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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. @PrudenceAntonThanks for all the work you have been doing on listing and publishing the Parade of Homes!
  2. ty.. I suppose in a way it makes sense since Zindra and Horizons are both adult. But, in my thinking. continents are physically connected.. and I dont see a physical connection between those two continents, so it is still a bit confusing to me.
  3. I had always assumed that Horizons was its own mainland continent. But I dont see it listed as such on LL's Wiki (List Of Continents - Second Life Wiki). But on the other hand, I dont see Bellisseria listed either, so maybe the wiki is just old and out of date?? So my question: Is Horizons an SL Continent? If so, why isnt it listed in the SL Wiki as such? If not, what continent is it a part of, and why is it not connected to it?
  4. Oh I STRONGLY disagree. There are probably a few abusers out there... there always are. But the vast majority of GOH players are totally within the rules and not abusing the system at all. In fact, I find the statement accusing "a good amount" of GOHers of abusing the system as uninformed. (I personally am not a GOH player. I have multiple accounts, but when I land a place that I Iike, it is very hard for me to give it up. I tend to keep most of my homes for over a year. The last time I rolled for a house was on Jun 27, a month ago, and I still have that home. But I admire the GOH people... at least the ones I know.) I have a lot of friends who are GOHers. GOH is a way of exploring SL. It is a bit of an expensive way, as most GOHers have more than 1 premium account. Basically they "explore SL" by rolling Linden Homes until they get a location that appeals to them. Then the spend some time furnishing and decorating it because they enjoy decorating homes. After they get it all set up the way the like it, they enjoy it for maybe a week or two. They also show it to some of their friends. Then they let it go and look for a new place to play with. Using the system and "abusing" it are two separate things. Here is a parallel (a bit outrageous but I think it gets the point across). It takes LL Server resources a lot of work each time a person teleports from one region to another. They have to reattach all body and clothing parts, recompile all scripts, upload information about the new region to the avatar's client, etc. A lot of people "explore" SL by TPing from place to place. They go somewhere, they look around and maybe play with a few things there, then move on to another location. Each time they "move on," they expend a lot more server resources. Are they abusing the system? or are they using the system the way it was intended to be used? Should we be telling people, "TPing is resource intensive, so dont TP. Find a place you like and stay there. Dont burden the system by exploring"? ... of course not! Or what about people who use the various "sale" lists to go shopping from store to store so they can get some bargins. Each of their TPs to a new store uses LL Server resources. Should we tell them that they cant TP from store to store to shop because TPing SL Resource Intensive? Of course not!! Likewise, should we be telling people who enjoy finding new homes and decorating them that they are abusing the LP system and should just stick to a single home and not move? OF COURSE NOT!
  5. Also, your suggestion that maybe they could eliminate the middleman and automate the PP land selection is a good one. If I understood Patch correctly in one of his public addresses, I think that is a goal they are working towards, along with increasing the number of tries a PP member can have in a 24 hour period on the LP. I am not sure if they will implement either one, but at least they are looking into those possibilities. If they do implement either of those, it will definitely make PP more attractive to some of use Premium members.
  6. ok, I am curious... as a PP member, you should have had 5 tries on the LP. Why not try for the home you wanted with those while waiting for support to get to your ticket? Maybe you would have landed it while waiting. Also, it sounded like the response time for your ticket was less than an hour (39 minutes you stand there plus the 15 minutes later to get response is 54 minutes). That is an incredibly fast turn around for responding to a ticket. Support seemed to be pretty responsive in this case.
  7. I have updated the documentation based on feedback from this thread: The post office manual, the setup instructions, LM name and the FAQ. Thanks for all the helpful comments/questions shared here. If you would like to see the updates, please visit the Jeogeot PO for the updated info at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strata/221/168/3001.
  8. only one avatar per mailbox. however, you can get a mail box for each of your alts if you want to.
  9. yea, looking back, there might have been more cost effective ways I could have done my SL. I just never realized how much I was spending until I recently added it all up.
  10. I love how people are coming up with great questions and comments on the postal service. To answer another one about addressing ... the PO box address is not based on the physical location where it is rezzed, but is based on the UUID of the person who rezzes it. So it wont matter of a previous parcel owner had a mailbox rezzed. When you rez your mailbox, you will never get mail intended for the previous home owner. And when you move to a new location, the new home owner will never get your mail.
  11. About the Belli distinction... the original personal mailboxes were designed to work only in Bellisseria and were scripted to complain if they were rezzed somewhere else. At that point our focus was ONLY on Bellisseria. It did not take very long for us to realize that this postal service might be FUN for everyone in SL, regardless of where they lived and regardless if they owned/rented SL Property. So we expanded it. The new (non-bellisseria) post offices provided personal mail boxes did not have the location check and will work wherever they are rezzed (assuming the land has the experience enabled AND allows scripts to be run). Since a lot of Bellisserian residents had already collected/rezzed their mailboxes, we decided not to force them to update those boxes. So we left the Belli boxes as originally designed. And we provided personal mailboxes from other locations that did not do a location check. It is more historical than any other reason, but there is a slight difference in the personal mailboxes provided by the Bellisseria post office and boxes provided by any other post office.
  12. yep your hunch is correct Qie. And thank you for pointing on the TYPO on Sansara continent name. I have mild dylexia and frequently I dont see typos. I will get that fixed in our documentation and I have already edited my original post.
  13. Thank you for the inputs. It had not occurred to me to add a privacy statement, and is a very good idea. I have already updated my copy of the FAQ to include that, and will propagate that to the post office locations later when I have had some sleep. The short answer for those who want to know.. we dont use an external server and we dont keep records except for temporary records used by the system (and unreadable to anyone else) while delivery is in process. So yes, privacy is protected. All the same, I dont recommend sending anything that goes against the SL TOS or sending anything that is harassing to the recipient. They will know who it comes from and have the ability to Abuse Report the mail. Regarding the Place Profile.. the tricky part is that this location was generously Donated for our use by a post office enthusiast... it is her land and we have a skybox for the post office. I will touch bases with her to see if it is possible to also add something to the place profile about the post office... but in the end it will be her decision. (One of the BBB team raised the same concern a few days ago.)
  14. Second Life has a Postal Service?? Yes it does! It is intended for FUN and community building. There is nothing that it does that you could not accomplish in IMs, but this way is a bit more immersive and “fun” that simply sending an IM. You can send letters (notecards) or packages (e.g., any transferable object ... cards, flowers, gifts, etc). A brand new post office has been put out for the Jeogeot continent, located here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strata/221/168/3001 This is part of a larger system of post offices, located on five SL continents, including Bellisseria, Horizons, Jeogeot, Sansara and Satori. (We will expand post offices to other continents over time). You can find a LOT of information about the BBB Postal Service at the Jeogeot Post Office. Just TP there and click the FAQ board. However, I will include a bit more information about SL's postal service here: The BBB Post Office is a one of its kind, Experience-based system that allows you to both send and receive actual mail in Second Life. There are two ways you can participate. You can go to the post office to get your own personal mailbox, then rez it at any SL property where you have rez rights. Then your mail will be delivered to your personal mailbox. (Please note that it will also be necessary to go to your Land Options and add "BBB Experience" owned by "Midnightscripter" to make it all work. If you dont have rights to set an experience on the parcel, you can ask the land-owner to do that for you.). The other way you can participate is to simply go to the post office to check your mail. There is a wall of PO Boxes… just click it to collect your mail. This is a free service, run by volunteers for fun, immersion and the sheer joy of communication. It is available to anyone in SL whether or not they own land.
  15. Mainland gives you a lot more freedom to do what you want, but it comes at increased risk. The increased risk comes because your neighbors can also do whatever they want. I had a nice parcel for a few years, which was surrounded mostly by abandoned land. Then the land got broken into parcels and put up for auction. Suddenly I had one neighbor who put an unsightly eyesore on the ground next to mine... I figured "no problem, I will just move my lovely home up to the sky... only to discover that a different neighbor had rather ugly skyboxes stacked on top of each other every 40 meters... I guess they went into business renting skyboxes... they were nice on the inside but not a nice view from the outside. There was no where that I could put my house without an unsightly view around it unless I put it inside a box to protect my own view, and the type of home I had did not lend itself well to that. So I ended up selling that parcel and went to look for another. It actually took me a while to find an affordable parcel that did not have similar issues as the one I left. On the other hand, I have seen some lovely areas in mainland that were not loaded with eyesores and looked very pleasant. There are nice mainland spots out there.. some very nice ones. But the only problem with mainland is that there is no covenant controlling what your neighbors can do, and therefore no guarantee that you will not suddenly end up living next to things you dont like.
  16. have you checked out the log cabins? some of the models are much larger and well suited for larger avatars. The landscaping for the cabins is similar to the landscaping for many of the campers
  17. opps.. sorry .. I just found this thread after had already posted my "SL can be Expensive" topic... I am new to this forum (if that is an excuse). I probably would have posted it here if I read this before posting. It just that I spent hours going through all my SL accounts to see how much I spent adn adding them all up.. and was shocked at the total.. so I was in a hurry to go post.
  18. I been in SL for about 12 and a half years (all but the first few months on this avatar). I have owned a private region (where I host a RP group) for about 10 years and have a few premium accounts/homes and a couple of Horizons Parcels. When I was new, I tended to buy a lot of lindens so I could shop. Once I started getting stipends with premium avatars along with starting my own little SL business, I did mostly stopped buying lindens and bought premiums instead. Today I decided to go through all my accounts payment history and figure out how much I have spent on SL.. To my shock it added up to over $36,200 over the past 12.5 years! (Most of that is spent on Land and/or Linden homes) SL can certainly be an expensive hobby.
  19. Submitting AR should not make a difference of what viewer it is submitted from. Most viewers are written on top of the opensource SL viewer code and I dont think any of them have modified the AR portion of the code. However, the Firestorm viewer does offer you one feature that SL Viewer doesnt have yet.. Derender & Blacklist. It is a feature that we all HOPE SL Viewer will add to their code. The easiest way to use it to derender&blacklist several objects at once is to use it in conjunction with area search, as follows 1- Edit one object to get owner name 2- select "owner" in the Find tab and fill in that owner name 3- hit search to get all objects owned by that avatar 4- "Select All" in results panel (right click in the panel and "select all") 5- "Blacklist" in results panel (Right click the the highlighted entries and select "Blacklist")
  20. I found a stunning T-Spot tree that fills in great for the Sakura Planters.... every now and there there is a space in the mole-decorated planters where you think.. a tree would look really nice here. I found a tree that is perfect for that situation, as it matches the Sakura landscaping nicely. It is only 3 LI (well 4 when you link in a prim for the off-parcel extender) .. it is called Mesh Tree No. 8. It is full perm. And it is only $L 99. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Warm Beach/21/189/22
  21. I rolled an alt who was about to expire/downgrade and (wouldn't you know it) she landed a stunning place that I fell in love with, so I have to renew her. This is a home up in the hills. There isn't any water (canals, lakes, streams) but it has the most stunning forest and rocky hills. I especially love this place because it doesn't share any boarders with any neighbors and has mountain/forest on two sides. It feels very private. Also the mole landscaping on the planters surrounding it is very lush and lovely. I added my own pond to the yard.
  22. I guess we all have different tastes in what appeals to us. I briefly had a linden home back before Bellisseria and it just did not appeal to me at all. That is why I purchased/used mainland instead. Years later, the Bellisseria neighborhoods came out. They really appeal to me (well some of them anyhow: trads, vics, stilts, newbrooke and sakura). To be honest, I was surprised to learn that some people like the original Linden homes more than the Belli ones.
  23. I let it go earlier today.. it was still a linden home when last I saw it
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