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Rosemaery Lorefield

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Everything posted by Rosemaery Lorefield

  1. I haven't checked out his ban list, but I do have a few people banned from my land as well. The thing is, they are only banned from my parcel. The land ajacent to mine contains a market with rentals. There are a few people banned there as well. People who have actually set foot on the land and caused problems while there. What the land owner Mac is talking about does is ban people who are affiliated with someone she doesn't like from her entire land, including the market area, whether they have ever even been there or not. The real problem is that she is excluding potential customers from her renters for no reason. This is just bad business.
  2. Mac, Try not to feel too bad about being excluded from there. Their market looks like a hobo camp under a bridge compared to the market who accepts you and your right to access other groups They will drive themselves out of business soon enough with their pettiness and lack of good business sense + urban planning lol.
  3. I would not belong to any group who has such a big issue with my membership in other groups. If they have a problem with competition, they should state in their group info before joining that they do not allow members to belong to competing groups. Sure, they might not get many takers, but at least they would be honest. I will almost guarantee that the members have no idea this is going on. I didn't, until I joined the other group and got booted from a hunt in progress, had items from their sales area returned to me and lost the ability to post notices. No explanation, nothing. It wasn't until I got to be friends with the other group's owner that I found out what the hell had happened.
  4. I think he is just upset. I know of several people who are banned from that land even though they have never even been there or been in contact with the group. Again, that's their right, but they are the ones creating drama more than anyone lol.
  5. I don't agree that the situation is anything like terrorism, but I do think that what they are doing is hurting themselves and their merchants, along with many others in the community. It's their right, but it's not a good move.
  6. I suppose they can do what they want, but I don't really think what they are doing is right- I am banned from the same piece of land btw! What I wonder though, is if that market's merchants know that affiliates of another market owner are being banned en masse? I am not just a merchant, I am also a shopper. If someone's main store is on that sim, they lose out because I cannot shop there. I will add that there has never been any harassment on my part of the land owners or their merchants. While I had dealings with the land owners that ended on not so great terms, it was certainly not due to a lack of professionalism on my part. I understand that we are all in the same field, but some people apparently view this with more pettiness and competitiveness than others.
  7. Right, I understand that you are offering business services, though I am unclear what they are so far. All I'm saying is that even as a business person, I would never take the time to hang out in an office space to see what all you could do for me You can message me, or send me a NC and let me see what it is you are doing. I'm pretty busy getting ready for the Home & Garden Expo, but I can take a few minutes.
  8. When I list new items they sell like mad for a few days and then fall completely off the map. I doubt it's a problem with your products or market, MP is just messed right now. Search is wonky, pages are slow. Those who manage to slog through and shop on MP during the slow times probably just aren't seeing listings that they normally would.
  9. <<I think chasing people away and accusing them if they stand around for a moment too long is a good way for a store to loose customers>> Exactly! People wander off or look at something else on screen. I try to make sure I go home at least before I leave the computer for too long, but not always. I would never buy from someone who acused me of copy botting.
  10. The turn over in SL users is so high, why would they know who all these oldbies are? I think actual fame in SL is pretty impossible.
  11. Communities are small, compared to SL as a whole. I personally know, or know of probably every av in my field. Hopefully some of them know me lol. Point being- if you want to ensure that you get absolutely no recognition in your given community, whether it be design, fashion, music, clubbing, furry- Have fun in that lonely skybox. Get a security orb, shop on the marketplace, and be prepared to never leave your home or talk to anyone. How fun! Seriously, I am the biggest hermit I know and I still have managed to know people. Go figure.
  12. LOL Oh woe is me Seriously though, you might be hanging around in the wrong places. Newbie areas? Crappy clubs? Any clubs? Most likely, it's just guys trying to get a little something from you. If someone offers you a free profile pic and you want one, go for it. I'm not sure what you think that will do. No avi in SL (aside from the Lindens) are actually famous. In my world of home design, there are well known avis who you could say are famous, but only to those who are interested in home design, either as a trade or avid shoppers. Someone in the fashion industry sure wouldn't know who they are, and likewise, I have no idea who the big models are in SL. Getting a profile pic splashed on someone's online portfolio is not going to make you famous. No offense, but we are pretty much all attractive besides those who are too new to have a great av yet, or those who chose to be less beautiful. I don't harassed so much these days, and it's not because my av isn't smokin hot (jk), it all depends on where you are going, who with and how you behave. If you are up on the dance poles at clubs, or any kind of overt sexy dressing/flirting, you will be getting the kind of attention that you claim is making you uncompfortable.
  13. Hello Motty, congratulations on your new business I like the idea of helping a new startup get off the ground but you haven't included any info about your projected return on investment, profit sharing, what role you want your investors to play and for how long. Do you want a permanent partner, or just start-up money? Also, as another poster said, you need to have a reason for people to go to your venue. A nice office is fine, but people won't be drawn there. A club seems like a good fit with your business.
  14. ROFL! That "troll" happens to be a regular poster here, and is generally pretty helpful. Sorry, but when someone rambles on almost incoherently and then claims to be afraid to go to bed because an avi showed them a skeery video, makes it hard to take seriously. To answer you though, your system probably can't handle all the resources it takes to hop around to different locations and watch videos, etc. and freaked out. Clear your cache, reboot, and if nothing else goes wonky, you are fine. Also, there are tools that avi's can use to deform you and do weird stuff but it's not actually harmful.
  15. Yea see, I have plenty of boob irl so I have my fantasy little boob bod in sl lol! I just wonder sometimes because I make furniture. I make it with the assumption that most people are a bit bigger than me but I had a kit recently where the demo item was just huge! It made me wonder, exactly how much smalller? hah
  16. When I am building, the land impact lags quite a bit. Too bad, I would love some zero LI prims lol.
  17. I think most of the "adults" are over the whole teen grid conversion agnst by now. You shouldn't keep yourself hidden away, but you should be careful, please be careful. I'm sure there are teen friendly sims and things where you can meet other kids too, but you shouldn't feel like you can't talk to adults either.
  18. So basically, you don't want people to have privacy in SL because you can't find out what they are up to? What does it matter? I really think you are taking the game too seriously. If there is someone you don't trust, then drop them. There is probably a reason you don't trust them.
  19. Yea, I don't know either, seems like it makes the legs too skinny IMO, but to each their own lol. I am a short, big butt, flat chested girl/neko/antelope/rhinocerous at any given time, so who am I to tallk!
  20. I seriously do not have the kind of dedication it would take to run multiple avatars lol! I do have one alt, who I made when we got the new user name system and someone was all "omgah they can stealz your bizness name and greif yooooo!" at me so I named her after my shop. Sometimes she gets to come IW and wear a guy bod to help me with poses but that's about it!
  21. What IS normal size these days? Apparently I am quite small, because I usually see humongous amazon women towering over me when I go places. Kinda scary really lol.
  22. What he did is nasty and mean to his partner, but yea. I will still argue his right to do it. I'm not the sex police.
  23. I really prefer the V1 profiles myself, and the viewer I use shows those instead of the funky webpage. I really dislike the new stuff, but I am as old as dirt for SL. The newer people probably like the new ways I would suppose.
  24. Oh come on. Surely you have figured out by now that some people actually do enjoy their privacy whether you respect that or not? Thanks for calling everyone who likes privacy brainless :\ This was a funny thread for a minute when it seemed like you had finally gotten off that dead horse lol. On to the topic at hand, those people crack me up. I point and laugh and do not talk to them. No one needs to be taking SL so seriously that they need to warn people about logging IM's!
  25. I have a nice one called ORACUL E LADY and another by the same maker that I can't remember right now. Very cute and demure but with plenty of motion still. In fact, I have over a dozen by this maker! Hit me up IW for an LM if you are interested, I can't remember the name of the shop and it is different than the brand name lol.
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