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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. One case that might pop up is what happens when someone is selling you land at a discount. Do not have them set it for sale to anyone at the lower price because a bot may jump in and steal it. This happened to me once. The safe way is for the seller to use the option that allows sale to a specific person. Problem is, if the sale is set up this way, the Buy For Group option is never shown to the buyer (unless this has changed, in which case never mind). To deal with this, I have used the "borrow tier from another group" loophole (mentioned above by Prokofy) to temporarily get enough tier available to buy the land. Then I immediately deed the purchased land to group and restore the borrowed tier. I do hope that LL still allows groups to be undertiered for a short time without penalty.
  2. The most generous thing I can say about this is that at least he is giving current Twitter shareholders a safe landing. Twitters future path is fraught... consider place among competitors, current trajectory, and culture. Twitter's place based on monthly users is 15th. Zuckerberg is first. Twitter barely edges out Reddit. Is that large enough to be the "digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated", in 280 character chunks. Twitter is still adding users but it's rate of growth is slowing. Does Musk know how to lead a 16 year old company that he didn't start? His track record is in start ups. Musk culture and Twitter culture are not aligned. My experience was that Silicon Valley people vote with their feet and sometimes it is a stampede. In ten years he may look back and say "rocket science was easier".
  3. Not to worry. Someone can't rez an object that would put you over your LI limit.
  4. I do the same thing. About that "Always allow 'Create Object'" role permission... I am not sure it even works. I tried testing it by giving an alt the Officer role which has 'Create Object' turned on and I made sure the alt was in group and using the Officer role. But the alt could not rez if I turned off off "Build: Group" in about land. Odds are that I set it up wrong.
  5. If you check "Build: Group" in About Land as Sylvia describes, then anyone in the group can rez, regardless of their role.
  6. I have been to several but none so grand as this one that opened the Fantasseria Community Center . And unlike most SL weddings, this couple appears to still be together.
  7. If all else fails, you can always lower your draw distance.
  8. Joining forces... Numbers and greenish areas show connect-the-continents priorities. Yellow arrows show direction of expansion. Red delimits area cleared out for expansion. Note: If connect-the-continents number 3 were to happen, connecting waters of Bellisseria to Sansara, some cleanup of the East River would be appreciated, as it is currently mined with banlines and orbs.
  9. Maybe.... something.... like.... this?
  10. The resident sleuths are definitely onto something... In the stilt window I inspected (Tortuga sliding doors), the window is a face on a larger mesh. As you can see in the photo, the texture tiling repeats on the face exactly match the repeats in the anomaly.
  11. In the spirit of pedantry, I note that "convex hull" simplifies the collision envelope of the object's child prims but does not effect the space between them. In the photo below, I am able to walk thru between all of the vertical columns,
  12. One addon that may pop up in Sakura is ceiling skins. Every house seems to have a white dry wall interior ceiling. Some may prefer wood.
  13. I agree and think the "not caring" also applies to Bellisseria. From what I have experienced, the perceived Bellisserria "community" does not have the locality that you find in RL. Rather, it is a small percentage of the thousands of Linden Homes residents that enjoy group chat, posting in the forum, making blogs, organizing things, and making little games (I am guilty of this one). I think people move to Bellisseria, not for community, but because it's a good value (net cost less than $2/week) and there is a covenant that offers some protection from annoying neighbors. Your typical Bellisseria resident has few interactions with neighbors other than an in initial "hello", unless there is a dispute. Yes. The communities of that seem the strongest to me are the ones that are based on common interest (e.g. music, sailing, freight hauling). It is worth noting that Bellisseria is very valuable to Second Life in general (not just Bellisserians) because it is important to all the Second Life communities that are based on vehicles.
  14. Fantasseria has been fully “edged” already and Patch has said it only has one entry point (not sure why). The regions north of the logs need to be a waterway between Snert and Really Wet. Sakura need not be joined to Satori, only close enough so that connectors are reasonable.
  15. Did you mean to say West of Satori? Placing Sakura to the east of Satori would be a tragedy as it would not be connected to Bellisseria (unless Abnor builds a bunch more connector regions and sends us bills) and, depending how far north, not even connected by water to the Blake. The east coast of Satori is impassable to water vehicles below http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ptesanwi/12/18/42 and is only passable at Terric because residents allow it (which could change at any time). The west coast has protected water at Stromberg and all regions northward. West is Best!
  16. Totally agree. I spent time this morning looking at every single plant and all the house colors. There are several aspects of Sakura that make me REALLY like it - outside landscaping appears to be totally optional (LI savings) , 512 houses on 1024 lots for the gardeners; the pines are Japanese Pines and the maples are Japanese Red Maples (not any old maple in fall colors) - windows frame the landscape - all the exterior house colors are usable (for me, the Newbrookes have many unusable options) - add-ons seem unnecessary - the open floor plans will be wonderful - roadways that appear driveable are in fact driveable (unlike the stilt piers) - the canals are easily navigable by boats bigger than canoes (unlike the twisty streams of Fantasseria or the post-full canals of the stilts) - it appears hilly (always better than flat) Only two requests... put these near Satori (so the mainland sailors can visit) and consider varying the river water animation to give the (more realistic) illusion of different water speeds (flat sections go slower)
  17. Me too. While we are waiting, anyone can visit Linden Homes via the Bellisseria Parade of Homes Listing - all my homes are in there and as far as I can tell, they are rarely visited.
  18. YaY! When I look at the world map with the new connector road, it reminds me that older PRIM roads are VISIBLE on the world map. In Bellisseria where the roads are meshy, seeing a road on a map is iffy and in some cases, not possible. Why don't they fix whatever the thing is that images the world map!!!!!!!
  19. Me too. There are legitimate reasons one may choose not to voice, including - You may view voice as not part of an "immersive experience" in a virtual world - You may wish to not share aspects of yourself that voice would communicate such as age, accent, illness, environment, etc. - Your RL environment may not be one where you feel free to speak - You don't entertain the requests of randos Also, if you have a male sounding voice but wish to voice in SL and sound female... isn't there an app for that?
  20. I was aware of the airport terminal, having seen it earlier, so I immediately ran over there as soon as Patch started describing how to get there. When I arrived it was mostly moles. I immediately rezzed a Boss Sea Cadet and announced the first rezzing of a boat. A mole said that Abnor had likely rezzed one, so I changed my announcement to the first rezzing of a boat by a resident. Some time later, I also saw the sailboat. The first rez photo was taken at 10:17am (I am in California so that is SLT).
  21. Was diamond the first resident to rez a boat in a Sakura canal? Could be!
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