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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. In the upper right hand corner of the UI for your viewer click on the $L dollar amount to refresh it. I bet it's there.
  2. Threatened with a knife? Even if it was a nuclear tipped ICBM that's insane. Surely you know there is no way any virtual weapon can harm you. This is got to be a joke........a better place for this thread is over in "General Discussions". But to get the most bang for your buck post it tomorrow as a "Friday Thread". Those used to be fun back in the old days.
  3. "/me slaps you playfully on the arse ...." I just love that Brit term. ------------------------------------------ Are you sure that was a "playful slap" and not a little squeeze in the middle? In the US we call that gropping. 
  4. By your statement that you know all the info about it means, to me, that you recieved an email from LL about your account being "frozen". Frozen could mean the account has been place on admin hold or it could mean your account has been banned. In either case, the email gave you instructions on what to do next. Follow those instructions. We can't help you here so the people to contact is Linden Lab....you're wasting time here. Contacting "Billing Support" (unless it's a non-payment issue.....either mistaken or for cause) is futile........Billing handles billing issues only. Not accounts being placed on hold or banned. You would be wasting your time as well as the support person's time (who could be handling issues that are related to billing issues instead of looking things on the computers and finding nothing they can do to help and referring you to the proper channel to get your problem resolved)>
  5. In addition to the two answers you've received already (both are excellent) you will need a little more graphics capabilities than what is required of a viewer that does not support mesh. If you are running SL on a marginally spec'd system, you are almost guaranteed to encounter some graphics rendering issues. SL is advancing in technology and, if one is going to keep up, then they need to advance along with SL. If you are running on one of the older viewers that do not support mesh, get a copy of the setup file for that viewer before you go and get a mesh capable viewer........if your system is not equiped to handle the extra graphics load then you're going to be very disappointed to find out SL just won't run anymore on your computer. A good rule to live by with anything computer is to think before you "upgrade".......if you are using a low end computer (or a computer older than about 5 years) make sure you can run the program after the "upgrade" before you jump into it.
  6. I want to know what a "vulnerable adult" is. An adul, legally, is defined as a person 18 years old or older (in the United States anyway). It is assumed that a person who has lived to be 18 yrs old has gained enough experience in life to be able to discern right from wrong, good from bad, and truth from lies. Of course, not everyone quite reaches that level of maturity by 18 years of existance, but the majority of people do (heck even a 16 year old can have the experience in life to qualify as an "adult" (but, legally, they are not). If someone is an adult and they are "vulnerable" then life is going to be tough for that person until they do reach a maturity level to qualify them as "adult". That means those people need supervision when interacting with other who have reach the level of adult in maturity. And further, no one can force that person to get that supervision.......hence their life is going to be tough (that's just life in this world). What we don't need is a vigilante group to protect those "vulnerable adults". Who has the proper (read that as factual) information to determine both the "vulnerable adult" needing protection and who is preying on that "vulnerable adult"? In SL, the only people who has access to such information is Linden Lab..........from logs of every event that takes place on the grid. Everything else is just hearsay, hunches, suspicions, he said, she said and/or vendettas. No one gains and the potential for everyone losing to great. It's not up to you (or anyone else) to say what happened or what was done to anyone........you don't have the information (and you don't have any way to gain that information) so you are preying on both the person you want to try to protect and the person you say is abusing the "vulnerable adult". Use the abuse reporting tools LL gives you and let the people who have that information make the call. This a variation of the age old "Name and Shame" argument I've been reading in the forums forever.
  7. The laws of the United States apply where stalking (or any other crime for that matter), not Poland's. The stalking laws in the Unitied States are pretty severe too. It's not a low level crime and, if convicted, a stalker will spend some serious time in a prison. If this case is truly a case of stalking in real life then take your complaint to your local police........they will follow-up to the proper authorities in the United States where action can be taken (if it warrants such actions). What I am hearing from you is that you are threatening Linden Lab with an accusation of criminal activity because LL has not "locked" this stalker's account. That's not the way laws work in the United States (and that's the law LL must adhere to....not Poland or any other country). The person being stalked must make the complaint to LL. LL, in turn, investigates the complaint and if the complaint is valid LL will do what LL believes is the best actions to take.........if that is a ban (or lock, as you say) then they will do that, if not then they may take other actions. The problem is LL cannot act on a real life criminal complaint (they are not part of any real life police agency). So, back to my first part of my statement.......take your complaint to your real life police. You're mixing up real life and virtual life. Apparently there is not enough "evidence" on the LL servers to back up a case of stalking in SL (or more likely, your complaint on your fiancee's behalf was not acted on because only your fiancee can file the report (just like I can't file a real life complaint against someone because they harassed my sister........only my sister can file the complaint). By the way, the only way a Second Life stalker can gain personal information (such as real life names) is by illegally entering someone's account or you gave the information to the person. If the account was entered illegally then I hope you changed the password(s) and notified LL of the compromised account (plus any financial institutions you have affiliated with your SL account). If you gave the information freely to the person you still need to change the password and notify anyone who needs to be notified (you probably don't need to notify LL because you gave the information yourself and they won't do anything except sigh, roll their eyes and think unkind thoughts about you). Which leads to to ask: How do you know this person's real life information? You stated you knew this person's real life name. If you obtained that information by any illegal means, you just might find yourself in some trouble with LL (and maybe the police too).
  8. The first place to look would be your router. I know you said it seems okay, but it's hard to make that determination without some specialized software and testing methods. Routers (and modems) typically run 24/7 and tiny memory leaks will add up over time and cause throughput delays and other issues. Powercycling (or rebooting) the deives should clear the memory and get you back to the performance your router and modem normally give you. Just unplug the devices from their electrial source for a few minutes (3 to 5) then plug back in. Reboot your computer to re-establish your Internet connection and give SL another try. There are, of course, other problems that could be causing your high latency problems. Calling your ISP to test your connection from their servers back to your router/modem would tell if the problem is in that section of your connection.....chances are that's going to test out as fine. The tech person is going to have you power cycle your modem (and router if they supply one....which most ISP's do not). They'll also suggest you bypass your router and connect directly to your modem. You can do all that before hand and possibly determine where the problem is without calling the ISP (I don't know about your ISP, but whenever I call mine, it's quite a wait to speak to a live person). If the problem is not your router or modem and the connection from your ISP's servers test out fine then that leaves only two places for the problem to lay. LL's servers or something in the Internet (like one or more of their servers or cables having problems.........you'll just have to wait them out for that to be fixed). To make sure it's not LL's servers, log into a different sim (try Pooley). It also could be your network interface in your computer itself. There are, like almost everthing else computers, many different causes for most issues. You have to do some logical troubleshooting, in logical sequence to narrow the cause down. One step at a time or you get confused. Do the most common (and often the easiest) step first. And that is powercycling your router and modem.
  9. The closest you are going to come to an answer is here: http://gridsurvey.com/
  10. "SSE2, Streaming SIMD Extensions 2, is one of the Intel SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) processor supplementary instruction sets first introduced by Intel with the initial version of the Pentium 4 in 2001. It extends the earlier SSE instruction set, and is intended to fully supplant MMX. Intel extended SSE2 to create SSE3 in 2004. SSE2 added 144 new instructions to SSE, which has 70 instructions. Rival chip-maker AMD added support for SSE2 with the introduction of their Opteron and Athlon 64 ranges of AMD64 64-bit CPUs in 2003." ------------------------------------------------------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE2 Take a look at the dates. SSE2 first came out about 11 years ago. It's time to get a new computer.
  11. I's trade 15 kudos if someone would actually edit their post to include specs or clarifications after we repeatedly ask for them. Since LL moved to this sotware I've seen maybe 2 or 3 times that someone actually did that.......and guess what? It helped them get their problem resolved.
  12. We can't fix anything. We are all just like you.........residents who volunteer to try to help people when they come up on problems. Our "expertise" is entirely from experience using SL. We can often help people to fix problems. However, that requires some cooperation from the person asking for help. That cooperation depends on a few things that the person having the problem must supply. Things like an accurate discription of the problem ("I can't travel" is not a very good discription of anything......you can't travel where? What happens when you try to "travel"? And just what do you mean by such a discription?). It also requires that anyone who might have something to give you to help you fix your problem knows what you are working with.....things like your computer specs, your network setup (wireless, hardwired, etc), what operating system you use, what viewer you use, how fast is your connection to the Internet........just little tidbits that help to give some insight into what might be causing your problem. We can't fix anything if it's on the Linden Lab side and niether can you. But almost 100% of the issues people have with SL are on the user's side..........and that we can help with (but not fix for you.....you have to do that). So lets start over. How about you giving an accurate discription of your problme along with any error messages you encounter when the problem occurs. Some computer specs (so we know what you are working with). Your home network setup (router, wireless, hardwired, or maybe it's a public network you are working on.......we know nothing about that so you must tell us). What's your connection to the Internet (DSL, Cable, ADSL, satellite)? To add that information, don't start a new thread. Just use the "Options" in the upper right hand corner of your post and "Edit". Add the information so someone where can try to help.........I mean, afterall, we don't have access to your computer so we have no way of knowing unless you tell us. Oh, and a little peeve of mine. "i cant traval fix it :matte-motes-evil:" is a little more than snippy. We didn't cause you problem. Most of us don't have your problem (I'm sure someone is having a similar issue but with such a vague discription, that's questionable). You have the problem and it's almost 100% likely the problem is something to do with your computer system, your setup, your connection, or maybe it's not a problem at all and you just want something that is not possible. Be nice..........we want to help but I hesitate to even try when I see snippy requests. Just be polite.........we don't get a single penny for our efforts to help here.
  13. If it worked before on wireless, it's likely it would work now. But there are many factors that must be gone through to determine why it suddenly is not working now. Did you get any new gadgets that might intefere with the RF (radio frequency) signal? Things like a garage door opener, a new smart phone, a new tablet, or a TV that connects to the Internet wirelessly? How about your neighbors..........did they get any of those things? Maybe it's your neighbor and they found you have an unsecured router (or even some nosey person walking or driving down your street and they found your unsecured gateway to the Internet)? Wireless is just not the way to go for Second Life, but if you have to, then those are the consequences you have to endure. To limit it to only stuff you have no control over secure your network (look in your router manual for how to do that).........securing your network is also a security issue. Unsecured networks are subject to all kinds of problems....some very serious). Meanwhile the only thing I can suggest right now is to reboot your router and modem. Unplug for a few minutes (3 to 5) and plug back in. Then reboot your computer to re-establish your Internet connection.
  14. The first thing you need is a high speed connection to the Internet. 4G doesn't cut it. The second thing you need is a high end graphics processor. iPhone and iPad don't have such hardware (neither does any other "smart phone"). The third thing you need is a solid (read that as a hard wired) connection to an Internet gateway. No smart phone I know of has an Ethernet port. You're basically asking why doesn't any Chevy Volt compete in the Indianapolis 500 race. The answer is obvious. The Chevy Volt isn't capable of competing........it's actually a dangerous setup for the Indy cars who can compete.
  15. I'm a little confused on two things. First you say you have a router modem. Is that a single device that serves as both a router and a modem? I haven't heard of that setup but I'm sure it's possible (and if possible then it probably exists). The second is you used two terms for what happens when you use voice in SL. Reset and reboot. A reset of a router is a function that resets the router back to factory settings. That's normally a recessed button on the back where you use a paper clip or some other small diameter "stick" to push the button, then you reboot (or power cycle the router to complete the reset. Rebooting your router is also known as power cycling your router. You do that by unplugging the device from it's electrical source and leaving it unplugged for a few minutes (3 to 5 minutes) then plugging it back in........doing that does not reset the settings back to the factory (default) settings that a reset does. I really can't see where voice (or any other feature or program) could do either. That's my confusion. Here's what I think you might be experiencing. When you enable voice your Internet connection is dropped......you get disconnected. That's likely due to some blocked ports on your router. Or you have a faulty router. ISP's lease routers and modems to their customers for the customer's convenience. People move or disconnect their Internet service for any reason and return the leased equipment. The ISP does a cursory check to see of the device is working then cleans it up and puts it back on the shelf for the next customer who needs the device......I doubt very seriously that the router/modem you recieved when you turned in your faulty one is new (likely as old or older as the one your returned). There's a very good possibility that the router/modem is not working correctly. The person on a phone can not say "it's working as it should". All they can do is ping the router/modem and if they get an acceptable return ping then the router/modem is working........but it doesn't tell them that it's working correctly. Check here to see if you need to open any ports for SL: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 Also, if your ISP allows you to use your own equipment, look into purchasing your own router and modem. They are not overly expensive and you can choose the manufacturer. Linksys (now owned by Cisco) makes a very good router and modem. I don't know where you live but Best Buy carries them. I, personnally would stay away from both Netgear and D-Link. If you can find a Visio router and modem that, in my opinion, is the best you can get......and they are cheaper than Cisco.
  16. "The latest viewer update did 2 things on my Mac; it is making a higher demand on the system, the fans are kicking in sooner and harder than before, never a good sign - SL already has a reputation as a laptop cooker... " ------------------------------------------------------------- That "fans are kicking in sooner and harder" is not "never a good sign". In fact, it's a good sign. That means that your system is sensing a higher temperature and increasing the fan speed to cool whatever it is that the fan is supposed to cool. It's when that doesn't occur that the "reputation as a laptop cooker" comes into play. It's a good sign......not a bad sign. It's always best to get some hardware montoring software to keep an eye on temps.....not depend on fans kicking in or how loud they are to monitor your hardware temps. If a fan has failed or is not "kicking in" or not spinning faster when it should, that you cook your laptop (or desktop). Monitoring software gives you the temps so that you will know if things are getting hot. On the "pulsing" of focus. That can be caused by almost anything. Without computer specs it's next ot impossible for anyone to help much.......we can only guess (which is very likely not a correct guess). Launch your viewer but don't log in. Under the "Help" menu click on "About Second Life". You'll see your basic computer specs listed on the first tab. Copy those and paste back here for people to see. I'm not a Mac user so I might not able to help much beyond basics are are common to any computer no matter what OS the computer uses. Off the top of my head I think your problem is probably a connection issue. It could also be a cache issue. For the connection try rebooting your router and modem (unplug both devices for a few minutes, plug back in, reboot your computer and try again). Also you're on a laptop and most laptop users connect wirelessly......that is a very common cause of connection problems. Try hardwiring your computer to your router using a Cat 5e Ethernet cable. For a cache problem clear your cache and relog.
  17. Mine works.........and has for about 2 years (since I closed my CC which was associated with SL before that).
  18. "...Also i just moved irl nd i use wireless internet ..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is, at least, the majority of your problems. Your wireless Internet connection will work "just fine" for most of your Internet activities. It won't work "just fine" for any program or Internet site that has as much data being downloaded to your computer as Second Life does. Everything (except for the user interface for your viewer) that is see on your screen is coming from the servers of Linden Lab.........every texture, every object, every item in your inventory, and every avatar within your draw distance is called for by your viewer and downloaded back to your computer. That's an avalance of data..........an avalance that very few programs on the Internet even come close to matching (that includes those popular video games like WoW, Everquest, etc). Use a Ethernet connection instead (also known as hardwired or a Cat 5e cable connection). But that is just one reason you might have difficulty with SL connections. There are plenty more possibilities but until you get rid of a known cause like wireless then no one can even guess as what else might be contributing to your problem.
  19. The people who "crash" a sim make them themselves. It used to be common for someone to create a self replicating prim and, not only crash a sim, but to crash the entire grid. Linden Lab has done great things over the years to make self replicating prims almost useless as far as effecting a sim or the grid....I haven't heard of sim or grid being crashed by self replicating prims in a very long time (I'm sure someone will find an instance where it has happened recently though). What happens now is the self replicating prims crash users' individual viewers by overloading the graphics capablilities of the users' graphics........the prims (along with the textures) bring the users' graphics cards to their knees and the viewer crashes. People with weaker graphics suffer more than people with good graphics (or high end graphics). That's probably what's happening to you.....the sim or grid is not crashing but your viewer is. A sim can be brought down with scripts thouqh........and I've seen a few instances where a sim was crashed by overloading the sim with scripts (not often but I've seen it a few times in the last few months). Both self replicating prims and multiple scripts with the intent to crash either anyone's viewer or a sim (or the grid) are serious violations of the ToS. AR every instance of such attempts. LL is very good about such tactics and deal with it quite severely.
  20. You can make a sim. It won't be connected to the Second Life grid but you can connect to other Open Sim Project grids. You can also make a stand alone sim that is on your computer without connecting to any other sim or grid. However, I think it's going to be a little advanced for you (strictly judging by the question you asked here). http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page Read through those pages and see if that's what you want. Otherwise, you're stuck with purchasing a sim for SL.
  21. JIRA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JIRA
  22. I gather this is group chat where the OP is the owner of the group. Wouldn't be easier to just eject the annoying chatter from the group?
  23. He doesn't need a reason to ban anyone for anything he chooses. Short of begging and pleading, you're banned and there's nothing you can do.
  24. I only wish people would be specific with their problems. I took a guess on what I saw as a potential major problem and my consious required me to state what I stated.........I almost to the point of just letting them figure it out for themeselves. If they can boot their computer then they should know what the heck they are doing.....but that is just not the case anymore. Sorry for my rant.
  25. Is that "blue screen" the infamous "BSOD"?". If so, that's a system crash. System crashes are not something to take lightly. Somethings wrong.......so wrong it's taking your operating down. You should not ignore the problem. Ignoring the problem can (and often does) eventually, render your computer inoperable.......yeah, it's that's serious. Check your drivers. Hardware often causes system crashes. Drivers are probably the most common cause of system crashes. Specifically, your video driver (for graphic intensive programs like SL). Don't just assume everything is honky dorey because it only happens with SL........SL is most likely the most graphic intensive program you have installed on your computer. Go the driver download site for your graphics card/adapter and download the latest driver (save it to you hard drive...don't install from the website). Uninstall your current driver then reboot (you'll have to do that anyway to compete the uninstallation). When you computer boots back up don't let your operating system search for or install a driver for the missing one you just uninstalled........go the download setup file and install from there., Reboot (again, you'll have to do that to complete the installation). You'll then be on the new driver. There are crashes and then there are real crashes.........a system crash is about as severe as they come where crashes are concerned.
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