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Suki Hirano

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Everything posted by Suki Hirano

  1. Thanks Jacki I saw that one on marketplace earlier as well. I didn't really find much good ones on marketplace, so I was wondering if anyone knows any in-world ones.
  2. Thanks Jacki, that one looks great. It only comes in dark colors though (weird?). I hope they have a white one in-world.
  3. Hello, can anyone tell me where I can find a set of white (or any very light color, translucent works too lol) bathrobe/towel wrap? Not the ugly system skirt type please, preferably sculpted, and waist-wrap type (that covers the breasts, waist, and underthere, but not too long that it covers the legs). Thanks. This is exactly what I'm looking for: http://www.websbook.com/sc/upimg/allimg/080809/sc_websbook_com_2298701.jpg
  4. This is the reason why I always hesitate to buy ANYTHING from the marketplace. So many irresponsible dolts in that place either completely inactive in SL (Linden hoggers) or sell falsely advertised things. I just bought a pair of boots yesterday that were advertised as copy/mod, but when I received it it's no mod, and contains no resize script either, like wtf? Do people actually check the things they sell before they put it in that damn magic box? And of course, no response whatsoever after contact. I'd recommend checking the seller's profile before buying stuff. It's possible to get a general idea how active they are in SL from the groups they're in, last login time, how much information they put into their profile, etc. I posted a similar question in the forum before about whether or not the LL actually does anything about this as I was in the same situation as you before (not receiving the item purchased), and the answer was no they don't give a f**cking damn about how much L$ you lose, the only thing they care about is how much L$ you're gonna buy from them after losing your money. It's a game, so if it was me I'd never spend anything significant on any one item (over a few thousand). Anyone could simply sell something gorgeous for 10k on marketplace and give you an empty box, and claim "it never delivered", and LL wouldn't give a damn about it.
  5. Why in the world would you disable all permissions? O_o If you don't want people to transfer your beta, how about just no modify no transfer? There's no way to make a single object no copy no mod no trans, because there simply isn't any reason to do this. Only way you can get an object to display no copy no mod no trans is if it has stuff inside it that has different disabled permissions. But anyone can simply delete those objects and change the permission back.
  6. Thanks everyone I managed to finish the script. I was wondering if it's possible to have the object displayed in one location, for multiple pictures? In other words link all rezzers to one rezzing location, and limit it so that only one model can be rezzed at a time. (sorry English not my first language, don't know how to describe it lol). [A] [C] [D] [E] _____[ X ]______ A to E are items that are clickable, when clicked I want all their models to rez at X. It is almost exactly like the vendor that home/building creators use at their rezzing sims. Click a picture, and a house rezzes, click another picture, and the first house disappears and a second house rezzes. Thanks.
  7. Thanks, I got the rezzing part done, but how do you use the lldie() function? I don't want it to disappear in just one second, but after like a minute or so. And not sure how to use the temp rez function, the wiki page didn't really explain how to use it. And is there any way to limit so that only one model can be rezzed at a time? Multiple clicks results in multiple stacked rezzed objects at this point.
  8. Does anyone know how to, or can refer me to where I can get info on, script an object so that when it's clicked, it temporarily rezzes an object on another prim? It's mostly used for displaying objects but don't want to crowd the sim with prims. For example I have a wall of pictures, if someone clicks any picture it will rez a model on a display prim in the front. All the pictures on the wall should link to this single display prim. I was trying to tamper with the sculpty browser script as it's essentially the same idea but gave up as it has too many differences lol.
  9. Is there a tutorial on how to create eyeliners or cheek makeup somewhere? I wasn't able to find anything after a google search, as all results were about how to create skins and I'm not aiming for that (don't have too much time to spend in Photoshop). I just want to create some custom eyeliners and cheek tones for my skin as I'm ok with drawing stuff with a brush in Photoshop, but not really familiar with the technicalities of SL. Thanks.
  10. In her profile it simply says she is the one to talk to about customer service. And very limited info on customer service for that matter lol. Should I even bother sending a ticket? It's over 3 months so I don't have the transaction history anymore. It wasn't anything expensive, and I'm not even sure if Lindens are even responsible for stuff like this (don't remember the last time I received any help from Lindens actually...).
  11. I only received around 1/2 of the items in this dress I bought due to lag or something. I repeatedly submitted notecards and IMs to the creator but she is either ignoring me, never online, or not receiving IMs/notecards. It's been like over 3 months now. Should I submit a complaint ticket or is there something else I should try beforehand? There's no redelivery terminal at the store, and don't want to name the store and creator name in case that's against rules or whatever. Thanks.
  12. Medhue Simoni wrote: If you ask me, I'd break my pc before I did all that in Poser, lol. What I would do is save the bvh in poser, then open it in SLat and edit it there. Yeah, it is possible in poser, and maybe I'm just not comfortable with poser. For SL, the only thing I use poser for, is converting skeletons. Really tho, I only do that for converting my SL bvh files to other skeletons for other platforms. My mocap system allows me to import any bvh, so I generally use the SL bvh files to start with and edit with. SLat is just a super fast editor to use. If I could edit the skeletons in SLat, then I would never use Poser.... probably. So SLat is capable of doing the coordinates shifting like I mentioned? I did a search and didn't find any results for this SLat, is it a program in SL or a standalone software?
  13. Thanks! It turns out I had inverse kinematics enabled, and had parameters hidden. Is it possible to reset or change the coordinates of an entire animation? For example these circumstances: - If the avatar is off-center by let's say 20 coordinates for all 200 frames of the animation, I'd like to reset all frames back to (0, 0, 0) Or - If the avatar is off-center by 20 coordinates at frame 2, then the (x, y, z) coordinates change to various numbers during the animation (for instance, if the avatar does backflips, both x and z coordinates will change), I'd like to add (20, 0, 20) to every single frame, thus keeping the animation exactly the way it was but simply moving the avatar forward by 20 and elevating her by 20
  14. Does anyone know how I can set or see the position coordinates of the figure in Poser 7, like the X, Y, Z coordinates? For example if I want to shift the avatar around 20 coordinates left at the start of the pose, or if I want to move the avatar 20 coordinates underground, or if I simply want to reset the position to 0, 0, 0? I can't seem to find where I can see the coordinates. Thanks.
  15. I was wondering if it's possible to script an object so that when someone (not the owner of the object) touches, it displays a message inworld for the person who touched it, and then sends a specified avatar an IM? For exampe I have this bell that's placed on the ground, when someone touches I want it to say "Jane Doe rang the bell" in world chat, and then John Smith will receive an IM saying "Jane Doe rang the bell". Thanks.
  16. Thank you for your help Medhue. May I IM you inworld for questions about poser?
  17. Thanks Medhue and DMom2K. Now I understand the ideology behind the overriding priorities. Yes sometimes shoulderbags and holding animations would keep the bottom half of the body untouched. So you mean if I want everything to be overriden, for the immediate frame after the T-pose, I need to change the rotation of every single body part by at least 1, or only the major joints? Like if I rotate the thighs by 1, do I still need to rotate the legs and feet by 1?
  18. Ah I meant in manage inventory there is a highlighted row of my deleted item that won't go away, and I can't sync back that item either. I managed to get my item listed again by editing the item name in the magic box, and deleting the original item, otherwise refreshing won't work. Thanks everyone for the help. =]
  19. Argus Collingwood wrote: Suki Hirano wrote: Does anyone know what "flagged for Item Not As Advertised Incorrect Listing Category" means, excluding the incoherent grammar? I have a shoji screen, listed under furniture, and it got flagged and removed for that. So I switched it to furniture -> living room furniture, and once again it got removed for that. I also have a small water fountain, listed under outdoor furniture, and it also got flagged and removed for that. Does anyone know what's going on here, because I can't figure out what other category would these belong in. Thanks. The screen looks like it should be listed like this: General maturity level: Home and Garden » Decor » Dressing and Privacy Screens Oh wow didn't know the categories were that detailed. Thanks I'll change it then... now if I could just figure out how to remove that annoying "Removed under our Marketplace Listing Guidelines for Item Not As Advertised-Incorrect Listing Category" row in manage inventory... doesn't seem to go away even with syncs.
  20. Argus Collingwood wrote: Suki Hirano wrote: Claireschen Hesten wrote: i reckon one of your competitors is deliberately flagging your items the more similar items they flag knowing they automatically get unlisted the more sales they will get because of it i don't think your items have ben flagged for a genuine reason Wow items can get taken off just because some random user flags it, without any Lindens approval? So that means I can just go around the marketplace flagging items I don't like? =O I hope you're joking @@ Edit: just checked, not only did my item get unlisted it actually got removed, so I have to type all the description again and sync it. What in the world...?? I think you need to put the fountain here: Category: All categories Home and GardenFountains Ah thanks didn't see that category. But honestly I think most people will see little different between outdoor furniture and home and garden... ._.'; Is "furniture" the wrong category for the shoji screen though?
  21. Claireschen Hesten wrote: i reckon one of your competitors is deliberately flagging your items the more similar items they flag knowing they automatically get unlisted the more sales they will get because of it i don't think your items have ben flagged for a genuine reason Wow items can get taken off just because some random user flags it, without any Lindens approval? So that means I can just go around the marketplace flagging items I don't like? =O I hope you're joking @@ Edit: just checked, not only did my item get unlisted it actually got removed, so I have to type all the description again and sync it. What in the world...??
  22. Does anyone know what "flagged for Item Not As Advertised Incorrect Listing Category" means, excluding the incoherent grammar? I have a shoji screen, listed under furniture, and it got flagged and removed for that. So I switched it to furniture -> living room furniture, and once again it got removed for that. I also have a small water fountain, listed under outdoor furniture, and it also got flagged and removed for that. Does anyone know what's going on here, because I can't figure out what other category would these belong in. Thanks.
  23. I created a few animated stands in Qavimator, and everything appears normal in the program. However when I preview it in SL, it is extremely odd. Most parts would be correct, however the stupidly annoying SL default stand pose (the one that makes you look like a completel moron) would actually override my stand no matter what priority I give it, 2, 3, or 4. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around, that any animation would override the default SL pose? For example, in the animated stand I created, my character's right leg is unmoved from its default position while her left leg fidgets around like she is nervous; the torso would occasionally rotate a bit. However when played in SL, her legs are at times slanted (since one of the default SL poses has slanted legs), her torso and head turns around whenever I move my mouse (just like the default pose), making the pose look completely glitched. I'll send a copy of the animation if needed to see how it looks like. Thanks in advance! I have this problem with most things I create in Qavimator, with the exception of animated groundsits. It seems that anything that has to do with standing, or static groundsits, will be affected by the default SL pose.
  24. Ah well I don't have poser on this laptop either lol, and it's relatively expensive. Are there any other programs that does the simple conversion? No need to edit as I can just edit in Qavimator. I heard this program called BVHacker. I tried it but it doesn't work... either BVHacker crashes when trying to convert the .bvh into SL skeleton, or it finishes converting but still crashes when I load it in Qavimator. The bad thing about BVHacker is that there's like no help forum, or even any contact information. The only thing I found was this google group for BVHacker, and I can't post anything unless I'm accepted into that group.
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