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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. As far as I am aware the 'Chinese Zodiac' only has the one Year of the Dragon. It doesn't distinguish between the elementals.
  2. Should being the keyword. Only on the second Tuesday of the third month of the Year of the Dragon. So... you've got some time. About 5 years.
  3. Wasn't disagreeing. Just didn't want her to try it and freak if it didn't work the way she wants. Yeap and I even sometimes still say far out but it's gotta be something up tight, outta sight and really in the groove. No, I don't mean tampax whadafug wrong wid ju. 🌺
  4. If they are mod they can be made flexi but it may not give the results Sandra is after. I think what she is after is something like this but slower, much slower:
  5. This. So much this. When you get frustrated leave it alone for a while. Get your mind off it. Then go back and take a fresh look. Take your time when you look again and then plan your adjustments because sometimes you can change an area and it will affect another area (minor but enough to notice) so you'll want to plan to make small adjustments in more than one area sort of like how you don't just grab one corner of an object to enlarge it if you want it to stay very close to its position, you enlarge in small amounts using at least two opposite corners. (Changing the size of an object will change its position.) The same technique applies to avatars.
  6. I think you have that backwards. You can't avoid your body maturing but you can avoid growing up. You can thank my mother for that one. She never did grow up. Neither have I. \o/
  7. There's a better way... It works better with the YaHell cry smiley but it's what we used to do in YaHell NAC (Native American Chat) to indicate laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes.
  8. Replace sexy with [unbridled] lust and I think you'll get it.
  9. If the backdrops are copy/mod, it's fun to mix and match. And you can come up with some amazing backdrops of your own that way. Of course, that is true of any copy/mod build. Your world! Your imagination! DO EET!
  10. Hey Girl.... You left yourself wide open... something I can't resist.
  11. It hard to tell from the image but it looks like you are trying to use viewer preferences to adjust for height on furniture. It doesn't work that way. Use the menu in the furniture to adjust.
  12. It took me 10 years to get my system AV just the way I wanted it. And then came mesh bodies. Yeah... still tweaking on it. No, no twerking! Tweaking! Get yer mind outta da gutta.
  13. Good to know I haven't been imagining things the last few years. Thanks.
  14. Then she needs to change her wording to make it clear that is her intent. As it stands, ti doesn't read that way. Especially to people who have no knowledge of these types of court cases. Retaliation goes both ways. It is not a one way street.
  15. It's that word "retaliation" that is the problem. She has blatantly admitted to filing the lawsuit just to "get back at" LL.
  16. I wasn't going to say it but since you did...
  17. No. Seeking knowledge is never dumb or stupid.
  18. I don't think I'll be holding my breath any time soon.
  19. You're making a mountain out of a non-existent molehill. Turn off all popup blockers and try again or use a different browser. Chrome works just fine for me. I even still have IE and it works.
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