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Rosemaery Lorefield

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Everything posted by Rosemaery Lorefield

  1. Hah my avi, and myself, must look like an Avatarus rex then lol. IRL, my wrists reach to just above my pubic bone, and my avi has shorter arms too, Longer arms might be proportionally correct, but for some reason they look odd to me. Even with the art training
  2. I met a person when I was pretty brand new and working in my sissies shop. He was a friend of her friend, but they both acted kind of strange. We didn't suspect too much because they would both be logged in at the same time, but eventually we noticed that only one would talk at a time lol. Then we met their sister. Then we were invited to a party at their place.... OMG I don't know how many computers this guy was running but he literally had a dozen or so avies logged in and was pretending to be all those different people! LMAO! We played along for awhile because it was just so bizarre. When we confronted him he totally denied it. It IS a very funny story that we still laugh about to this day. There is no reason to get that bent out of shape unless you are taking SL way too seriously.
  3. You know what, I can see that you are seriously upset about this. You probably have a reason to be. I am really not interested in continuing this argument. LL sees fit to allow users to have an added level of privacy and that is that. Sorry.
  4. Most likely I will be unconcerned by the other people on a particular sim. Not all of them are on my contact list. Like another poster mentioned, most people who use the check boxes don't check all of them, only the people who are likely to message them when they don't want to talk. The likelihood of a select person or three being on the sim are not high. And really, if they are there, who cares? Blame LL that there is no true stealth mode I guess. But really, you came in complaining about the inability to see that someone has you unchecked, not that you ran into them when they had you unchecked. Have some respect for people's privacy, whether you think it is stupid or not.
  5. I don't use the check boxes when I'm busy, but I understand why someone would. I can totally see me going to a sim to shop (because I am busy building something and need supplies) and running into someone. So what? I might just pretend that I'm not actually there if I feel like it, and I don't think anyone who knows me would be surprised lol. Your argument seems to be that because it is not absolute privacy, then there should be no privacy at all. I don't think that is right. Seriously, people have the right to hide from you or anyone else they please, no matter how much you insist they don't.
  6. <<its quite hilarious the way people come along with their personal 'someone was bad to me' stories>> But....wasn't this thread started because of your own"someone was bad to me" story?
  7. Oh man I hate the random TP requests! I had one employee like this when I was a manager, but it wasn't her only annoying quality lol. Now that I work for myself, anyone who sends random requests after I ask them not to gets unfriended. Period. I have better things to do than come vote for you or max out a mobvend, thank you very much!
  8. This may or may not be a violation, depending on the land covenant. What people really need to be aware of is that they should NEVER pay tier directly to any avie who is not listed as the estate owner or manager. There are scammers waiting around on cheap lands waiting for someone to buy and then claiming that they are the manager and to pay them the tier. I know several people who have fallen for this and were out 8k and up. Just be really careful who you are paying. Request a tier box, check names. If someone claims to be a manager, check it out before handing them all your L$.
  9. That's scary! I'm glad I check my transactions and offlines every day that I don't log into SL!
  10. << I'm using a mac, with the the Lion OS Version 10.7.3, updated and all nice. I have virus protection, firewall on the machine itself and another firewall on the router I use>> Oh. Well. Then it must be the bridge, right? I can see that it might be a good question to ask, look into it and see if it is possible for an account to be hacked through a bridge. It isn't completely insane to think it's possible if you don't know what it does or how it works. I think what most people have a problem with is that you outright accused a TPV of having security issues when you actually have no proof or reasonable evidence to show it. IF a TPV has security problems, I would want to know, but with something to back it up other than bravado
  11. <<That is the RL equivalent of someone pretending they are not on planet Earth>> Well, that would be the right of anyone in RL too. I think you are getting way too worked up and frenzied over this. If you can't tell who's your friend by spying on their online status anymore, try something more traditional like- do they talk to you? Can you honestly say that they view you as a friend? If no, there's your answer, defriend.
  12. Well that explains why I do not understand it Not a fan of the play by play status updates or any of that! Would any of these people expect to show up at my home whenever it pleased them, and demand my attention? Heck no. Would they call me on the phone and expect the same? Not if they don't want their number blocked. Same goes for any method that I choose to communicate with....Heck, even my boyfriend isn't allowed to get all pissy or call out the search teams when I haven't texted him back in "awhile" lol. If I want my own time, I will have it, even if it sends someone into an insecure hissy fit
  13. Shocking! What is it about online media that makes people expect to be able to connect with you any time they see fit?
  14. There are a ton of reasons why someone would hide their status, and many of them have nothing to do with how good of a friend they are. Heck, obsessing over someone who might be hiding their status really doesn't seem much better, IMO. Personally, I will just ignore if I can't talk. I won't put on a busy status though because I still need to get notices. Maybe it is more polite to hide the status though, than to ignore IM's.
  15. I don't remember that ever being a feature. As a manager back in the day I remember having to check online status on profiles to see if models were skipping out on work, etc. There was no indication to me either in local chat or next to their name anywhere that they were hiding their status. If it had been a feature though, and I just didn't notice sometime in between then and now, it still makes sense that they would remove it. Even if it is a rude behavior, it is that user's business if they want to hide their status from you. That's why they fixed the "real online" status from showing on profiles. It makes sense that they would not want you to know they are hiding their status.
  16. Meh, people can think I'm a crazy 3rd party conspiracy theorist, might be fun
  17. Depending on the viewer, it can appear either as a folder in their normal inventory list, or a tab at the top or bottom of the inventory pane. Hope that helps!
  18. I think you replied to the wrong person because I absolutely did not imply that the lsl-client bridge can access anything of the sort
  19. I'll reply because you are actually being thoughtful and not snarky here- <<I'm complaining cuz it burns my butt that LL runs SL in a totally authoritarian manner>> I don't really see it that way. I actually find the Lindens to be very hands off, if to a fault. They created a world for users to do as they like with. Some people have skills that others find useful, whether they be building, dancing, scripting, DJ, etc. All those clubs you enjoy getting freebies fom would not exist without all of the above. Those people should be compensated for their work. I do not believe there would be anywhere near the diversity of products, places or experiences that you enjoy if we had to rely on LL to employ creators themselves. In fact, I know there wouln't be. <<Cuz the creative ppl who actually make things in SL shoulder the entire burden for supporting SL>> You are not a content creator, so this problem exists only in your perception. The creators in this thread have expressed their apporval of how commerce works as it is, and their dislike of the idea of LL employed creation only. Your other posts in this thread have painted you as a person who is bittered by real life corporate culture, bad personal decisions and a feeling of entitlement. Now you are trying to say that really all along you have only been concerned for the poor, put upon creatiors- who consequently do not have a problem.It just doesn't wash, no offense. I don't want to rehash this all again please. The bolded sentence is what I would really like you to consider. At $15 a month per subscription, LL would only be able to employ a limited number of content creators in each field. This would severely reduce the amount of "things" available to you, and everyone else. Also, I do not believe your estimate addresses the issue of land usage/server load. If LL were the sole land holders in SL, you wouldn't have so many places to go.
  20. Look, you have already given up the goat, so to say. You have decided that you hate capitalism because you made bad choices. This nonsense utopian SL of yours is just an excuse for you to demand that I, and every other creator, give you whatever you want for free. If you want a world that charges a "nominal" monthly fee, and "pays" creators for their works, then check out The Dreamscape or Vzones. Tell me what you think I'm really not going to bother continuing this argument with you though, because I think you have participated in a little bit of projection here. you accused creators of only wanting drama, which is exactly what you have created. I don't feel like feeding into your need for strife any further than I already have. Enjoy your SL!
  21. Exactly. Some people really do think that if their "thing" came with no restrictions that everything is fair game, and they can't, or should not be penalized for unfairly using someone else's creation. Which, I think is what probably went on with the OP.
  22. Ahh the actual topic of the thread returns I think that the way LL deals with DMCA is the most efficient. Taking down the supposedly offending content appeases the complainant immediately. The merchant has the option of proving there was no violation. Those merchants who really are commiting violations obviously will not counter-file, or they will be unsuccessful, and be filtered out of the system. Unfortunately those merchants who are legit will need to jump through some hoops to prove they are innocent. But I do not see how LL could possibly have the resources to investigate every AR before removing the content.
  23. I don't know where you are running into all this resentment from, but I am not sure it is what it appears to be. Are avies just accosting you on the SLstreets because you aren't buying things from them, or are they getting irritated when you demand that they give you things for free? Trust me, no one here cares if you get by for free. Not at all. But you have really come off with a crappy attitude and focused it on the people who make SL what it is. If you love SL so much, and you enjoy it completely for free, then why on earth are you complaining?
  24. Sweetie, no one minds that you are having a great time and getting along just fine without spending money. I think that is wonderful for you. The problem comes in when you decide that you are entitled to everything, everywhere for free. It just doesn't work that way.
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