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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Rodvik Linden wrote: Marielle Caerndow wrote: I find it impressive that the CEO of multi-million-dollar company comes 'down' to the forums (e.g. sluniverse) and talks with (not only to) us end users. I also check the official forums most days Thank you for your kind words. It is a privilege to work for such great customers. I hope you will be pleased with the direction the company continues to go in to serve you better. p.s. sadly, I am likely only going to get more scruffy and poorly dressed over time so I cant promise any progress there scruffy is good..a clean desk and well shaven just means they have too much time on their hands LOL I like scruffy and i liked the video..you had this rolling stones look about you and i think it's cool.. oh and again..Thank you for the BearPony hehehehehe \o/ weeeee!!! Go Get'em Rod!! =)
  2. breedables are fads that come and go like beanie babies.. meeroo's will be sitting along side sion chickens as soon as a better breedable comes along..and one will come along..they always do.. each hopefully learning from the last ones mistakes they made with the public..
  3. i really liked dane cook when he was more energetic..he just made me laugh so hard with how crazy he would get and just go off on tangents over the smallest but coolest stuff .. this man makes me laugh..my father has his first album..it made some kind of history about censorship or something.. anyways here is sam kinison going on about jesus and his wife hehehehe
  4. I like him better than M and thats a step in the right direction for me anyways hehehehe i liked phillip too maybe it's about exploring the future and not exploring just business end of everything all the time.. phillip had a great idea and we are stilll in it ..so he couldn't have been all that bad ..i'll wait to fully judge the new CEO before i decide to hang him because of a t-shirt hehehehe he gave me a bearpony so i'm gonna give him a chance at least heheheh Go get'em Rod =) \o/
  5. another favorite of mine is Russell peters.. he has me crying laughing in about every show i have seen of his heheheh
  6. that was the german law text that was in Ann's link.. if LL was not allowing them at all then they would be exceeding german laws on the matter..According to the law i read on it from that link the symbols are not against the law..depending on the way in which they are presented and used can be.. still it's LL's call if they want to let them on their grid or not..if they choose not to.. where is the section on this in the TOS anyways..i wanna read it.. not for this specific reason but to see what all it covers..
  7. that wasn't the second life wiki..i was just commenting on the law itself.. LL can allow or disallow whatever they want aslong as it's legal.. if they open themselves up to educators they may want to make sure they don't come off looking nazi themselves by limiting some educator when they put up an image of the civil rights movement for a class discussion and that image gets AR'd..hehehehe it's thier world..they can ban whatever they want..they are not the internet or the last place any of those people can go to talk about it either lol thats the good thing about choice.. we have it heehehe
  8. from Ann's link it doesn't sound like the symbols themselves are banned.. that symbols fall under their law but how they are used is what is banned and not the symbols themselves.. if it were to further some movement or cause that is considered unconstitutional in that country the law text was made for.. it doesn't sound like it is unconstitutional to further the education about something the symbols may have been used as in history.. here is the law text section from that wiki.. just gonna underline a couple points but i would read the whole thing anyways hehehe.. ignore the bold at the bottom..i just backed into a bolded word and it blew everything up..so i underlined instead.. this forums software really does suck.. Law Text The relevant excerpt [1] of the German criminal code reads:  § 86 StGB Dissemination of Means of Propaganda of Unconstitutional Organizations (1) Whoever domestically disseminates or produces, stocks, imports or exports or makes publicly accessible through data storage media for dissemination domestically or abroad, means of propaganda: 1. of a party which has been declared to be unconstitutional by the Federal Constitutional Court or a party or organization, as to which it has been determined, no longer subject to appeal, that it is a substitute organization of such a party;[…] 4. means of propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization,shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. […] (3) Subsection (1) shall not be applicable if the means of propaganda or the act serves to further civil enlightenment, to avert unconstitutional aims, to promote art or science, research or teaching, reporting about current historical events or similar purposes. […]  § 86a StGB Use of Symbols of Unconstitutional Organizations (1) Whoever: 1. domestically distributes or publicly uses, in a meeting or in writings (§ 11 subsection (3)) disseminated by him, symbols of one of the parties or organizations indicated in § 86 subsection (1), nos. 1, 2 and 4; or2. produces, stocks, imports or exports objects which depict or contain such symbols for distribution or use domestically or abroad, in the manner indicated in number 1,shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. (2) Symbols, within the meaning of subsection (1), shall be, in particular, flags, insignia, uniforms, slogans and forms of greeting. Symbols which are so similar as to be mistaken for those named in sentence 1 shall be deemed to be equivalent thereto. […] Symbols affected The law text does not name the individual symbols to be outlawed, and there is no official exhaustive list. A symbol may be a flag, emblem, uniform parts, or a motto or greeting formula. Note that the prohibition isn't tied to the symbol itself but to its use in a context suggestive of association with outlawed organizations. Thus, the Swastika is outlawed if used in a context of völkisch ideology, while it is legitimate if used as a symbol of Hinduism or Buddhism. Similarly, the Wolfsangelis outlawed if used in the context of the Junge Front but not in other contexts such as heraldry, or as the emblem of "landscape poet" Hermann Löns. Due to the law, German Neo-Nazis took to displaying modified symbols similar but not identical with those outlawed. In 1994, such symbols were declared equivalent to the ones they imitate 
  9. R0xx wrote: I know how to play the system....I pay for a "Group" ...I should be able to determine how many accounts have access to it. You have to look at it from the OS side. Im sure they added a script to monitor the number of accounts that have a partiucular group access and to remove the group if the total mumber of users is less than 2. Why? If I did that in RL, and started removing the directory/folder structures...there would be hell to pay lol oO how is it playing the system if it is part of the system? one user/person can have many accounts..still one user.. the user is the one with both accounts..so they left it open so that one user could have a group to themselves for a lot of different reasons or have others in it with them.. why? who knows why really..maybe incase something happens to one account they can still access their land or business through another account they have in the group instead of losing it all because of some mishap.. 
  10. two people don't have to be in the group..one user with two accounts can keep the group alive.. worried about someone leaving just add an alt *winks*
  11. Venus Petrov wrote: I am not an owner of any type of breedable but it sounds like the jist of this tale of woe is to make sure you read and understand any agreement upon purchase, abide by the rules set forth by the seller, and enjoy your toys. mine would be dead in no time if they depended on me in world..i would get banned for meeroo cruilty.. some weeks momma may just not come home hehehehe
  12. Ian Undercroft wrote: With respect Ceka, what you say is nonsense. The Meeroos ToS gives you licence you access to the product and database. If you breach that licence, it may be terminated at the instance of the licensor. The meeroos will then "poof" because they are, for their continued existence, dependant on access to the database. The right of a licensor to terminate a licence in specified circumstances is a basic and elementary element of the law of contract. if it doesn't clash with LL's TOS then thats not a problem..if it does then it's a problem.. does their tos violate the content users licens rights in LL's tos? i don't know..i don't own meroo's lol either i am reading it wrong or it doesn't sound like they are allowed to do it by LL's tos. sounds like they can delete anything on their account..but not on any others.. if their contract is instide SL then it's as valid as a profile stating those silly disclaimers about IM's being shared..that is if it breaks the TOS.. i'm just gonna bold a couple parts that caught my interest to see what those really mean hehehe 7.3 You grant certain Content licenses to users of Second Life by submitting your Content to publicly accessible areas of the Service. You agree that by uploading, publishing, or submitting any Content to any publicly accessible areas of the Service, you hereby grant each user of Second Life a non-exclusive license to access the User Content through the Service, and to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the Content In-World or otherwise on the Service solely as permitted by you through your interactions with the Service under these Terms of Service. This license is referred to as the "User Content License," and the Content being licensed is referred to as "User Content." "Publicly accessible" areas of the Service are those areas that are accessible to other users of Second Life. If you do not wish to grant users of Second Life a User Content License, you agree that it is your obligation to avoid displaying or making available your Content to other users. For example, you may use Virtual Land tools to limit or restrict other users' access to your Virtual Land and thus the Content on your Virtual Land. "Your interactions with the Service" may include use of the Second Life permissions system and the copy, modify, and transfer settings for indicating how other users may use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, or perform your Content In-World subject to these Terms of Service. Any agreement you make with other users relating to use or access to your Content must be consistent with these Terms of Service, and no such agreement can abrogate, nullify, void or modify these Terms of Service. You acknowledge that when you receive a User Content License you receive only licensing and use rights: You therefore do not acquire ownership of any copies of the Content, or transfer of any copyright or other Intellectual Property Rights in the Content. You acknowledge that with respect to the use of the words "Buy" and "Sell" as used in this Agreement and throughout the Service in the context of User Content: (a) the term "Sell" means "to grant a User Content License in exchange for Linden dollars or other consideration in accordance with the Terms of Service," (b) the term "Buy" or "Purchase" means "to receive a User Content License in exchange for Linden dollars or other consideration in accordance with the Terms of Service," and © the terms "Buyer," "Seller," "Sale" and "Purchaser" and similar terms have corresponding meanings to their root terms. This includes User Content that may be Bought or Sold on the Second Life Marketplace web site. 7.5 You may delete copies of your Content from the Service, and the licenses you have granted for the deleted copies will terminate with certain limitations. You may delete copies or instances of your Content that you have displayed In-World or that are in your Account inventory through the normal functionality of the Service, including by emptying the trash folder in your Account inventory. In such event, the licenses granted by you in this Section 7 shall terminate in the manner provided below, but only for those particular copies or instances of Content that you have deleted from the Service. You acknowledge that this termination will not apply to any other copies or instances of the same Content that you have not specifically deleted from the Service, including without limitation those that may be displayed elsewhere In-World and those that may be in the Account inventories of other users to whom you transferred copies. You acknowledge that the Snapshot and Machinima Content License granted to Linden Lab and other users with respect to your Content will survive any such termination. You also acknowledge that the Service Content License granted to Linden Lab with respect to your Content will survive any such termination solely as follows to permit Linden Lab: (i) to retain server copies of particular instances of your Content, including copies stored in connection with back-up, debugging, and testing procedures; and (ii) to enable the exercise of the licenses granted in this Section 7 for any other copies or instances of the same Content that you have not specifically deleted from the Service, including those that may be displayed elsewhere In-World or exist in other users' Account inventories.  
  13. i've seen threads where horse breeders have had thier horses taken like that as well.. I can see if someone were to complain about something and not be allowed to purchase anymore.. but they shouldn't have the poswer to take back what was sold to you ..not unless it was at fair market value or atleast a total refund.. it's theft otherwise..i don't care how much you irritated anyone..what is paid for is paid for.. this is the area that LL needs to have things able to be AR'd..imagine if all creators did this.. those scripts were really made for creators of builds that were taking part payment or payment at the end of the project..if payment wasn't received then they just blew them up.. now they are used for this crap..bleh i would still AR them anyways just to see where it goes..
  14. still using service pack one? has sl ever ran on your system before .. i didn't look in the other thread yet.. but is this a problem that just popped up or have you never been able to get it going yet?
  15. i had this problem with a certain versian of kerstins ..her advice was to tatally uninstall all viewers with a clean frsh install..but also to do a total manual clean of all directories holding second life and tpv folders.. save your logs if you like..but pull everything out and just run the viewer or viewers that you run most..it's best to have them each in their own directories like one in programs and one maybe in my documents ..stuff like that... you could have a cache clashing with the others or something.. start out with just one viewer first though and then add another if you wish to use more than one type. any idea if this had started after adding a certain viewer?
  16. i will all of a sudden think of an old old friend from way way back and decide to look at thier profile to see if it's still around.. it's always nice to see they are still there more times than not.. Nubee Scaggs where are you!!! it's been years and i still miss you girlfren!!! \o/ she was my cool cool aussie friend and friend friend that always was hanging in such exciting places ..if it wasn't exciting yet it was about to be hehehehe now i have to go see if hers is still up hehehehe
  17. Maryanne Solo wrote: Can't put a square peg in a round hole? Here is the solution.. o.0 Boring, I know :smileyindifferent: i should tell work about those.. they are always fixing the dies here that we get from the customers.. we have about 80 machines and who knows how many dies for each machine..then there are the presses also for the trimmers with all those dies in them..plus the leak test machines they have to build here for the new parts getting made all the time.. this is actually very neat.. i just wonder if our machine dept has ever heard of it before..
  18. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Stopping Spam is a hard thing to do in Popular Forums. IDK...I've been in a lot of popular forums over the years and have never seen the magnitude of what is here i agree..the only time i see it like this is when a forum i was in was being attacked by griefers ..and that was only a couple of times in some gamer forums.. lots of gross pictures and tons of spammer sites links just loading up the place..then usually it was hacked.. this and i would say the forums before these are what reminds me of those other forums getting attacked hehehehe
  19. i have my own way of dealing with them ..i just need to get them a bit more grouped up..i keep only finding one here and one there..never close together..
  20. Ceka Cianci


    There are no bad alts.. Only bad users.. Alts don't irritate people.. People irritate people.. An alt is an alt is an alt..and then there is their user save a tree eat an be......whooops wrong fourm!!
  21. next time he shows up just do what i do..
  22. These are all great ..keep them coming.. =) here is one for giggles untill i can go do a deeper search hehehe and remember..anything that is fun or cute or funny or neat or whatever really makes you feel good and smile or laugh or makes youre day or just looks like a good fun thing to do... i'm loving everyones videos so far.. we can't laugh or smile enough these days =)
  23. leyna wrote: This isn't really cute or funny, it just makes me feel good - I guess it could fall under the "neat" category. that really was neat.. =) I really liked it a lot..thank you for posting it =)
  24. the only thing i ever look at from paypal is when i make a purchase..i check my bank constantly daily online..so if something were going on i would see it right away..
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