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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. This is a setup or something. Three people seem to know what this product is yet that was never mentioned.....anywhere. Inquiring minds want to know, indeed.
  2. " @Peggy If you don't have a line, then could I ask what settings you are using to take photos. And your OS too. I am using XP Pro. Could that be where my problem is? I am so happy to hear that others don't have the problem, that means maybe I can fix the problem. Thanks." ------------------------------------- My settings in preferences are "High". No shadows or depth of field (not because of a line problem but because I think shadows are ugly and the DoF just looks like a blurry mess). Other than that, my draw distance is almost set at 256 meters, with sky and terrain at medium.......everything else is pretty much maxed out. My video card is the GTX550Ti 1 GB (just like your's I beiieve). Driver version 296.10 (the most recent as of a month or so ago). Windows 7 x64 with 16 GB DDR3 system RAM. I couldn't tell you if your problem is XP. I do know XP is getting quite ancient as far as operating systems are concerned. Microsoft is going to quit supporting it in about a year or so so you really should think about getting a better OS.......soon.
  3. I use V-3 and I don't have a line in my images. So that "nice try" thing is really just stating facts. If Imprudence doesn't have the problem with you, then use Imprudence. That's why TPV's exist.......so you can pick the viewer that works best for you.
  4. Things like that tend to happen when you use beta software.
  5. It works......but your question has me confused. You wanted to know which files can be safely deleted. Now it seems you simply can't log in. Maybe if you discribe your problem and any error messages. It would help to know what your problem is. Clearing a cache won't fix a failure to log in.
  6. Well, that's a pretty low end laptop with a weak graphics adapter. But it should run SL at low settings.......at least for a while before it crashes. Check Acer's driver download site for an updated video driver. That may help but I won't swear to it. I got a question though. You started this thread wanting to know which cache files you could safely delete. That has been answered for you. But, what made you ask about caches when it appears that you have never been able to log in......not with that computer anyway?
  7. Kind of like everyone agrees to the ToS upon entering SL for the first time..........do they really read what they agreed to?
  8. Then your problem is not your cache. We need some computer specs. Again, launch the viewer (but don't try to log in). Click on the "Help" menu. You'll see your basic computer specs listed. Copy those and post back here for us to see........some more clues will help a great deal. And, you don't need to use the permalink to do that. Use Options > Edit at the top of your initial post to add the specs and any comments. It makes it a ton easier for others to help you out with your problem.
  9. Here's a picture showing where the default cache locations are using Windows 7. The pink "You" is your name for your computer (or account on your computer). The greenish grayed folders are the caches you want to delete. Simply click on the folders (one at a time) then "Select All > Delete".
  10. will i ever get to play second life agian? -------------------------------------------- If you give up that easily then you probably won't ever be able to play SL again. Deleting cache files for any program (SL, your browser, or any other program that creates and uses caches) will not harm you computer or the program. Cache files are temporary files. The get over written numerous times (which is exactly like deleting the data contained in them). Delete a cache file and all that happens is that the program using the cache will download and re-populate the cache with new (and current) data. Open your viewer but don't log in. Go to the tab where you clear your cache using the viewer (Veiwer 3 that is on the "Advanced tab"). Make a note of the location shown in the box next to the "Clear Cache" button.. Close your viewer and navigate to that folder. Click on the final folder at the end of that path then "Select All", Hit the delete button. Another way is to uninstall your viewer (all veiwers if you have more than one). Then do a search of your computer for Second Life or SL. Manually detete every file and folder found in the search. Then download a fresh copy of the viewer and install it.
  11. Whenever I hear of people not being shown online when they are online, friends showing as not online when they are, and stuck presences (ghosted) the first thing that comes to mind is it's a communication issue between the LL servers and the client. Something just isn't being communicated properly. The problem could be with the server(s) or LL's network before it gets booted to the Internet. When that happens, the problem is fairly widespread and might exist for a few hours but very seldom longer than that (the exception might be a region having the problem and no one reports it.......that happens with private regions quite often). The other, more common reason for the problem is on the users end.....their home network, NIC, faulty cable, flakey wireless connection, or their router and modem need rebooting (like everything else computer, those two devices occassionally need a fresh start). That would be my first suggestion to try.......reboot your router and modem. Simply unplug the devices from their electrical source for 3 to 5 mins, plug back in, wait for the lights to settle to their normal blinking routine, then restart you computer to re-establish your Internet connection. Try SL again.
  12. Tell them you need a Ethernet connection.........a direct connection with a Cat 5e cable. I'm also sure the network is firewalled so they would probably also need to allow Second Life through both the software firewall and the router (hardware) firewall. They are the network experts, not me. It's pretty hard to believe that they don't know what to do. Have them visit the SL Wiki or Google SL.
  13. You would have to contact the network administrator of your university. But I going to guess you're connecting wirelessly to the university network whic presents a problem that the administrator will not be able to resolve. You need a consistant connection in order to stay connected (or even to connect at all). A wireless connection, under the best of circumstances, is not reliable in that regard (meaning it's difficult to have a good connection to the servers with a wireless connection). And you are on a network that is shared by quite a number of users. The chances of getting a solid, reliable connection is greatly reduced (probably impossible). Talk the the network admin and see if they can help you. But, don't be surprised if they don't go out of their way to fix a connection to SL. Afterall that network is for students doing research or other educational activities. You're going to have to do some fancy talking convince the admin that SL has much to do with your scholastic activities.
  14. It sounds like this is the first time you've attempted to use your payment method (the CC you provided at your payment method). LL sends your provider a $1 charge to verify if the payment method is valid. That charge is rescended once the account if verified, then your purchase is charged (such as purchasing $L). It looks like LL is waiting for your bank or CC provider to respond. If that does happen then your purchase will not go through. Contact your provider.
  15. The heat problem with any laptop can be helped by using a cooling pad to place under your laptop while running it. Most have a USB connection to power the pad's fans. For a larger power supply in a laptop, that, generally is not possible. You got what you got when you purchased it. What people may be referring to is to use the AC adapter/charger when you are running SL (or any other intense program). That tethers you to a electrical outlet when it's connected to the adapter. As you know you can run SL without the adapter connected but your battery life is going to be reduced substantually, and using a cooling pad will also use up your battery faster..........and I would not recommend ever using SL without a cooling pad. Another side benefit of using your adapter while using your laptop is some of the heat generated by the battery heating while it's under load will be disapated to the charger which is heat not trapped inside the computer. For the crashing I would suggest you update your video driver for your 98000GTS card. Here is the latest driver for that card for a laptop: http://www.nvidia.com/object/notebook-win7-winvista-64bit-296.10-whql-driver.html One note about drivers for laptops. A lot of laptop computer require customized drivers for the computer to operate correctly. You should check the manufacturer of your computer first to see if they have a new driver for you computer. If they do then take that one over the driver I linked to. The new driver should have the same version number......that number is 296.10
  16. I have a slightly similar problem with my mouse. It's probably related to the way I have my mouse configured. But here's what I do to overcome it (I just haven't ever gotten around to playing with my mouse settings in Windows yet). I right click and hold the button for a second as opposed to my normal quick stab at the button. That has solved it for me.......well, until I get around to fixing it correctly anyway.
  17. That's an old video card. Dell's last update for the card that I could find was 2005........I suspect Dell is no longer supporting the card. I did find 9000 series legacy drivers on the AMD/ATI driver update site (by the way, ATI and AMD are the same company now.......AMD bought out ATI a little over a year ago). See if you can find your driver in the legacy archives and download it, then install it after you've uninstalled your present driver.....just follow the Windows prompts to restart when it says. Do not let Windows search or install a driver when it boots back up after you restart to complete the uninstall.....close the pop up and navigate to your downloade file and install. The next restart and you'll be using the new driver. I do have to say that since that card is so old, you may not have much luck with running SL on the official viewer. You will probably have to use one of the TPV's that are designed for low end computers or older computers.
  18. What are those "other similar sites"? The only other similar sites (sites is not the proper word.......try 3D platform) would be one of the Second Life clones on the Open Sim project. And, if you are having connection issues in SL, chances are very good you'll have those same issues with any of the Open Sims grids........probably much worse in nature. Online games like WoW, Everquest, Call to Duty are nothing like Second Life.
  19. The message telling you that you've been logged out is not a message that you should interpet as a crash. It's a message telling you that your network quit communicating with the servers. Look there : Your router, modem, network interface, ISP, your connection. That message is not indicating that you crashed. It's telling you that you lost the connection to the LL servers.
  20. If you have truly tried several different viewers and you still cannot log in then your problem is almost assuredly not a viewer problem. Even if one viewer works and others don't it's still not necessarily a viewer problem. Your problem lays with something else. Your computer, it's hardware, you connection and it's speed, your security software, your network, almost anything can be the cause. And we have no way of helping without information. The only one who can give us that information is you....help yourself a little here. Launch the viewer (any of them) and don't attempt to log in........you say you cannot anyway so don't waste the time. Under the "Help" menu click on "About Second Life". You'll see a dialog that will have all the basic computer specs of your machine as reported to the servers by your viewer. Copy those specs and paste them back here for anyone to help you. That would a huge first step in resolviing your problem. Don't start a new thread. Use the "Options" in the upper right hand corrner of your post and "Edit" to add that information and any further comments that might help someone help you.
  21. If you are looking for an easy job with the idea of little or no effort on your part, then the answer is, just like in RL, there is no such thing. Just like RL, no one will give you $L just for existing in SL. There are some jobs in SL that actually don't require much from the "employee" but you are going to have do something to get any lindens. If you are going to compare RL monetary return for a job in SL you have to think in terms of what you could get when your lindens are cashed out (using one of the approved exchanges). The historical $L to US $ exchange rate is just about $L250 equals 1 US $. That means the "easy" job that pays you $L10 per 20 mins of "work" is paying at a rate of $.12 (12 cents) per hour. It's easiest to just purchase your lindens. Othewise expect to work pretty hard to get even a couple dollars in real money return on your efforts. You need to find somthing that you like to do for fun.....money needs to take a backseat to the fun. You'd do better to find a minimum wage job in RL if your concern is on the money.
  22. Look under the "Filter" menu. Light and shadow > Perspective. See if that doesn't help. I've done something similar to what you are discribing (I think) and that's the filter I used.
  23. SLT is the same as PDT (and during the year when daylight savings time is not in effect, SLT is the same as PST).
  24. Question: If such a metric or method of tracking such a thing were made available in SL, would the not fail into the realm of "preach of privacy"? I mean we regualarly get threads about someone's avatar being discriminated against or someone bullied someone's avatar. I can see a whole slew of so-n-so violated my privacy. If, for no other reason, I'm so glad no such ability if available in SL.
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