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Mercedes Avon

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Everything posted by Mercedes Avon

  1. If you really like the Lindens houses, then go premium. They are free with premium, and that cost of premium will be cheaper than it would be to rent something similar.
  2. I had the same thought when I saw the demo area in world - the area looks like Moonglade. I also think it looks like the Elven areas in Lord of the Rings Online.
  3. I definitely want to check it out. I am not sure though that this theme is my thing. It feels a little like I would have to suspend a lot of "reality" (I know, don't we already do that) to get into this release. I have to check out the demo area to get the full feel. And then maybe I need to deck out my alt as a fantasy avatar and jump in head first.
  4. I had a home right on the corner of Humansville. I held onto it a long time. It was the perfect traditional - out on a peninsula, water on two sides, and the boat parade going by daily. I lost it trying to swap to an alt. Haha. Yah, that one stung a bit, but I never attempt a swap if I am not prepared to lose.
  5. I no longer post things I abandon because of all the venom in the Linden Home forums lately. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with contacting friends and letting them know when you are abandoning a location they might like. We used to do it in the abandons thread all the time . . . you know . . . back when we are were friendly with each other. Now, many people (including myself) announce their intentions to abandon a great location privately because they don't want part of the non-stop drama over this subject; the great LAND WARS of 2020-2021.
  6. The place I had the longest was a stilt I rolled on Christmas day (just after they released), It was on open water with a sunset view. I just recently rolled a stilt on land with an open water view and very reluctantly let the first one go.
  7. I also use LucyBody Atenea body on an alt and the Genus Strong free head. I like the Atenea body better than Maitreya and Maitreya Lara clothes fit it. Some stores offer free skins as group gifts. Amara Beauty has one out right now, but I can not remember if it is for Genus or not (It might be for Lelutka). ETA: The skin is from Pumec. They offer many free group gifts skins and ears, but there is a reasonable fee to join the group.The outfit is the same 1L one mention higher in this thread. The head is Genus Strong and the body is Atenea from LucyBody. Hair I paid full price for at Doux.
  8. The tassel textures are there for me on the 1LI basket but not the basket itself.
  9. This is a thread you can watch for abandons. People tend to post the better ones here, so you have an idea when they will hit the land page. However, the best way is to bring the land page up and watch for your theme to pop up (if it is not there already) and accept one and go check it out. Almost everything there is an abandon unless a new sim just got released and those literally get scooped up in moments.
  10. Those look very nice, Chic. Maybe others can post some rentals like he is wanting, so he/she has some nice options.
  11. I use Windows Defender myself, but for me that was not the issue. It was specifically Malwarebytes that was causing the problem.
  12. 7 prims will not get you a house or room. You will maybe be able to put a chair down. A prim (land impact is what it is actually called now) is not an object itself but the weight of the object you are putting down. Every object has an impact based on it's complexity and scripts. Some are only 1 LI and most are much more. You can find small houses around 20 LI (prim). At minimum you would need . . . ummm . . . maybe 100 if you put down a low impact house that was very small (maybe only one room) and some low impact furniture.
  13. I might pay a ticket price in lindens if a performer I really wanted to hear was singing (and that is a big might). I would not buy a ticket via PayPal.
  14. It is hard to find empty homes to rent in SL unless you go premium (not that there are not any, but there are far fewer). There you get one as part of your membership. I find their 351LI allowance to be adequate for furnishing their house as long as I am not placing high land impact things. You also get a weekly stipend you can spend anywhere and that is helpful when it comes to buying things to furnish it. You can find plenty of empty affordable land and place down your own home. You can find houses of all styles, sizes etc for sale. How many LI/prims you need to furnish it well really depends on the size of the house and land. You can do lovely things with smaller parcels.
  15. I just posted in the other thread about this issue. I have never had issues with crashing in SL until recent months and then recently it became an issue when I was attempting to teleport. Likewise, I can always TP into a sim the first time without issues, but the TP will fail the second time. If I crash/or log out I can not log into that sim either. I always have to log in someplace else, and then I can TP. What I found was that Malwarebytes was the likely culprit. I had to whitelist Firestorm (the viewer I use) and now I am not having the issue. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/antivirus_whitelisting
  16. The OP just described my recent SL experiences with teleports exactly. I can teleport anywhere once but if I try to go there again, the TP will hang, and I will crash. When I crash, my avie also reverts, and I lose any hair changes, clothes changes or tweaks. I also had my shape corrupt and I had to redo it. With all that said, I read on Firestorm's wiki that Malwarebytes can cause this issue. Do you by chance use that program? I very recently whitelisted SL per their instructions and I have not crashed since. *crosses fingers* https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/antivirus_whitelisting
  17. I spent time surfing there with someone last night. It was a lot of fun and I agree that more beaches and surf board kiting would be amazing!
  18. I loved my houseboat when I had one! I hope when you are done moving in that you post pics of it in the show your Linden home thread 🙂
  19. A new sim was released and those always go lightening fast. The best bet is to try for an abandon.
  20. "Please do not try to cage me in the little stereotypical box of yours, I am a wanderer of beautiful thoughts." - Simran Bhaidani
  21. I feel the same way. I got a cabin there completely by chance. I have never got anything on a new release before. It is my home, and I am in love with it. I feel very lucky.
  22. You proved me wrong. That looks beautiful. The avie is a stunner.
  23. I wear mesh hair mostly now, but I was a hold out for a long time because I wore a lot of curly hair. I do not think you can get short curly hair that looks quite right with mesh (yet). I do still wear flexi from time to time.
  24. To be frank, all bathrooms are already unisex. Women have peed next to transitioning women and men have peed next to transitioning men for years. No one had issues because they did not know. Now that they know, they are allowing their minds to run away with wild silliness where there is none.
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