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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Also, that 6 year old girl avatar is actually an adult, maybe a women, in RL. What if she didn't like being forced to wear dresses and bras when she was a kid in RL, so she wants to be a gender neutral "tomboy" in SL?
  2. If you're only in IM, how could anyone report you? Also, how can someone prove that the IM version of you is the same persona as the visual version of your avatar? As long as the dialog does not suggest ag* play, it might be allowable.
  3. What gender are you presenting as if your profile does not stipulate that your avatar is specifically male or female and your clothing - shorts - is gender neutral? What gender is a gender-fluid teen in booty shorts and an open yakuta kimono top? I don't think it's right for other people to force users into a gender identity and the clothing they think should go with it, unless they are obviously presenting as that gender.
  4. This was my point in posting that clip from "The Last of Us". Ellie is a teenager (gender non-conforming too, btw). The scene is powerful in part because she's smart enough to recognize that she's in danger and to react to harm her captor physically and perhaps socially. A scene like this acted out in SL RP might be alot of fun to do. There is very little blood (just an ear on the floor). No child or teen is physically hurt, though she is threatened. The only visible violence is when she breaks her captor's finger.
  5. The middle one could be viewed as a girl with that haircut, so a female bathing suit would be appropriate. I'll argue that there's not even a fuzzy line with a gender neutral/ fully androgynous avatar however, because there is no line. Any of those hairstyles could be worn by a male or female in RL without anyone thinking twice about it. In RL we have real people to judge by though, not an artificially created avatar. In RL, when I see people I mentally identify them as male, female, or "trans" because I naturally add up their body shape, height, facial features, and what they're wearing to try to guess how they identify. If someone has what I consider to be a masculine build, but they're wearing a dress, I'm going to assume they identify as female. So in SL, if you want to identify as female, you (specifically you) can dress in a way that will likely cause others in SL to identify your avatar as female. However, what if someone has a young adult avatar, using a Maitreya flat chest or V- tech and a.purposely androgynous head? Should they be able to wear shorts with no top on a Moderate beach? Would it matter how they identify in that moment in SL? What if their profile says they're over 18 and gender fluid in SL? They don't look like a young child, but some people might think they look like a teenager. Should people just report them for being topless, and let Governance sort it out? Or closer to your own situation, what if you're identifying as a boy, wearing shorts with no top, but someone has seen you previously wearing a pink ballet outfit with a ponytail. What if they decide to AR you for being a topless little girl? My position is that without obvious breasts, an avatar should be able to be topless in a Moderate or Adult region (unless otherwise specified by the region, parcel or event owner.) Maybe in a General region, everyone should have their nipples either covered, invisible, or painted over?
  6. As @Blush Bravin says in the post above mine here,^ noses keep growing a bit as we age, so I think if your avatar's nose were a tiny bit longer and down-pointed, she would look older. RL: The woman behind the counter at my gym this morning looked younger than your RL example picture.
  7. What about roleplaying a scene such as this one? Could this be done on a Moderate region with a child avatar?
  8. ^ This is why some combat players want to fight as kids or other small avatars. Others might just prefer to stay as their primary or favorite character.
  9. @Devilgrey's picture and Miroku from Inuyasha both look like young adult Japanese males to me. Is it the flowers on the jacket in the picture above or the Sengoku period priest robes in the lower picture that confuse you? I also said in my post: "...even though this character is a relatively minor one, he exemplifies how older teen and young adult men are often drawn in Japanese manga and anime. These characters are usually tall and thin, with slightly larger heads on thinner necks than in RL, and with youthful and somewhat androgynous features. In Japanese culture, this look is commonly considered attractive, so it features prominently across all media." We're both referring to a male character. p.s. The title character, Inuyasha, is the half dog-demon. You can tell by his ears.
  10. The one that is supposed to just show pictures that let others guess ages is short, informative, and not filled with toxic spew.
  11. Maybe you have reading comprehension difficulties as well as cultural short-sightedness? The poster and I both said this is a male character.
  12. Inuyasha is one of the most well-know Japanese anime series. The animated tv series ran for 7 seasons on the Cartoon Network, Netflix, and Hulu in the US. Just because you don't read or watch anime doesn't mean nobody's heard of the characters from it. Also, even though this character is a relatively minor one, he exemplifies how older teen and young adult men are often drawn in Japanese manga and anime. These characters are usually tall and thin, with slightly larger heads on thinner necks than in RL, and with youthful and somewhat androgynous features. In Japanese culture, this look is commonly considered attractive, so it features prominently across all media.
  13. Roleplaying Peter Pan's group in Never Never Land is likely fine in SL, but what about Treasure Island or Lord of the Flies?
  14. I agree that boys and men should be able to be topless. I'm just saying that it's not "fair" that girls and women can't be topless too. There's a cultural distinction made that because women have breasts (which nature created to feed their babies), their chests have to be covered. This is not true in all cultures, and in RL young children of both sexes may be allowed to go around topless, bottomless or naked. We can't allow this in SL, however, because of various cultural sensibilities. At what point do girls have to cover their chests? Should it matter if they live Europe, the US or the Amazon rainforest? Note: It's possible the children pictured are 3 boys. The webpage I took it from doesn't say.
  15. On the other hand, at least their nipples are covered. 😆
  16. FYI, we have new TOS rules that clearly forbid child avatars being on Adult sims or engaging in sexual behavior - such as sexual solicitation. Is this thread just trolling the forum regulars? People in SL can't play innocent about sexual ag* play anymore. LL can't afford to just look the other way about this stuff anymore.
  17. Oh, I know. I'm bisexual myself. It's men who have decided that women's bodies should be covered though, because if they feel aroused, it's somehow our fault.
  18. Btw, nipples are an erogenous zone for both women and men. So is the neck, the thigh, the small of the back, the waist, feet and hands, so one shouldn't use that as an argument for covering them. I think what it really comes down too is that heterosexual men find female breasts arousing. But if they're being used to nurse a baby or just out while sunbathing, they are not inherently sexual.
  19. Personally, I don't see anything sexual about nipples unless they're in a state of sexual arousal. I think female avatars and pictures of women should not have different rules than male avatars and pictures. Most people in the US ( including LL) view adult, female breasts as being sexual, however. I want young child avatars to be treated the same, no matter their gender. If the only way to do that is for both male and female babies and young children to not show nipples, then I'd rather they just not be drawn on the skin to begin with. Yes, it would look weird, but it would be equally weird for both boys and girls. They can both wear whatever kind of top they wish too - a T-shirt, a halter top, a bikini top, or even a bib on a baby.
  20. I tend to view that much boobage as adult. It's a subjective assessment. YMMV I realize I'm contradicting myself. I think she looks like a young adult, 16+, pretending to be much younger. I probably wouldn't AR her myself in most situations, but she makes me uneasy. It might just be an uncanny valley reaction because she makes me feel conflicted about whether she's supposed to be "innocent" or not.
  21. Star Wars type sims (which might not be actually cannon) allow for all kinds of furries to RP as alien races. Maybe there just aren't that many furries that want to present as apes? I think furries tend to be very particular about what kind of animal they feel like and want to express (probably similar to how therians express themselves).
  22. There is nothing in the TOS that says they *can't* engage in combat, therefore they can. What has changed is that they may not go into Adult regions, and extreme graphic violence is only allowed on Adult regions. To my mind this doesn't apply to most combat. I've watched ancient world combat and gladiatorial combat. There is sometimes blood, but I haven't seen torture, cannibalism, or body parts getting hacked off in Moderate sims. I've seen devices that electrocute or behead avatars in Moderate sims, but they were part of games or were "unlucky chairs" giving out prizes.
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