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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. PDT is "Pacific Daylight Time". That's Pacific time zone which is 9 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT which now is Universal Time). However at the moment Pacific Time is 8 hours behind GMT due to advancing of the clocks one hour to gain an additional hour of sunshine (it a trick that since it puts everyone doing what they do at specific times of the day light hours one hour earlier......you set your clock to say it's 6 am to wake up to go to work your mind adjusts to that schedule. But in reality, you're really getting up at 5 am to get to work. During the late fall and Winter the clocks are adjusted back to the "standard" time (the 9 hours behind GMT) and you go through that day or two of adjusting your schedule again....during that period of the year it's called Pacific Standard Time (PST). SL time is always the same as Pacific time (either PDT or PST) You're seeing your local time on your computer. Which is the same as SL time. Edited to say: Ansariel is correct on the time difference.
  2. Okay I'm out of this thread since, apparently, I'm the one who "brought up" 3D avatars. Even if I was responding to what I thought the suggestion was (I explained that, I thought). On the photo booth........no it's not unreasonable to ask anyone to use one. And yes that would require we have one available for free or at a very low price. And if we go that way I believe we automatically make participation by residents a little less attractive......many people (myself included) won't obtain, rezz and use something unless the interest is more than just "oh, that sounds fun". And for many I believe that's going to be the very first thought. I could be wrong but about the "many" but I know I'm not alone with getting, rezzing and using objects from unknown people........and how many people are going to know any of us? The placement of a photo booth is a better alternative and will not desuade nearly as many from participation. I'm not against placing restrictions or laying out conditions for accepting submissions...........I am against such restrictions and conditions if we can overcome them without those restrictions and conditions. I know some backgrounds will be harder than others to remove. I also know that "harder" is relevant. Is it really harder because it takes 10 mins to remove a background than if it takes 5 mins? Yeah, it is......but not much. Is it worth inconveniencing the people we are asking to help us do this project? If it is then fine...........I lost my argument. But, I don't think it is worth it myself. Now, said I'm done with this thread and I am. I will read on but no respond here. I'll attend every meeting I possibly can and I'll communicate my ideas in-world with IM's, notecards and face to face chat. I certainly don't want to be the cause of any hard feelings and I feel I've done that to some extent to at least one person here. For that I'm sorry. It was never my intent to do so and now I'm done.
  3. I saw both examples.........I said that at the meeting (it might have been the first meeting though.....the one you were not at). Your's and Dres's are the same with the only difference is that Dres's was avatars against a brick wall and yours had the transparent background. And, yes, I guess I did misunderstand your concept. When you said that the residents could walk around as if they were walking among avatars, to me, meant walk around an avatar that is in 3D. Like you can walk around a rock in a garden. What you said about no one doing it is also another reason for me to think what I thought. What you presented in your prototype has definitely been done before.......numerous times in fact. It was a very popular way to display clothing items in shops before bots and sculpties became popular. By comparison to the way things are done now those displays looked tacky. By that part of my statement I do no mean your method would be tacky looking..........but the alpha channels makes it impractical. And just for the record, if it were possible, your display with the transparent background would be my choice. I do not think any background should take away from the avatars being displayed. No background at all works perfectly to that end.
  4. It's not as difficult as you are making it out to be. I'm a self taught GIMP user. I'm not in any way close to an expert. I'm just an amateur hobbiest. I do textures and image editing for the fun of it. I've learned some tricks through experimentation that make somethings easier.......or makes somethings change from mundane to a "work of art". Because I believe this project is for the residents and not for us, I think the residents should have all the freedoms we can reasonably provide.....if it means our workload is a little larger then, so be it (we volunteered, after all). I know you are up to the task..........I"ve seen some of your stuff. I think you will find it's not going to be beyond your capabilities at all.
  5. "... That is something new, that noone did. All other ideas, imo, are just repeating. " --------------------------------------------------------- There's reason why no one has done before. It's absolutely possible. However it requires extensive 3D graphics experience (and expertise). There are creators who, I'm sue, have that ability who could accomplish such a feat.........I ain't one. To get that type of presentation would require every image used would have to have precise and exactl photos from all angles for the texture to be painted on a 3D mesh created by the artist. That's a lot of expert work that would require a substainial number of hours not counting getting the residents shape measurements and time to assist the 3D artist in developing and accurate representation of the residents avatar. I also wonder what the lag would be for such a display..........if on a few people have systems capable of visiting the display without lagging out of SL, crashing, or not having a viewer capable of seeing meshes then what is the point of such a display in the first place. An alternative is to place each avatar on it's own prim using the cut out on a transparent background....images with alpha channels are going to add greatly to lag due to the added alpha channel. It's also been done (at one time it was a very popular way of presenting items for sale in SL). It not only created unnecessary lag it really looked tacky. We need to be practical and be extremely conscious of what our displays requires of the residents' hardware in their computers. Lag is inevitable with this project.........but there's a lot we can do to lessen that load on the residents' computers.
  6. I hate disclaimers but I also know they are almost a requirement when working in a public setting like we are. I think that will help. If nothing else it gives us something to point to if we do get some irrate resident accusing us of doing them wrong in some way........that's the part about disclaimers I hate (a pre-made excuse). They are necessary though. I also think we can do a little better than "make every effort". We can inform the submitters that we, due to technical issues, might need to contact them for a re-shoot or another image submitted. That's one instance where editors are just going to have to suck it up and bend over backward for the resident. Go that extra mile, so to speak.
  7. I actually don't see that many images being submitted that cannot be used for the "main" project. Images saved at JPEG or taken at extremely low resolution (such as on an old CRT monitor with the native resolution of 640 by 480 or something.....I don't any of those exist anymore). Yes there will be varying quality of lighting but I think that could actually enhance the outcome. We have so many different avatars in SL from tinies, furries, monsters, robots, dogs, cats, fairies, mermaids butterflies.........I could go on and on. In many cases the person behind the avatar lights their world because of their avatar. Who are we to alter that for them? I don't agree that giving as much freedom as possible is a bad thing and leads to chaos. Set some easy to attain and understand standards then it's up to the editors to make it work........with as little post snapshot enhancements as possible.
  8. "... As to having two projects, for the sake of simplicity and focus, there is only one project, and that is the giant group photo. However, since not all photos will be able to be used for that photo, all photos received will be put to use in the secondary project, the photomosaic. ..." -------------------------------------------------------- I understand exactly what you are saying Charollote. But I have a little bit of a problem with that "secondary" photomosaic display. We have already decided our primary project display preference (actually the goal of the project) is the avatars cut from the background of the image submitted and placed on another uniform background so that the resulting image would appear that all the avatars were at the same place in a group posing for the camera. That's the idea we are going to promote to the residents and request their participation. Now with the secondary display method being discussed (and, in my understanding, decided on) as a catch all for all the images that don't lend themselves to our vision of the end product. In some (if not many) cases anyone submitting an image is expecting to be included in the primary display but if their picture won't work (according to our standards) it's going over to the secondary display. I just don't see that as a good idea. It's going to hurt some feelings or disappoint someone........I don't think we want to go there (at least I don't). One project and only one. We can attempt to make it as easy as possible for the people without familarity with graphics, SL photo taking and submitting the highest quality image that can be reasonably submitted. Offering help or assistance when we can for those who request it. Keep it as simple as we can, keeping the standards as high as we can with the understanding that there's only so much quality in textures possible in SL (that's just a fact of SL life with the platform and OpenGL limitations about powers of 2). But we have to be flexible with what the residents can or do submit and respect their expectations for their contribution (the images we are requesting). That's my problem with the whole two projects or, as you say, one project with two options (at least that's what I hear). We are trying to do too much at one time. And I believe that is very likely to reduce residents desires to contribute their images for our project(s). We can try but I'm not hopeful that it will work.
  9. Short of the mesh option that Drongle mentioned I don't see a solution that would work very well. To get a reasonable size for a brick in a wall to a believable scale you need to figure out how many normal sized bricks will span a wall 27 meters long. A quick calculation using 39 inches to a meter (I'm American and feet and inches are much easier for me work with........y'all metric types can do it easily enough using metric sizes). 27 meters is 1053 inches. Guessing at the size of brick's length being 8 inches that gives you about 131 1/2 bricks needed horizontally for the wall........you'd have to do the same calculation for the height to keep the proportions reasonable. You have a maximum of 1024 pixels that you can use for your texture in one either the horizontal or the vertical dimension so you have to divid that 131 1/2 into 1024 which tells you how large in pixels each brick has to be to span the wall on the megaprim. That makes each brick 7.8 pixels for the length (no pixel can be smaller than a single pixel.........7 or 8 pixels is what you have to make each brick in length. That's not enough to have much detail at all. And the height of each brick is going to have even fewer pixels to define any detail. If mesh is not an option for you then you're going to have to settle on the "boring uniform" look or the "quilted" look. The option I just mentioned about making the texture fit the prim would not look good at all in my opinion.
  10. Reply to Irene Muni - view message 04-19-201202:18 AM "I will address your second issue, Knowl will correct me if I am wrong. What we are trying to make, is a large photo that gives the impression of many avatars standing all together. In that sense, full body shots are ideal, however, we realize that we will get photos that do not fit perfectly into this large 'group' shot. For those images that cannot be included into the main project, there is a secondary project that aims to use each and every photo that is submitted. While we would love to have photos of complete avatars, no one is going to say eyeballs and feet cannot be sent in. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-tongue.gif" border="0" alt=":smileytongue:" title="Smiley Tongue" /> However, I would encourage participants to send in photos of their avatar, as opposed to just pieces of it. American shot, is that term common usage? Interesting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_shot" ------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm sure you know my concerns about a "secondary" (or parallel project) since I've voiced my opinions about that a few times. I won't go there again here. But I just had a thought about how we can use the images we receive that are awkward or not really suitable for what we all (myself included) see as the objective. A collage or photomosaic (the two ideas I'm least in favor of) could be used as the background to place the cut-outs on. Doing that presents a whole new set of issues, I know.......things like making sure no one's avatar image gets covered by the full avatar's cut out and the background texture would be constantly changing as the project grows. Geeze, this idea can get really really complicated. Just tossing ideas as I think of them right now because I tend to have too many to remember for meetings and stuff. I need to take notes.........LOL
  11. "... -2 - On the issue of proportions of avatars displayed on the wall, Is a final decision that the photos must be mandatory full body? Is it not possible a resident send a photo of her/his eye, face, hand, american shot (3/4 shot), feet...? If this is possible, that images do not fit into the debate on the proportions." ----------------------------------------------------- Irene, that's actually a very good and valid point. I think everyone is assuming the users wanting to be included will take the time and/or make the effort to provide a picture that fits our idea of what the finished (I hesitate to use that word since finished is so final........I can see a possibility that this thing can be open ended with no real "finished" end to it) image or picture is going to be. Some people have pictures of their avatars that they really like and shows how they want others to see them.....those may not fit our precieved ideas of what we should be putting into the end product. I do see some issues with continuity of the project using the Dres/Tamara model. But no worse than non-human pictures we will also be working with. Not all avatars are human in SL. Being too rigid about what we want can (and probably would) be counter productive. Editing an image that already been edited might also present problems with quality. Which actually makes a collage or photomosiac a little more attractive.......even if those are not preferred choice. I still say it can be done but I don't think the results are going to be exactly how we invision it. Flexibility is the key. On the desenting voice........it ain't no problem for me. You should have been at the meetings. I sort felt like red headed step child at times with my objections to some of the ideas. Speaking your mind needs to be encouraged and discussed to get the best results.
  12. "Many people mistakenly believe that subpoenas in civil cases are reviewed by judges before they are served. The only routine review involves the court clerk making sure that required signatures, statements, etc. are there; there is no routine review of evidence or justification. You can find information about the misuse of DMCA subpoenas here and about the process here." ------------------------------------ I don't think I ever mentioned the word "judge". I mentioned "court of law". A court clerk is an officer of the court which means the clerk is a representative of the court and acts on the court's behalf. The burden of proof in a civil action is lower than the burden of proof in a criminal action.......I said that too. I was responding to your claim that someone could use a DMCA complaint to gain personal and private information about someone. That's not possible unless the person making the claim and commits a criminal act by lying or making a false claim (it can be done if someone really thinks they can get away with it and has money for just that purpose). But it's not automatic that any information is gained until it gets in the court system. With all the other ways people wanting personal information about someone attempting to use the US court system is probably the least effective way.......not to mention there is serious criminal charges that can be issued and if convicted, some serious jail time. Subpeonas are not some magic bullet for information.........not even for DMCA suites. BTW, court clerks are almost alway very knowledgable in law...........it's like a job requirement.
  13. I know absolutely nothing about web design. What my only concern was is the bandwidth and costs that may be involved in that part.........you satisfied my concerns so I'm good with almost anything else on that part. And my offer is still very valid on the money part if it's necessary. Once we have a logo and a clear project objective I think it might easier to offer suggestions. We need more people at the meetings to help. So far it's been two meetings with a total of 5 different attendants......that's not really enough to get this ironed out (in my opinion).
  14. I never said it was a ToS violation. I know it's not a violation. What my concern is not everyone understands that a snapshot taken with or without permission is not a violation......read some the thread right here in these forums. Not being a violation does prevent someone from trying to find a way to make it a violation. Like I said, over the 6 1/2 years I've been in SL I've seen some really stupid AR's for anything from "he looked at me" to "that picture he took is my property and I own the intellectual property rights." If this project goes like we want we are going to be dealing with many people....some with knowledge and some with none. Being extra careful about "transparency" (oh, how I'm beginning to hate that word anymore) just to avoid potential issues. People (a couple I know in SL) have been suspended or otherwise disciplined for actions that were will withing the ToS.........all from an AR complaining that some sort of violation occurred. Argue of the validity of any AR if you want..........the best practice is do your darndest to avoid them in the first place. That's my point. You still seem to miss it. Oh, almost forgot.........I like the logo.
  15. I'm sorry, Tamara, that's just not true. I was there just like you and I do know why I even sat on your pose stand. When I came back from my AFK thing I do my normal thing and either say something or "I'm back" to indicate that I'm no longer AFK. The first thing I see that you say is "Peggy can you sit on that?" I didn't see "that".........I believe it was behind my or maybe my camera was not viewing from the normal behind and above angle (that doesn't matter). I did see the pose stand a few seconds later and I sat on it as you requested......it was at that point that I saw your big white cube but actually paid little attention to it since it just a big wihite box. You moved your pose stand with me sitting on it into the box......I thought maybe we were just having a little fun with the girl who was AFK. I waited patiently for punchline while you cycled through a few poses.......a minute or so later I asked why am I sitting here thinking that maybe I'd finally have the punch line delivered (I don't mind have jokes played on me...........I've many of my own to others myself). No answer so I stood at about the same time you took or deleted the cube. I thought well this joke is over and I didn't get it......no harm, no foul. I think the meeting started right after that. You did not tell me what the purpose for sitting on the pose stand.........but I should have known as soon as you cycled through the poses (I wasn't thinking about snapshots at the time and it just did occur to me). Now I'm going to say it again. I don't have a problem with you or anyone taking my picture in a public setting such as a meeting, club, or just wandering around SL. I actually thought when I read your post that the people at the meeting didn't need to submit a photo for your logo project that that meant you had taken snapshots of us while at the meeting.......I had forgotten about the cube until I thought back about the meeting. It's not important that you took the picture of me.......you're welcome to take as many as you wish. What bothered me about the picture that you took is that I was not informed that the purpose of the pose stand and you moving me into the cube and cycling through poses was for the snapshot. And my concern was that if you failed to tell me that it might happen with someone would be put off by not being informed before hand. If you think that announcing your intentions to a group and there is not way to know if everyone in that group is actually at the computer (or not otherwise distracted by IM'ville and such) is telling them your intentions, then that can be a problem for someone else (not me). My point (or problem if you want it that way) is if we are going to be doing photo shoots for people we need to make absolutely sure the person understands what is happening.......assuming anyone knows since you said it earlier is not making sure of anything. What we are attempting to do can be viewed (rightly or wrongly) as using someone's intellectual property for our project. To avoid potential issues we are going to have be extra careful on some of the seemingly smallest, most minor details. That's one of the reasons I'd prefer user submitted images over photo shoots done by us....I would like to keep that to a minimum. I've been in SL for a long time.......longer than most people here in the forums. I've seen AR's for some of the stupidest stuff........and some of those AR's stuck too. I don't want to chance something like that for this project. And just so that you know, I knew how to get of the that box. I've been caged more times than I can count. You didn't have to delete the box for me to get out. And your deleting the box while I was inside contributed to my thinking it was a joke on me. So now maybe you can understand me. This project is a good idea. But lets not ruin it by being thoughtless or careless and presumptous.
  16. Fair warning then. Mine's boring. I updated it about 6 months ago from the original that I wrote 6 years ago. I don't have any picks or anything interesting to perv.
  17. What about the people who seldom look at profiles? Surely I'm not the only one in SL who couldn't care less about anyone's profile.
  18. You're welcome. A simple cache clearing from the preferences usually do the trick but sometimes you have to manually delete the cache to get a good clearing (mulitple cache clearings have also proven to be effective). Manually deleting the cache is not hard so when I suspect the user has done the simple way it failed to work I mention, what I call, the nuclear option. If it's a cache issue that method works every time.....if it doesn't work then we all know it's something else and go further to find the problem. When someone (like your case) has a problem logging in on one veiwer (or one account) it's almost allway a cache problem......but that's not set in stone since any number of things can cause a problem having the same symptoms as cache problems. It's just going with the most likely first then moving the less likely to get to the problem and fix it.
  19. From a post earlier by Tamara she already has my photo since she requested every member that did not attend the meeting to send her an image or contact her for an photo shoot. Since I was at both meetings I took it to mean I didn't need to send her a picture or contact her for a photo shoot. Is that correct? Though, now that I think of it she did request that I sit on her pose ball (which I did) and she moved me and the pose ball into a hollowed cube......was that the photo shot? If it was, it would have been nice if she had informed me of just what I was sitting on the pose ball for. I actually don't mind if that was the purpose but I'm pretty easy that way..........some people are not. Anyone in any picture for the group or the project should be told before hand what is going on. Otherwise we could find we are opening doors for disputes or problems (nothing against the ToS I don't believe, but not exactly being completely honest about what's happening). For members, maybe it's excusable....but certainly not for any resident no directly involved in the project. Add that to the concerns I put on a notecard and sent everyone. We need to be professional if we are going to be successful. And, yes, I know I'm being contrary again. I'm an honest and above board person and I expect others to be the same. Eject me from the group if my concerns are misaligned with others or too much to discuss. Let's be "transparent" as some have already said......not informing people of what the intent of anything is is not being transparent.
  20. Let me emphasize that I am talking about DMCA notifications that are invalid on their faces, i.e., if all of the facts alleged were completely true, it is obvious that there would be no copyright infringement. These are cases in which all the facts needed are in the notification itself. No research is needed; it just needs to be read. It is abusive to file such notifications, and LL should not abet obvious abuse of its customers. Practically, it would take less effort to read the notification than to take down content. It is arguable that companies that look out for their customers' interests, even when it costs them something in the short run, can prosper more in the long run because of the appreciation and loyalty that their care engenders. Let me bring up something that I've never seen discussed here: DMCA subpoenas. Instead if filing a notification and getting the allegedly infringing content taken down, someone can present a subpoena demanding the RL identity and contact information of the alleged infringer. I imagine that most residents use their home addresses on the credit cards and Paypal accounts that LL has on file. So, any psycho who is willing to abuse the DMCA can get anyone's home address! That's scary, particularly considering that it is very easy to be an unwitting infringer who unknowingly bought infringing content in good faith. After all, there are plenty of kooks in SL, and giving out someone's address could make her susceptable to RL harassment or even endanger her. I think LL definitely should take a little risk if it receives one of these subpoenas, at the very least delaying responding until it has informed the target and the target has has time to file a motion to quash the subpoena. Don't you? ---------------------------------------- Somehow I don't think you understand the legal system in the US (and I also, somehow, believe you reside in the US). A subpeona can only be issued by a court of law. To get a court of law to issue a subpeona credible evidence must be presented that establishes, reasonable evidence that a crime has been commited. Then the court gets the information from Linden Lab. It's important to remember a DMCA is not a criminal complaint.......it's civil complaint (no one is going to jail but they may be fined or otherwise "punished", unless a criminal act is used to gain evidence or powers to persue the civil offense.....serious jail time is possible if that happens). Rules of evidence are less strict but rights to privacy are still required making it not "automatic" that the person suing is going to get any personal information until the court determines that it's necessary and/or proper to give out that information. A DMCA is not a subpeona......it's a complaint accusing someone of infringing on the person's IP rights (a broader term than copyright). Nothing has been proven.......just the accusation. The complaint can be negated easily by the accused with a counter complaint. At that point it's up to the accuser to "take it to court".........where a subpeona can then be issued. The subpeona is not served on LL.......it's served on the accused. The accused also has the right to subpeona (in fact I think it's automatic if the accuser serves the accused.......that part of the US law that requires the accused the right to know who's accusing them (remember that from your civics classes?). Linden Lab is out of the equation once it takes down and/or re-instates the content in question. And if you will read the ToS anyone making false claims about another in SL that person is subject to being banned. That's for DMCA's as well as AR's. And, in case you forgot, it is a criminal offense (not civil) to make false accusations to a court of law (civil or criminal). Anyone using a false DMCA to gain personal information is committing a serious crime......and that person is going to have be a very stupid individual to even attempt spoofing the court into being an accomplice to that crime. There are far easier and less risky ways to get personal information about someone........ways that don't let the court get involved in the crime. You're grasping now, Jennifer.
  21. "... Likewise with people and their 'All my IMs are monitored'. And why, one wonders, would some quiet, peaceful, non drama maker need to thus warn everyone ?" ------------------------------------------------ To get under you skin? It works..........I mean look at your reaction. Ignore and move on does more than anything to stop drama hounds.
  22. An operating system re-installation (or installation) is a major software change. Depending on how you re-installed the OS you could change everything about your OS. Plus the reason you re-installed the OS presents other potential issues. The virus creators have devised unique ways to hide the virus on the computer to survive attempts to rid the computer of the malware. I assume you you used recovery disks to re-install. When you started the process you usually get a choice about just what you want to do. The wording may vary a bit but usually you can "repair" or do a "clean installation". Repair just installs the important system files over the existing files and saves your preferences and customized setup stuff (to a point but that's the way it's supposed to work). Re-installing due to a virus infection the repair method is probably not the best way to go (but it's always tempting because it's so much easier to do). A clean installation will do a quick format before it installs the OS.......you loose all those preferences and special little things you had enabled or installed (like gadgets). A clean install will also remove all your hardware drivers........those will need to be replaced. Motherboard drivers are often overlooked on a clean install........they are important. System recovery disks by the manufacturer (Dell in your case) are (or should be) included in the disk(s) but they may not be included in the installation setup so you might have to install them separately (your computer manual should give you all the information about those things.......or, at the very least, the Dell tech you spoke to should have mentioned them). The clean install method is the best path to take if you are re-installing because of a virus or other malware issue. But even a clean installation might not get rid of the malware since these modern criminals hide the malware in some pretty obscure places that a format leaves alone (doesn't "erase" it). The boot sector is one place on a hard drive that is not formatted and left in tact.......if the malware is hidden there it's going to still be there after you clean install. Part of your problem (though unlikely if you did a clean installation) could be that your computer is still infected with the virus or malware. I'm not suggesting you re-do your OS again.........not until you've exhausted some other methods of getting your system running properly again. Update your motherboard drivers, video drivers (as has been mentioned), get and install a good anti-virus/spyware program (stay away from Norton or McAfee since those two don't play nice with SL......Comodo Security Suite, free is what I use and it's very powerful and unobtrusive). Do a deep scan of your computer (not just the quick scan). Don't forget the hardware devices that seem not to have anything to do with SL (or graphics) like audio, Ethernet adapters, etc. Also Dell might have specialized drivers for specific devices they have in the computer. I'm sure the Dell tech went over that on the phone with you? If not he should have. Here's the last and pretty much guaranteed way to eliminate the virus as part of the problem (it that turns out to be part of it) is the wipe the drive then install your OS. That's a very long process and depending on how large you hard drive is can take a couple days from start to finish. You will definitely be required to update and install every driver for every hardware device installed in your computer so some preparation before you start is extremely important. I won't get into that now because there are many things yet to do before you take the "nuclear option".
  23. Linden Lab owns SL and everything within SL (including these forums). They do not own anything about Facebook and because of that they have no say so about what happens on Facebook. It's tacky and it's wrong for someone to do what happened to your friend (or what your friend did........I'm a little mixed up about who did what) but it is not against the SL ToS. The ToS for SL cannot dictate what happens outside their realm of control. I also want to say that anything you post on the Internet (SL is part of the Internet) is likely to wind up in places you may not want them to wind up. You should always keep that in mind when you post anything.
  24. Technically the answer is "no". But you can cancel the premium and start another on your alt.......timing is important to avoid double billing for two accounts. And if you own mainland and you want to retain it it can get sticky........but if you have a trusted premium friend to sell the land to with the understanding that the person will sell it back to you once you switched the premiums it's not hard (you can sell the land for zero lindens). You can also contact billing support and they will help you..........at least they did about 6 years ago when I switched from my initial premium account to this account.
  25. I think there's an option on your account in your Dashboard to cancel a cancelation. Look there but if you can't find it then contact Billing support as suggested. I think you have a day or two to cancel the cancellation but I'm not sure.
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