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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. At this point all I have to say is the following: In Before The Lock.
  2. Point blank: You're not only barking up the wrong tree in trying that crap with me but you're showing me that you're too emotionally invested in your own argument to be able to digest what I have said. Congratulations - you've wasted my time more than long enough.
  3. That's nice. You missed the entire point - bravo. As are quite a few others attempting to pretend that "Universal Human Rights" or anything similar .... actually exist beyond our belief that they do. They're a nice idea and helpful when trying to make lives better - and that's all they are.
  4. Humanity ceases to be, those "Rights" cease to be. Funnily enough, when Humans first evolved... those "Rights" did not exist. Therefore it does not exist "universally" - at all. If you're going to harp on semantics, use better terms.
  5. Now we're getting into the realm of the absolutely absurd ...on all sides of this.
  6. Amusingly these glitches are part of why one cannot hide one's status from a script or from groups one is a part of: The glitch is known and these systems are known workarounds - outside of sending a simple IM.
  7. The online status indicators in profiles and such have been known to glitch out on occasion and show someone as offline even when they are not.
  8. Oh for the love of ... Yet another overreaction based on what was perceived instead of what was actually said...
  9. You have wholly missed the point that it is the only language that applies at present as well as missing that no one whatsoever - outside of those paying for the parcels and Linden Lab in the case of non Islands - has any say whatsoever on what security measures are deployed. We - as users - can "discuss" which methods we personally find acceptable all day long and guess what? At the end of the day said discussion is meaningless on its face and potentially damaging should it give Linden Lab the wrong impression (as it already has with their latest project).
  10. The new continent is a very specific community building/replacement project and quite frankly I am not convinced whatsoever that the changes made there have any bearing at all to its popularity. It's the new shiny, larger plot/building replacement for the existing Linden Homes - many users expressed in the past that the size of the plots (512) on the old Homes as well as the builds simply were not enough to have them bother with Premium or with grabbing a Linden Home. Yes, you have a number of vehicle enthusiasts that have decided to move there or go Premium to make use of it - they're vocal but honestly being vocal does not make one the majority. Point blank: This notion that the newer restrictions are what is bringing in more users ... is simply unable to be proven. Edited to add: You're nit-picking over the meaning and use of a set of words. That is all.
  11. Point blank: If you're not paying for it, you have no say. That is the beginning and end of any "argument" that can be made. The only ones with any say on the matter outside of the user footing the bill? Linden Lab. That's it. You can argue until the cows come home and it won't change a thing on that ... Funnily enough, few users bat an eyelash when others are told to simply move on if confronted by a ban or such from a commercial venue - Mainland (and similar) or not - yet will complain if a similar stance is used elsewhere. So which is it, hmm? See above for the answer.
  12. Ah yes, because those who have responded with the view that they ought to be able to restrict users from accessing their parcels have been talking about restricting access to the Linden owned (directly) road/waterways .... Right ... And I own the Golden Gate Bridge.
  13. You answered your own question: A formality.
  14. Despite what many may say or put forth Ayela ... Yes, it is correct.
  15. That would only work on systems that simply eject you from the land or use a push object to remove you. Systems that teleport you home don't care if you're sitting or not. Even back in the earlier days (06+)
  16. Read. The. Thread. And. Get. An. Education. The Texture Memory Buffer has no bearing whatsoever on how much of your VRAM is used in total. This has been repeatedly stated in several different threads on the matter and quite frankly ... it is not that hard a concept to understand.
  17. .... No one got the Doctor Who reference .... really?
  18. It's a public forum, anyone is open to respond. Want to direct a response to a specific person in a manner in which only they can respond? Send them a PM.
  19. And yet another candidate for an eye roll ...
  20. A rental is a rental is a rental. it is for profit - no matter how you spin it. Giving someone a home on site after a one time payment/large payment might pass as a donation and a "thank you" to said donator. The on site rentals (that keep being dismissed) are - like it or not - considered to be for profit. Allowing users to set up ftores free of any charge? That'd likely be allowed - even if said store owners turned around and made the occasional donation to sim upkeep. The reason any of this has drawn attention is simple: These are all things that if done right, would not be in violation. How your government sees things, how you see things ... irrelevant. How Linden Lab sees them: relevant and the only viewpoint on the subject that matters. Waving your hands and avoiding addressing or trying to understand any of the above does not help you one whit. That is the last time I'll try to act as a middle man in helping to understand the viewpoint of some of those that have posted and the last time I'll try to offer damage control advice. Point blank: Your approach is not doing you any favors - at all.
  21. I am fairly certain I have said this in this thread - or one like it - before but... While the two parcels I do have are each in places the general public does not often go (one a Linden Home and the other a 4096 on an Island) the way I aproach their security would not change if these were mainland parcels (and quite frankly one of the reasons I detest the way the new Homes continent is set up). The LH plot is often set to be Access List only as I use it as a Retreat (it is even named as such) that I and my friends can use. On rare occasions it will be left open for "guests" to flop in. Yes, the permissions are set to prevent non-group members from rezzing and such, that's not the point. The 4096 has several "layers" to it, two of those layers set with a security system. Both of these are set to allow group members and admins as well as a Whitelist of specified users, said whitelist for one being empty right now. The entire parcel is also covered by a third security system which allows admins, group members and a sizable whitelist to have access - this thrid system is rarely turned on owing to the nature of the other systems but does see a bit of use. I personally find the notion that if one is not onlne then one should not bother with such things to be ... Well I'll put it this way: I log in to talk with friends, spend time with them and perhaps have a little fun every now and then. I am not going to waste my time kicking/banning individuals from my home parcels nor with ignoring them when they decide to IM me and throw invective my way for daring to remove them from my home (it is not a shop or any other sort of purely public spot) - simply put, I'm not wasting what time I do have.
  22. There have been - only in this thread mind you - at most two users responding with the intention to "smear" beging their primary impetus, trolling is more accurate. Seriously, this "tactic" of overstating/mangling the intent of some responders is unhelpful to the purported cause sme of you have here. If you are truly serious about presenting a good image and actually saving the place: Stop it, yesterday. This is a public forum on the Internet, you're going to have a few whose only goal is to troll or stir up trouble - ignore them. Do not treat every user with a question or who questions your motives as a troll either - that will damage your cause. Mind that is not all that will damage your cause but .... I really do hope some are mature enough to see and understand without the need to call further examples out.
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