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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Then sue them. Get an actual court to agree with your interpretation. Until then, you're not going to get anywhere with your assertions - not with me and likely not with those who think similarly. Based solely on the text presented as well as the way Linden Lab has operated thus far, your assumptions and assertions are based on your personal interpretation of the policies and information rather than what is actually written and presented. Have fun with that tree Alwin.
  2. You'd have to ask Linden Lab directly - Im not bothering to speculate and personally don't care what the reasoning is. I may not agree with the way the process is set up but I'm not going to pretend they're contradicting themselves or even doing something wrong/illegal/etc here - if they are, then it ought to be an easy enough win ... assuming anyone actually bothers to go so far as have a trial over it. Point blank on this: Our personal opinions aren't worth much in matters such as this. Someone has an issue? Get a lawyer.
  3. Alwin, point blank there is nothing whatsoever in any of the language concerning Premium and downgrading that states you will enjoy all of your benefits once you decide to downgrade - nothing. At all. You are basing your responses on what you imagine their policies to say - such reading being quite incorrect. Deal with it.
  4. Oh for ... They warn you flat out that you'll lose some of your Premium benefits when you choose to downgrade and they do not promise/state anywhere that you will retain all of your benefits - should you chose to downgrade - while the downgrade is being processed. Get over it - agree with the process or not, that is exactly how it is handled. Don't like the process? That's great - find a way to have it changed.
  5. Oh for ... For someone who is supposed to be the PR rep, you have no idea how to do your job. At all. I've been nice, I've been patient. You have been noting but blind and judgemental to anyone who has dared to ask even the simplest question and outright dodged several of the harder/more involved questions. If you cannot pass on the information, you state so and why - that is common sense. Those statements must be grounded in facts with absolutely none of your own personal feelings/emotions coloring them - or as close to it as you can get. Your response above is a prime example of what not to do. No one has come to you - at all. You can put that tired attempt to sound like you're "in the right" away now. How can I say such? Simple: We have only your word for it and frankly that simply does not fly and never has flown. When responding in a forum, the only person you speak for is yourself with the only exception being official PR and even then you can only speak for the person/company/firm/etc you represent - no one else. Welcome to reality - if you're really their official PR rep act like it. If not, sit down and stop acting as such as that oh so lovely little opener of yours cuts both ways - you speak from a position of authority concerning HL that no one actually in charge has bothered to come in to verify and so far you've been given the benefit of the doubt by many who have responded with questions or concerns. Your presentation and attitude in some responses is unbecoming of someone who is supposedly managing a public image. Have a pleasent day Lawrence, and perhaps you'll stick to that having been your "very last post" as from what I have seen thus far ... you've made a few "last" posts. Each time you proclaim such at that, casting further and further doubt on your own position and abilities where PR is concerned. Edited to add: It is a blessing for you that this thread exists on Linden Lab's official forum as if this had appeared on some of the external fora, you'd be seeing responses from some that come far closer to your perceptions.
  6. If such was/is the case then stating such as clearly and concisely as possible, stating such information and nothing more whatsoever would be the best path. That's the thing about handling the general public: Facts, information that can be presented at the time, no personal opinions or similar at all when presented with a question. That is the proper way to handle things - at least for representatives. In your case? If possible, answer to the best of your ability while avoiding potentially leaking information the general public doesn't need to know yet/that could be damaging and do your best to do so as neutrally as possible. It isn't easy and is something best left to a professional PR department. The key there being professional.
  7. Unfortunately I cannot agree with that Qie and not just due to the very nature of fora. Some of the "answers" given were clear as mud at best and deflection (seemingly) at worst.
  8. A few of the comments/responses were made by accounts/users that almost everyone else treated as coming from trolls or similar - that should have been a clue there for those. Legal viability? A set of questions asked with - for most - no ill intent whatsoever. Illegal conduct "within the sim" ...? Seriously? Hyperbole there and I'd say quite the misinterpretation of a set of questions. Your response above is a very clear example of the sort of response I have been talking about: Passion blinding you. People are oh so quick to toss around the label of slander, to believe another is accusing them or insinuating some negative motive/tone in a set of questions and responses ... Those who have genuinely wanted information have been treated to negativity from the very first post that dared to present how the situation appeared to them and to ask for clarification. It has spiraled from there. Now perhaps the time I have spent in far more vicious fora has changed how I view things and given me a more detached perspective but do please understand that such is how this entire thread has read to someone who wishes the creator of HL well and who simply wishes for clearer communication between all parties involved. Seriously, how some of us react to what others have posted in this thread really ought to be a clear indication of when someone is trolling or otherwise not worth responding to.
  9. For those actually bothering to pay attention and understand what I've been trying to get across: The above puts it very nicely as does some of Fiona's quips (which are a commentary on how various responses come across and the image they paint) ... Despite not having either job this lifetime, I am an Archivist and a Teacher of sorts at heart and it absolutely pains me to see people be so willfully blinded by their passions that they see enemies everywhere .....
  10. That's all rather irrelevant, what is relevant is the image being presented: by supporters, spkespeople and even simple fans/those concerned. If you cannot answer questions then simply share your experiences, share an image or two and go about the rest of your day. Help clear up confusion where you can. My entire point the last few responses is that presentation matters.
  11. No one is "trying to discredit" the artist. If you care for the artist, stop using such charged language to describe those who have asked questions or pointed out inconsistencies/tone.
  12. Oh for ... And with the more recent responses here, I'm not going to bother to try and help anyone understand the tone they've set nor how they happen to be coming across because it is fairly obvious that such users simply do not care - at all. I do hope the place can continue to exist - in spite of the damage to its image some rising to its defense may have caused with their reactions, overreactions and absolute fabrications here.
  13. Once again - since it hasn't seemed to get through: Users asking questions, being persistent in doing so and even going forward with whatever information they have on hand is not at all an attack of any kind nor is it "hateful" or vitriol or any of the absolutely absurd crap that has been sling out. Grow up. That's about the nicest way I could put that and honestly doesn't even begin to cover the issues I have with how this has been handled so far. If there is information not being presented then guess what? It needs to be presented - be it by the creator or a designated spokesperson. And no, it has not been presented as of yet. ... This is not that difficult to understand, language/cultural barriers or not.
  14. Ah yes, when presented with reality, fall back on a fallacy. I've left this thread alone for some time - nice try though. Since you've decided to go down that route however, you've made it quite clear that you have no interest whatsoever in any viewpoint except your own. Have a pleasent day.
  15. And what bias would that be, hmm? I'll answer that for you: My bias is for the truth of the matter. Reality. There is no "hate" involved in my responses - at all. That you appear to think otherwise is a very clear indicator of just how invested you are and how much said investment has blinded you to what anyone has actually said. Go on back, read the thread, read what was actually said and do take note that I (and a few others you're lumping together with your statement) have explicitly stated we hope HL can remain, that we liked what we saw and wish the creator the best. Oh but wait - actually seeing and understanding that would ruin your narrative, wouldn't it?
  16. No one can square any matter with "SL" ... Second Life is the bloody product/service! Linden Lab is the company! Further, saying that the matter is "squared" means nothing whatsoever as such could mean that Linden Lab is allowing the regions to remain at the discounted rate even with the crowdfunding as a means to help pay for it or it could simply mean that Linden Lab and the region owner have decided to leave things where they are (regions get their discount stripped) ...
  17. That's quite "cute" and does not at all put you in a good light. I am being - as my lovely little title states - Quite Blunt. Visa doesn't get to decide - they can offer you recompense but that will not come out of Linden Lab's bank account, making the entire thing quite meaningless. Oh yes and "we" will "let" no one do anythig whatsoevr. You can take it up with Visa if you'd like. Got any other "witty" comebacks or are you done?
  18. What you expect and the reality here are two different beasts - your agreement is not required. Furthermore as Alyona already noted - unless such has changed - you are warned that some of the services/perks associated with Premium will be revoked on the spot when you initiate the downgrade. Even further: In the past one simply could not downgrade until they had released all of their Mainland holdings as well as their Linden Home plot. If such has actually changed then honestly ... it needs to be changed back so that people do not choose to downgrade with the notion that they will have all of their benefits continue until the downgrade process is complete - which does not always equate to the end of the originally paid for billing cycle.
  19. In my case it wasn't that there was an issue with the auto-renewal whatsoever: Humble Bundle allows you to "Pause-a-Month" if you've subscribed to their offered Monthly Bundle service and - in my experience - once you do so, you lose access to the subscriber perks until you unpause. They use the same "Pay for the Month in Advance" system Linden Lab uses.
  20. Tell that to Humble Bundle, Coffee - an example I had ready to hand thanks to personal experience. Many services thatoffer a basic and a premium level may not do what Linden Lab does but to state that such is not how it works on other services is ... false. The correct phrasing is many or most. This is also how it has nearly always been where Second Life and Premium subscription is concerned - you're a bit late to the "no excuses" party there.
  21. Yeah no - sorry, not sorry on the following: Nowhere whatsoever does Linden Lab state that you can Downgrade your account to Basic and retain your Linden Home and to expect otherwise is ... Well the most polite way i can put this is "entitled" or "presumptuous" at the very least. You should have waited until your renewal date was closer, picked up your things, teleported elsewhere and then downgraded.
  22. Ok Chicken Little - you're not the first to proclaim something to be The End of Second Life and just like the ones that came before you ... you won't be the last to be utterly wrong. Not just in your overreaction but also your personal belief in what has actually transpired. You've had the reasoning explained to you and yet you persist ... Leaving Second Life? Bye - mind the door, it has a rather strong spring close.
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