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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. OOOOOO...........I like that kind of pasta salad too.
  2. I'm not finicky..........I like most all foods (vegetables especially) but, darn it, a noodle is a noodle. And a noodle should look like a noodle...not some weird colored cork screwy, soggy, limp green thing in my salad LOL.
  3. Noodles, spaghetti and macaroni are supposed to be pale beige........not green or orange or yellow. Spinache is green. Carrots are orange. Corn is yellow. Noodles are pale biege. Want ii visually appealing, add spinache, carrots, or corn (and olives, and onions, and green peppers, and red peppers, and...and.........you get the picture ).
  4. You want carrots or spinache what's wrong with gratting some up and putting them in the salad? Besides adding a little crunch to the salad they taste better raw. My salads have to have some "crunch".......it just ain't a salad unless it crunches when you chew it.
  5. Is macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles pasta? I like all that stuff........but those curley green, orange and yellow things? Yuck.
  6. The only time I've had sour cream and I liked it was when my grandma made some homemade ice cream using sour cream instead of heavy cream. I wish I had that recipe........dammit.
  7. That actually sounds pretty good but I'd substitute the sour cream with mayonaise (yeah that heart attack stuff ). I'd also put some onions and celery in it for crunch.
  8. Go to your dashboard > Account > Cancel Account. It's that simple. There is a grace period where you can uncancel your cancellation if you change your mind. That period to time is 30 days (I believe it's still that anyway). After that grace period you're done........your account is cancelled forever. If you decide to come back after the cancellation is final, you'll have to start all over again.
  9. I wish I had $L10 for every time I've heard that ------------------------------------------------------ "... Give it one or two years -- if SL still exists -- original content creation will be essentially dead. Right now -- for the originators -- grass sure looks greener elsewhere." ------------------------------------------------------ Same words have been uttered for 6 years that I know of. SL is still here, creators are still creating, and rippers are still ripping. LL must be making money or they would have folded by now (6 years is a long time to operate at a loss). Creators are doing something right too......many of them are still here even after those 6 years I can attest to (yeah, some left but others filled the "void"). The rippers are doing their stuff too.....though they have to get a little more creative to get away with it (both the population of SL and LL are making life just a little more difficult for the scoundrels). That grass may look a little greener over there but sometimes that greener grass is astro-turf (to quote a certain ex-Speaker of the House we all know and love ).
  10. I think you probably got ahead of your connection speed and got disconnected from the servers instead of crashing. Voice is not delivered to your computer by Linden Lab......it's provided by a third party set of servers. Your viewer only enables and disables the access to those servers. When you use voice you are using more bandwidth to send and recieve voice. If you out ran your connections ability to handle then it's likely you would get discaonnected from the SL servers. You might have your bandwidth set high for your SL settings.......that only applies to the data the SL servers will send to your viewer. If that bandwidth setting is set as high as your ISP provides then enabling voice is going to exceed that available bandwidth. Your FPS will drop and, as your case, you might get disconnected from the servers because the voice servers are robbing your ability of recieve the data needed to stay connected the the SL servers. Set those settings back to where they were before you "tweaked" them. Lower your bandwidth in your perferences to about 75% of your tested speed (that gives you some overhead for services like voice and streaming media). -------------------------------------------------------------- "... Voice in Second Life uses Vivox technology that is based on RTP (using the oRTP library), SIP (using the amsip library from Antisip), OpenAL, TinyXPath, OpenSSL, and libcurl for the transmission of voice data. These technologies are contained in external daemon software started and stopped by the Second Life Viewer. You can find the official Vivox documentation on the JIRA. The Second Life Viewer handles configuration, control, and display functions, but the voice streams (from the microphone and from the Vivox voice server) do not enter the Viewer. The source code for the external SLVoice daemon is not available due to contractual obligations between Linden Lab and Vivox. Vivox has, however, announced plans to open up the code in phases as described here." http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Voice/Technical --------------------------------------------------------------- Test your actual speed here: http://www.speedtest.net/ *Do three tests each to San Francisco, CA and Dallas, TX......take the average of all six tests and use that as your base speed. You'll want to set your bandwidth in your preferences to about 75% of that average speed.
  11. How do small stores in real life get their stores in front of potential custormers's eyes? Most of the successful small stores start off with simple, cheap ads in the local newspaper (or one of those cheap or free websites like Go-Daddy). They tell all their friends about their store and ask them to tell their friends. They put out a quality product and give the best customer service they can possibly give. They are patient and persistant......they don't give up because they don't have a sale for hours or even days. They know the problems about getting known to the public in advance and they prepare for it (things like enough working capital to outlast the initial growing pains). The don't expect success overnight and they live on Romen noodles to save every penny they can save until sales start getting better. The use the income from the sales to improve their business, to buy better advertisement. They encourage customers to say a nice word to their friends about the store and service. They don't hesitate to refund prices for dissatisfied customers (even it's an unwarranted complaint). They grow slowly knowing that evidentually things will get better. It's not easy in real life and it's actually harder in SL due to people's expectations......you can't change their mind if they expect something you cannot or should not provide. Just let it go and do only what you can do. One thing they don't do (or should never do if they plan on succeeding). Is lie to any potential customer. In SL that happens a lot (I mean a really whole lot). They lie not even knowing they are lying. They use keywords to get listed as often as they possibly can. Key words like animations or dance when their store is a dress shop.........yeah they have a pose stand in the store or they mention a dress for dancing for one of their products. People coming to the store looking for a dress won't notice the pose stand unless they need to use it to try on a demo of one of your products. A dress for dancing is not going to sell that dress when someone is looking for dresses.....for dancing, casual wear, formal wear, or just a flirty dress for clubbing. They won't see it and it won't help you at all. What it will do is put off another potential customer who is looking for animations or dances (or a club for dancing).....the TP to your store and don't see what they are looking for and wonder why the heck did you put those words as keywords. They see it as lying (false advertising). You probably lost that potential customer forever and probably no way to ever get that person back in your store (even when that person is looking for dresses......people who feel they were lied to have long memories for things like that). That's my recipe for success in SL. It's also why I've never wanted to open a store.........I just don't have the patience. I can afford everything I want to do in SL without depending on a linden income. But I do shop and I do patronize stores that are honest, their product is what I expected, and their service is good if I have problems or questions. I tell friends about the store too.
  12. I stopped eating salsa a long time ago.........I found Rotel tomatoes is much better (though it is "chunky" but no thick.........so I solved half your problem. )
  13. I feel left out..........I was a little more blunt and harsh than you or Valerie. Heck Lindal was the harshest so far and she got left out too. I want my whine from the OP!!!
  14. I'm goint to disagree with Ceera. The user name is your Unique User Identication. It's a 32 character numeric number that is your user name (just like that alpha-numeric URL you type in is nothing more than an IP address to where ever it is you want to visit when you type the name in). It's tied directly to you, it's static (meaning it does not change). It's the only way Linden Lab has to associate everything you purchase, create, do or experience in SL.....computer code does not see names. It sees numbers. And that number is yours and yours alone....no one else has that number and no else can every be assigned that number. That's what makes it unique and it has to be unique or you can lose your ownership or any item you purchased, you can lose your intelligectual property rights to any content you created, LL would lose the ability to log anything you do in SL (that is important for both your security and others). It wasn't a stupid move on LL's part. It was (and is) the only way to properly maintain ownership of items, ownership of intellectual property, records of your interactions or doing in SL. What would be stupid is if LL did allow that UUID to change. The don't for every good reasons (not to mention, it's the only way to maintain records).
  15. I'm sorry. I'm with Lindal on this. In short, I simply don't believe you. You know the year you were born, just as you know the month and day you were born......that is, of course, if you are over the age of 5. Sure you can make a typo and hit 3 or 5 when you meant to hit 4 (that "1994" part of your user name). But, if you are so careless to not check the information you entered into the fields to make sure they are correct, then I don't have much sympathy either. That's not a mistake....it's carelessness. Now you are going to have to jump through hoops to get the problem corrected (all due to you not caring much at all.....and you want me to believe you suddenly care now?). Wait it out like all the other honest users who join before their 18th birthday....quit trying to cheat. All that adult stuff will still be there when you really turn 18.....you ain't missing much, believe me.
  16. You can downgrade or cancel your account anytime before before the date the payment is due for your yearly payment. You should get an email about a week or two before that date reminding you that LL will hit your payment method for the total due for another year's premium membership. That's about the time to downgrade or cancel. Your membership will remain active until the date the payment is due.....at that point the downgrade or cancellation takes effect. If you own any land it's a good idea to sell it before that time.......make sure if you have land use fees (tier) for any land over the 512 square meters tier free that you make the appropriate changes to your land usage. If you are renting private land you don't need to do that.....it only applies to mainland.
  17. Are you trying to install from the website or saving the setup file to your computer? I suggest saving the setup file to your desktop (so it's easy to find), then shutting down your computer for a minute or so (don't simply restart, shut it down as if you are leaving for the evening). Then install the viewer from the setup file you saved.
  18. Since you're piggybacking on this thread and you are not crashing I'll do the best I can. Your problems is almost certainly a connection problem. And those connections seldom originate at the Linden Lab server end (though, occassionally, the servers do puke and cause all kinds of problems.......I don't think this is the case here though because many many more users are not having problems than are having problems). Check out this: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Nalates is a frequent poster here in the forums. Her troubleshooting blog is an excellent place to start and will very often lead to the area in your connection that is causing the issues and allow you to fix it. LL can't fix something with your connections....only you can do that.
  19. 2 cups already.........but, come to think of it, another would be nice. Black, no sugar thanks.
  20. "... but for some odd reason you are crashing when the sim sends the error message maybe" ------------------------------------------- That JIRA is about failure to rezz an object. Yes the OP is complaining about that but then to crash to desktop. It's far fetched that an error message from the server would cause the viewer to crash.......unless there is a problem in the system the user is using. A disconnect from the servers, yeah, I can buy that......but not a crash to desktop.
  21. "... This is not my system or connection this is all on your side LL. When can we hope for any fixes?" ------------------------------------------------- And just what criteria and/or knowledge are you basing that statement on (the "all on your side" part)? There is no evidence what so ever that that crashes to the desktop are serverside.......quite the contrary, in fact. If it were serverside (on Linden Lab's end) then the vast majority of users would be experiencing the exact same problem as you. It's pretty obvious that such things are not happening. On the "when can we hope for any fixes" part all I can say is never..........well, never until you start looking for the cause in the proper place anyway. There are four major points where such a problem might occur (though really only one that makes sense because the other three points don't generally cause a program to crash to desktop). Your system (almost definitely the area where your problem lays), your ISP, the Internet proper (both of which are highly unlikely to be the cause) and the Linden Lab servers (possible, but unlikely since there is just not enough users experiencing the problem you are experiencing). If you insist it's not your system as the place to look then you'll never get a fix. That's like your car won't start and you refuse to check to see if you have any gasoline in the tank........and you're out of gas. How soon do you think you'll get your car started by changing your battery, spark plugs, fuel filter, tires, or washing it?
  22. "... Somehow I don't think any vigilent populice who value their freedoms would put up with a Justice Department that obviously thinks it is above the law as interpreted by the courts." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure if that comment was supportive or not on my post.......either way you are way off base. I wasn't talking about any populace valuing freedoms, the Justice Dept or whether or not the law is good, bad, indifferent, or just just bunch of words strung together to make some complicated statement. It's the law concerning online gaming (gambling) that is in effect in the United States (I quoted a portion of the law concerning the Legality of gaming and gambling and a link to the entire Wiki article so that you can read the whole thing for yourself). That's all.......it's the law of the land until it's changed, amended or thrown out the the US Supreme Court (but someone has to challenge it to get the Supreme Court to even look at it......so far any challenges to the law haven't gone far). I do take exception to the implied admonishment concerning "value of freedoms". I'm not quite a Libertarian in my views of the US but I fall well right of center politically. I've read the Constitution of the United States (more than once). I happen to be pretty good at conprehending the English language.......I know what words mean when put into sentences. My take is that my country (the US) is very much in danger of losing more freedoms than we've lost in the last 50 years or so.......many laws passed by our Congress and signed into law by our Presidents that are unconstitutional. I do my part every two years to try to rectify that major problem. Until recently I was just one of the "silent majority" people........but I've become a Tea Party supporter and have participated in several Tea Party rallies. And I intend to continue in that direction for the foreseeable future. I'm doing what I can to rectify some of this stealing of freedoms that is getting near rampant in our government today. What are you doing? Complaining? Sitting at home on election day? Vote for Mickey Mouse because you can't support any other candidate? Sometimes you have to take the lessor of two evils...then keep working to fix this mess we (the citizens of the US) have allowed to get to this point. It's easy to complain and criticize. It's easy to just go with the flow. It's hard to think and research and pick a direction that may not be the one you want but the best available at the time. I held my nose and voted for McCain 3 1/2 years ago......I lost in my efforts. But it wasn't because I didn't try. I can't imagine this country being in any worse shape (as far of individual freedom is concerned) if John McCain was elected instead of Barrack Obama.
  23. Your specs say you should not be crashing due to any hardware issue. I wonder, though, are you crashing or are you getting disconnected. That pop-up......what did it say? If you crashed and got a pop-up it should have been a crash logger.....if it was a pop-up saying that you've been disconnected (or somthing similar) then it's likely you are experiencing some network problem. Where that problem originates is the question of the day. The first thing to check is your end. Make sure your cables are all connected properly and reboot your router and modem (unplug for a few minutes, plug back in and restart your comptuer to re-establish your Internet connection). If that does not solve your problem then my guess is going to be it's something with your ISP......that suddeness of losing your connection is my reason for that guess. Call your ISP when their support offices open in the morning (I know you are European so whenever that happens call them......it's pretty late now for you to get much, if any, help). Your modem or router may be failing too. I've assumed you didn't crash but got disconnected instead.
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