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Rosemaery Lorefield

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Everything posted by Rosemaery Lorefield

  1. I agree with Prokofy- this kind of traffic gimmick is doing absolutely nothing for your business. People who want to use camp chairs are people who do not want to purchase things. Why do you want them coming to your store? Just to artificially inflate traffic? I'd rather have a traffic score of 5 and a sale or two than traffic in the thousands and no sales.
  2. <<"Gosh sorry its only $15, get a life!"?!?>> Yes, that is all that can be said. It is unethical to take someone's rent and shut down the sim but it is not against TOS, and there is absolutely nothing LL will do about it. Of course, this is nothing at all like buying a product, permissions known, and then complain about the perms. Selling something no perms is not unethical or against TOS, no matter how much you would really, really like it to be.
  3. Well then, don't buy it. If you purchase something knowing that it is expensive, no perm, at the mercy of the creator, and charges a "tax", it's pretty dumb to then come in and carry on about it. If the seller misrepresented any part of this, then it is wrong, but there isn't much to be done besides avoiding their products.
  4. <<maybe english wasn't their best language or something>> That is a good point!
  5. Oh right, I am sure it is a scary email. I have ended up with IP replaced items, but no email somehow!
  6. <<and i am very amzed that ppl complain about the IP-replacement instead of be thankful, LL do not cancel their account>> Seriously? I think LL's current policy on IP replaced items is perfectly reasonable. They replace and do not penalize users who have the occasional offending item. It can happen to anyone, through no fault of their own. They boot people who repeatedly have large amounts of illegal items. Cancelling the accounts of anyone who has any illegal item would be unreasonable. I have no idea why anyone would expect that to happen.
  7. I don't actually care enough to lose 4 years, 98k inventory and an established business over Bloodlines. I just think they are assholes for keeping everyone's names in their DB for all of eternity
  8. That is good info, but I NEVER received an email (the email I registered with is working and valid) or a notecard explaining the replacement. Maybe this is something new since I haven't found an IPreplacement item in ages.
  9. This is exactly why tons of merchants complain that hunts are no good for business, they only boost traffic, not sales, etc. Yea, if you put out a crap freebie, it will be deleted along with your LM and you will never see that av on your radar again. If you give out a high quality item that is representative of the items you sell, you will get more customers through hunts. My subscribo always takes leaps and bounds during the first week or 2 of a hunt and those people come back and buy later. Sure, some people only want freebies and have no intention of buying. I don't see why that should bother me though, it's not like they are getting all of my inventory for free
  10. Bloodlines sucks. I just muted every avatar and object that sent me notices or IM's. But yea, I'm still on their freaking database. Ahhh to be a newb again....I would never join knowing what I know.
  11. Put him on mute and then forget about him/her. Worrying about them checking your profile is giving THEM all the power, and that's exactly what they want. Obsessing over it is no more healthy than the stalking behavior. Go ahead and update your profile. Be happy that you have moved on and don't give a single F what the other person thinks about it
  12. I was having that problem yesterday. Mostly right before crashing. All 17 times :\ Clearing cache and holding really still seemed to help some.
  13. I just remembered also, that at one point I had a bucket of old hunt items for sale between 10L and 50L. You couldn't see what they were, the ones that were over 10L did have a photo though. I haven't put that out in a long time, since I moved to where I am now. I might have to do that soon! I like to think that it helps newbs, or people who just don't have a wad of cash to play in SL. Also, my hunt items are always things I would sell in my store anyhow. I have been sad that I couldn't sell a thing that I made lol, but happy to give it away. If your stuff is good quality, I think getting it free or cheap makes a really good impression on the customer. I see former hunters coming back to purchase more expensive items quite often, so it must work ok
  14. That is my opinion also. I wasn't talking about copybotting, I was responding to someone who wants TPV's banned because they think it would stop copybotting.
  15. Yea there really isn't much you can do about it. If someone gives you a folder of fabulous "freebie" hair or skin, you might want to check it out. Try to avoid the freebie warehouses- Mostly crap and what is good is stolen. Read Fabfree and Freestyle blogs. Stores are screened to make sure they don't have stolen or BIAB garbage so the freebies you find there are generally safe.
  16. Great advice, WTG! She's clearly new to the forum and probably newer to SL than you. (4 years, 98K inventory, have had maybe 4 or 5 IP replacements)
  17. I have had this happen after maintenance and thank goodness, it was only temporary. Try clearing caches and relog. Even try another viewer. If that doesn't work, and the problem lasts over 24 hours, I would file a support ticket.
  18. Unless you make a new folder for each freebie thing you are given, you probably won't know which items get replaced at all. I have had a few things disappear, always hair that someone gave me, and I never got any kind of notification on what was taken. After a few times of this happening I realized that all these hairs people gave me for free couldn't possibly be legit, so I just deleted them all. Same with skins. I got a ton when I was a newb, but now that I know the stuff is stolen, I don't want it in my inventory. I don't know about your other questions, sorry!
  19. They would still have to make the viewer closed source and alter the code enough to prevent any kind of spoof viewer from connecting to the grid using the old source code+tweaks.
  20. I usually don't sell hunt prizes after, sometimes I will re-color or re-work them a bit and sell. My group gifts are group exclusives and that is part of the draw, and they are advertised as such, so I would never sell those. If you aren't claiming to be giving exclusives, then there is no reason not to sell group gifts or hunt prizes afterwards. I agree with everyone else though, just don't give away for free things that people have already paid for.
  21. Well, I guess I would want it to be like Ebay was back when sellers *could* leave feedback lol. I haven't used Ebay in ages, it's too bad they are screwing their sellers like that.
  22. I have only had one negative experience with the marketplace and a completely non-responsive merchant. His answer was that his product worked, that is all. Lol. It clearly did not work. Otherwise, I have had pretty good luck with it. I think having meaningful feedback ratings would be nice though because it would encourage people to leave positive feedback- Lots of people only leave feedback when it is negative- as well as merchants being able to leave feedback, both positive and negative.
  23. I don't think it would be a temporary bleed at all. It doesn't take long for new members to figure out how bad the LL viewer performs. If it weren't for TPV's, people would get fed up and leave on a continual basis. The only way I can see this working is if LL actually hired all the excellent TPV developers. They are totally out of touch with what users want, as evidenced by the fact that the LL viewer still lacks many features that have been available in other viewers for years.
  24. When my balance is wonky, I rez a cube and set it for sale for 10L or whatever price and buy. That almost always works.
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