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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Ya curvy is moving way ahead of the classic that's for sure.. I hope they both make a good run for it and both stick around.. they are both nice bodies.. I told myself, I'm not buying anything else for the one I bought, until someone puts out a nice bikini.. hehehe I'm just gonna let things build up and go on a shopping spree.. I just hate waiting for things to pop up..Especially when it's mostly full perm sellers..
  2. MetaHumano has some of those as well.. Some like those in the image and some X's also, plus some others all in like this one pack.. They're pretty nice, I grabbed some awhile back when i first found their store.. here is the slurl if you want to check those out also.. MetaHumano
  3. I found a new stream a couple of weeks ago that is so relaxing and has really good music.. it's not relaxing that will make you sleepy, but a relaxing where you can work on things and it helps keep you focused on things.. The best way i can describe the feeling is, It's kind of like getting on the water first thing in the morning before anyone else, when it's glass smooth and you are just gliding across it.. These are two that I really LOVE, that have been playing on it recently.. I really love the styles of this music, they gentle carry me away and then gentle set me back down.. I Paint What I See Equador - Break Me Gently I can't help but to add one more.. They are just so good that I can't help the feeling of wanting to share them Bank Of Flowers
  4. That's great, so when the body goes modify we can take care of it.. Thank you! And also Thank you Wulfie for everything as well.. You both have been very helpful.
  5. I think that's what they are anyways.. They might be hot keys too though..whatever those ones that are off to the side are..mine on my corsair board are keys G1 thru G6. I never really use those.
  6. Me and my husband played division for a little while, which was really kind of a neat game..You could go anywhere in Manhattan which i really thought was amazing.. I guess they go ahead of time and actually map the areas that will be in their game and if there is a pizza place somewhere , they put a pizza place there and whatever is next door and so on.. They did Washington DC also in their next one which was really neat also.. they even had the secret room under the Lincoln memorial and it looks the same.. Aaaaaanyways, All the default keys are for the left hand, plus just about any keyboard we've gotten that I can remember.. the macro keys are on the left side as well.. I had three fingers using the WASD keys and my pinky working the shift control and alt tab my thumb working the space bar, then a bunch of buttons on my mouse.. It was easy for me to get used to those in that game, because they are pretty much like my SL keys have always been.. That was such a fun game.. hehehe
  7. I think I may have worded something wrong along the way to make it sound like I was adding a layer to the body.. This isn't a layer I'm applying to the bodies, this is just turning materials on from the three different bodies huds.. If the materials are their own texture, then each body must have it's own built in materials texture that is comes with..That would explain why each one is showing different results. With the Belleza body and it's materials turned on from the hud, I could put the camera across the room or from the same distance in the pictures and it be the same from any angle.. With the Reborn and Maitreya and their materials turned on from their huds, I could put the camera across the room or up close and at any angle and you'd be hard pressed to find any any seam line at all.. It may have been me using the word shine, that I may have made it sound like I was adding a shine layer to the bodies..where I probably should have been saying materials instead.. The only way to really see what's going on and compare is from the body demos..
  8. Ya it will happen if i use the same exact skins from the Maitreya on the belleza.. The darker the skin on the Belleza the more that line shows up.. I'm not exactly sure how materials actually work on the mesh bodies.. does each body have a materials layer or texture of their own? I could put my alts in the same room and have us all in the same exact skin. One in Maitreya, one in Reborn, and one on Belleza and see three different results with the same materials settings.. The Belleza will always show that line where the others are eased up before the line.. If there is something else I could adjust I would love to.. Maybe something we will be able to mess with when the body becomes modifiable?
  9. Ya, I had messed with the color pallet and the only thing that worked was pitch black.. I went ahead and put on my maitreya with an even darker skin to show what I think the real problem is and it's pretty much what I was guessing it was a few days back in my first post when I first noticed this problem.. If you look at this first image with the Belleza Gen x body, you can see how the materials are not eased up or faded out or whatever they would call it, But just stays consistent right up to the neck line.. I have the same setting on my maitreya in the image below this one and you can see how things were eased up before reaching the neck line.. I think they are probably going to have to fix that area and back the materials off before the line.. I'm guessing anyways.. I left the necklace on as kind of a guide to show where the difference starts from the Maitreya compared to the Belleza.. Things are pretty much quiet before even reaching the necklace and no seam line.
  10. I'm still having a problem with the materials where the second you touch the gloss it powder coats the body leaving a defined line at the neck.. There is no intensity adjustment and the intensity is jacked all the way up with no way that I can think of to turn it down.. I seen this same problem when someone came into the sessions group asking about the triangle showing up with their V, which is a clashing of materials with the body and the V's shine.. This was tested on my Maitreya and my Reborn.. Anyways, I decided to see if I could figure it out for them and then noticed something.. You have to jack the Intensity all the way up on the body hud for the V' shine to be able to match the bodies shine..Then you could adjust the shine from the shine hud and they would work in sync.. But still it looked like a powder coat covering the body, unless you had the Gloss so high that it looked like flashlights were coming out of your body from every direction.. hehehe Then it hit me.. This is what's going on with my Gen x gloss too.. On the Gen x hud there is Glossiness adjustment and an Environment adjustment, but there is no Intensity adjustment.. The same exact thing is happening.. the moment i touch the glossiness, it's powder coats body, just like having the intensity jacked up to have the V match my other body.. Has anyone found a work around for adjusting the intensity on the bodies Gloss in the hud somewhere? I have some sort of dark skins and then I have some really dark skins.. It's really easy to see it happen on those.. Like sticking out like a sore thumb easy to see.. hehehe Just curious if I'm missing something in the hud or something is left on or off that others may have found.. I've checked it in all kids of different lighting and went to a little bit lighter skins, but I'm not switching to light skins for a body let alone gonna wear collars because of neck line materials clash.. hehehe
  11. I use WSAD because my right is my mouse hand and my keyboard hand is my left.. I'm used to going right to left not left to right..plus the number keys are above my fingers and not off to the side..
  12. I think the legs are nice on this body.. They remind me of the Erika body the way they did their legs.. A lot of the curvy bodies have legs that feel kind of cartoony in a way.. it's like from the knees down just seems out of place and everything comes to what feels like a pivot point at the feet.. hehehehe Kind of reminds me of those cartoons where their legs come to a sharp point at the feet, like a spinning top.. hehehehe Erika was the only other body that the legs felt right on as far as the curvy bodies go for me.
  13. I'm seeing some nicer things for it.. one thing that was always short on for Erika was bikini's that were actually for going to the beach that doesn't have things covered.. I seen there is one in the sales.. I'm seeing some more casual and conservative things showing up also.. so if it can turn that corner, I think there is quite a few people that would love to grab that body.. I was losing faith there for a little bit but never totally.. So I'm happy to see these things showing up more and more now.. It may never make it to the top, but as long as it's making it and we have good things, it's solid to me in my eyes..
  14. Glam Affair had some really nice skins for the Belleza Gen X bodies.. So nice that I was wanting to get the same thing for my other bodies since I'm gonna shelve my Belleza for awhile until it's worth making a shopping trip for.. I tend to find myself just waiting for things to pop up rather than going an doing second life things and letting things build up.. it's like watching grass grow when a body first comes out.. hehehe Aaaanyways, Now i can't find anything like them.. Even the skins for their other bodies feel out of date compared to them.. I hope they do other body versions in those.. they have nice details added to the belleza ones that would be really nice on the other bodies.. I looked for skins there for my reborn as well and find it silly that a skin store sends you to another skin store.. Velour lol Seriously!! \o/ hehehe
  15. They are probably playing that one game that got so many people addicted years ago.. king of thrones or whatever it's called.. I lost a couple of SL friends to that game.. They come into the virtual world of second life, get addicted to a text game that they just stand there ignoring everyone around them.. Wait a second, this is sounding a heck of a lot like a cellphone.. My ex friends that I lost to that game, tried dragging me into it, then made a crap load of alts and pretty much did the same thing as those 11. I'm just guessing it's that.. if they ignored you it's because they are zombies now. hehehehehe
  16. The weekend sales are nice because that's when you see a lot of fatpacks broken down to where you can get them in singles..
  17. Ya, that's how it felt like it was done with Prima.. The way they did it way back then..
  18. Really they aren't in a bad place for sure.. They are just settled into a spot right now is all.. I bet if they keep doing more of those events they will pull even more in.. They seemed to gain a little more life after the last one and showing up in more spots.. I really noticed when i was looking for the belleza and prima things when they had their release day.. I kept saying to myself, there is another Erika and another and another.. hehehe I was like, wow Erika sure is showing up more now..Much more than i seen them before in the past.. I'll shelve all the rest of my bodies if they really start pulling in the more conservative and casual clothes.. In a heart beat too.. hehehe
  19. From the looks of it they had guys versions too, I wonder if they do or say the same things?
  20. I feel bad for them to go to all that work and it not pan out.. It's a good looking body when you put it on, but a body needs more than that to go anywhere.. There isn't anything else for it.. It feels more like they thought , if they build it everything else will come along.. It doesn't work like that anymore. If you just throw a body in the room nowadays hoping everyone else is going to bring it to life.. It's just gonna lay there until it's pronounced dead.. Which i feel bad for them that that's happening.. I liked the body..
  21. I don't think that list is current with what's in the store.. I shot over there to see what they had, because Reborn being so popular, wasn't on the spreadsheet. I just wanted to see if it was in the store and a Reborn version is in their store.. I didn't look around too much.. just did a quick area search and camed in and then got out of there.. hehehehe
  22. Ya, until those bodies really start getting worn by a larger crowd of users,they probably won't do too much.. You might see Gen X curvy in the next year if it can get up around where Reborn is.. But Erika is kind of settled in where it is at the moment at around the 42nd spot on the list of 300 mesh bodies showing wearers.. Prima was on the list but fell off it.. I think it's pretty much over for Prima..
  23. Ya , there are some that do good texturing with the full perm kits.. HH is one of them for sure and been around for awhile too..
  24. You're meaning skins, not mesh head and mesh body.. There is a universal neck fit that some body creators use to fit with mesh heads as well as with system heads.. With neck blends you can have more freedon to have different head skins and body skins. Myself I'm using in the picture, A Belleza Gen X body with a lelutka Lilly head, with a Glam Affair body skin and a Tres Beau head skin. Without the neck blend you would totally be able to see the difference. An even closer view of the neck, where there is no line and hard to tell the differences between the two different brands of skins.. So you have so much more freedom to choose different brands for the head and the body with a neck blend..
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