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Suki Hirano

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Everything posted by Suki Hirano

  1. Atrillia Naire wrote: I agree with what has been said here but I also think that part of the issue is the lack of tutorials/resources made specifically for mesh CLOTHING. I've seen plenty of tutorials that start out with a furniture sculpt or accessory sculpt but very few that show how to make a basic clothing sculpt (such as a shirt, jacket or a pair of pants) that is compatible with SL. I'm sure there are resources available out there but finding them is a different story. Most of these things don't really go into detail when it comes to making the item itself (which I can also understand because then there's the risk of the creator "copying" the design) or are outdated. Even still, I know plenty of people who would like to learn how to make mesh clothing but are unsure where to start, especially when it comes to a program such as Blender (which is known for having a rather steep learning curve). Hopefully, things will change as more resources become available. Correct. There are hardly ANY tutorials for rigged mesh for SL. The only ones who are able to create rigged mesh clothing are the Maya/Blender experts who has previous experience and are probably junkies at Renderosity. I only know basic 3D model skills and I can create simple shapes, but I have no idea how to rig that onto the SL skeleton and I have found absolutely zero tutorials on mesh rigging. That and the "goddess of mesh kits" Meli Imako and we have the mesh wasteland that is now the SL marketplace.
  2. Anyone know where this top is from? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TRUTH-HAIR-Francesca-DEMO/1638906
  3. Xiija wrote: Here is a kind of example... if you make a root prim like a long plank like a 2x4..and put a 2nd prim child on top of it.(linked) ,.and put this in the root it will slide the child up & back along the root plank's length. float fTimer = 10.0; //how long to go the entire distanceinteger iSteps = 200; //how many steps to go from start to endinteger iLinknumber = 2; //link number of the moving primvector vAxis = <0.0,1.0,0.0>; //axis to move along. <1,0,0> is x-axis, <0,1,0> is y-axis, <0,0,1> is z-axisinteger iStep = 0; //control variable, don't changeinteger k;integer toggle;default{ state_entry() { //start timer // llSetTimerEvent((fTimer/iSteps)); } touch_start(integer num) { k = !k; if (k) { llSetTimerEvent((fTimer/iSteps)); llOwnerSay("on"); } else { llSetTimerEvent(0); llOwnerSay("off"); // llResetScript(); } } timer() { //remove un-changeable axis-parameters from scale vector vScale = llGetScale(); if (vAxis.x == 0.0) {vScale.x = 0;} if (vAxis.y == 0.0) {vScale.y = 0;} if (vAxis.z == 0.0) {vScale.z = 0;} if (iStep >= iSteps) { toggle = -1; } else if (iStep <= 0) { toggle = 1; } llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(iLinknumber, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL, (-vScale / 2.0) + (vScale / iSteps)*iStep]); iStep = iStep + toggle; //add 1 or -1 to step }} Thanks this works, however this seems to only work for 1 sliding prim, and any linked prim's height (usually z coordinate) is forced to be the same as the linked prim. I want the sliding prims (more than 1 prim) to hover above the central prim, and I can't find a way to do that as I'm not sure which variable you used controls the z coordinate of the child prims.
  4. Is it possible to slide an object between two coordinates smoothly without altering the speed? For example slide an object in a straight path between two points, 5 seconds to and 5 seconds back and looped repeatedly. Only script I found to be able to do this is puppeteer, but it's impossible to control the speed. I know llTargetOmega loops a rotation, can't the function for translation along a straight path.
  5. Is it possible to play youtube videos in SL? I see tons of expensive "media players" on marketplace, so I tried a couple of free ones, and they are absolutely useless because they are only clientside, in other words only I can see the videos, not anyone else beside me. Why would I log onto SL to watch youtube lol, there is something called a web browser that is 10x less laggy as SL. Whole point is to share videos with other people.
  6. I'm looking for the following two outfits: - Setsuka's (Soul Calibur 3 and 4) red revealing-style kimono, parasol, and geta Picture 1: http://www.fightersgeneration.com/characters3/setsuka-soul3art.jpg Picture 2: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/050/1/5/Soul_Calibur_3__Setsuka_by_kenken_abu.jpg Features: asymmetrical slit skirt, very low chest line to reveal breasts, waist ribbon, red with floral/dragon pattern, very wide flare sleeves, red paper/wooden parasol - Oriental ethnic minority robe with headwear: Picture 1: http://img04.taobaocdn.com/imgextra/i4/23794610/T2SmBoXiXbXXXXXXXX_!!23794610.jpg Picture 2: http://img02.taobaocdn.com/imgextra/i2/23794610/T2KndoXXRXXXXXXXXX_!!23794610.jpg Picture 3: http://img02.taobaocdn.com/imgextra/i2/23794610/T2n_doXbhXXXXXXXXX_!!23794610.jpg Picture 4: http://img02.taobaocdn.com/imgextra/i2/23794610/T2D98oXjlXXXXXXXXX_!!23794610.jpg Picture 5: http://img02.taobaocdn.com/imgextra/i2/23794610/T2ITXoXexXXXXXXXXX_!!23794610.jpg Features: floral onepiece pattern silk robe with black accents, wide flare sleeves, long skirt, feather fan, Chinese tiara with string drapes, beads, and fur I know Bare Rose might have a kimono like Setsuka's, but I haven't looked extensively. If you know one please let me know. Sculpted is fine for the kimono as long as it's very high quality (at least Bare Rose quality, clothing layer + reg/flexi prims is NOT ok). Mesh preferred. Mesh ONLY for the oriental robe. I really don't think sculpty will cut it. As for clothing layer... no seriously. Willing to buy custom order if similar things do not exist in SL. It needs to be extremely high quality, almost identical to the pictures. A game rip from Soul Calibur 3/4 is NOT fine and I will easily identify it, though I doubt it's even possible as the games are for PS3 not PC. Price is not a problem within reasonable limits. Please contact me if you're interested.
  7. There is no way to steal anything from you other than: - Consenting to allowing control of your $L account (affiliate vendors and split profit scripts usually) - Accidentally clicking "join" in group invite phishing scams (spam everyone with an invite to a group that costs X amount of $L to join then hope some sucker will click "join") Accepting an object but not wearing it is perfectly harmless. You can then rez it on the ground to see what it is. You never know if it's just some person being nice.
  8. Lol my ARW is 400k. I feel highly fashionable and proud, knowing that I've done my part in overworking LL's servers.
  9. SL is not an MMORPG, people actually sell real estate here. /discussion
  10. Shab Aelberts wrote: Good evening This is not a first time we get a complain from one of best creators on SL about not get selling of items on SL in world in some regions, because of lot of newbie's/ new avatars come and join in SL, and then they use marketplace as there stores even there membership are basic. And we lost lot of good tenants in our regions/ homesteads, because of there are no one visit shops in world like before, and they prefer always to buy items from marketplace for very cheap prices. And the reason is: Excessive use on marketplace and no more cost than a store in world. And therefore we see lot of tenants left there other shops in many regions on SL in world. We pay always for rental regions and homesteads, but we don't get any profits or returns of money back. Now I will take more serious for this situation we have at the moment. If it will still be continue with problem so we will lose our business and projects on SL in world, and therefore we want Linden Lab Support to find a solution for this issue. I hope also all people will join the discussion. Regards: Shab Aelberts Business man and founder of Future City. Translation: Some people who aren't talented enough to create good stuff that look like they were created in 2012/2013 and thus not have much sales, yet their ego still forces themselves to rent huge sims with huge shops for the false appearance of a very high class shop, are complaining that there are countless "indie" creators now who make much better stuff and sell them in e-shops for much more reasonable prices. In order to make these new talented creators look bad, we shall refer to them as "newbies with no premium subscriptions", they are the bad guys who are stealing profit that we delusionally think belongs to us, since we did rule the market in the no-online-marketplace days. Also for some reason SL citizens seems to have developed a tendency to enjoy convenience of shopping online, but we have no idea why this is the case. So Linden Lab, please kill all new instances of creativity and revert SL back to its primitive ways so customers are forced to shop in-world, and only restricted to shop in our old shops. Solution: technically it doesn't need one because it's one of the best things to happen to SL. All the people who are still stuck in their 2007-ish ways are driven out, all the new talent are pouring in, driving prices down. Seriously this is one of the funniest posts I've read in a while. Please go back to business 101 and learn the basics of the market kthnx.
  11. Did anyone manage to get Linden Realms working on firestorm? So I tp into the realm, the hud auto-attaches, and then I walk into the base camp workshop. The quest at the top of the hud that says "find the workshop at the base camp and walk into it" disappears, but nothing happens after that... I can still collect crystals, but there are no quests nor am I able to touch any of the objects at the end of each path like the creepy monster at the "whisper hollow' or the cannon at "dark moon bay". I'm not wearing any HUDs other than my AO.
  12. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Envious has boots that come as parts of outfits that are similar to what you describe. Much less than 700. Here is one example, you can see store or visit inworld if that's similar to what you are asking for. I don't think they come in mesh yet. Also, AlterEgo has very similar styles. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Envious-Dark-Soul/1915874 Thanks for suggestion. I checked both, neither has what I was looking for. Problem with most I've found is that they're just a bunch of prim rings stacked together, nowhere near quality enough, or are too short (legwarmer boots, stops at the calf). I'm looking for one that actually looks like a pair of baggy pants, except it's worn at the thigh, not the pelvis. Though I did find some keywords. I wasn't really sure what those "legwarmers" I was looking for was called, apparently it's called "boomers". Learned a new word.
  13. That dress is from a mesh kit btw, a very common one.
  14. Thought I'd separate this into a different thread as it has nothing to do with the previous item I was searching for. I'm looking for some very loose legwarmers w/boots like these: http://i.imgur.com/07Bl6.jpg But cheaper, as I'm having a hard time justifying the 799L price tag. I'm pretty sure the neko/grungey urban people here are familiar with clothing like this. It must goes up to the thigh, is very loose like in the picture, and includes some stomper-like boots. Mesh is preferred, but sculpty is fine too. No prim stuff please, those look so 2007. I did search marketplace but didn't find anything. Stuff like these are good, but not what I'm looking for as they're not loose enough, not wrinkley enough, and don't include boots: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SK-Buckled-SkinBinders-SIZING-DEMOS-Mesh-Legwarmers/3143192 Matching armwarmers would be great but that is entirely optional. Thanks for suggestions.
  15. I'm looking for a very cute drow skin. It doesn't have to fit the "hardcore" definition of a drow, basically any dark grey skin will do, dark elf, night elf, whatever one can call it. I've searched for a long time already, those demon skins from places like Violet Studio, Fallen, or pretty much any hardcore succubus/demon places don't really fit the definition of "cute", rather they look evil and sometimes slutty. Skins from stores like Mother Goose, Jomo, Tokyo Girl, Modish and maybe Al Vulo (some skins) are what I consider cute. I did find a cute skin from Mirror's Enigma (Vanity ebony skin - drow), however it is not monochrome enough, it has an odd reddish brown tone to it that makes it look weird. Thanks for suggestions.
  16. These are what is considered acceptible for high quality items. Stuff that looks like they were made in 2007 (non sculpt/mesh hairs and jackets, non sculpt/mesh structures with no baked textures, etc) excluded. Stuff made from templates/kits are also excluded because they're worth much less since everyone is retexturing these. Jacket (mesh or high quality sculpt): 250-400L Top: too much variation in style. Something like a long-sleeve shirt for maybe 100-250L Jeans/pants: cheapest I've seen with quality that matches above criteria is 50L. Most expensive (1 bad pixel shop) I've seen is 400L Non-formal dress: 150-350L Formal dress like a gown: if it's cloth layer + sculpt, then around 500L. If it's 100% rigged mesh original, then not over 800L Heels/sandals/boots: 150-500L. Vary greatly. Generally HoC has the cheapest high quality footwear, if it doesn't have what you want then look elsewhere. Note HoC has the only rigged mesh thigh boots that is not ridiculously priced in SL. 195L for a fatpack of 16 colors, original mesh creation. You cannot possibly get a better deal than this, period. Most places sell a single color for like 600L.
  17. There should be a ToS about certain shops REPEATEDLY sending out the same advertisement for their crap. I think the record was like receiving 5 notices in a row on the exact same advertisement. Consolidation fashion groups should really upgrade their entry requirements. It's almost always the really crappy shops repeatedly spamming notices. High quality shops have no need to even join these consolidation groups let alone spam advertisements.
  18. Buy crappy clothing + apply for model + get rejected + owner earns a profit from forcing you to buy clothes to apply = common scam, very old too as I've fell for it once as well. It's common sense, even in RL, models do not pay for the clothing they wear to model. Lol if models can actually afford to buy the clothing they wear to model on their tiny salaries, they wouldn't be models. If ANY shop forces people to buy their crap before submitting an application, or spell an easy word like "guarantee" wrong, it's a scam.
  19. SL is for 18+ only correct? I believe this is in the ToS? I always found it weird that child avatars are allowed everywhere, but nudity is only restricted to adult sims. Ok take a step back not even nudity, some people are uncomfortable even around partial nudity, which makes me laugh and also feel sorry for them. In RL it's not allowed because most shops are open to kids, and it's not good for kids to see nudity or partial nudity. In SL, if you bypass the age restriction and you see some nudity then get some nightmares and had your sex life ruined... well tough luck that's your problem. Adults with a weird fetish for dressing up as diaper-wearing babies and speaking in fragmented sentences composed of "wah" and "bah" and uncomfortable when too much stomach or legs is revealed, lol. Personally I'm more freaked out by child avatars than bondage sluts, a 2-feet tall avatar with an ugly distorted adult face (SL face creation restrictions) with webbed feet and hands and the knowledge that probably a 60-yr old is controlling said avatar. So today I was doing some shopping while dressed up as a faun. As lots of people know fantasy creatures (demons, fauns, mermaids and the like) almost always have a tendency to wear more revealing clothes, mostly because succubus + a frilly dress just doesn't go together. Then some idiot IMed me that she was going to report me (to LL or the store owner I'm not sure) for "being too revealing", because "some children here may be disturbed by my revealing attire". This is like one of the stupidest things I've ever heard, not that LL or the shop owner's gonna do anything obviously, but mostly because someone can be this thick on Christmas morning. It's the same in the video game industry, where it's perfectly fine, and absolutely encouraged (apparently it's what kids like these days) to cut people's heads off then mutilate their bodies and eat the body parts, but it's definitely a big NONONONONO if 1/1000000th of a nipple is shown in some cutscene. People seriously need to get their priorities rearranged. /rant
  20. Yeah it's phishing, and I thought LL might care about these matters. Or I might be too optimistic.
  21. I think this just started happening in the recent months, I've been spammed with lots of group solicitations for dummy groups that costs $L to join. I get hundreds of notices each day, and I'm sure countless people in SL are in the same boat. It's entirely possible that I might accidentally click "join" instead of "decline" when going through the stack of notices at the upper right corner. Why are people even allowed to spam others group solicitations when the group is not free? It should be a given that if there is a group join fee, then people will join when they want to, not by tricking them with solicitations and hoping that they accidentally click "join". In case I'm not clear, say I created a group, then I set the join fee to 9999L, I could simply go to crowded sims then spam everyone with a group invite and hope someone will fall for it, essentially stealing money. It's appalling even shops are doing this now, I've visited countless shops where I automatically get spammed an invite to a group that costs money to join upon landing. So I'm suggesting to either: 1. Disable group solicitation altogether for any group that isn't free to join or 2. Make a very visible confirmation window when joining groups through invite windows (yes there is already a confirmation window for payment when joining through the group's profile page)
  22. Does anyone know if it's possible to erase the ears on the SL avatar, but not use the alpha since it creates a hole? Alphas are great for equipping mesh ears or preventing ears from sticking out of certain hairs, but it doesn't work for hairs that don't cover the ears in the first place, or for when I want to attach elf ears that doesn't cover up the entire ear. If this is not possible any tricks on creating the smallest hole possible with alphas? My ear size is set to 0 on every value.
  23. Moneiba wrote: The hair from TRUTH is called Lori :matte-motes-bashful: Thank you, found it.
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