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Ziggy Starsmith

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Everything posted by Ziggy Starsmith

  1. I have tried for years with no luck. People just don't care anymore. It used to be a great community in Second Norway but that died right off to ghost town status. I am lucky enough to have found a wonderful spot on Mainland with nothing ugly for miles around but again, noone around and a ghost town.
  2. Lower the house until the bed is in position then terraform the ground away and put in a moat with a drawbridge! I did this to a whole sim with hilarious results from the other residents! ;-)
  3. Yes but best do it as a group and then you can even buy a few extra small plots for extra prims if it is on the same sim. When you buy the land buy it for group.
  4. I bet the new Linden homes become available on Halloween so we can access and trick or treat ;-)
  5. If the picture of sexy Patch is teasing a sneak of the new Linden Homes than I am too excited. I can't wait....Patch needs to help me move my furniture in of coarse ;-)
  6. Tell me how it started. Think back, think waaaaaayy baaaaack.....
  7. Oh God no, just a droplet almost undetectable yet somewhat satisfying.
  8. I am so excited that it could be new Linden homes that I wet myself just a tad...just a tad!
  9. Just block them or ignore them until they get bored and move on.
  10. Try Second Norway. All public waters and docks allow rezzing and it connects to Blake Sea with hours of sailing without ban lines etc.
  11. Green, Flat, Protected, Roadside 1024 parcel for sale $2000 L and 351 prims Next to Linden Roadway Rezz Zone http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Limtessa/168/249/60
  12. In actual untrue fact, the star was the original shape of a prim. It became modified years later when Sir Patch Linden the 2nd proclaimed "It all starts with a cube".
  13. Sir Alfred Archibald Linden actually conducted a study in 1872 and discovered that in fact that the SL world is mesh combined with mega prim and the sun being much older was standard prim. When pathfinding and windlight were introduced it changed the dynamics completely. Now due to climate change, the sun is now Catwa Bento. In 1969 Sir Patch Linden Sr quoted "The Sun Is Closer Than You Think"!
  14. indeed within the past week for sure!
  15. Oh yes indeed, game rooms, movie nights and all the drugs you can handle lol. We watch every day for the tourist bus, and the driver would say that's where lunatics stay and we wondered if he was talking about us?
  16. Green, Flat, Protected, Roadside 1024 parcel for sale $4000 L and 351 prims Next to Linden Roadway Rezz Zone http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Limtessa/168/249/60
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