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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. If you get a place and discover that it is listed in Robert's open house system by some previous owner, and you want it removed ---- please contact Robert and he will help you. Robert and some of his BBB teammates are still trying to figure out the best way to automate and improve a system to let people show their homes to interested parties. At some point there this will all get finalized, and we will have an amazing system. In the meanwhile, Robert wants this transition period to be as easy as possible on everyone. He will manually help those who contact him to remove their home from the listing. But you do need to contact him -- he doesnt have a way to know about problems if you dont tell him
  2. About the Blog side of Parade of Homes... Prudence asked me to keep this alive by continuing to write occasional articles of relevance/interest to Home Owners. I have agreed to do this... my current plan is to publish once a month. My current thinking is that this blog will include building and decoration tips as well as photo essays of assorted people's amazing homes that they have listed with the new system. For my next article, I am considering blogging my most recent landscaping challenge: Landscaping on Sand.
  3. Parade of Homes was the brainchild of PrudenceAnton. It consisted of a listing of Bellisseria Homes and Bellisseria-Resident owned places of interest that were opened to the public. There were two parts to this: 1) a listing of the homes and places of interest, with SLURLs so that you could go visit and with a picture and a brief comment. 2) A Publication with blogs containing highlights of some of the homes and articles on decoration and/or landscaping relevant to homeowners. I was involved in the latter (the publication) as one of the staff writers/photographers. Pru told me that her RL was getting very demanding, and she had to discontinue Parade of Homes some time ago. The initial plan was for her to write a farewell article and announce it publicly. Then there was some behind the scenes stuff going on where the system might become a bit more automated and be hud driven-- so that the concept could live on, even if the implementation changed. Somehow in all of this, that last article never got shared. Prudence is still in SL but her RL is just too demanding right now to have any sort of commitment and it has been hard for her to "say goodbye" to this wonderful and successful project that she launched. I dont know the whole story, because another piece that I am unfamiliar with got added into the mix. I know that Robert stepped up with relatively short notice to convert the POH listing into something that can be Hud Driven -- It is supposed to become automated too, but I personally dont understand precisely how that will work. I think the idea is to have a scripted open house sign.. you put it up and it sends a notice to someone to add it tot the system, you take it down and it sends a notice to remove it from the system. But I dont know how that is implemented or how photos are added to it. I dont think the automated part is implemented yet. If this sounds confusing.. that is because it is complex and I am not sure anyone knows all the pieces of making it work atm. But do rest assured that there are people (especially Robert) working behind the scenes to try and keep the concept of Parade Of Homes alive. I know he has put a LOT of hours into it already, and suspect that there is more work ahead of him on it.
  4. I had gotten down from 9 to 5 and was so proud of myself for doing that... the next day I discovered someone was abandoning a beach trad parcel I had wanted for a couple of years.. so tried for it and caught it. Then a couple of days later someone talked me into using my PP to request a stunning Stilt OL that was on a just released... so now I am back up to 7... sigh 2 trad 1 vic 1 OL Stilt 1 Pier stilt 1 newbrook 512 1 sakura
  5. Hum.. .it seems like our moles would make powerful grieffers if they wanted to ... @Patch Lindenyou better keep them busy so they dont have time/energy to try out any of their potential "dark" powers. <grin>
  6. Yes more than once. They were not super scripters or anything... turning off scripts got rid of them (Happened with two different couples in two different homes).
  7. Wow Arbor, I never realized what a "mean steak" you have.... jk... great post tough. That taking a snapshot sound is an amazing idea.
  8. Featured Rental For Sept 12 Wow! After a shortage of campsites, two amazing and HUGE campsites have just been added. I am sure they will go fast because they are both gorgeous and the campsites are very popular. In this case, the "site" is a large lot that you could easily put your own house or log cabin on it. Highflyer Large Campsite #1 and #2 - rent either for $L 380 a week with a 200 LI allowance. Pay for 5 weeks and get a 6th week free. Enjoy all the benefits of living at Mount Campion - scenic surroundings, forest hiking, horseback riding, hang gliding, picnic areas, cave exploring, daily social activities, weekly dance, friendly park residents, etc. Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Spinach/184/111/264 This is only one of the sites at Mount Campion that happens to be available today. For information on other rentals, please visit our park office and check the rental boards: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/109/89/285
  9. Thank you Arbor and Quartz for your helpful answers, I learned something. Just to clarify.. I am not worried about grieffers -- I did not want to ruin someone's flight when they are legitimately flying over Bellisseria. I am a very G-rated gal and I keep scripts off because of multiple times finding people with sex huds banging parts in my bed (which has no adult animations built into it). Usually I dont use security orbs and dont mind well behaved explorers and guests, but I do forbid object entry for non-group members. So the way I understand your answers, I can leave "run scripts" and "object entry" as group only-- and this will not interfere with someone's ability to fly around Bellisseria should they happen to fly over my home.
  10. I know that people can fly above our linden homes (over 400M elevation until 2000M elevation) and that orbs are not to bother them in that elevation range. But I am wondering about the parcel settings for "allow object entry" and "run scripts." If we have object entry set to group, can people not in our group still fly aircraft, etc onto our parcel between 400-2000M elevation? And if "run scripts" is set to group, will their scripted objects work at the "permitted" elevations. Finally, many of us use pretty close to our 371 LI allowance at our homes. If we allow "object entry" and are already at (or near) our LI allowance, how does entry of other people's objects (say a dragon or plane they are flying) effect our home? Can it cause the LI to overflow and cause some of our objects to be returned due to not enough LI allowance on the parcel?
  11. Dekute Dekore has some really cute tropical ultra low LI furniture at SOS for a low price.... perfect for the new release of stilts. Everything at SOS is sale priced (half off or better). This isnt everything in the store, but the ones I bought: Tyler Sofa & Chair set (1 LI each) - 250L Coastal Sofa & Table (1 piece at 1 LI) -- 250L (several choices of animations, including PG, Adult Male-Female, Adult Female-Female, Adult Male-Male Coastal Chairs & Table (1 piece at 1 LI) -- 150L Tall House Plant Palm (1 LI) - 50L Beach Towels & Umbrella (1 piece at 1 LL) -- 250L (several choices of animations including PG, Solo, Adult Male-Female, Adult Female-Female and Adult Male-Male Several 1 LI Palm trees (good LOD) at 50L each - SHort, Straight, Curved, two Trees, 3 Trees http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SOS Izzland/214/164/24
  12. I dont do a lot of DJ hiring, as I only set up 1 or 2 parties a year for firestorm and they are with live singers .... but every big name singers I have ever contacted expects to be able to put out a tip Jar ... and they have a different set of pricing for "private" events where tip jars are not allowed. It is possible to negotiate a set fee to skip using tip jars, but that fee is "out of my budget." I would imagine it is the same for DJs, that the "no tip jar" fee is maybe 3 times their regular fee.
  13. What: Bearpaw Tour of Mount Campion National Forest When: Saturday Sept 10, 2022 at 9 AM SLT (try to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early if possible) Where: The tour will start http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Highflyer/33/222/130 Duration: Tour is expected to between 1 hour 15 minutes and 1 hour 30 Minutes. Summary: The tour will visit several parts of Mount Campion National Forest as it traces the Migration of the Bearpaw tribe from the flatlands to the higher elevations. It will tell the story of how and why this tribe migrated and it will take you to a number of breath-takingly beautiful locations in the park. And if you are a BBB or Continental Passport holder, there are two passport dispensers along the route where you can collect some passport stamps. Mount Campion National Forest is over 240,000 sq meters of park land connected over seven sims. Mount Campion is the highest mountain in SL, Mount Campanula is the 2nd highest -- both are in the park. The park has miles of trails, caves, canyons, connections to SL roads, and an abundance of breathtakingly beautiful scenery.
  14. Trinity, I dont know whether to hug you or hit you! I have been trying SO HARD to cut back on my linden homes. When I saw your post about the "sought-after stilts on land that are partially on the water," I decided to use an almost-ready-to-expire-and-be-downgraded alt to try for one. I ended up catching a gem and now I guess that alt of mine wont be downgraded. It is a beautiful spot and I really like it... but now I have more Linden Homes instead of less..... I seem to be moving in the wrong direction
  15. Featured Rental for Sept 8, 2022 Conifer Cottage - This cute cabin is hidden in a lovely forest grove with a beautiful view of a waterfall, stream and bridge. You get a 400 LI allowance for $L 800 a week. Pay for 5 weeks and get a 6th week free. Enjoy all the benefits of living at Mount Campion - scenic surroundings, forest hiking, horseback riding, hang gliding, picnic areas, cave exploring, daily social activities, weekly dance, friendly park residents, etc. Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Spinach/184/111/264 This is only one of the sites at Mount Campion that happens to be available today. For information on other rentals, please visit our park office and check the rental boards: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/109/89/285
  16. it is not cheap, but my ABSOLUTE favorite store is Dekute Dekore -- it is not cheap but it is amazing... lots of very very low LI furnature that looks nice and has decent animations. I have a whole Kitchen from there that is 2 LI, a bed and two nightstands for only 1 LI, sofa with end tables and coffee table and 2 chairs for 1 LI, etc. If you are interested in low LI furnishings so you have some LI left to decorate the exterior, this is an excellent place to shop. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lionheart Timon/95/218/29
  17. Featured Rental for Tuesday Sep 6, 2022 Stargroves Manor – this is one of the most premium of the homes available at Mount Campion. It is a large majestic manor and even comes with a beautiful meadow and it’s own little barn. The back yard overloooks a valley and the rest of the house is surrounded by forest trees and ferns. This is a large and extremely well-built building with a luxurious and still rustic look/feel. You get a 1200 LI allowance for $L 1250 a week. Pay for 5 weeks and get a 6th week free. Enjoy all the benefits of living at Mount Campion - scenic surroundings, forest hiking, horseback riding, hang gliding, picnic areas, cave exploring, daily social activities, weekly dance, friendly park residents, etc. Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Spinach/54/107/267 This is only one of the sites at Mount Campion that happens to be available today. For information on other rentals, please visit our park office and check the rental boards: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/109/89/285
  18. Featured Rental for Monday Sept 5, 2022 Pinecone Flats Campsite - Campsites have been a bit rare lately, but this is one of the very popular (and very inexpensive) small camp sites. It is conveniently located close to the Nature Center and Self-Guided Tour start location. This spot is also close to a beautiful meadow. Pitch a tent, park a trailer, or "rough it" with sleeping bags under the stars. You get a 130 LI allowance for a mere $260L a week. Pay for 5 weeks and get a 6th week free. Enjoy all the benefits of living at Mount Campion - scenic surroundings, forest hiking, horseback riding, hang gliding, picnic areas, cave exploring, daily social activities, weekly dance, friendly park residents, etc. Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Highflyer/39/175/133 This is only one of the sites at Mount Campion that happens to be available today. For information on other rentals, please visit our park office and check the rental boards: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/109/89/285
  19. I am about to let go of an EPIC vic that I have had on Lower Barensmouth for a year now... love it but time to move on. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lower Barensmouth/116/81/32 Gonna release at 6:15 AM SLT if anyone wants to try for it... she is a beauty.
  20. I havent forgotten it. It is very beautiful, but after a while it is also very fatiguing for me. I think my brain gets overstimulated with all those colors and glow and unnatural vegetation. I was in love with it when it first came out. But one of the season changes was a color set that just did not work for me -- and something inside of me clicked off. I am not sure what happened but now I just dont find it appealing anymore. The seasons have changed again to a color scheme I like, but it just lost it's magic for me.... and I find myself strongly preferring something more RL realistic... like vics or trads.
  21. If they are rerezzing them (manually or by some type of object rezzer) then they are separate items with a separate uuid and there is no "fix". However, let me give you a "shortcut" to blacklist several things at once rather than having to do them one at a time (works on Firestorm Viewer) 1. edit one of the items and get the Owner 2. bring up area search and put the owner name in teh Owner search area 3. when area search returns a list, left click one of the items and "Select All" 4. Left click again and select "blacklist" I can relate to your frustration because I had a similar situation with a neighbor who constantly rezzed new things I did nto want ot look at.. and ever single time I went to that property, I had to derender again. It got so frustrating I finally moved.
  22. Featured Rental for Tuesday Aug 30 Pinery Lodge - Deluxe large cabin in beautiful forest area with overlook of Campanula. 500 LI allowance, $L850/week. Pay for 5 weeks and get a 6th week free. Enjoy all the benefits of living at Mount Campion - scenic surroundings, forest hiking, horseback riding, hang gliding, picnic areas, cave exploring, daily social activities, weekly dance, friendly park residents, etc. Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campanula/42/47/132 This is only one of the sites at Mount Campion that happens to be available today. For information on other rentals, please visit our park office and check the rental boards: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/109/89/285
  23. Those look nice! If I did not already have a place, I would be interested
  24. Would you like to rent in a stunningly beautiful and very realistic National Forest? You can step out of your home (or tent if you prefer to have a campsite) and hike in beautiful woods, explore a massive underground cave system, hang glide, ride horses, relax or picnic by scenic waterfalls and lakes, explore beautiful forest paths for hours, etc. There is also a very friendly community of residents with assorted daily social actives and a weekly dance. This is a family-friendly area and a great place to make SL friends. In addition, if you rent for 5 weeks, you get a 6th week free! And if a spot opens up that you like better, it is possible to move from spot to spot and have your unused rent applied to the new spot. Mount Campion has a LOT of rentals, and they tend to not stay available very long, so there is a rental board in the Park office where you can see what is available at the moment. The rental office is located at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/109/89/285 . There are 2 boards in it... Green board is for open spots at Mount Campion and the Blue board is for lovely forest and seashore spots available at a sister parks: Ipperwash Cover and Ipperwash Cliffs.
  25. I love the idea of free search listings. I hope LL implements that. As far as combining neighboring parcels on Horizons or Nautilus... that would violate the concept those regions are built on, where parcel size is always 1024 AND you cannot terraform. I dont think the Lindens would agree to changing those fundemental basics of those continents. The special 2048 sqm regions.. I believe LL is already considering a Linden Home version of that (but not as water homes). I would HATE to see them for sale rather than claimed like a linden home as land barons would grab them up and the prices would soon become outrageous, a repeat of Horizons. What I would really like to see is free or reduced price Mesh uploads.
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