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Nando Yip

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Everything posted by Nando Yip

  1. A trip on the rivers of the new regions of Bellisseria, which in RL would be called a "hole" because they connect with the sea. Just after dawn, the sound is the original of the regions. Photos and Videos of the Fantasy Regions, post here!!!
  2. I went to check the connection of the two roads, it was great, and for those who want to buy great land on the side of the road, there is still a lot of abandoned land there.
  3. What do the moles do under that cover, right now the regions are like this!!!🤔
  4. Come have a drink in the summer sun at Galeria 56. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peraut/50/223/68
  5. @Gwin LeShelle I like these lights in the sky, and also the lanterns, in Brazil we also have São João Balloons in the month of June, I would be happy to see them if I were your neighbor.
  6. @BJoyfulI am very grateful for your kind words, I think our RL or SL life deserves beauty, kindness, and affection, we can all try to be happy and be at peace, and looking at each other with empathy can be an ever more pleasant path to go through.😍
  7. Exploring Studio 56, visit and take your photo for free. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trafalgar/98/145/22
  8. Seria Lindo @Elena Core🤩
  9. Visit Studio 56, and make your photo with new backgrounds, click on everything and find the gifts. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trafalgar/98/163/22
  10. Enjoying the moonlight in the garden of Residencia 56 in Peraut
  11. At Residencia 56 in Perault, there are some of the animals that I like, which give an incredible movement and color to the garden, whoever wants to visit: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peraut/69/236/64
  12. Hello Fenella, I would like to renew the seal of Galeria 56 in the terminal , and put a new one that makes reference to new exhibitions in the place. what should I do?
  13. all this green around it really looks like a fantastic dream.
  14. I don't know, I don't know... Our SL18B exhibit can now be seen on our skybox, visit our Gallery, and pick up your gifts. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peraut/115/208/3001
  15. Visit our new exhibition, in new spaces. GALLERY 56 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peraut/38/213/68
  16. No terreno da Rota 8, refazendo a casa, usei este de Trompe Loeil - Cassia Beach Cottage V1.2 que gosto muito, também gosto de ver carros passando para o aeroporto ao lado, é uma rodovia muito movimentada, e tem um ponto Rezz aqui na frente, ao lado dele tem minha "Galeria 56". o trabalho está sempre em andamento, então quem quiser pode visitar: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peraut/93/219/69
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