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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. There is a new BelliBin HUD called BelliFind that finds bins you can empty by displaying yellow dots on a region map tile along with your location as a yellow triangle. Imagine a mini-map with additional information. It also shows "pinned locations" as colored dots, allowing an inworld traveler to find places of interest. A resident establishes a "pinned location" by rezzing a BelliPin prim or copying the script into their own object. BelliPin prims and associated colored dots are BelliPin Place - pink, Place of Interest (bar, cafe, gallery, etc) BelliPin Home - green, Open Home for Public Viewing BelliBin Passport - orange, Passport Stamp BelliPin GTFO - teal, GTFO Hub BelliPin Rez Zone - sky blue, Rez Zone on Your Parcel After rezzing a BelliPrim, please edit the Description field to give info about your pinned location. Touch the BelliPrim to make it invisible. BelliBin is a free waste management roleplaying game for residents of Bellisseria. You pretend to have waste bins of various types and other pretend to collect it. Get BelliBins, BelliPins, and the BelliFind HUD for free on marketplace. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DS-BelliBin-for-Bellisseria/17905605 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DS-BelliFindBelliPin-Package/22266375
  2. Concerning operational costs and the AWS uplift, we can only know what we are told. In https://modemworld.me/2021/06/24/sl18b-meet-the-lindens-grumpity-linden-summary-with-video/, Inara Pey reports what Grumpity Linden, VP of Product, said at SL18B. "With AWS, Second Life is now hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). The advantages are: - LL able to focus on core competency of running and enhancing SlL and not have to worry about managing the underpinning hardware and infrastructure. - There are no longer periodic blocks of capital expenditure that must planned and be made to replace aged / depreciated hardware, etc. - LL can be more nimble in responding to the needs of SL by having a large pool of server types from which to choose from, and the ability to “tier up” to new and faster hardware as the need arises. - This offers the potential for new and enhanced land product offerings, the potential to geolocate servers closer to their primary audience etc. The move has not reduced operational costs: the servers are still running 24/7, and Amazon obviously charge for this, and financial savings were not the motivator for the move: it was about ensuring SL’s longevity." The bottom line is that the AWS uplift was strategic... it increased capability. It gives LL more flexibility in adding new regions, not the opposite. Concerning a protected water connection between Bellisseria and Blake-connected regions, Grumpity deferred to Patch Linden's prior remarks at SL18B. Patch had said that such a connection was "not imminent", which suggests that it is low-priority. The region spawning machine is focused on completing the build-out of Bellisseria themes and adding the new Fantasy theme. In https://modemworld.me/2021/06/23/sl18b-meet-the-lindens-patch-linden-a-summary-with-video-and-audio/, Inara Pey reports that Patch said "The new Fantasy theme will be within a sub-continent rather than an overall part of Bellisseria. It will still be classified as a part of Bellisseria, but will not have a direct connection to the existing Bellisseria regions. It has yet to be determined whether there will be air and/or water connections with the rest of the continent, or whether it will only be linked by some form of portal connection." The bottom line is that the water connection of Bellisseria to Blake-connected regions is not a priority. Brett Linden (VP Marketing) also spoke at SL18B. Yours truly asked him to speak about Bellisseria's success and its "secret sauce" and he spoke about "community". All well and good. To me however, it's about making a place that humans want to be and a big part of that is making places that are CONNECTED to other places. People like "old school" travel... going from A to B through a world. Look at mainland parcel prices on the world map... the parcels that humans value are the ones that are best connected (mostly on water).
  3. Yes! I always assumed that this is exactly what they would do, as the northeast part of the Chalet regions are unfinished. Also this is the way they connected to Jeogeot. BTW, I am not buying that the additional expense of AWS regions is a problem for expansion... seems crazy that they would have moved to AWS if they would be cash flow negative on every region.
  4. Given that parcels that can get to the Blake are now going for hundreds of thousands of Lindens, and that whole regions recently sold for over a million lindens (when the BrendaRex regions were auctioned), YES, I do not think people would mind looking at the mess that is mainland in they got protected water access to Blake connected regions for the price of a Linden Home (around a buck a week after stipend). And the connector stack could be moved one region to the west (connecting to Buffalo Springs) to eliminate the view, if Abnor so desired
  5. To connect Bellisseria to "The Blake" via protected water, all one has to do is lay down 18 protected water regions from Carmine Sky to Stromberg. Once in Stromberg, there are protected water channels and regions all the way to the regions that begin with "Blake Sea". Of course, there could be more than 18 regions and the regions could contain Bellisseria Linden Home Houseboats, which would all immediately be sold
  6. Actually there are people that do this as a style of roleplay rather than being in a virtual world that might enforce specific policies. There are boat cruising groups (e.g. Leeward) and flying groups (e.g. Skyward) and land travel groups (e.g. DriversOfSL) and vehicle oriented service groups (e.g. SLCG, yacht clubs, aviation groups) etc. etc. The common theme is that we are traveling across the grid using vehicles and not simply flying or TPing, except perhaps to get to some initial location. In order to make this work in the Second Life provided by Linden Labs, the crossing of region borders must be as seamless as possible, otherwise, people get frustrated. Huge improvement was made last year but there is still work to be done. Also there must be an infrastructure of connected/protected water, roadways, railways, airports and accompanying rez zones. Also, gratuitous banlines and orbs are an issue, as is encroachment on protected areas. This is why we must all continue to lobby for on behalf of issues that IMPROVE the travel experience. I view Bellisseria as a HUGE success in support of getting around with vehicles. The travel infrastructure is excellent and the continents have been connected. Air travel is in a new era. And should a few more regions be added to connect Bellisseria to Satori via protected water, boat travel will be in a new era. Imagine rezzing a boat at your houseboat and sailing to the Blake... YaY!
  7. You are very wise but I don't think so :) Recall that linked messages are addressed to one or more children and are heard by all scripts in that child. A good scripter targets linked messages to only the child that needs it. My point is that problems related to linked message pathology are not always related to number of child prims and a well scripted vehicle is not compromised simply by having many child prims. I have always said that I can crash any vehicle any where, any time, any place. The point is that region crossings have been historically unpredictable regardless of what counter measures you take. What I have learned (from sailboat racing and analyzing script performance at well attended events) is that the thing that most influences vehicles in general is the number of avatars and child agents in the vicinity. Travel alone and things usually go better. And of course, if a region/simulator is sick, there is nothing you can do with a vehicle that fixes it (except putting it in reverse). The tragedy of region crossings is that we went so long (17 years?) with them being so bad. The fix came at the end of 2020 when, as part of the uplift to the cloud project, someone noticed that some networking protocols involved in region crossings were suboptimal (to be polite) and then FIXED them. When the software fix was rolled out prior to the uplift, region crossing instantly were improved (no cloud needed). There are still issues involving synchronization of the vehicle and the sitting avatar during crossings. When it doesn't work, you are unseated or your animation is "compromised" or your camera is messed up. So please Linden Labs, keep working on it. The only (superstitious) advice I would give as to the selection of vehicles is to go with the newer ones that have been tested and tweaked under the current generation of Second Life Servers and/or vehicles that are still being updated. It is possible that older vehicles have scripting that was better suited to the "pre fixed" servers. Also, avoid 4-corners (point where 4-regions meet) as they tend to stress the synchronization issue.
  8. RE: Pier Vehicles My Mountain Bike V1.0 - Bicycle works better on the pier today (4/30/2020). The last time I tried it, I could not get past any bollard. Today I only seem to have trouble at pier junctions as Abnor described above. I have put out a rezzer for the Culprit DQN Holo bike here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Memison/185/54/23 This vehicle can get thru the pier junctions if you hit them just right. Also it has a flight mode which levitates the bike a meter or two above the surface rendering the bollards ineffective. Touch the bike to get access to a ton of config options. Flight mode is on the first level menu, middle top button. Have fun!
  9. If you own a parcel you can set the music stream by typing in the URL of the stream on the Sound tab of the Land Tool. Or you can install something that might be called a "radio" to switch the music stream for you. Follow the instructions of the radio creator (read the notecard). At some point during the installation, you will have to do a "deed to group". This means you rez the radio on your parcel, edit it and click the Share and Deed to Group checkboxes. Then the radio will be able to switch the streams. Note: This does NOT work on a Linden Home parcel. Good luck. It is possible that I misunderstood your question. If you have music at home that you want to stream into your parcel, then you need to do what DJs do and acquire an internet music stream. Dunno any details. Then you take that stream URL and set it up in your parcel, as decribed above.
  10. You can sail the Chalet Home regions to Satori if you start in Diving Belle and go east... just follow the river and use the minimap. Here is a map we will use for an upcoming Leeward cruise.
  11. After sailing/motorboating/driving a bit around the Stilt Home Regions, I made some notes for the next time I build a virtual world containing piers and posts. 1. Removable Posts - Allow an owner to decide if a corner post should be there. All these posts in the water are not that attractive nor do they always facilitate navigation. If someone has an orb then, ok, let them mark their territory. But if they really don't care if some one crosses their corner.... let them make the post disappear. 2. Vehicles on Piers - The piers are constructed to block vehicle traffic. Ok... the piers are for walking. I suggest the type of traffic on piers should be a convention... and vehicle traffic should not be physically blocked. Personally, carrying all this trash I collect is getting tiresome and I would really like to use my Krazy Kart... on a Pier.
  12. Given the number of PG&E power cuts across northern California, it would appear that various LL assets are offline. Go here http://critweb-outage.pgealerts.com/?WT.mc_id=Vanity_pge-outages for an interactive map. The LL engineers are trying to piece together a working but degraded grid. Surely they have assets in areas other than California, but as SF is the world HQ, some must still be around there. Note that the grid is supported my many types of servers, all providing a specific function. Is why some things sort of work and others don't.
  13. Headline Apollo at the Beckridge Gallery, Bellesseria http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/198/137/25 July 15 through July 28, 2019 The Apollo 11 Moon Mission as Reported by the Fort Worth Star Telegram A Pop Up Exhibit by diamond Marchant Headline Apollo offers an alternative perspective on the Apollo 11 moon mission by presenting what the readers of a north Texas newspaper saw over this 10 day period in July, 1969. Local newspapers covered this historic event with great detail and emphasis, but also reported on other issues of the day, such as Vietnam, Chappaquiddick, Luna 15, Nixon, hospital taxes, local crime, and baby names. Photographs are from the NASA Apollo archive. The newspapers (except for July 21 morning) and magazines were collected and archived in 1969 by a young diamond Marchant and photographed in 2019. An exhibit guide is provided.
  14. SL16B is a 100% Linden Labs operation. There are 3 moles that are doing what we used to call the "Exhibitor Assistant" or "Sim Coordinator" job. If you are an exhibitor and need to get your parcel or change your settings or get an inspection, you must contact one of these moles via IM. The moles are Mischievious Mole, Squeaky Mole, and Alotta Mole.
  15. In the sailing community we call this "the weather". In spite of many Lindens attempts to address failures while crossing a region border in a vehicle, it remains a problem. Experienced sailors do things like 1) reducing scripts, 2) reducing draw distance, 3) maintaining a solid and fast internet connection, 4) avoiding sims with lots of avatars, and 5) avoiding 4-corners. In general, things tend to work better after region restarts. I really wish Linden Labs would fix this once and for all. Personally, I have never observed that the viewer makes any difference.
  16. As Bellesseria has roads that go about everywhere, it is now possible to travel about by riding land/sea/air vehicles. Many enjoy the sense of geographical presence that this gives. To inform others that you are supporting "Just Ride", please display the "Just Ride" flag. You can get one at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/199/138/25 - just buy for L$0. Your flag can also be bought/copied. If you have built your Linden Home as a destination for others to visit, this is a great thing to support. When you display the "Just Ride" flag, it means that the public can rez vehicles on your parcel. This allows them to travel to their next destination. Optionally, you may provide some sort of guest vehicle rezzer. To allow the public to rez, in the About Land tool/Options tab, check the Everyone checkbox next to Build. On the Objects tab, set autoreturn to 1 minute.
  17. Who even needs roads or navigation huds? The moles have provided us with 25 sims of mountain biking, at least for a while. They may eventually put homes out there. But until they do, enjoy the free-to-go-where-ever experience. The passes between the ridges are particularly fun. Eight Linden rez zones for you plus a mountain bike rezzer at the Beckridge Gallery http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/201/138/25
  18. I have added a new "Learning Loop Bike Tour" at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/198/137/25 The intent is to have a small loop where people can learn about riding the bike and using the navigation HUD. It should take 10 minutes or less to complete the loop.
  19. I would estimate that it goes thru at least 60 sims and is around 15 km. I ride the AF2300 in 4th gear and have done it twice in less than an hour. The midsection has some long runs that go quickly. You certainly could do it in sections if you can find a place to rez a vehicle or ride a wearable vehicle. The nav hud is separate from your vehicle, so you can use any vehicle you like or even walk. The hud just sets a beacon at the next waypoint and tells you which way to turn (left, right, or exit traffic circle). In the future I will do some shorter tours that start at different places. Enjoy the ride!
  20. Bellesseria appears to be made for cycling. The moles did a fantastic job creating an extensive network of roads along with diverse terrain and landscaping. Plus there is ample open space if you just like to ride free form. To get things started, I have created a bike tour that circles the existing connected land (as of May 20, 2019). The "Bellesseria Big Loop Bike Tour" chart shows where it goes but you really need a nav HUD, so I have provided one. Everything you need is at the Beckridge Gallery http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/201/138/25 , including a guest bicycle. Have Fun!
  21. Beckridge Gallery http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/198/138/25
  22. Beckridge Gallery http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/198/138/25
  23. The Beckridge Gallery is now open to the public. The "Behind the Neon" exhibition by diamond Marchant shows photographs from The Neon Museum Las Vegas. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beckridge/197/137/25
  24. I recently had the same problem of not being able to see something I had rezzed. I had just put the Kokua viewer on an old laptop with Nvidia Quadro NVS 140M graphics. The invisible object was some Lilith Heart landscaping, Harmony Wild Loosestrife - SHORT - Purple - 20m circle - V2 2. I checked Preferences/Graphics and found this checkbox... Geometry Overload Protection. So I unchecked the box and, voila, there were my pretty flowers.
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