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Evangeline Arcadia

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Everything posted by Evangeline Arcadia

  1. Can you share the link to that interview please (or was it in chat?) If that's the case then so far we know two things for sure: - The theme will be related to 'Hidden Worlds' - The homes will have 'Unique Capabilities' (recent patch interview on SL Youtube) So bets are now open as to what the homes will look like!😁 My first thoughts are some kind of fantasy, like LOTR hobbit homes, as that wouldn't be too dissimilar from the first gen Elderglen homes. Or tree houses even (as you can't see them easily from the ground). Maybe somethng like this? (but less old and rickity looking lol): The SL18B logo certainly has a fantasy, not modern, feel to it. But I can't help thinking that basic structure will not be too far removed from what we've seen to date. A tree house like this would fit that.
  2. I think it's a community center. I love the name:) I imagine it will be a popular hangout spot.
  3. Thanks for this. The map is a real PITA, can't wait till it's fixed. This must be what Patch refered to in the recent interview (Home & Garden Expo) about continents being almost connected.
  4. Me too! I'm not going too wild with my guesses though - from what we've seen to date all the themes seem to be based on styles that can be seen somewhere in the USA (even the chalets) , so I think they'll be more 'real worldy' than say fantasy. But I've been crap at guessing themes so far lol, so I could be wrong. As for the 'unique capabilities' - wow, yes that sounds interesting. The thing that would interest me most would be the ability to rotate the home, (in similar way to the logs but with more rotations). That would be awesome. I can't imagine what it could be . Maybe more decor customisation in some way? Or maybe open plan with add on walls so you can divide up the space (this was suggested somewhere in the past amongst the threads)? For me, a rotatable home, with a Stilt theme feel - oh that would blow my socks off!😄
  5. And for the chalet watchers Patch says they will probably be released in a couple of weeks [@12:50]
  6. Lots of campers placed along the east coast of Log land - whoever gets these will have a lovely view over the water... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE1119/49/74/51
  7. There's a lot of Stilt home development going on - I spied this lovely neighbourhood on the north log land coast. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE1104/141/188/23
  8. I don't see it's anyone else's business how you look or dress. I'm sure they wouldn't go up to someone in the street and comment on their appearance - okay well I guess if their skirt was tucked in their knickers after coming out of the loo or something lol, then I hope they would! But in SL...please... I'd be inclined to ignore any such message or have a less than polite response unless it was very clear from their words that they were just trying to be helpful rather than snarky or feeling I should look a particular way to them. I really don't generally care if my appearance is not up to par for someone in SL. I'm not fixing my appearance for other people 😛
  9. I totally agree with this. Due to lockdown in UK I've spent a lot more time in world exploring and that has included wandering round the largest old Linden homes continent. I loved the little features and unexpected finds created by the Moles and really hope many can be moved to Bellisseria. Yes, I spent some time exploring the old regions once the new homes came and glad I did. Even though some of the builds and finds may look dated to some compared to today I had a lot of fun discovering them and thought they looked great to me (I have some pictures on my blog in a post somewhere). I don't know why I never explored more in earlier days. Some of the hubs are really lovely. Something I've suggested in other posts is that LL could retain a single region somewhere that has one of each of the first gen home styles plus some of the cute places that went along with them for posterity - a kind of historical museum I guess which adds to the history of the development of SL over time (just as you still have some really old LL areas and buildings on the grid). Maybe @Patch Linden could consider this?
  10. Thank you for all you've contributed to second life! Have a great retirement. I hope we still see you around inworld:)
  11. There's some lovely landscaping going on all along the East cost (as per other posts).I found this nice little boat rez zone here and over the hill top is the railway line which a Mole is just landscaping around as I visited - a cute bridge etc. The view opposite to here are the new Stilt homes. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE1110/216/111/22
  12. The Moles have kindly laid out a couple of chairs for travellers to have a rest under the bridge in the new regions😄: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE1108/162/161/39
  13. Well....It's natural to have an ideal of the home you would like. However, my thoughts are that it helps to know if what you think you want actually does exist. It could be easy to get a place and then hope there is somewhere out there more perfect that fits all your criteria when in fact there isn't because there isn't actually a home that ticks all of your boxes. I guess that might depend on what those boxes are, but I think it's unlikely since LL are not making 'personalised' homes. I think it's a good idea to go explore some regions to see if there any homes that actually exist that tick all your boxes, or study the map to gauge types of views there are (other houses/open water etc.). If there aren't then figure out what you are happy to settle with, there's more likely to be some of those around and might help avoiding abandoning a spot that actually fits that in the hope of getting something that doesn't exist. This approach has been useful for me. I knew my criteria for a 'perfect' home for both houseboats and Stilts, took a good look at the map and worked out roughly how many homes would actually fit my criteria. That way I knew if a) it did actually exist, and b) if it did if there were enough that I would stand a fair chance of getting one. I was able to get both houseboat and Stilt that weren't perfect (there were literally only 2-3 of those in existence) but were great positions and I have been really happy with both (left my houseboat only because I like the stilts better:) ) If I would have abandoned for the 'perfect' home I think I would have regretted it. Also, using Derender (if you have Firestorm) is a great help for some of those privacy and view requirements, and thereby opens up the range of possible homes that you could be happy with that you might not if you don't use it. My LH home experiences would not have been the same without it. But my point of view is of a non-GOH player. I got what I basically wanted so I'm happy and don't want to abandon. Others like the thrill of discovering new homes. Good luck on finding your home sweet home:)
  14. I've been exploring some of the Stilt regions discovering the cute hangout spots (and some rez zones). This one is lovely: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Eastbridge Quay/55/126/23 Eastbridge Quay also has a Tiki bar hangout too. It's a lovely region with some lovely Stilt home spots. It's not released yet, and I think it will make some future home owners very happy:) (I've collected a few landmarks now. If anyone is interested I can post them to the forum.)
  15. Boar bar at Fluke. So pleased the food and drink are interactive:) Don't judge me - it's the holidays so I can drink early if I want to!😁 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fluke/188/80/23
  16. I agree. And the and touches of decor and plants etc. I've seen around people's homes really is making the regions look even nicer and really bringing them to life. I love it:)
  17. Thank you very much for this! Looks great!:)
  18. Yeah, that's interesting. In the Billowed Sale region for example there are a number of Pier homes and OL. All the Piers are taken, but none of the OL. Which also shows that there are still new homes, rather than abandons, to be claimed.
  19. The land areas are actually really beautiful. I explored some regions near my home at ground level, cycling rather than flying and they look gorgeous! You can really appreciate the greenery and pops of colour with the plants used.
  20. It took me a while to really nail down which style I wanted to use. I've gone with the Tortuga but that big space inside, although I love it, is a big challenging. Lots to do! I think it will be a while till I've finished decorating. Meanwhile on the outside, because I didn't get the lovely spots I had an eye on which had sandbanks nearby, I thought I'd try and cobble together my own imitation of what the Moles had done (not nearly so well but had to use what I've got) 🙂 Adds more of a feeling of aesthetic privacy and is nice to look out at from the windows:) And to make the spot much more like what I was looking for I used derender and have a lovely view at the sides now:
  21. I think this is beautiful!!!! I wish I had more decorating skill:)
  22. Might be best to mention this in Belli chat so the Moles pick it up.
  23. It seems to be. There's a lot of people who seem to have home now. I'm so please LL were able to release as much as they have, they have made a lot of residents (me included) very happy for Christmas! @Patch Linden and all the Moles and staff behind the scenes thank you very much!!!!❤️
  24. Yeah, I realised afterwards. Thanks:) I absolutely love that they started to include sounds in the regions. Wonderful!!!
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