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Ziggy Starsmith

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Everything posted by Ziggy Starsmith

  1. It is just houseboats people, you will get one just keep trying instead of ranting.
  2. If released tomorrow May 15th it is one month to the day of the release of the first homes. Maybe it will be new releases every month on the 15th.
  3. It is the second coming of Patch Linden ready to deliver the new homes lol
  4. Actually it is a hard core prison for all the whining people 😉 to replace the corn field, so you all better be nice!
  5. I used my alt to experiment with home swapping and I got 2 houses within 30 min. The 2nd house is right on a river and I am keeping it 🙂 My other permanent house is a houseboat which I got on Day 1 Hour 1 on the East Coast. It can be done if you have patience.
  6. I bet the 2nd batch of houseboats get released TODAY! 😉
  7. You already have that in Second Norway and it lagged the sim and made a once vibrant community a ghost town other than planes.
  8. My bet is Monday around noon the new houses will be unleashed.
  9. Not sure if this is possible but going off in another direction, I think it would be cool to have a sea monster or Loch Nes Monster that swims around the entire region underwater and once in a while pops it's head out for a rare glimpse that legends are made of and cause people to note dates and sightings. Watch partys etc. Just a little laugh idea. lol
  10. Some of you people need to calm down with the demands. It is not finished and these things take time. The alternative is get out, we're closed until completely finished. Jeesh. The Moles and Lindens are doing a fantastic job.
  11. I took a Sunday morning balloon tour and encountered 0 security orbs even at 60 m up.
  12. Ohhh I see my boathouse. You are right near me. Thought your name looked familiar from my radar 😉
  13. Bet there are more homes in a week.
  14. If your inside your home and someone reports you nothing is done. One of the Lindens already addressed this in one of the posts. They cam into your private space then it is their risk of seeing a huge, sexy cartoon wing ding 😉 lol From Abnor Mole:" I'm guessing you are referring to what happens if you have the parcel set so people can't see you from outside the parcel but also can't block anyone and everyone from entering. If you've made every reasonable effort to abide by the "behind closed doors" rule they can't really complain if they walk into your property and happen to see something "shocking" in the process can they? Well, they *can* complain, but ARs like that would probably end up in the circular file I'd imagine. "
  15. I have to laugh at the insecurity of being looked at in Second Life in our homes. I remember the days when there was no option to be invisible inside your sim. We spend small fortunes for hair and mesh bodies and Catwa heads so we can look fabulous yet when someone does look at us, we go insane and want to ban everybody. If someone needs to see us doing the nasty so bad, who cares! It is a pixel cartoon character playing dressup and house in a virtual world. People need to loosen their uptights! When we TP to a crowded place we are totally naked until we rezz so everyone seen it all and noone cares!
  16. No airports please! No retail. Second Norway was once a bustling community with quaint, little houses and a community and when they brought in that big airport it sure may have drawn in pilots etc but the lag was horrific and killed the quaint community. One marina would be cool with rezz zones but no airports please! Second Norway has since become a ghost town to it's former vibrant community.
  17. I agree 100%. Such a vibrant, bustling place right now like SL 2007. Hope it stays this way. I have already met and friended a few neighbours and a totally different mindset than secluded private sims or vacant, ghost town mainlands.
  18. It's all in fun it sounds like and hilarious. If it gets too out of hand and rude or mean, freeze, eject and ban, goodbye. I imagine we will soon see more of Esteban Winsmore, Britbong and Lavender Storydell or whatever their names are making visits and great funny videos!
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