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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I had a friend like that. She was actually a dancer too that I brought from one club into the big one.. She had all these gadgets and we would hit each other with when we were bored.. She put fleas on me one time that I couldn't get off me, So I got mad and sicked my underground gofer on her and he took her into the earth, then did something that turned her into a twinkle.. She thought I damaged her for permanent.. I actually didn't know if I did or not too.. I was really worried I messed her up bad.. I never used the gofer on anyone before that.. I said log off and see if that helps.. She was so sad and I felt terrible. They she came back on and we were both so happy and yoo hooing.. hehehehe We got worse since we knew we really couldn't hurt each other for permanent.. hehehe As long as we were in my sim we were nuking each other and all kinds of stuff from then on..
  2. That was a lot of what it really was for me, was just listening to people talk.. I had regulars that always came in and just would talk with me about their day.. Just like regular chatting as if we were standing somewhere else.. I didn't really emote much either.. I was about as silly there as I get in here.. Emoting some huge paragraph that I think some just copy and pasted, that didn't set well with me.. It was much more fun being playful.. hehehe Toss a bra behind me that ends up going out the window, then landing on a guys face passing by that was riding a motorcycle, then hearing a big crash. O.O Silly things like that. I used to get IM's from people just laughing their butts off.. hehehe Never touched the poles either.. I had two huddles full of different dances.. I tried building and making things, but like you were saying earlier, It really takes a lot of patience.. It was fun making things for myself, but custom things just kill my creativity.. hehehe
  3. I'm curious now as well as to what these lucky eggs do.. Are they like those scripted pets that hatch something really neat?
  4. A guy I know sent me a few of these a few years back.. I never talked to him before this, but He IM'd me one night and said he used to go to the club all the time.. He seen this video and he said it reminded him of me.. He sent me a link to this video.. I told him, There is no way I'm clicking on that link. He said, I understand, but it is a good link.. Then gave me the title to it so I could search it for myself, so I did.. Then he kind of jarred my memory on the club and who was DJing back then and things from back then.. I was like, this is so strange.. Anyways I'm not gonna drag it out, but this was the video that he said reminded him of me when I was in sensual elements.. He was more or less just trying to get some ,is what it boiled down to.. hehehe ETA: Just to add, I never mixed business with pleasure.. Never did anything but dance. I never escorted like some did.. Never messed with anyone that went to the club and never really messed around anyways.. hehehe It was bad for business.. hehehe
  5. OMG, I can totally relate to that.. I remember where I had my sim, they had a club called something like tiki club or something like that.. I think this was around 2007 or 2008.. I was kind of friends with the guy that owned all the sims and the club. I wasn't doing anything so I would go there and hang out and dance with friends that lived around me.. Anyways, They had asked me awhile back if I would help with security when I could when say, grievers ever showed up if nobody else was around.. I said sure.. I didn't know much about the sim tools at the time and nobody there really told me about them.. I guess they just assumed I knew..hehehe So, me not knowing about the sim tools and them not knowing I didn't know about the sim tools, I was using gadgets.. The one gadget I had ,you could put cute and funny signs over peoples head.. So we were dancing and just hanging around laughing and talking in the club. I told everyone , I'm gonna give them a cute or funny sign at random.. after about 30 minutes with the club being packed to the gills, it got pretty laggy.. Aaaanyways, I went to give someone a sign and a really bad lag spike hit which caused my sl to freeze for a moment, causing me to click a few times on my buttons.. When I did that it must have switched the menu on my hud which had me dropping a nuke right in the middle of the club and clearing out just about everyone in the sim.. I was stunned and in shock for about 30 seconds just looking at my screen, Then came to my senses and started to tp people back that could help me start tping people that were there back.. Someone got on group and told them what happened and most got a laugh about it.. We got most back, then I went to my sim in shame.. hehehe I felt so terrible and couldn't have fun that night after that.. I got a lot of IM's from people asking me to come back over, but I was like, I was about to log off anyways.. I don't know how griefers have fun doing that kind of stuff..
  6. I remember we had a rule that nobody was to have their wee wee's exposed and the only nudity allowed was the dancers.. One night we got invaded by a group of guys that were wearing tuxedo's and assorted colors of Dillyillydoe's.. It reminded me of this part in this one old movie I seen one time.. Let me see if I can find the video.. I just remember crying laughing so hard when those guys started dancing on the dance floor.. hehehe Found the clip.. The movie is called Skin Deep
  7. A lot of people only know him From HeeHaw.. But he was really amazing..He could play all kinds of instruments..
  8. My worst job was also my best job and was a lot of fun and I made a lot of money there.. I worked at a club called GOL, then it became GOL Elements then GOL kind of became the logo for Sensual Elements, Then that grew into Elements 4 anf elements 5, then They just started to be called GOL 8, then 9.. All were different builds that people would just pack into.. It was like a huge industry from when it first started.. I kind of grew up with it in my SL.. I was two weeks old, and me and two of my roomies decided to go get jobs just to see what it was like to work in here.. We walked around the club and thought ,wow this is really a neat place.. It was this really amazing Greek theme with these huge pillars and the club downstairs.. Upstairs was the dance floor and DJ booth.. It looked really amazing.. Anyways, we ended up being the first three dancers, Then over a couple weeks more trickled in.. Many would leave, but the core group that actually stuck it out for years, they stuck around and we kind of became mentors and had this bond with each other.. Not a clique, but more friends for life kind of thing where if we were to bump into each other today, we'd more than likely stop and talk about the good ole days.. hehehe Anyways, after a couple of weeks of opening, the first club took off right to the top of the search.. The club stayed in like the top 10 for just about it's whole existence.. I remember GOL3 was huge.. The club was like the size of a whole sim.. There wasn't a dancer on stage that wasn't making 20k a set.. I remember making enough to pay for my sim, plus my shopping and anything I wanted to buy in SL.. Any time I got on stage I was making around 60k.. It wasn't uncommon to get 10k and 15k at one time from someone.. Then gambling got removed from SL and the depression hit and that would drop to around 10k a set..Which really, was still pretty good money.. hehehe That club became a whole industry of things.. They had a modeling company, 20 sims for homes and sailing and one of the biggest wildest malls I'd ever seen to date. There was a lot of drama, Especially when I became head manager..Omg that was too much.. log in and not be able to move from all the IM's.. I would actually log in and be in the same spot hours later when I logged off.. Still, the club only ever made money with two head managers out of it's whole time in existence.. When I first started, it was with the one that mentored me, and when I was HM of sensual elements. I couldn't handle that kind of SL though.. it was enough to make me quit.. The HM part of it was so bad that it's hard for me to get into going to any kind of clubs still.. hehehe It was a great job.. But those kinds of days are long gone and making that kind of money as a dancer these days is probably very rare.. Some girls there made a lot more than I was.. I remember one girl was actually payign her RL bills working there.. That was some good SL back then.. This is a very short version of that place, but there isn't enough forum space and I've only got 4 days off of work this week, so Imma cut it short.. hehehe Everyone have a great holiday
  9. A lot of people hear adult and think porn right from the get go, when in reality it can be someone setting up their sim for the just in case things or to be on the safe side.. A lot of people did that back when they first changed to sim ratings because the maturity standards were so damn confusing.. There were tons of brown bag meetings and forum threads over three different forum sites.. This one, Xstreet and SLU.. If there ever was a time Child avatars were controversial, it was around that time.. The hate got really bad and really thick towards them.. That's when many people started using height as a big gauge to someone being a child avatar.. If you are this tall you are not allowed here!\o/ Some still use that. The Maturity ratings are still confusing for a lot of people..Because a lot still think adult means porn.. hehehe Myself, I don't have a problem with anyone being whatever they want to be in here.. I remember back then being on the side of child avatars in those forum battles.. It felt like people had their pitchforks out or something.. Real bad mob mentality.. There were some really nice people that were in the forums back then that were child avatars and it just didn't sit well with me that they were being attacked.. I don't really RP myself in SL, but more just kind of bounce around just doing my thing and bumping into different people and chatting.. If someone stays in character, I don't jump into a character, but just be me.. I'm not very good at RP things anymore, so we will either keep chatting or go our separate ways.. I think with meeting people in SL, I see a bit of the persons imagination at first, but always seem to meet the person behind the keyboard.. It's usually talking about their SL and my SL and their life and my life.. Good stuff really.. If I never got past all those book covers in SL, I wouldn't have the library of friends I've had over the years here.. I just woke up and on my first cup of tea, so I tend to type a lot and tap into things as I'm waking up..Plus usually drift from my first intentions of posting in the first place.. So if this has drifted off the table, I apologize.. hehehe Off to get my second cup.. Everyone have a nice day.. hehehe
  10. I use an RLV collar and remote where I have this little flower on my screen that I click on.. It brings up a menu that lets me either choose outfits or any folders I have in my RLV directory.. I have one that is just for huds.. I click that button and a menu pops up for all my huds .. So I can attach and detach them without ever having to open my inventory.
  11. The nice thing about the evo x is you can do either evo or evo x. I still find plenty for both.
  12. I had something similar happen last week.. I just got a new body hud out of the original package and it seemed to fix it.
  13. I just like having a place where anyone in my rl, isn't.. ETA: Adding this part: Besides my family at home. SL is kind of like taking a shower.. Sorry she can't come to the phone right now, she's in the shower.. They can't call me or reach me here in any way.. hehehe
  14. I take it back, I'd recommend it to my 2024 candidate that I'll be votin for. They stole it from us in 2020, but he's got something up his sleeve for them all in 2024.. Buncha gold diggas.. 2024 y'all gonna feel the earth MOVE!! \o/ Juss you wait.
  15. The true story of how the Dinosaurs went extinct.. hehehe
  16. If you are premium member, you may want to see if live chat can help or maybe put in a ticket.. Hopefully someone will come along that knows more.. I honestly can't think what it would be.. I doubt refreshing attachments would do anything since it's texture.. If you are in a kind of busy sim, maybe find an empty sim and try a rebake.. I can't remember coming across this before, that I can think of..
  17. Ok, when you uninstalled your viewer, did you do a clean uninstall or did you just have remove programs do it? You may need to clear your texture cache or cache. Not inventory cache, but your cache which you will see the button for that below the inventory cache button.. That will clear your texture cache which may fix the issue.. It's about all I can really think of to do at the moment..
  18. So basically your tattoo's are taken off but they are still showing on your avatar.. When anything like this happens to me, I'll log my alt on to see if they are seeing the same thing that I'm seeing.. I had something similar happening with my alpha layers the other day to where I couldn't take them.. Then Logged my alt on to see if they seen my alpha layers still on, and from that accounts perspective, they were off.. I then figured out I had to replace my hud for my body, which fixed my problem.. Not saying that will fix yours, but it may give a better idea of whats going on if your alt's perspective is different from your main account's perspective..
  19. All I see in the worm tab is the girl next door things which are from the library part of the inventory.. If you want to show everything that is currently worn.. Go to your upper left menu where it says avatar, then go down to the 3rd column of that menu and click, Now Wearing.. That will show more of what might be going on..
  20. I've been watching Mantis Shrimp videos for the past 40 minutes.. The funny thing about the videos is they keep comparing the mantis shrimp strike to, the force of a bullet, the speed of a bullet, the power of a 22 caliber bullet.. It's actually the acceleration of a 22 caliber bullet.. The impact causes such a vacuum that it boils water with the temperature reaching the same as the surface of the sun.. It makes a quick flash of light when his lil thumpers hit.. I could go on forever with how wild they are.. Just be glad they are not that big.. hehehe They have all the best tools, best eyes and zillions of limbs for different purposes.. They are just freaking awesome.. Mantis shrimp don't give a damn! \o/ When it comes out of the hole it reminds me of those, COMA AT ME BRO!! memes hehehe
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