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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. omg.. her parcel is amazing.. totally amazing. It is possibly the best 512 location in newbrooke. if I wasnt full up I would go for it myself.
  2. Not all expand past parcel boundary builds are considered illegal. I have on multiple time extended the ground cover (phantom so people can walk on it easily) past my parcel boundary to the linden fence surrounding my parcel. My understanding is that is not illegal because it doesnt block off the area from others.. people can still (if they so choose) easily walk on it. I just cant imagine why anyone would want to.
  3. Thank you Eddy. IDK if I will ever need them or not, but I picked them up just in case.
  4. any PP members looking for an exceptionally nice 512 lot? It is on a lake with lake in front, canal behind and scenic bamboo grove nearby. atm it is on the edge of a void and has only 1 neighbor.. the lot is raised and the neighbor's parcel fairly hidden, but you can see great view of lake on side of neighbor's house from back yard. I will be abandoning on the 3rd as alt expires. But if someone wants to submit a ticket for it, I can abandon earlier. Just let me know if you submit a ticket and we can coordinate so I abandon shortly after ticket is submitted. Landing point (just in front of parcel) is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mondainashi/225/11/23 (If you decide to submit a ticket, be sure to step a few meters inside parcel for URL -- there is no security orb)
  5. a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is the lovely spot I landed on my first roll (still premium not plus yet). It seems there are still a lot of nice homes to be had for those who did not upgrade and request a place.
  6. Hey some GOOD NEWS for premium people who are not yet ready to upgrade to Premium Plus. There are still nice homes available!!! I have an annual alt that expires in about 3 weeks, who I plan to downgrade. I wasnt gonna roll her, but then this morning I figured... why not? so I got a really NICE place on my first roll... it is not near water, but it is amazing. It is at the base of a small mountain, with beautiful mountain view from back yard. If you hike up the mountain a short distance, you come to a hidden lake. This house doesnt share a boarder with any other houses. It is on a corner, so has street on 2 of the 4 sides. It has a large forest and mountainside behind it. And it has a rather wide raised forest-like hill between it and the neighbor. The little hill separating mine from the neighbor looks about the size of a 512 lot. Also the retaining walls surrounding this house are more nicely filled with unusually nice plush plants. The place is a beauty and it makes me a little sad that I will have to give it up in 3 weeks, but I cant afford to keep this particular alt premium right now as I had some unexpected RL expenses. But the good news is this... are still some nice homes on the land page for regular premium members.
  7. I suspect (but have no way of knowing) that you cant Pay Tier on a linden home. My guess is that you have to have PP for a 2048 Linden Home and that you cannot downgrade from PP to regular premium if you hold 2048 on Bellisseria. I think Patch was saying that you can hold a 1024 Linden Home and 1024 of mainland you can set up to pay the tier ($7 a month) on the mainland portion and then downgrade. But all of this is my GUESS. I dont have any way of knowing for sure until the Lindens release a WIKI on these type of questions. Since the 2048 Linden Homes are not ready yet, I doubt the Lindens will be in a big hurry to do that.
  8. I am not sure, but I think the next release will be the 2048 Linden homes, available ONLY to PP members.
  9. wow look at this... 13 of the possible 14 options are on the land page atm. Screen shot taken at 3:25 PM on 26Jun22.
  10. I hear you Lisa -- but on the other hand, SL is a business. Most entertainment have Tiers of membership, with more perks going to the most expensive plans. Why would we expect SL to be any different? Why wouldnt SL's the top tier have more perks than the lower tier? Consider this... there is a limited supply of "great" locations.. with all the folks upgrading to Plus, there is gonna come a time when new Plus members wont have much of a selection to choose from. I do agree with you that it will be harder for us Premium members to find best-of-the-best spots in the existing releases, as more and more new Premium Plus members grab the available nice spots. But there was a time, a mere 18 months ago when almost no Linden Homes were available at all and you were lucky to get one, period. We have been spoiled in recent time with an abundance of nice choices, but that wasn't always the case. I remember a 3 or 4 month period where basically none (of any style) were available any time I checked the land page. Now (at least) we have several choices.
  11. I have a request for a future perk that would cost LL next to nothing to implement: Make it possible for the PP resident to be able to get the content creation packs for all home styles rather than just the home they are in atm.
  12. Nika, I think very highly of you and I especially love your home furishings thread posts.... But I think you are inventing a scenario here that is extremely unlikely to happen even once, much less hundreds of times. I just cant imagine people going behind the scenes and renting out Premium parcels.
  13. Yea, I am with you in that -- some of what is being shared on this thread is making premium plus seem more and more tempting.
  14. I hope this ...er... bickering ... over "Exploit vs Using the System legally" will stop sometime soon. I believe the Lindens who monitor this thread have more than enough information. And it is really up to them to decide if this is an exploit or a legal use of the system. There has been a lot of good information shared in this thread. I hope we dont force the Lindens to close it down because we get caught up in a tangent (esp when it is their decision, not ours, as to what constitutes an exploit).
  15. beautiful spot Avery! and lovely photography too. Congrats on your new home! I hope you get tons of pleasure from it
  16. I dont think it is an exploit, or a secret. It works best when there are very few of the given house type (trad or camper, etc) in the Queue. The "secret" (if you will) is coordination. if you know exactly when someone is abandoning a place (because they tell you in IM ), then you know the "best time" try for it and have relatively better odds of collecting it than if you are just trying the LP at random times. Even with that, there are no guarantees. Lets hope that no one suggests that IMs and/or Local Chat be disabled because someone might coordinate with a friend when they abandon a property!
  17. use the $39 fee page to check availability then dont confirm payment and submit ticket
  18. Good thing you enjoy it because you are VERY GOOD at it!
  19. Monthly vs Annual Personally I always get annual on my (and on my alts) Premium accounts. My intent is to hang on to my linden home for some time. I cant really see why people pay monthly for a long term when there is such a huge price difference between monthly and annual. I am not ready to go to premium plus at the moment, but when I do, it will be the annual plan. I believe $249 works out to $20.75 a month, which is WAY cheaper that the 29.99 that Premium Plus will cost once the special introductory pricing goes away. The annual saves me 9.24 a month or 110.88 annually.
  20. I am not getting Premium Plus right now, but might in future. At present, I dont have any use for the "pick your home" feature -- I already have a few linden homes I love and no desire to collect any more. (Maybe that will change when the next release comes out.. idk.) It doesn't bother me if someone upgrades to PP for a month or two so that they can claim a house of their choice. They pay the extra $18 for a month, get their house, downgrade back to premium and happily live there for the next year or two. I dont think there is anything wrong with that. In fact, if anything, it is a great solution for all those people believe that GOHers keep them from getting the house of their dreams. (It is not clear to me that the GOHers do that, since they rarely hang on to a place for more than a week or two... but that is entirely a different topic.) Back to this topic, which is "temporary upgrades to get your dream home." A person can pay a little extra money for a short while to get a spot they totally love. Then then they can go back to premium and be really happy about their SL Home, and probably enjoy their SL a bit more. I actually think that is a brilliant solution.
  21. I thought that I heard that you get more tries on the land page for PP alts. Is that true or is it just a rumor? if it is true, how many do you get? (or has no one tested it cuz they are all busy requestign specific homes)?
  22. oh, of course. she is paying the increased fee of 249 instead of 99 for only a 5 month period. Thanks for clearing that up for me LIaa... makes perfect sense once you explained it
  23. thank you for sharing your page with us cuz I was curious. But having seen it, I am really confused now. if the fee is 249 annually and then subtract $58.85 from it, that should leave 190.15. But they are only charging you 89.17. What happened to the other $100.98 of the fee?
  24. I am starting to get over the sticker shock .. where we were told to except about double Premium and it turned out to be 2.5 times premium. Just evaluating this on what it offers .. or at least which parts of it appeal personally to me... I think I will probably upgrade eventually but not right away. It will probably happen when I run out of group slots (I am not quite there yet) or if they release those 2048 homes and I fall in love with them, or maybe after Mesh downloads become free.
  25. I just checked on my basic avatar and it still wants to charge her 10L for an upload, not 25L. You sure on that price increase for basic?
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