example, Hexagon/Daz Studio/Poser. For example if I created a simple tube in Hexagon, then used Daz Studio to export it as a collada .dae, what steps do I need to take to rig it into SL skeleton so it conforms when worn?
  16. Thanks. I used my account and it was mostly the same inventory as my main grid one. Mesh isn't as expensive as I thought it would be, about the same as sculpty when you factor into the # of sculpty objects needed to make something.
  17. Masami Kuramoto wrote: ... ... The idea that SL requires high-end hardware to run properly is a myth. I've seen Linden Lab's viewer perform just fine on Ion-based "nettop" PCs running Linux two years ago. This sort of hardware is now available for about $150. If that is out of reach for you, then SL should be the least of your problems. No it's not a myth. It runs. Does it run smoothly, like more than 5fps? No. I can run SL with a computer made 10 years ago, hurray. It manages to reach maybe 1fps. Is that even remotely playable? No. The preceding statements make the assumption that your avatar is actually wearing something and doesn't remotely resemble anything like the default avatar which is acidic to the eyes. Any computer can handle a primless avatar, that's the most basic of basic 3D models. In order to run SL at any proper framerate you NEED a discrete card, or at the VERY LEAST Intel HD 3000 (not anything before it, like Intel HD 2000) integrated. GPU > CPU in the case of SL. An AMD C-3xx, one of the slowest processors commercially available today (excluding netbooks), will fare better than an Intel i5/i7 if it has a discrete graphics card. Yes I've done tests as I own an i5 with Intel HD and another with AMD-C3xx. Laptops with integrated cards can see mesh, but rigged mesh puts a very heavy burden on the performance, and is guaranteed to drop your fps even lower. As for if it's invisible or not, it doesn't matter. If your SL runs at 1-5fps you might as well just uninstall the client anyways.
  18. mtwtfss71 wrote: Suki Hirano wrote: Your ad isn't very appealing, due to the gown looking very outdated like it was from 2007 or something. Rarely anyone uses only flexi now, people need to learn to use sculpts/mesh in order to make stuff look realistic and good, then learn lighting to make the ad look appealing. Ummm... it's a vintage dress and looks exactly right for the period. It also looks like good quality to me. And don't kid yourself. Flexis and scultped prims are still way outselling mesh right now. It's slowly changing but it's far from there yet. Flexi =/= sculpt. Read my post again. It's common knowledge sculpt is the way to go right now, and if you're feeling advanced go for mesh. Find me any popular store right now that still uses mainly flexi and none or very little sculpts, I doubt you can find any. Anyways to OP, ignore my post if you want. But unless I'm mistaken your question asks if using a furry will hurt your sales, and I answered with my own response. How is that "nothing to do with the thread"? Also I'm one of those people who won't buy stuff that look like they were made in 2007, but I'm sure you can find others who will buy it.
  19. It turned out to be a bug with firestorm setting the avatar z-offset wrong, meaning the avatar is elevated. A relog fixed the problem.
  20. Can anyone recommend me some mesh denim shorts, same style as this? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/mon-tissu-Cuffed-Denim-Shorts-X-X-SXSSML-Destroyed-Wash/3436180 Length and texture should be similar to that one. I didn't want to buy more tones as that pair is kind of expensive. None of the unzipped or showing-butt styles please, dislike those. Thanks.
  21. Should I register a new account for Aditi? Or just use my account on main grid? They shouldn't be connected in any way right?
  22. The hair is from Damselfly. My friend has that hair. To be honest its styles are very old and outdated, still the prim+flexi hairs.
  23. Search "Utilizator" in-world. Best anime/scifi avatar mall in SL. Beautiful sim too, good for photos.
  24. Same issue, just posted about it yesterday. They need to make error messages clear. What error? What "server log"?
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