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Suki Hirano

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Everything posted by Suki Hirano

  1. Is there a way to update store location on marketplace for all my items? I updated the location in store info, but all the "see item in SL" links for individual items are still linked to my old place. There must be a way to automatically change the location for all items right?... I mean for people with several hundred or even thousands of items that would be impossible to change by hand.
  2. I'm having a really serious issue with SL. Whenever I change outfits, the clothing layers of the newer outfit simply won't show for other people (does show on my screen but textures load much slower than usual) unless I relog. I've already tried everything including rebaking and clearing cache. It's a really big problem and I'm scared to change outfits now since other people might see random prims dangling from my avatar's naked body (courtesy of screenshots from friends), really ridiculous. There's no problem with my internet connection. Oh and I'm using Phoenix viewer if that matters. Thanks. Edit: actually it refuses to show even after log off now. I've manually deleted the entire phoenix and second life cache folder, reinstalled phoenix, tp'd to a sandbox, took off and re-wore the outfit... they stil can't see it. What, the, hell, lol.
  3. Are you sure they're modifiable? It says on the marketplace link it's not modifiable. I think most popular stores have non-mod products, which is something I'll never understand anyways.
  4. Old one: Just realized I had "show color under cursor" enabled after taking photos. -_-';
  5. squashy Beeswing wrote: Coco have fedoras in their half price sale at the moment. They come in several colours including black. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/COCO%20DESIGNS/85/117/521 Thanks I already checked coco but they're not what I'm looking for. The hat Ellen wears isn't exactly a fedora, more like a thin-rimmed hat. Thanks everyone else but they're not what I'm looking for either. Not looking for cowboy hats or straw hats. And first post already mentions I checked Maitreya's ymre hair, the hairstyle is not what I'm looking for.
  6. Aoharu, Coco, Grasp = best clothing stores on SL. Last year I went bankrupt over Aoharu's sale, this year probably will happen again.
  7. I'm looking for a fedora-type hat, or more preferably a hat-hair like this (since it's almost impossible to wear hats without hair sticking out): http://uk.playstation.com/media/82278/1066%20x%20512%20advert.jpg http://thegaminator.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Ellen_Folklore_inpost01.jpg http://images.wikia.com/folkloregame/images/4/41/Ellen_Costume_Normal_screen.jpg http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080108000641/folkloregame/images/thumb/1/17/Ellen_Costume_Normal_artwork.jpg/127px-Ellen_Costume_Normal_artwork.jpg A black fedora-style thin rim hat, platinum blonde hair with a long back braided ponytail. It's Ellen from Folklore by the way. I've completed the look except for the hairstyle. I already looked at Maitreya, Truth, UW Studio, Argrace and Exile. Argrace had one that is similar however it comes with no permissions at all so I don't want to buy it. Maitreya has one called Ynme or something like it but the hairstyle different to what I'm looking for. Thanks.
  8. I bought this really cute doll, and I'm happy with everything except its hold pose. It's absolutely terrible, the creator is great at sculpty but must be terrible at animations. So I'm trying to create my own hold pose. Unfortunately, the doll is no mod (*sigh*), so i can't drag my own animation into it. So I was thinking about creating this invisible attachment that activates my own anim when worn. I was wondering what priority I should give this animation to make sure it overrides the hold pose, but not override my AO? I think only the shoulders, arms, and hands would be involved in the hold pose, so keeping everything else at (0,0,0) rotation would be fine right?
  9. Does anyone know where I can find an auto photo slideshow script that does not have to reload each time a picture is displayed? If it has to reload the texture each time it results in a grey "loading" texture every single time it slides. Is it in the scripting library somewhere? Thanks.
  10. Thanks but those options are for LL's viewer 2. I'm using Phoenix and there doesn't seem to be lots of the options like "select face" and "apply media".
  11. Does anyone know how I can display a youtube video on a prim? I want to create a flat panel that plays a youtube video when anyone clicks the prim. I'm not looking for a youtube search engine, it's simply one (or if a menu is possible 3-4) video. I checked Torley's video on how to link youtube videos but it was from like 3 years ago and I can't find that site he used to fetch mp4 URLs anymore. I'm using Phoenix viewer by the way. Thanks.
  12. Does anyone know how I can export my own animations from second life into bvh? I right click but the option to export is grayed out. O_o I uploaded this animation months ago but I can't seem to locate the file on my computer anymore, so I need to export this to edit. Thanks.
  13. Ah ok guess I'll wait a little while. Funny the viewer won't even load hmm...
  14. I already checked second life status site, but it doesn't mention anything going on right now. I was shopping, then suddenly disconnected (viewer didn't crash, but unable to move or do anything), and it gave a pop-up "region is experiencing difficulties", and logged me out. After that I was unable to re-log in, it keeps saying "despite our best efforts, something has gone wrong". After a few tries the viewer won't even start anymore, all it would say is "detecting hardware" - "initializing VFS", then nothing happens after that... There's nothing wrong with my connection as I'm using my computer to type on this forum now. Is anyone else experiencing trouble logging in?
  15. Hiya, posted this in the wrong forum so here is the post >_< I'm looking for a "hug legs" animation (one person kneels down and hugs the standing person's legs), non-static please. Standalone or the version that uses the "so-and-so invited you to a couple animation, choose 'yes' to accept" pop-up menu are both fine. Thanks. 
  16. Hiya, I'm looking for a "hug legs" animation (one person kneels down and hugs the standing person's legs), non-static please. Standalone or the version that uses the "so-and-so invited you to a couple animation, choose 'yes' to accept" pop-up menu are both fine. Thanks.
  17. I installed Jass2 plugin for Blender, and opened an existing blender project. I selected my objects then went to render -> bake sculpt mesh -> bake, but nothing happens, no errors or anything. The UV/image editor window remains an empty grid. Does anyone know how this plugin works? Thanks.
  18. Yeah that's a good idea, I forgot what the original topic was about. Thanks.
  19. Yeah no matter what I do the UV map window stays blank (alternates between an empty grid or a black palette, not sure how I switched between these two), not even an error message or so much as a second of loading... Guess I'll microscope in and see if there are problematic objects or something...
  20. Hmm having problem with the Jass 2 program... I opened a blender project and tried to export a sculptie map by going to Render -> bake sculpt mesh, like shown in the tutorial, but absolutely nothing happens O_o I tried selecting and deselecting my object and going into all sorts of modes, but the map preview window just stays either black or an empty grid... Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do before exporting a sculptmap? Thanks.
  21. Thanks Rolig. Kind of weird there is no link to download it, but they ask to "create" a download link with SL avatar.
  22. Oh that sucks... Well I'm just wondering what format does programs like Maya and 3DS use to export to SL? The only way to get any sculpty into SL is to export it as a png sculptmap I'm guessing?
  23. For a long time I thought SL supported stuff built or edited in Blender. So today I downloaded vanilla SL viewer but didn't find any function that can upload anything created in blender? No .obj support, no .dae support, only support is 2D image files. I was wondering if there is some plugin I have to install to SL to support uploading meshes? Thanks.
  24. Mairead Fitzgerald wrote: Try looking at Ingenue. At one time she had a very fun robe, head towel, cuccomber slices for the eys, etc. to simulate a nice spa day. I'll look there, thanks. Melita Magic wrote: Suki Hirano wrote: Thanks for suggestions, but I already did a thorough marketplace search and there wasn't anything good in there. I'm looking for very high quality stuff, not stuff that resembles clothing from freebie island. Most of the robes on marketplace doesn't even have a texture, just a blank white color with system shirt and system skirt, which is definitely not good enough, especially at a price like 590. I'd never recommend anything from freebie island or a blank white texture. Good luck in your search. No offence, but perhaps we just have a very different perception on the standards of quality, that's why I'm unable to find any bath towels of satisfactory quality on marketplace. White color with a prim sash, slapped on with a system skirt is not the fancy gift I'm looking for, as I can make that under an hour, or just go to freebie island. Thanks anyways for your help. SF's one met expectations somewhat so I'm waiting for a white color, which the creator is currently in the process in the creation.
  25. Thanks for suggestions, but I already did a thorough marketplace search and there wasn't anything good in there. I'm looking for very high quality stuff, not stuff that resembles clothing from freebie island. Most of the robes on marketplace doesn't even have a texture, just a blank white color with system shirt and system skirt, which is definitely not good enough, especially at a price like 590.
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