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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. It's unlikely that you need to submit a support ticket. Your inventory is very probably not missing at all. There are a couple ways to get your inventory to load. The, and simplest is to clear your cache and relog. Using viewer 3 you'll find the clear cache option under the "Me" menu and click "Preferences". Next click on the "Advanced" tab......you'll see the clear cache option. Simply click the clear cache button, okay out of all the pop-ups, then relag. That usually fixes your inventory not loading problem. But sometimes it doesn't do it (you could go through process a few more times which sometimes fixes it but not likely). The next way to clear your cache is to do what is called "manually clearing your cache". Launch your viewer again (don't log in yet). Then go to "Me > Perferecnes > Advanced". make a not of your cache location your computer in the box that's next to the clear cache button you tried before. Close your viewer and navigate to that location that you noted. Open the final folder at the end of that path then "Select all" and "Delete". Restart your computer then launch your viewer again. Don't log into your regular login location. In the "Log in location" box type in a Linden Lab maintained sim (Pooley, Lime, Aqua and a few others..those are the three I remembe off the top of my head). If your log in location box is not showing go to preferences and on the "General" tab click the box to "Show Login" the close the preferences (it will be there for you to type in the log in location). When you log in you'll arrive as an underwater sim with no builds, no scripts and no textures other than the underwater terrain textures. Take a couple steps away from the landing point and open your inventory. Your inventory should be loading but if it's not then jump start it by typing in random letters in the search box (type slowly and stop typing once the inventory counter starts). Now just wait for everything to load.....watch the counter and when it changes from "fetching" to "fetched" its complete. At that point TP back to your normal log in place and your inventory should all be there for you. I want to stress that while you are waiting your inventory to load, don't do anything else. Don't walk or fly arround, don't chat or IM and not try to change clothes, skins, or shapes. Just wait. And with a 20 k inventory you might have to wait a while........be patient.
  2. Your post is the first time I've heard of it happening. Try again Monday.......it's a weekend in San Francisco today (actually it's Mother's Day so all the Lindens are taking Mom to dinner this evening).
  3. Basically, all you need is a decent CPU (the i5 more than meets that requirement), a good video card (you don't need two or more for SL to run mulitiple avatars), and as much system RAM as your motherboard will support (8 to 16 GB is best). Other requirements are a fast Internet connection (stay away from wireless), a 64 bit operating system (Win 7 x64 is good), an SSD hard drive is probably best but for storage vs price they are still little pricey so a 500 GB 7200 rpm drive will work quite well (I suggest two hard drives.....one for you operating system and major programs and one for caches and data (you can partition that drive and have a backup partition in case your computer has major issues), and configure your computer for performance (all those bells and whistles Windows thinks you need can be turned off.......and you'll see quite an improvement for SL performance). Lindal's GTX560 Ti is a good choice but you can probably find a little higher performing card in the 500 series for a good price now that the 600 series is out. Even a 400 series card will be a good card for several more years. Look at the second number in the model number.......the higher that number is the better graphic performance it will be. If you can find a GTX480 that would be a good choice.....it will out perform a GTX560 Ti by a very long shot. Editing to add: With a high performance graphics card you will need a high wattage power supply. Most high end cards requirem a 500 watt PS (some require 550 watts). You can't have too much power so go as high as you reasonably afford. 800 watts would be my minimum recommendation. Power supplies, it taken care of, will last through several computers and they are easy to swap. The power supply in this machine has powered 3 other machines (this is the fourth).
  4. Get rid of your Blackberry. I have the Blackberry Torch and it's junk. About once a month I have to remove the battery to reset my browser because it hangs.........and I haven't even opened the damned browser. I can't open 3/4 of the videos I'm sent by my sister and I miss many of her text messages. Three month months on this contract.........then I'm taking this hunk of plastic and smashing it with a hammer.
  5. Create an alt and don't tell anyone about it. Also, think about those "friends" who threaten to defriend you simply because you want to do something without interruptions. Are they really friends or just pests?
  6. No specs equals no help. Only guesses. Launch your viewer but dont lot in (it will just crash again). Under the help menu click on "About Second Life". Copy the specs shown and paste back here. Use the "Options" in the upper right hand corner of your post add the specs and any other comments you want. Just click "Edit"...........don't start a new thread to add the specs and comments.
  7. Since you did not give any computer specs I can only guess at what might be causing your problem. I Googled the error code and found this (which is typical of what I found in my search): http://www.updatexp.com/0xC0000005.html Read through the different solutions and see if one or more apply to your problem. It appears the problem mostly centers around faulty system RAM. And it also appears it's common on XP systems. If you had given some computer specs I may have been able to help a little more. To add those specs and any other comments you think would help someone help you use the "Options" in the upper right corner of your post and "Edit". Don't start a new thread.
  8. If you have DoF enabled in your preferences the blurry background is exactly what you would expect. I'm sure you've seen flower or insect closups where the bug or flower is in focus and the background is blurred (that's call macro photography and it's quite an art all in itself). The technique utilizes DoF to get that dramatic and artistic image. For most photography DoF plays some part in the image but not in a noticable way........you need to play with the settings to get it right for your needs (or desires). Digital photography is not at all different than film photography in that regard....you have to know what is happening, why it's happening and how to use what's happening to your advantage. Another thing you need to understand (which is somewhat different with digital photography from film photography,,,,,,thought the reasons are the same). There are only so many pixels available for any image (camera, camcorder, or your monitor). In almost every case your monitor has what is kown as it's "native resolution". That's the maximum resolution your monitor can display presenting the best quality of the images it's displaying. Anything under that resolution or anything over that resolution is going to give a somewhat degraded image (too much either above or below and it will degrade the image significantly). That resolution is dictated by both your monitor and your video card....by default both the monitor and video card will set the resolution to the best quality image (you can manually change it if you want but you'll loose some quality). The image you are taking in SL is a screenshot. It's an image of what is displayed on you monitor which contains the pixels set by your monitor's native resolution (or whatever you manually set the resolution to). Using my native resolution of 1920 x 1080 (since I run SL in a Window that works out for the screenshot of 1920 x 1028). If I set my screenshot to 5000 x 2578 (as you say you have your's set at) then I'm setting a resolution just about 2 1/2 times the number of pixels available. The image I save will be 5000 x 2578 pixels. But for every 5 pixels in that saved image only 2 pixels where displayed or rendered by my video card. That's 3 pixels that are averaged between the 2 that are really there.......you'll get a blurred looking image (just like you would if you enlarged an image to 2 1/2 times it's size). Add that to your DoF and I do believe you would have a very bad looking background........and a not so good looking foreground either. Use your monitor's native resolution for the best possible SL photograph.
  9. I tried to tell 'em, Mom. But they wouldn't listen...........I want ice cream!!!
  10. As Rolig mentioned lots of people log in with different IP addresses. In fact, I'll say almost everyone here (and on SL) log in with different IP addresses quite often. I've have 4 different IP addresses since the first of the year (and before that, at least, 6 different IP addresses throughout 2011). Click on your name at the top of this page (where it says "Welcome Skoni") and scroll down to near the bottom of the page and it will show the IP address of your last log in. Make a note of that address and check every so often to see if it changes (once a month or so). It will probably change about every 30 to 60 days. That IP address is assigned by your ISP and they change rather often throughout the year. It isn't because of your IP address changing. You're not telling us all you know. And no one can offer much in the way of help unless we know what the problem might be. Just generic stuff which is probably not going to help much at all.
  11. You paid 650 lindens for a full region? That's the equivalant of about $2.60 USD for a region that costs just under $300 USD per month!! Who's scamming who?
  12. ATI (AMD) vs nVidia is exactly like the age old fuss over Chevy vs Ford. Both chipsets are excellent products. Both provide graphics rendering to wow your eyes and impress your friends. Both chipsets have their ups and downs. Both excell in areas where the other falls short......then it suddenly turns the other way. It all boils down to what do you want. Get an nVidia and everything is hunky dory.........until one day nVidia releases a driver that makes the peformance drop like a rock and it appears you made a huge mistake. Or get an AMD/ATI and the same thing happens. What do you do? Like Pierre said........"it's a crap shoot". ATI is still suffering from a period of time (almost a year long period) when it seemed they just were not interested in providing OpenGL support......they were after the gaming market which is almost exclusively DirectX graphics (and they actually gained that market over nVidia). But it really hurt them in the OpenGL market. nVidia seemed to take the opposite approach and concentrated heavily on OpenGL (and, I think, ceded the gaming market to ATI). That was great for SL users since SL is OpenGL graphics..........and that's where the graphics preference of choice became nVidia. In the last year or so (since AMD bought ATI) it looks like AMD/ATI decided to compete with nVidia for the OpenGL market.........and they are doing pretty good job of it. One card release will out perform the competition then the competition ups the game and takes the lead........it's all good for the comsumer. Both cards are excellent because of that competition. It's just what you want........a Ford or a Chevy.
  13. Just so you know it's no joke: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  14. Tomorrow or the next day when the sun is shinning (the sun always shines in SL) go outside and look closely at a true white object (some white car or building or even a box). You'll see that that white is not really white looking on the sides.....it has a tint of gray (or if there's something with a bright color next to it it will have a tint of that reflected color too). Your eye sees white because you know the object is white and your mind "sees" white. Color is nothing but reflected light.......the more reflected light on any side will be more true to the color of the object. The sides don't have as much reflected light as the top where the sun is shining more directly on it.......the sides will not appear to be the same, "true", color of the object. SL actually does a pretty good job in that respect but since your mind doesn't dictate what the color "should be" your eye sees the difference. There's only so much a virtual environment can do to convince the mind that things you see should look like it does in RL. I want to add that if you have shadows enabled it aggravates the difference. One of the main reasons I think shadows look so ugly in SL.
  15. "... ETA- Really, it would be nice for the OP to straighten things out because I don't think people have been insanely critical of her. It sure is nice she has you to stick up for her even when she portrays herself as the owner of this mysterious object." ---------------------------------------------------- I believe the OP has "straightened things out". The problem I see (and one of the main problems I've had with this thread from the very beginning) is how these mysterious supporters knew from the very start exactly what the "problem" was (is). Seems we are dealing with surogates (sock puppets?). The number one question I've had from the beginning has never been answered (or clarified). Why is it such a bad thing that the OP (or someone else) cannot transfer an item? Did they purchase the item originally with the intent or reselling (or giving it away) and now they can't because they were "forced" to upgrade and the upgrade changed the permissions? Something that evidently cost somewhere between $L3000 and $L5000 (the price of a pretty nice skin)? What was the "hook" that made them think it was a good deal? I can't help thinking of that age old truism......."If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is". But, I'm thinking the more likely "hook" was (or is) that using this, whatever it is, would be an easy way to get rich quick in SL. Something's very wrong here (not just the sock puppets chimming in either). I think was someone who knew exactly what the item was going to do for them (well, what the item was supposed to do anyway) and they knew from the very beginning that is was a scam of some sort. And now the scam only scammed the OP.........now she/he is upset that they couldn't pass this scam along to others. In short they got cut out of profits that this scam promised them.
  16. You can get more land by upping your tier level. A premium account costs $9.95 per month (or as low and $6.00 per month if you opt for the yearly payment plan). If you abandon your Linden Home, and then purchase some mainland parcel that is 1024 square meters in size your land tier payment will be $5.00 per month. You get 234 prims for that parcel of land (twice the prims of the 512 parcel you presently own). You saved from $4.95 per month to $1.00 per monthe depending on your payment plan. The only additional cost is that you must first purchase some mainland but that is a one time payment for the land. You also would not get an additional $L300 per week stipend which amounts to about $4.00 per month if you convert it to USD. Cashing out Lindens can be a pain in the butt for small amounts (I believe there is a minimum of $10.00 USD for any cashing out transaction). You're better off just going with a higher tier level. You cannot combine the land owned by another account (even if it's you paying for both) so you just end up with two accounts that might have Linden Homes and the 117 prims for each. There's no advantage at all...unless you consider the approximate $1.00 per week stipend (which is really not worth the effort).
  17. Contact the owner of the sim and request a sim restart.
  18. There's no reason your computer should not run SL fairly decently. Only two things I can think of is that Comcast has been known to throttle high band width programs (and SL is a very high band width program). I'm not sure they do that anymore but they were very bad about throttling bandwidth a year or so ago. And the D-Link modem.......I had one and it was junk. If you are leasing the modem from Comcast ask if they have another brand (Linksys/Cisco are very good). If they don't use another brand, you can purchase your own for under $100 and turn the D-Link back in to Comcast. I'd call them and ask point blank if they throttle high band width users. Explain to them that SL is not a peer to peer file sharing program.
  19. People are making great big leaps here........all because someone has their knickers all wadded up over permissions. The only reason I can think the OP would be all up in arms over permissions is pretty much the same as Innula's. Unhappy with the product and wants to dump it on someone else. Knowing the scale of the SL economy $L3000 (or is it $L5000.....both have been tossed out) is a pretty "expensive" item......all things considered. You would think a smart person would know what they are buying before they bought it........and if they could not find out what it is that they were buying, they wouldn't buy it (or, at least, know it's a gamble). But instead of taking responsibility for their own actions, they want to blame someone else........and implicate LL as responsible because LL didn't look out for them. Pretty typical of real life in that regard. :smileyvery-happy:
  20. Let me see if I'm putting this all together after reading all your (and your alt's) comments and clarififications. You purchased this mysterious product (that has a group of some 5000+ attached to it) that promised you increase your business. This product does not game traffic but somehow it increases your traffic....which, I assume, you think would increase your business. How this works, I gather, is by some external website. However, when you purchased the product it didn't work as you thought it would and found that if you "upgraded" it would work for your needs........then when you upgraded the permissions had changed (how that relates to a legitmate use of a product escapes me). What that leads me to believe is that you wanted to "game" the traffic system with some product that went around LL's ToS rules governing gaming traffic. In other words you were actually seeking to get around the ToS using this product.....all for your gain. But, this product didn't do anything to increase your traffic (or, at least, not what you expected). And you feel ripped off? Isn't that a lot like those TV commercials telling you how you can make millions selling real estate...all you need to do is call 1-800-555-1212 right now, operators are waiting. And to have your credit card handy for the $19.95 (plus shipping and handling) for the DVD. But, wait..........if you call within the next 10 minutes, we'll enclose a 2 carat diamond necklace. You ever heard the expression "if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is"? Greed? Who's greed are you talking about? Greedy people are easily scammed by greedy people. Sorry, I'm not sympathic.
  21. "... So it would seem that the OP's complaint is primarily about the creator's business practices and that the perms only really come into it because if someone buys one of these things and it turns out to be a bit of a white elephant, then it's impossible to mitigate the loss by finding someone else to saddle with it." ---------------------------------------------------- Bingo..............give the girl a lollypop. :)
  22. And your panties are all wadded up over $15.00 USD? You purchased something thinking it would make you money and find it it just makes the seller money? Do you realize how often that happens in real life? Take the item and put it at the bottom of your front door...........ain't it a pretty door stop? Welcome to the world of how things work. You're dancing but it won't get you anything but tired. It's not against any ToS. Just like a land owner can rent you a piece of property and promptly ban you.......that happens too. Have fun with your crusade........it may make you feel better but it won't fix a thing.
  23. Or someone just wants to resell something that is no copy, no mod, and no transfer. You're right, a lot isn't adding up..........we used to call these Friday night threads (a day late I guess).
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