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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Ciaran Laval wrote: The CHUI conversations log was supposed to show conversations from the last 30 days, but it doesn't seem to work for me. An LL product that doesn't seem to work? Wait, hang on, I'm going to try to be shocked.
  2. To clarify why this has come up. My profile specifically says to send IMs, not notecards. On top of that, the other day, I was tasked with gathering beta testers for a product I made for a land baron. So I sent out a notice that specifically said to send me IMs if you want to be a beta tester. What happens? I get spammed with notecards that I can't read, instead of the IMs I asked for.
  3. KapaCorn wrote: I think what the OP is trying to say is if you enable "Offline Messages" that any and all messages will be forwarded to your email even if your in-world messages have been capped.. Bingo. Why do so many people not know this?
  4. Ciaran Laval wrote: I prefer getting notecards, you prefer getting IM's, the more important issue is how you get this information to the people who may want to contact you, some people prefer emails and list their email address in their profile. Bolded part for emphasis. Like I said, make it readily obvious that I prefer IM to notecard, and I still get notecard offers to my email.
  5. The viewer may say they're capped and not show them (after the fact) , but like you said, they still go to your email anyway, usually instantly. That's the point I'm making. I've carried on whole conversations via IM to email, long after the 25 message cap limit.
  6. FezVrasta wrote: I've not insulted no one, I used a similar game for years and I've taken my real life back just few months ago. She's talked about the fact that "if I don't understand that SF is not a game I can't do anything", and this is not exactly an useful comment. Your instead is useful, because explain, without the assumption of "game or not game" that a developer for make money here must be active in the community. Ignore the game thing. That argument comes up a lot. Many people in SL tend to get all defensive when someone says "game" and think that if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and swims like a duck, it must be a goose. The rest of the thread is spot on, though.
  7. Probably not, but when was the last time he was here on these forums?
  8. wiked Anton wrote: actually you wrong about the capping. I never used to get capped, but since all the cost cutting, my messages get capped and i dont get them all. so I ask a NC be sent just to make sure i get it. So take you head out of your arse, messaga get capped and people send NC as an assurance that the message will have been recieved. want to know what annoys me? people the complain about things just becasue they cant see the value in them, or they are so uninformed they formulate rediculous arguement against something that the rest of the world uses on a regular basis. If your IMs are getting capped, you don't have IM to email enabled. The other day I got spammed by an object. Dozens and dozens of messages later, I didn't miss a single message or notice sent to me. Turn on IM to email or STFU.
  9. I've decided that, on my very short list of "Annoying things in SL", notecards are in the top... three. They're useful for writing instructions with products. They're useful for sending out in notices to put additional info that won't fit in the notice itself. Aside from that, I personally think they should never be used for sending people information. Ever. You know what I hate most about them? When I get two rapid fire emails, one that says "hi" and the next that says so and so has offered me inventory, a goddamned notecard. This is particularly annoying when every avenue of contacting me says to use IMs. WTF, I can't do anything with a notecard until 8 hours from now when I log in, then you're going to **bleep** that it took me too long to answer you. Especially when it's something retarded like a yes or no question. You know what's even worse than that? When I IM someone, and they claim they didn't get it because their IMs cap, use notecards. That's probably one of the dumber things people say in SL... Particularly merchants. Turn on IM to email, and your IMs will never cap. Ever. You'll be able to read every single one. If you don't do this simple thing, you're probably a terrible merchant and should close your store, delete SL off your computer, then set your computer on fire and never go near the Internet again. ... Okay, I feel better now. Got that out of my system.
  10. No. There are upload fees for textures and for mesh. Not much, only a few L$, but if you want to make enough to be able to cash out, you need to be uploading enough inventory to fill a small store. On top of that, you should rent some land and set up an in-world store along with the marketplace website. Which means investing money for that, and that can cost quite a bit more.
  11. Necrothread from back before Torley died.
  12. The short answer is yes, you can cash out your earnings into USD. The real answer is, based on your first post, you won't earn enough to even cover the fees for cashing out.
  13. OpenCollar will probably do just about anything you want.
  14. This is what I use. Much, much better than a sensor, for a lot of reasons. Just gotta be okay with getting lots of IMs if you have lots of visitors while you're offline/not there. it's a great proof of concept for llGetAgentList. key owner = "3c85d896-963a-4f77-9325-0eee0147ac66"; //Your UUID.default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(300.0); } timer() { integer numberOfAvatarsInSim = llGetRegionAgentCount(); if(numberOfAvatarsInSim >= 0) { if(llGetAgentSize(owner) == ZERO_VECTOR) { list avatarsInRegion = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_PARCEL, []); integer numOfAvatars = llGetListLength(avatarsInRegion); integer index; while(index < numOfAvatars) { key id = llList2Key(avatarsInRegion, index); string name = llKey2Name(id); llInstantMessage(owner, name + " is on the parcel."); llInstantMessage(owner, "https://my.secondlife.com/" + llGetUsername(id)); ++index; } } } }}
  15. Czari Zenovka wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: I can't get past why being pretty has anything to do with not being able to log on. But then I'm a redhead...maybe it's a blonde thing. :matte-motes-wink: It's to get more people to help. I was thinking that - like women who bat their eyes to get men to help them. *smh* Two pages of replies, looks like it worked.
  16. Czari Zenovka wrote: I can't get past why being pretty has anything to do with not being able to log on. But then I'm a redhead...maybe it's a blonde thing. :matte-motes-wink: It's to get more people to help.
  17. It's worth trying somewhere with no scripts. Alternatively, turn off rendering volume and objects in the advanced menu, that may let you in if the problem is graphics related
  18. Sounds like a worthless string of numbers.
  19. Give some more details about your Internet connection. Speed, wired or wireless, if wireless, is it N or G? What's the disconnection error message, exactly?
  20. I've been sent messages on the forums that told me they were banning me. I laughed every time - I'd never been to or intended to go to their parcels. I bet it was something petty like that.
  21. Honestly, I just wish LL established some kind of consistent scale. It doesn't even have to be 1:1 scale, just any kind of consistent scale across the grid. Back when I was drafting, we always drew to scale, even if it was something weird - just as long as it was persistent across the project. What we have now is people just eyeball things next to their avatar, which was already eyeballed.
  22. It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it. I recently made myself shorter. Still over 7 feet, but in the sims I work on, I'm shorter even than some women. It's ridiculous.
  23. You know what bugs me about group chat in SL? Not that it doesn't work, but that LL is screwing up 30 year old technology. 33 years, to be exact. And IRC has been around for 25 years. How can LL possibly screw up something that every other company out there mastered two to three decades ago?
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