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Rosemaery Lorefield

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Everything posted by Rosemaery Lorefield

  1. <<Thanks! guyz .. i really DO appreciate it .. you guys ROCK !! You really do .. Putting all your time & creativity in2 making SL wonderful for me while making LL parasites rich! How magnanimous of you !! Building & scripting & marketing all your virtual stuff for a pittance per hour ... Mother Teresa has NOTHING on you !!>> Wow, and with this kind of attitude, you expect content creators and Linden Lab to give you everything you want for free??? How did you get so entitled?
  2. <<get greedy & resentful & suspicious .. friends end up becoming enemies over L$>> That is a character flaw of the people who you surround yourself with, not a symptom of the SL Economy.
  3. You should check out the virtual world of Dreamscape. A great example of what happens when resident trading and creating are hindered! (hint: it hasn't ventured out of 2D pixel art and last I knew, boasted a whopping 500 users online at any given time!)
  4. I don't think a "nominal fee" would cover all the server space being used for SL, or come anywhere near it. Without content creators and their paying customers, there would be a dramatic reduction in the number of sims, objects, and experiences that you enjoy for free. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome that some people can get by without spending money in SL, but you literally are riding on the backs of those who work very hard to make SL what it is and those who support them.
  5. Oh right. Content creators are only in it for the drama. LOL
  6. <<If something is transferrable and has no user license, then it's not against any LL regulation or TOS to sell it>> Unless you got it from someone else who repackaged the full perm item and did not include the original terms. It is up to each merchant to be sure what they are getting. I would personally be suspect to any full perm item sold without a TOS notecard.
  7. My question is, why are you reselling something that you bought full perms, as is? And was the "disgusting shreiking freak" the creator of that item?
  8. Sounds like you have a security issue on you system. I would be running scans and cleaning stuff up if I were you, because it's only a matter of time before your shiny new account gets hacked.
  9. If you check the box for "unpacking required" it shows that message instead of "ready to use". It's an extra step that merchants should be taking to ensure they show an accurate listing I honestly haven't noticed if anything I bought that said it was ready to use actually came boxed. I can see how that would be annoying for anyone who doesn't own land.
  10. I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I'm pretty sure that flaming is flaming, no matter who it is
  11. You know what, I can't make you understand, and I'm not interested in an argument. Windlight settings are a standard part of the program and nothing will look good in all light settings to everyone. Sorry. That is not the merchant's fault, and I am very sorry that you believe it is. I hope you enjoy your future purchases.
  12. Luna, I see where you are coming from too. I use windlight settings while taking photos. I use windlight settings at all times lol. I don't think it is flasely representing a product when that look is easily acheivable in-game, but I agree that we should make sure our photos are honest and represent our product realistically. I was think about default-noon versus windlight for photos after reading this thread- she did get people thinking My conclusion though is that if the photos had been taken at default-noon, someone who uses windlight could be disappointed with the outfit. We cannot control how everyone sees SL, there are too many variables.
  13. If you want to believe it is photoshopped, that is your business. Those results certainly are acheivable using photoshop. I just wish you would understand that those results are also acheivable in-game, using any graphical viewer available. I do not think it is right to accuse a merchant when you refuse to understand the standard features of the viewer.
  14. I don't know if it is against TOS or not, but that wouldn't change the fact that those clothes are easliy identifiable by the ad photo. Thanks for taking them down, seems like the nicer thing to do.
  15. <<Multiple people HAVE agreed that the advert was photoshopped to an extend, so you saying it wasn't is not fair. If you compare the two pictures you will see both contrast and saturation have been tinkered with to make the outfit appear whiter than it is>> Ok, so was the rest of your post just a bunch of crap to get people off your back? You claimed that you now see that the merchant did not heavily photoshop the photos, but in your edit, you are still claiming that she had to have. Seriously! Go tinker with windlight for 5 minutes and then try to insist that there is no way that this merchant acheived the look of the photo in an SL viewer. Come on. You just admitted that you were new to SL, but somehow you know more about it than the many seasoned users who are telling you otherwise? I really hate these drama threads, but you are not helping your case. If you don't like the outfit, don't wear it. Let's have some perspective here. The outfit probably cost no more than $2. Most people waste a lot more than that every day on coffee, soda, cigs, etc. It's just not something to be having a big deal about.
  16. I think what some posters have a problem with is that you posted the merchant's ad photo. I could do a search for white sequin club outfit and probably find that. Many people use SL and the marketplace. Thousands of people have seen that ad and know exactly what merchant you accused. I would personally take those photos down, especially since you have finally seen that you were mistaken. I would also change the MP rating. But that''s just me... About windlight- depending on what viewer you use, they are super easy and there are many presets to choose from. On the SL viewer, I believe you get to them through the "world" menu and in many of the third party viewers there is a drop dowm (up, actually) on the lower right of the screen where you can choose windlight settings, LOD and other graphic settings quickly. I NEVER play in SL with the default daylight. It looks horrible lol. That being said though, even if everyone goes around with their viewer set to daylight-noon, there will be huge differences in how things look from one viewer to another. I hate the SL viewer because no matter what setting I use, everything looks darker to me, for example.
  17. I have only seen this going on with full furry avatars- Some people make "mod kits" for the original avatar. In SL, you can purchase sculpty or mesh parts and texture them yourself to sell. You do not need to be a "mesher" in order to create in SL
  18. I've only run into these kinds of restrictions with one vendor that I purchase textures and sculpts from. Since I am a fan of her work, I abide the rules. I'm sure I have messed up before, but when I go to make a hunt prize or cheapie, I just remind myself not to use her stuff. It's not that hard. I suppose it would be a problem if I were buying from multiple vendors with those rules. The vendor with price restrictions that I buy from seems to only set prices on sculpty/texture kits. In other words, a kit that you can make a whole thing from, but really, you should use it in a build. Otherwise, you have 100 people selling the same exact doodad on the Marketplace for 10L. I respect this reasoning, and I think it protects my work as a vendor using her kits *in my builds*, not *as my builds*. If you don't like the restrictions though, I guess just read everyone's TOS before buying and avoid those who have them.
  19. That's really annoying! I don't get what the issue is with multiple stores. Maybe they think people will spam items or something. They could take care of that issue with some kind of application process required for multiple stores. I would be ok with that.
  20. That sounds pretty cool Good luck with your endeavor!
  21. You have a good point there. Since most of the well known breedable markets have disappeared, it is impossible to get traffic when there are tons of little breeedable markets and individual shops listed in search. I just packed all mine away for later....maybe I'll just plop them in my magic box as long as it's still functioning Last note, I really feel that every breedable is destined to implode at some point. Until they program them to make it more difficult to obtain desired traits, the market will be over saturated by them. Case in point- the first few Argent Brun bunnies went for MILLIONS. Within weeks you couldn't get 500L for one. Now, maybe 20L? Of course, this will annoy users who can't seem to get good traits, and they will abandon the breedable market as well. Point being, I wouldn't stake any long term profitability on them
  22. Why do banned avi's need to have fly over rights at all? I guess this was something I didn't even know about SL. I have had creepers show up in my workshop several times so I moved it up to 4096 and ban those avi's, but I guess that isn't going to help lol.
  23. Nope they shouldn't! It is completely unhelpful to anyone. As a merchant, my store name is not going to necessarily guide my intended audience to my items. As a shopper, it's just annoying to get 1000 results where most of them are based on the merchant name and have nothing to do with what I searched. I hope they can concentrate on fixing the search function after all the DD mess is cleared up
  24. I am pretty...meh on this issue. I actually haven't seen any of this, but I am a bit hermity so... Really, I am past the SL relationship thing for some time now, so I have no real reason to care who is what. I honestly don't see what it matters anyhow, unless people are planning on taking a releationship off-game. Is anyone really exactly who they portray themselves to be online? I doubt it. There are a lot of my personality aspects that come through from RL to SL, but that doesn't mean that others don't like to be a totally different person, or 12, in game. As long as these groups leave me the hell alone, I don't care what they do. If they are going out and harassing avi's, spreading rumours about avi's verified status, or what not...I would take issue. I have the right to not pay them attention as long as they aren't actively bothering me or hurting my interactions with others.
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