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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Venus Petrov wrote: Justin Timberlake's classic 'Dick in a Box' had me laughing. Here is one of his followup vids...also pretty funny. i think he enjoys making fun of his boyband days more than anyone else does lol i really think he is a pretty funny guy..i saw him in friends with benefits and he was good hehehe here is some more fun stuff hehehehe
  2. Anything fun or funny or cute or really neat... I can't help but spend hours in youtube some days when i'm in second life..especailly when it's raining out..so lets share some of our faves... i love how one serch will take you into so many other directions.. i went to see what all they had remixed with the "Charlie bit my finger" video and ended up coming passed this oen that was related.. it's the cutest video about a 2 year old girl showing her mommy her mothers day present that her and daddy made for mommy...early .hehehe it's called never trust a 2 year old hehehehe Almost forgot for the cool!!! hehehehe i saw this over at SLU in one of their random pic vid thread a few days ago.. it's just cool and next summer we're setting one up at one of our lakes we have..all it took was showing my father and hubby this video and they were sold heheheh Vooray!!! human slingshot and a slip and slide Vooray!!! a ramp is a ramp i guess hehehe
  3. omg you had an E-bortions????!!! now Rodivk not gonna let you in the premium sandboxes and the privacy heaven paradise cause you hab sinded and stuff.. you could a had it all..you coulda been a contenda!!! \o/ lody lody why her why!!?
  4. why does everyone think burnin rubber is so bad Oo hehehehehe i burn lots of it..any chance i get..
  5. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Looks like 'stealth spam' with a side of self pity and some whine. they would probably get farther if they just told us about the viewer hehehe because they are not saying anything about what happened at all.. may as well leave some kind of information about one or the other hehehe
  6. Venus Petrov wrote: Welcome Simone! And a lovely shot, too! @Ceka: Pink hands! But, but where are YOUR pink hands?? I see an awesome pink bike it's actually a group that i am in called the pink hands..we are going to be about helping with security information and helping inform new people and anyone really with information about security leaks and holes and things to watch out for...plus just general help as well with second life..that and just about having fun.. we're called the pink hands because it's mostly girls group ..but there are a few men in it..hehehehe and yes the bike is awsome also..but not as awsome as my black one hehehehe my pink one and my black one hehehe
  7. Time to Represent!!!\o/ The Pink Hands Have Arrived lol
  8. i remember when we lived up north going passed fermilab all the time..you could see it from the road.. my father took me in there one time just to cut through it while he explained what they did there..i really wasn't paying too much attention because of all the houses hehehe.. i tried to but when you are younger ..things like houses painted with really wild designs is very destracting .. each house had strange colors ..some were purple with a red roof with a shape painted on the roof in maybe yello or something like that.. you had this strange looking tower and then this really strange area of houses...i didn't really piece what my father was talking about until much later.. i just thought it was really neat and very strange at the time.. then later when i found out what the rings were for and that they were trying to create matter it really made me wish i would have looked much closer when we went through there.. oh and security did pull us over in there and searched our car.. i remember the guard really making a big deal over a butter knife that we had in the car for some reason lol... i look at the map of it now and remember how big it was just for those rings ,,then remembering how big it actually was when being there and it's just something that i always thought was so impressive.. i looked a lot harder when we would drive by after it all made sense..it was one of the things that just always made me stop in the middle of a conversation.. ok quiet..we are going past fermi!! lol
  9. Void Singer wrote: nah, this is nothing comapred the the endless rolls of buy free gold, where the spammer hit every single forum multiple times with multiple accounts, and they stayed up for 3 or more days..... to the point where you had to go to page two to have a hope of seeing a post by an actual user.... although I dearly miss the good old days of the original forums, where this was NEVER a problem. ya that is true..they did stay up the whole weekend.. i guess it was just frustrating because all i saw was every other post at one point lastnight being one of those spams.. they do handle them better now. maybe since we could just choose to see the current refresh page back then is why they may have looked a lot less or something to me.. sorry it was just kind of a post of frustration more than the thinking kind lol.. although it would still be nice if they ever did find a way to ban them forever hehehe..
  10. well i have a good one..this forum spam that seems to be a lot worse than the blogrums were.. bleh..
  11. Venus Petrov wrote: I smile at your OP, Keli. The Stroker animations were all the rage in 2007-08 perhaps. There are newer 'toys' to facilitate SLex romps. The freest love in SL exists between the ears. I agree ..Oral is just goodness :matte-motes-evil:
  12. Venus Petrov wrote: LOL. Funny, Ceka. I guess the spelling of n00b or newb or newbie is the least of a n00b's/newb's problems. true lol although a n00b can be a pain in the butt to a newb as well.. LOL
  13. Venus Petrov wrote: Really? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newbie wiki is trying to mess with n00b history lol one was started in irc n00b..the other was just mean't for someone new ...started billions of years ago hehehe here is a funny version of them hehehe n00bness lol
  14. When did you stop being a newbie?  When i could do this wiff my eyes anytime i lliked hehehe
  15. what a scam ..i only got like 2 million from him..don't fall for it!!! hehehehe
  16. a simple "Hi Ceka Welcome" can go so much farther than actual contact with me on my way in.. people don't want to be disturbed on their way in.. i used to tell the dancers that worked for us to not IM the customers on the way in..give a nice welcome on the way in..because most times they are in IM's with people already before they got here..let them settle in ..if they want to get in IM's they will IM you.. still there were some that would stray..they woudl easily be caught because sooner or later some guy is going to say..will you tell your dancers to stop spamming me.. all i had to get was the names and then send them back to school for breaking the rules lol i didn't tolerate irritating the customers with some common rule i asked of people working for us not to break.. people come to relax and enjoy themselves..not be spammed by some girl here for the lindens.. lindens are nice but if you are not working here for the experience as well and here to pund our customers..then you need to find the kabillion other places that promote that kind of thing.. ya greeters for us were training to make the stage..so it was part of answering questions when asked and to also make sure everyone had a nice welcome coming in.. any bot like cheapness things going on i found out about that were irritating the customers and they were sent back to day one of the school.. sometimes the simplest things can wreck a place or make a place depending on how much detail is paid to them.. treating people like cattle is not gonna leave an impression.. them wanting to come back for more than just the music and entertainment can be a nice compliment.. i'm so tired of robotic flybynight cattle farming on the grid..
  17. Maryanne Solo wrote: Sure.. but given the topic at hand, why does a thread have to run her through the entire gamut of human emotion? Is that really necessary? If Mayalily has the connection to her avi that most do, before she realises how sad SL can be, as evidenced by the pointless, self serving ramblings of the effluentsia, I feel her position of being comfortable with this wirtual vorld is much at risk, as she has mentioned. Mayalily needs to know the whole of SL is not that way. The offers of help are just awesome. Think for a moment what the casual forum lurker sees here. 16,000 SL looks a day? = 0 new residents, correct? *wonders what the problem might be.. ya i think spending a lot of time in the forums will give a negative impact on the way the grid can be looked at..not a lot of people come to the forum to complain how good the grid is hehehehe as old as even the oldest avatars here have been in sl we could never be truly honest enough to say we have seen it all by a long shot.. it changes too fast to keep up with and there is so much out there that we would all become senile because of filling our long term memory with that much data if we could..there would be no room left for retention of the data to even be able to spread the word about it lol i would prescribe to anyone..more in world and less forums.. mainly because learning too much at one time rather than experiencing it can have us missing a whole world of experiences.. i call it the good will hunting effect lol god knows it's easy to get just as addicted to the forums as it is the grid itself hehehehe
  18. Pamela Galli wrote: Next: The Alpha Bug that's still around? heehe i guess for builds it is but for avatars it's getting extinct with the alpha layer now..my high heals don't look like clogs on the dancefloor anymore lol god i hated that..spend 1k on a pair of boots and couldn't even get on the dance floor with them because of the glompy looking inviso prims on my feet that became soo visible lol omg look at the size of the feet on her!! \o/ hehehehe
  19. Maya if you want i will show you how to move everything at one time..i have moved huge builds at one time with everything in them before and put them in my inventory then put them in other sims and everything was left intact.. from what it sounds like you live in a quiet area.. i really don't think you would have many trying to look in on your home..location has a lot to do with how private our sl homes will be as well.. i've had my land where i am since 2007 if i remember right..and a lot of that reason is because it's quiet and i just love the community and the estate owner.. i think you have to really enjoy where you live..moving is the easy part..finding a place where you feel happy is a bit harder.. the community or area should fit your needs that you want out of your second life when it comes to where you decide to live.. so if you are happy there and it is a nice community then you should be able to relax..people camming in on people is really not as common in some places as others.. from what it sounds like where you live..you shouldn't really have much of that happening.. if you want to IM me in world i can try to show you ways that will help you feel a bit more secure in thing..or if you ever have questions like this.. i would hate to see someone leave the grid or the forums over something that is easily cured..
  20. well just so you know..i won't look at you as a priest.. but not evil either hehehe
  21. Willow Danube wrote: FYI + Disclaimer (just in case we all get AR'd for trespassing): I did asked for Maya's permission to perv her house and she said yes. I'm cleared against all violations. i overheard them talking..they were looking for a patsy to blame it on.. at first i thought they were talking about someone named pillow..but a truck was passing by at the time so i may have misunderstood them
  22. Storm Clarence wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: as time goes on i think you will see just how small this loss of privacy feels compared to others you will find out later in time.. this will feel like a safe room compared to the ones you will hear about later.. there are nice people on the grid..but there are some evil ones as well.. I hope Maya does not think that the only troll in SL exists on this forum; and that I am that only troll. We breed faster than rabbits. :matte-motes-bored: she would see you as a priest compared to some of the evil people running around the grid LOL take a look on the other side of the street if you haven't already..you'll see what thread i'm talking about when you get there lol
  23. greek Wingtips wrote: We here to agree and disagree if thats the case LOL , but some points to consider, 1: how was the RL picture obtained, if obtained without owners permission and posted ,I would think a very legal case would stand, and if reported to LL and nothing was done then LL would have a case to anwer too. 2: I also belive but never read it myself, if the terms and conditions we agree to when we join SL, there must be something there written that we must abide too. 3:in the end there is a thin line of legal and illeagal in SL, one being it's a game so difficault to police, I not a ruler of law or that we cannot have fun, but I do think as players we do have a duty to be morale, not to inpeed or insult others or upset .defame or and steal ( copyright) there are more but not going to list.but think you get my drift. thats not what i was getting at.. my point was that if they obtained an RL picture that was in the public access area of their profile that it may not be something as strong as if they obtained it from something a bit more private or outside of sl..then brought it in world themselves and put it on their wall of shame.. it would be a bigger more solid case of disclosure if the user themselves never brought that real life pic in world but this guy with the wall of shame did.. a wall of shame is kind of childish anyways if you ask me..nomatter if it were against the rules or not.. i'm not the type that is in favor of any kind of black lists or things like them..hehehe
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