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Suki Hirano

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Everything posted by Suki Hirano

  1. I'm IMing the right guy. I've sent both notecards and IMs. It's a question about a hair I really like but I thought were missing some colors. If he's ignoring me because he thought the question "didn't deserve an answer", how is that remotely great customer service? Additionally around a year ago I asked him for help on finding a hair, he ignored me as well when he was online and did not have busy status. That's "great customer service"? Also this does not explain why he's ignoring my two friends who are also asking him about their own questions, through notecards and IMs. It doesn't matter if he's online or offline, none of us ever get the "inventory offer accepted" message let alone a reply. Anyways thanks for the responses everyone (lol gonna stop ranting). I've already lost interested in buying that hair. I can't think of anything else to say other than this is NOT the way to make customers happy. If you're busy, hire a CSR for like 100L an hour, that's like a penny to a popular designer like Truth.
  2. Does anyone know how to edit a facelight so that it only projects strictly in ONE direction (ie forward)? What I'm trying to do is only illuminate the face/hair and nowhere else on the body. All the facelights I have illuminate my chest more than the face no matter how much I rotate it or edit the light settings, I'm guessing it illuminates a spherical area around it and not a straight beam. Thanks.
  3. Anyone know the creator of Truth? Is he on vacation or something? Group has not chat function either. I've sent at least 10 IMs + notecards over the last period of 2 months about a purchase and still haven't got a reply, or even "inventory accepted" message, regardless if he's online or offline. My friend tried to contact him as well and haven't heard a reply in over 3 weeks. And same thing with even another friend. I like the hair but seriously what's going on? I'm scared to continue buying if he never responds to customer inquiries.
  4. Thanks rolig. Oddly changing the # per burst doesn't affect it that much, still the huge gaps. The rate of burst is already at 0, which I'm assuming is the fastest. It's not really the sim either, since I went to a completely empty sandbox and it still displays the huge gaps. I'm not wearing anything else that generates particles either. So I'm guessing it's just one of those SL bugs... these particle chains do look awesome in outfit ads though, so I'm to conclude they're photoshopped...
  5. I'm using the lockguard v2 script. I was wondering how I can change the density of the particle chain so that there's no large gaps? This is what I mean: As you can see the bottom is quite fine, the particles are close together, but at the top it's very loose and separated. My particle count in graphics is set to max so I don't think it has anything to do with that. These are the variables I see in the lockguard script: key kTextureDefault = "480d4a0f-d5be-96fd-e5d4-a43e239ea74b"; float fSizeXDefault = 0.05; float fSizeYDefault = 0.05; float fLifeDefault = 3.5; float fGravityDefault = 0.3; float fMinSpeedDefault = 0.005; // Not really used, life generally determines speed. float fMaxSpeedDefault = 0.005; // Not really used, life generally determines speed. float fRedDefault = 1; float fGreenDefault = 1; float fBlueDefault = 1; I tried changing "fLifeDefault", but that only makes the chain longer (and thus bent when the distance is not long enough), but does not increase particle density. Another related question is from this wiki page: http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=exchangeLockGuardSource It says on that page: "Note: if your LockGuard anchor is to be used on an attachement (cuffs, collars, belts, etc), then it is better to add PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK to nBitField in llLockGuardLink(): this will prevent the particles to trail behind the avatar when the latter moves..." I'm guessing this is the section of the code it's referring to: llLockGuardLink( integer fn_nRelinking ) { // // The simple secret of a particle chain revealed! :) // integer nBitField = PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK|PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK; llParticleSystem( [] ); if( fn_nRelinking == FALSE ) kTarget = llList2Key( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount ); if( fGravity == 0 ) nBitField = nBitField|PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK; Do I replace everything after nBitField (PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK|PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK), or add PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK to the end of the list? Thanks for your help.
  6. I'm looking for a simple script that chains any two worn attachments with a particle texture chain, the moment that both are worn. It's similar to the lockguard/lockmeister scripts, except instead of chaining to a rezzed object I want it to chain to another attachment. I'm pretty sure a script like this already exists since I have a few products that use them, but they're all no copy/no mod so I can't use them on my own creations. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great, or IM me in-world (or on forum) to discuss details (pricing and such) if you would like to write one for me. Thanks.
  7. I was wondering if there are any signs I can know if someone accidentally muted me. I've sent this shop owner notecard after notecard and IM after IM, he NEVER responds, even though he's online. There's no decline message for the notecards, but not accept messages either. He just completely ignores it. He's not afk, because a few minutes after sending him the notecards, he'll send a group announcement, which means he's here. Does this mean that he accidentally muted me (I say it's accidental because I'm a customer, there's no reason to mute me unless he likes muting random customers which is just stupid), or just being an ass?
  8. I'm looking for a good mesh mermaid tail. I've already tried the "FaceBecome" mermaid tail by Damien Fate, and I'm looking for another one. Marketplace didn't yield much relevant results (thanks to creators abusing keywords system), and searching "mermaid" in search engine leads to way too many results. The key things I'm looking for are how well it blends in with the skin at the waist and how good it is with human animations (hugs and sits mainly). It also must be mesh since, unfortunately, flexi/prim simply does not work to make the tail convincing and work with animations. Thanks.
  9. Hiya, I'm looking for a simple sculpted leash handle that looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/1HI3G.jpg (inserting image not working for some reason, so here is the link) It should look fairly similar to that picture and comes with black and white leather texture, and a little connecting hoop at the top for the leash chain/strip. Does anyone know where I can find something like this? The picture is from a collar for sale on marketplace, but I'm not interested in buying the whole collar set just for a leash. Or if anyone is interested in making something like this please let me know, it should be very simple by the looks of it.
  10. I'm going to make a few generalizations in this post so bear with me. Since the introduction of mesh, SL's hardware requirement went even higher than before, but not really surprising since SL has always been a game with terrible graphics and ridiculously high hardware requirement. My laptop is able to play games like Oblivion at med-high settings with no lag, yet it's not uncommon to get like 1-2 fps in SL in slightly laggy regions and not over 10 fps in other regions, despite setting SL to med-low graphics (everything minimum except object rendering and local lights). I know my laptop's not the greatest (Sony VAIO, i5 intel HD), yes I know it has that stupidly crappy intel HD chip, but with an i5 isn't it better than the "everyday" laptop that most people use? I mean I see most people still use the intel pentium nowadays, desktop or laptop. Another generalization is that isn't SL more aimed towards the non-gamer audience? ie Not the hardcore gamers with super great gaming computers (I'm pretty sure they'd be playing actual computer games)? Most of my friends in SL are the 20s, 30s, 40s, 9-5 working class, in other words adults who have no idea about gaming. With mesh, everyone needs to enable basic shaders, which is extremely taxing on the system and pretty much guaranteed to reduce fps for everyone, even though pretty much every other computer game had it for the last 6 years or so and is nowhere near as taxing on the system, no idea wtf is SL doing. So now SL has turned into a "hardcore" video game with extremely high hardware requirements? A 30-year old stay-at-home mom (just using this as example, please don't be offended if you are one) who usually uses an intel pentium that is perfectly fine for everyday work, will suddenly need to go to newegg and research about gaming computers, and possibly spend $2000 buying a gaming computer just to hang out in SL?? I don't think I'm exaggerating here, because my Sony VAIO i5, which is a pretty new model, certainly cannot handle mesh-SL at all, hell it can hardly handle non-mesh-SL above 10fps. I know people who has desktops that costs over $2000 with the latest graphics card who drop to 5fps in slightly laggy sims. So what're your thoughts on this? If mesh gets even more popular which I definitely see happening, then I guess everyone needs to buy a gaming computer, or quit SL?
  11. This perms thing on SL drives a lot of people paranoid. I've been annoyed at so many overprotective designers and their no copy/no mod/no trans crap. All clothing should be no copy/mod/trans when you first buy it, in case you want to return it. Then if you like it, there should be an option to permanently switch the permissions to copy/mod/no trans. Problem solved. Personally I don't really like no copy stuff on most things, I fiddle around with most of my attachments making sure they don't clip even a single pixel, and that requires a lot of editing. I don't edit no copy items for obvious reasons. As for the choice in color - most are just too lazy to make additional colors, or the full-perm texture pack they bought didn't come in additional colors. *rolleyes*
  12. I always use "add" for everything except hair, since I only wear one hair at a time. Including the attachment that just disappeared, I'm wearing a total of 36 attachments. I discovered that this always happens upon tping. Everything displays correctly if I just stay in the same sim, the moment I tp to another sim, one (seems to be random) of the 3 attachments on the same spot will be stuck - I can see it myself, but cannot detach it, while everyone else cannot see it or click it. I'm using latest version of Phoenix, 1.6.something. It might be a phoenix bug then... this bug is pretty much guaranteed to happen upon tp.
  13. I just found out that basic shaders are needed to see rigged mesh. No wonder I can't see them when worn, since mesh clothing technically becomes rigged when they're worn. This is still kind of weird as what does basic shaders have to do with adding skeleton anchors to a mesh? SL becomes so laggy with basic shaders =/
  14. I was wondering if 2 is the limit for attachments on the same spot? Every time I attach 3 things onto the same spot, the third attachment will become unremovable and other people cannot see it, but I can see it myself, then the attachment will become removable again upon relog. Anyone else experience this?
  15. SL = primitive technology + futuristic spec requirements. Your HD 3000 (that's what you're talkin about right? 2nd gen intel 3000?) is fine with most modern games, and its performance rivals most low-end discrete cards so theoretically you should expect no lag in a game like SL, it only lags because well SL terrible in the system optimization department. Mesh was out in other games like at least 5 years ago, and my laptop can run stuff like Oblivion at med-high settings with no lag. Took SL years to catch on in the graphics department, and sometimes even lags at min settings. I think SL was also designed for XP, that's why I also found it run slightly better on XP. Not a computer person so not sure what's causing it. Nothing really you can do other than playing SL on something with discrete graphics card.
  16. I would use vanilla LL viewer if it: - Has proper building precision (3 decimals is a joke when building small objects when sculpties are unnecessary) - Proper transparency - Double click teleport - Area search - Show viewing target (fun feature to know who's spying on you) - Preview animations when uploading (no idea why this was omitted) Last time I checked viewer 2, it didn't have those. I'm not sure which features were implemented by the newest vanilla viewer. Pretty satisfied with Phoenix and hovering between v1.5.x and v1.6.0 since 1.6 supports mesh but crashes a ton more often.
  17. I have this really weird problem with mesh. I'm using the latest Phoenix viewer so it supports mesh. Mesh will not render for a ridiculously long time if it's worn on any avatar including myself (a mesh avatar will not load for like half an hour, I've waited like 10min and only the head and tail are visible, rest of body is completely invisible), no matter how lag-free the region is. However, if I rez the mesh object on the ground, it will render normally within a few seconds. Does anyone know what might be causing this? =/
  18. Thanks Morgaine and Kwakkelde. I eventually edited the object properly after like 5 tries.
  19. Yes they're linked together. I'm just editing them the same way as I always edit items. Some prims "snap back" to their original positions kind of like lag.
  20. Whenever I try to move objects that has many small prims, only some of the prims get moved, others move at first but immediately snap back like some kind of lag. Then I have to manually select those prims and move them. This pretty much ruins my object since prims end up everywhere and I cannot manually rotate/move those prims every single time I move it, thankfully it's copy/mod. The object only has 60 prims, way below the limit. Some kind of server problem I'm assuming that doesn't register actions correctly? >_<
  21. Oracul has the best AOs in SL imo, or at least value-cost ratio. You can definitely find a serious/cool AO there. I have no idea why Vista is so popular even though it's like the most expensive AOs in SL, guess some people just follow the brand more than the actual content. I've seen some friends wear Vista and well, they just suck compared to other AOs. Mocap in SL is redundant imo since you're playing a game that has a framerate ceiling and terrible graphics, I used to play on ultra settings and quality non-mocap anims are just as good as mocap anims from akeyo or vista.
  22. You start getting lag after passing around 10k. It's not really noticeable on high-end machines and connections. I have 74k+ and I do have some lag and takes longer to log in, but I think most of the lag still comes from high-prim attachments and scripts. There is no limit to your inventory. Creators often have over 100k.
  23. SL has extremely distorted height. Most people in there are like over 2m tall, especially newbies, who think being 3m tall with huge boobs is "the way to go", when in RL it's more like 1.6m. So if you look shorter than other people around you, and isn't dressed in latex/nothing/oiled/tanned/other revealing clothing, some idiot will report you for not being sexy enough. Just ignore it, you're not going to be banned or suspended by the way you dress, nor does LL have time to care about these things.
  24. I just installed Firestorm and it's pretty much completely unusable for me. The textures on avatars (clothing and skin) as well as the weather (sky, clouds, etc) turn completely black when zooming in even on high graphics settings, but look fine if I zoom way out. I'm unable to start any group chats whatsoever even while standing on a completely empty sandbox, keeps having some "unable to initialize chat" error. As a cherry on top, sculpties do not display correctly at all even if I have objects setting set to max. I know Firestorm is still in beta, but are these symptoms normal? I mean it doesn't look even remotely usable at this point... I really hope they don't remove Phoenix from the grid.
  25. I was given the ability to eject/ban/freeze avatars on a sim, but this function does nothing when I use it, the avatar is still there after like 5 minutes. As seen in the below screenshot I do have those abilities in the group window. After clicking "eject" or "ban" nothing happens, all I get is a dialogue that says "[09:04] Moderation: Ejecting and banning avatar_name". The guy is still there... Does anyone know what's wrong? :/
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