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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. LOL. This is not how to propose to someone. This is the place to ask questions about SL. You can go to your dashboard by signing into secondlife.com and go to ACCOUNT>PARTNERS on the side bar. Follow the steps to send your proposal to your sweetheart. Be sure both of you have $10L in your account to complete the partnership. If you don't care about if your partner's name is in the partner box of your profile, you can just ask your sweetie in world, and then put the fact that you are partners in your profile on you first tab narrative area or in your picks - or not if you prefer your privacy. Some people use the second method if they plan on having a SL wedding, then do the actual partnership when they marry.
  2. I suspect many people are like myself, waiting for the prices to come down in VR gear. It's a bit too steep for me now, but like all tech it should come down considerably in price as time goes on. I'm not even sure I want it. I'd have to try it out first, which I haven't the opportunity to do yet. They sell them in my local stores but every time I've been there, other people are trying them and I am just not at the point that I'll wait for them since I'm not interested in buying one now. The other question is which gear would it support? There are a lot of different ones on the market and I'm not sure that they would all be compatible. It may be that one technology will win in the long run like VCR won out over Beta years ago. There is also the fact that a percentage of people who have tried VR gear say it mays them sick. Kind of like motion sickness. For these reasons LL would be foolish to just support VR gear rather than also support the traditional way.
  3. This has happened before to me with this product. Turned out their server was down and they had a problem it took a while to fix. Maybe they are having more server problems. I don't know why they don't notify their customers when this happens, because they should. In any case, LL doesn't patrol the MP for things like this. If you buy a product that depends on an outside server you sometimes run into this kind of things. Sometimes people just stop having a server too rendering a product useless. LL will do nothing about this as they consider it a resident to resident issue. You can leave a MP review warning others if you wish. Other than that, that's all you can do. I've learned over the years not to buy products that depend on outside servers for this reason.
  4. Before you do anything, go back to the store and examine any signs or information notecards they pass out to make sure the deadline wasn't noted. Touch the sign to see if it does give further information. It is not uncommon for a merchant to offer a special sale via the use of gift cards, which allows you to pick the item you want to be on sale rather than what the merchant puts on sale. Everytime I've seen this, the expiry date was stated if there was one. If there was a notice that the cards expired that you didn't notice, then you have no case.
  5. sirhc DeSantis wrote: This from the chick who loved CP, Who was thrown out of GCG Who is all over G+? Love ya - really And this is relevant to Chic's post how? People are allowed to use whatever grid, program or internet site they want to. Seems pretty mean spirited and an attempt to just spread dirt. You also seem to have spread false information about her.
  6. Sure you can ask Ducknipple to replace it again and also mention this is the second time this has happened. You will be doing them a favor. They need to figure out why and fix it. If it's happening to you it probably is to other customers too. If you don't want to do that, go to their main store and see if they have a redelivery terminal. Note that most of these terminals will only redeliver an item that had copy permissions. Of course you could try rezzing the HUD and the belt on the ground and see if it will let you reset the scripts first. If you can, this usually fixes most issues with HUDs. Go to BUILD>SCRIPTS>RESET SCRIPTS.
  7. If you just added your payment information on file, LL will make sure your account works and is verified. Once they know your PayPal meets their requirements, then you will be able to use it. How long this takes depends on LL's processing of your account and the quickness of PayPal's response, usually about a day or two. But, if you loaded your info on the Thanksgiving Holiday (yesterday) in the US, it may take longer. Refer to PayPal to see what qualifies as a 'verified' account. Generally this means you have a source PayPal can charge and receive the funds instantly, if you don't have enough cash in your account so that LL can be paid instantly. LL requires this as you receive the benefits of what you bought (or the item in the case of buying $L's or something on MarketPlace ) instantly upon buying them. Usually this means a credit card but other forms are also acceptable depending on your country and your bank.
  8. I don't make vehicles but my partner does (mostly motorcycles but other types occasionally) and I make the textures he uses for custom orders or special models. I do script for other kinds of builds so I have some knowledge of scripting. My partner and I have talked a lot about the scripts he uses and has used, which are general vehicle scripts that can be used in motorcycles, cars or trucks, etc. All vehicles are physical. Some scripts are limited in the number prims they allow. Some scripts require that you name and list all the prims so the script can turn the appropriate parts physical or not as needed or otherwise do things to them, like set performance parameters, change color etc. These scripts generally inventory the prims when you start it and if they run into a prim not listed in the script they don't know what to do. This requirement can be in addition to the prim limit. So this is why when you try to add your prim with the logo on it the scripts stop working for some of your cars. I don't know why but people that sell vehicles for builders or parts for them rarely include a UV map with them. So when I do custom textures for his vehicles, unless I'm lucky enough to have the UV map, I have to use a generic texture grid, aka UV grid, as a guide for where the picture (logo) should be placed. I then use the same grid as a layer in the background of my texture to give me a guide. It takes a lot of patience as most of the time due to the shape of the part I am texturing, you have to also distort the texture by making any design other than solid colors narrower or wider, taller or shorter, on the actual texture so that it comes out right on the part. When I do this I always use a split screen looking at the vehicle area I'm texturing with the grid on it and the program I am using. When I have the first version done I texture the part with it it using local textures on the part. I then know what kind and how much distortion I still have to work into the texture. I repeat this with each version until it's right. If the texture is a design on a solid background, I also make a texture of the same color for the other parts of the car that are solid colors. The reason is that it is next to impossible to match the color exactly using the color picker, even if you use the RGB numbers. But using a solid color texture makes all the parts match perfectly. I've gotten better at it the more I've done it of course but those first few times I was bald from pulling my hair out over it. :smileyvery-happy: It's probably the most difficult texture work I do.
  9. I answered you in the answers section https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/Gambling-Poker-games/qaq-p/3083676
  10. Gambling is still illegal in SL. The presidential election has no effect on that. The reason it is illegal is due to certain regulations and laws that are federal and laws against internet gambling in most of the 50 states. All those laws would have to be changed for it to be changed in SL. Even if they were, LL may not change it here because they may be overburdened with reporting issues and paperwork they'd have to file with the various states plus the federal goverment.
  11. You can put it in the Land Forum here and make clear that it has to be bought by someone with a full sim. You can just set the land for sale (after joining it to one parcel) and make sure it says that the sale has to be to someone with a full sim in the land description. There are also a few groups in SL whose purpose is to buy and sell regions to and from estate owners where you can advertise if you join the group.
  12. I've had this happen. In my case, it wasn't LL that was the problem but the company that does their billing for them. This company apparently does billing for a lot of internet companies and at least one of those other internet companies was putting through fraudulent charges. What I had to do is talk to my bank and have them lift the security ban from my account. I had to agree that charges coming from LL were not fraudulent. After doing this I had no problems.
  13. It isn't uncommon for people who have money on a main account to buy things for an alt with no money. If you want to use one account to buy things for an alt, then you have to send the item as a gift. When you do that you have to be sure that you type in the username for the other account exactly how it appears in SL.
  14. LL does not provide any support on the phone unless you pay enough in tier to have access to the concierge service for that account, which of course you don't since it isn't active anymore. The proper way to retrieve an account that has been canceled is to submit a support ticket. Even if you don't have access to your old email or don't know the answer's to the security question it's not beyond hope. Just explain it on your ticket. You will have to prove you are the account owner in some way. LL will tell you what they need. If you have cancelled your account, you may be able to restore it, depending on how long ago it was cancelled. There is a US$9.95 reactivation fee for restoring an account. Warning: Even if your account is restored, the associated inventory, land, and Linden dollar balance may be unrecoverable. To start the process: Open a support case. Under What type of problem are you having? choose Account Issue. Choose Reactivate an old account. Enter the required information Click Submit.
  15. Yes. You have to pay the tier every month. The amount depends on how much land you bought. Since it's mainland you also have to pay for a premium membership which can be monthly, quarterly or the best buy is annual. With premium you get the first 512sqm free of tier. So if you only buy a 512sqm parcel you pay no tier at all. If you deed your land to a group, you can own 10% more tier free. So if you buy more than 512sqm, it's good to create a group with your alt as the owner and deed your land. Tier is your share of the cost to run the sim on the server that has the sim on it. All land incurs a monthly tier cost in one form or another. Either you pay LL or if you rent land, you pay your landlord who pays LL. If you rent though you don't need to be a premium member even if you rent on the mainland..
  16. Linden Homes now come with 175 LI instead of 117. LL increased the LI limit earlier this month. Happy shopping!
  17. Whether you profit or not from showing a movie or advertise it is immaterial. Those TV's that have movies available on them are generally illegal to start with. They violate the copyright holder's rights as most of them buy a movie for home use and just load it on the server. Even if every title they offer is legal in the sense they have purchased a license to distribute it on their TV product, intended to be used in your private SL home, you STILL don't have the right to show it to the general public. Bottom line: If you go ahead with your plan the risk of getting caught is low, but it's still there. If you are caught you'll have RL legal troubles and it won't be cheap to higher a lawyer. So you have to decide if the risk is worth it to you.
  18. Skins and shapes work together to create the unique look of each avatar. As Chic said, skins are the textures that give your avatar a skin, whether it's an ethnic look, or various shades of skin tones. Skins also enhance musculature or not depending on the look you want. A shape is what shapes your body to make you tall or short, thin or full bodied, muscular or slender etc. It also determines the underlying bone structure of your face. Some skin creators also include shapes or sell them as campanion products. If you want to look like the picture advertising the skin, get the shape demo too. However to look more unique, try using a different shape too. The same skin on different shapes can look quite different. You should try demo's of both together, to find a look that feels like you. Get lots of each that you like, then go home and strip down and try them on. Start with one shape and try the different skin demo's on with it, then move to the next shape and repeat. It sometimes takes a while to find the right combination. Note, don't be alarmed if a shape demo has huge hands and/or feet. The actual one won't. The huge hands and feet just prevent people from using the demo rather than buying the product. You can make also make your own shape using the appearance sliders. Some people find this easy, others not at all. Some avatar's wear mesh bodies and heads and you need a special HUD called an applier for that. However I won't go into detail about that unless you say you are interested in buying a mesh body and/or head.
  19. I think it's a bit presumptuous for you to think a sim owner shouldn't use all the prims they have available or that LL should force them to do so, especially when the sim owner is generous enough to allow to go there. They are paying dearly for those prims and have every right to use them all if they want. 12,000 used out of 15,000 available prims is not high at all. It is avatars not prims that cause the most lag in a sim. Those of you that go there can help with lag a lot if you don't go dressed to the nines and keep your ARC low.
  20. Aesthetic is mesh body that a lot of people like but a lot of people give it a bad rap because it is a muscle bound body. However it does respond to sliders and you can slim it down considerably for a buff but slim shape like a swimmer would have. My partner has this body and with the mod's he's done to the shape, I like it very much. I'm not plugging this body as it isn't everyone's style, but just wanted to correct a misconsception a lot of people have of it. DEMO everything and check the availability of skins and clothing for the one you like before you buy it. I suggest you DON'T use the shape that comes with any body, to give yourself a more unique look.
  21. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. You should contact billing to answer your questions. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  22. You should also check inworld classifieds for job ads. Also go around to various clubs which are most likely of all businesses to hire employees. Most generally will have an application available by touching a sign. If you don't see one ask the staff. Tell everyone you know you are looking for a job too. Somone may know of a place that is hiring or see help wanted signs at places they go.
  23. Could be just a bug or the sim too. I've created things entirely from scratch and had them turn no mod before. Restart the sim if you can or get it restarted. I've gone back later and they are ok.
  24. There is no way to do this yourself. I don't know if LL will assist you or even has the capabitliy to do this. File a support ticket if you can to see.
  25. Then apparently he has an unhealthy fixation!
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