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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Hmm, let's see here .... Operations costs went up a bit, there are several projects in the works (with the listing we were given not an exhaustive one) as well as potentially finally catching up to the increases we'd have been seeing all along, over a longer period of time. You know, normal things. Thing it does not take much thought whatsoever to entertain or conclude. This is not the first time someone has brought up that absolute bunk as an 'explanation' for some action by Linden Lab (and now the new holding company) and it is frankly tiresome.
  2. Will. You. Stop. It. With. The. Absolutely. Bunk. Crypto. Angle.
  3. At present there is nothing to "debate" .... It'd be rather nice if people stuck to what is.
  4. Don't much care. There's a Forum Search tool and frankly not every topic needs to be in more than one place. Funnily enough, I use Firestorm and am seeing map tile updates. This isn't going to instantly propagate to every corner and some are going to see a bit of oddness for a bit.
  5. Ah yes, it was only a matter of time before someone would bring up the default avatar and other side "discussions" or pet crusades ....
  6. Unless those games are using a form of Anti-Cheat or can only be acquired through Microsoft's app store ... No, no they do not "require" Windows anymore, Proton is a thing and it does work. Steam, Lutris/Play-On-Linux and now at least two variants on the Epic Games launcher system use it. While it is more Steam centric, the Proton DataBase is a good place to start checking for games - see if they work well out of the box, if they need tweaks and such. Do be warned though that all entries are more or less user reported so some titles that simply work "out of the box" now might not have at the time of the last report.
  7. Geez ... some of you are reading that "list" as a bit too literal an explanation ....
  8. Nope. Anyone else starting this thread and you might have a point.
  9. My question: Why the new thread when this was noted in several existing threads on the matter of the map.
  10. No. No that was not the "whole idea" of the Group and Group Chat system that was put into Second Life. Nor is this a recent development. Read. The. Thread. They have to "mess with it" to try and fix the root issue(s) surrounding this or at the very least to try and stabilize it again. This is not the first time there have been issues with Groups and/or the Group Chat system and as long as users continue to use the existing system as though it were some kind of chat room for discussions and the like these issues will quite likely continue. There is a reason some (myself included) have said that there needs to be a dedicated system for non Land Management related Group functions/Chat (well, some of them) while the existing system remains in place to continue to be used for notices and such.
  11. There were "minor" breaks prior to the move but the move itself did indeed seem to cause the map to malfunction. Though with that in mind, it is more likely that the move brought to light the root change that needed to be made.
  12. Ok, this one has been brewing for a bit .... Since the move to AWS, more and more users seem to be only now noticing things that have been issues (to one degree or another) for years now and that some creators and such have been doing what they can to work around them for just as long. And they're blaming the move to AWS on these issues. No, the move did not suddenly cause these issues, folks. At worst they exacerbated them for now. Some of you are doing nothing more than showing your mental bias by only now noticing these things or by blaming the recent backend changeover on the issues.
  13. You are seeing information on wholly different systems/programs and conflating the two. You pay (at a certain point) for "keys" for certain Google APIs. You do not pay for Two-Factor Authentication code applications. This is the Smartphone app Google offers for Two-Factor Authentication. I do not use it for the few things i do use 2FA for. I use an application that is based on and compatible with systems that use it, that allows me to use my Phone or my PC to get the code.
  14. Which is actually part of why some places have those Online Status boards telling who the CSRs and such are, to begin with.
  15. I'm not "rich" either. My yearly income is less than current US Federal Minimum Wage (before taxes and likely after as well). My entire income each month is deposited at a specific date (not stating when) and thus I have to plan out my expenses. At the price/cost point I do have to wonder if you're renting a sizable portion of a region or something .... Me, most I could "reasonably" afford (on top of the Premium) is 1/8th of a region on my own (I currently rent 1/16th). Put into financial terms on those numbers: $50 maximum, leaving no wiggle room for buying additional $L (currently $25, allowing for a little L$ wiggle room).
  16. It could not. The code type precludes the code being valid for such a length of time (well aside from the fact that we're talking about a code that would be asked for more than once, even if you did tell it to remember the device - see Amazon's implementation as well as most password storing systems, among others). If you mean a traditional telephone keypad ... Again, no. Wholly different system. There is a reason I linked to Authy. Look at it. Some banks use text, phone call and/or e-mail as code options. As for why I'd be against it? Do note the way I phrased that - creep - and you'll have some idea as to why. It simply is not needed for all and sundry nor are some of the tings people push to have it alongside merit such measures. Your actual Bank/PayPal accounts, some game accounts, a person's Steam account .... There are a fair few examples out there of accounts that should be secured by 2FA. They're actual, serious targets.
  17. No, it doesn't. A Validation Code (and similar) is not the same thing as the tokens used in the types of Two-Factor Authentication systems being discussed. At all. Things like this are what this thread is discussing in terms of applications. Ditto the E-Mailed/SMSed codes. Do not conflate 2FA systems with One Time/Validation/etc Code systems. ETA: There are far more things to worry over if one does not even have a throwaway e-mail address these days than a 2FA Code (for anything). This, coming from someone who has been against the idea of 2FA seemingly creeping into more and more systems.
  18. .... Snail Mail is standard, non-electronic post. You know, the stuff that can take a few days - at minimum - to arrive, depending on what is sent, where it is sent from and where it is going.
  19. Oh for .... I am on a fixed income and you don't see me griping ..... All this means is yet another alteration to my patterns/amounts.
  20. If they are dead set on adding in 2FA I seriously hope that if they offer options for it (and do stick to making it opt-in) that they either avoid a physical key like the plague or have it as yet another option to use on top of SMS, E-Mail and an Application. I cannot stress that enough. I also cannot stress enough that the software route needs to be as broad a set of potential systems as possible.
  21. What in the world makes you think 30 USD is going to hit the cap amount?
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