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Nando Yip

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Everything posted by Nando Yip

  1. unfortunately No, that package was already put back was from another alt that has already returned to basics. Economy time !!!
  2. I am going to return this camper tomorrow the 27th, but before that happened, I decided to try to decorate, which I had never done in one of these campers. I tried a drawing and photo studio, one of my favorite activities in SL.
  3. beautiful, the climates of your homes are always relaxed, it seems like a place where you can be calm.
  4. Infinity Cube de Regi Yifu, see gallery 56 in = http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peraut/42/199/68 about Regi Yifu https://bityli.com/knWTP
  5. Tenho dois alts que estavam ocupados com palafitas, mas depois de me divertir decorando, passei semanas sem nem passar por eles, tanto se pode fazer no SL que não sobra tempo para ficar em 4 casas, no Bellisseria e mais uma galeria de casas no continente, e ainda vou a eventos, festas, concursos, mostras de arte, shows .... etc .... etc. Então decidi rebaixar as duas alts já que prefiro muito a casa-barco e Doyle, e seu mandato agora termina nos dias 24 e 28, respectivamente. Então decidi economizar e seguir em frente, já que os Chalés realmente não me atraem. Apesar de não perder a Premiun, resolvi levar um trailer para ver o que acontecia ... Nunca tive um porque todos que eu peguei antes estavam em locais que não me atraíam em nada, sempre em lugares que eram demais lotado, sem nenhuma vista que ia para a praia. Meu gosto. Então agora para o meu “infortúnio” peguei dois em um terreno incrível: o primeiro no Carnaval - com dois simuladores de água oceânica na frente, um canal atrás e a possibilidade de sair com o barco diretamente de dentro da embalagem. E o outro em - The Beaten Path - com vistas maravilhosas e terreno no canal que leva à Baía de Fourze. ... A verdade é que até amanhã tenho que me despedir deles ... ohhhh DOR !!!
  6. @Elena Core , This place is one that I intend to keep as long as I can, it is really my home, as it is under my main account. The bush next to it that was the only "problem" has been fixed, so I like the land more and more.
  7. @Leora Jacobus , visit whenever you want my house is always open. Stay here : https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Granby Court/19/243/2408
  8. Someone will want to spend the spring and summer on this beautiful stilt, On the pier and with a rezzer zone beside it, I had fun in it, but the time has come for this house to have the next owner so I just put it back. I really like my Trafalgar boat. this is the front of the house, not the land. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beachy Keen/246/216/23
  9. thanks @Elena Core , who knows, it could be an embryo of an artistic community.
  10. A few more photos of the ranch on Route 8, I liked placing the house next to Galeria 56, the stone creates contrast and at the same time harmonizes with the straight lines of the building. A tip: the land next to my land has 4096m2 and receives 1406 prims, with direct access to the track, it is abandoned and that's how I bought mine directly from LL, in which case the cost price is 4,096 L $. if anyone wants my neighbor, this is the address. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peraut/81/218/68
  11. So I went and bought the house. It's my current one from the continent. just in case tb i bought the one that was launched after the beach.
  12. it's great to see what the neighbors do with their homes. The video is well done the colors are faithful. Congratulations to everyone involved in the production.
  13. I find his refined decorations incredible, I imagine a movie star from the 1940s in these settings.
  14. Visit Gallery 56 in: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peraut/38/213/68
  15. In the Brazilian Amazon, visit: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/STYX/150/67/24
  16. Galeria 56 Gallery 56 Visit our Photos and Paintings at Contemporary Art exhibitions: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peraut/38/226
  17. I wonder why anyone would pay prices like that. I've never had a hard time buying land directly from LL and paying only the cost price.
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